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I would like to clarify a Point on Tantra.

There are 2 sides of tantra. One Vaama and other Daksina. The vaama maarga requires paanch maakar for completion of the sadhana.

Matshya, Madira, Mithun, Mass, Muth . Practitioners of this Vaama marga normally evoke Tamasa deva/ devis, includes also Bhuth,preth,pishaach,Dakini,shakini,hakini, etc.

Where as the Daskina practitioners evoke Sativika Devta /Devis. This is much safer for the Sadhak as at end he/she attains mukti,sidhi where as in Vaama marga, mistakes are not tolerated at all. Which can cause death, mental disturbance, etc to the sadhak.

In Daksina maarga, the sadhak has to keep purity in thoughts and actions. The taking of Sativik food, controlling anger, lust, greed, etc is must.

Shradha / Viswaas / will power/ faith in Guru / commitment/concentration applies to both maarga.


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All I can say is that you are great. The service that you are providing to this group cannot be repaid. You are an excellent source of knowledge.

I have been a Shiva bhakt, though not an ideal one. When times are good, I am calm and my faith is solid, but when I hit rough patch in life, which is usually always very severe, I finally breakdown. Do you have any gudance for me? Perhaps with some guidance I may be able to bring some structure and perhaps have better success in balancing spiritual and material progress.

Are you associated with gurudham or a guru bhakt? Would very much like your input on Parad Shiv Linga for what I have just said that I am trying to achieve.

May god bless you.

Om Namaha Shivaya!



sharva_ajay <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshawaram Nikhileshwaram



Time has significance. As mentioned in MTYV every month,

4.24 am to 6.00 am in the morning is brahama muhuruta.

It is available everyday.

A person can de it on other times also as per his convinience,

in night also.

There is no ristriction.


As for lifestyle we would only say that as such there is no

rigid format but a sadhak will do well if he follows following

advice which we are pasting here from www.siddashram.org.



Siddhashram\Queries About Tantra.htm


Q) Doesn't one need to use drugs/alcohol for practising Tantra?


Ans.)No. Absolutely Not. In fact One requires complete concentration

of mind to achieve success in Sadhanas. One needs to

do Yogic exercises like Traatak to train the mind.

One has to refrain from eating non-vegetarian food.

All "Taamsik" foods like onions, garlic etc. are banned.

One needs to follow some very strict rules like

"complete celibacy" etc. while performing Sadhanas.



Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram


































, Bhupendra Jamnadas <b_jamna>



> Can this sadhana be done in the evening or is it to be done only

in the morning? What are the rules to be followed for the duration

of this sadhana such as dietary or lifestyle discipline?


> Would very much appreciate a reply.


> Sincerely,

> Bhupendra.


> sharva_ajay <sharva_ajay wrote:

> , ajay sharma <sharva_ajay@>



> Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah Om Mayureshaye Namah Om Nikhileshwaraye

> Namah


> Dear Brothers and Sisters,


> Here is a sadhna given in a sadhna shivir for those facing problem

> in getting employment and means of livelihood. Shastri Ji gave


> sadhna as a reply to those people who falsely propgated that fopr

> doing all sadhnas we require money and therefore there is no use

> of attending sadhna shivir without money.

> In sadhna shivirs many sadhnas like this are given for the benefit

> of sdhaks. Therfore even if a person is not having money, he


> not miss the opportunity to attend a sadhna shivir. He may get to

> know a sadhna which can work wonders for him and transform his

> whole life. Apart from this sadhaks do mantra japa in groups in

> sadhna shivirs. Therefore the benifit of combined effort is much

> more amplified than an individual effort.



> It is a very useful sadhna and sure shot winner.


> It does not require any money to perform.


> Mantra: "Om Gam Ganpatye Namah"


> "' Gam " is pronounced as Gum word of english language.


> Procedure and requirements.


> You may start this sadhna on any wednesday or chaturthi. You need

> Doorva grass to do this sadhna. "' Doorva" is a Hindi name for a

> specialkind of grass used to worship Shri Ganapati. Someone aware


> its English name and other vernacular names may please inform the

> group members about it.

> You need to Offer Doorva grass on idol of Shri Ganesha while

> reciting mantra "'Om Gam Ganpatye Namah".

> With each pronuniciation of mantra "'Om Gam Ganpatye Namah" offer

> one grass blade of Doorva to Ghri Ganapati. Repeat this 108


> Do this everyday, continuously for 41 days.

> If you do not have Ganesha Idol, you can use one in any temple

> nearby you, there is no need of purchasing that also.

> If you are not able to get Doorva Grass, you can do this same

> procedure with "Akshat"(Unbroken rice grains) also. You will 108

> unbroken rice grains everyday. After completing the sadhna you

> should offer those rice grains to birds.



> Please keep in mind that to progress in world of sadhnas a person

> surely needs the help of Guru and proper sadhna articles are

> necessity for them.

> You may not have the resources today but when you are able to have

> them tomorrow then you should put effort in that direction.



> Om Namah Shivaye

> Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

> Om Namah Shivaye





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> --- End forwarded message ---









> Jay Gurudev












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Jai Gurudev ,


Very well said ...


The panch Makar have been wrongly publicised by most

of so called tantriks ... There are serious meanings

behind these .. 


Maithun does not indicate a physical intercourse but

represents the sangam of Kunadalini with Param

shiv(sahastrar) ....This is very well explained in the

MTYV mag.

Jai Gurudev


--- mathhelp_04 <mathhelp_04 > wrote:



> Jay gurudev

> I am usually silent , but this seemed to me to be a

> interesting

> topic.

> I was just confused , are you clarifying or stating

> . I would to

> add . I dont totally disagree to what you say , but

> there is more.

> The deities that you said hakini etc are residing

> deities of

> Shatchakra in kundalini yog . No matter which ever

> path you chose if

> you interested for that yog you have to invoke those

> deities .

> Vamachar is just a part of tantra sadhana .

> A serious tantra sadhak - has to go through all 9

> achar tvatta .

> 1. vedachar

> 2. vaisnhavachar

> 3. saivachar

> 4. dakshinachar

> 6. siddhantachar

> 7. vamachar

> 8. aghorachar ( chinachar)

> 9. yogachar and kaulachar


> 3 more for more higher level persons like gurudev

> gynachar , sannyasachar , avadhutachar .

> They come with more and more advanced level of mind

> . Vamachar is a

> lot latter stage .

> The pancha ma kar that you mention falls under

> kulachar when you

> will get a seperate gotra and seperate name like

> guruji has

> Nikhileshwaranand . Moreover all vammarg persons do

> not get

> permission to move to kaulachar , one has to prove

> in front of

> gurudev that his muladhar is suddha a very hard test

> .

> Please dont keep a wrong idea that wine and women

> are part of

> Vammarg sadhana ,those sadhana have deep meaning and

> are used for

> getting rid of 3 instincts at a time rather not

> practicing it.

> Perversion exists everywhere but that does not mean

> tantra allows

> it .

> It is not hard because there is danger , danger is

> taken care by

> gurudev , but hard because the amount of time one

> has to spend will

> start from 4 in morning to 10 in night to become

> siddha kaula or

> uttam kaula . That is why most working ppl family

> man etc dont move

> more than dakshinachar .

> And those sadhanas are secretive , they cannot come

> in the magazine

> so we dont see them , not even in book they are

> passing from guru

> sishya parampara just by word of mouth.

> We are mostly looking at devi as our mother which is

> safer, but

> there are also sadhanas in which the sadhak has to

> prove he is

> brother of , sakha of , bhairav of devi .

> Siddhi exists at all stages is word of gurudev , no

> sadhana is

> without siddhi .

> If you take a look at how aghor sadhana is you will

> feel a aghori

> sadhak is not clean and perverted and crazy. But

> when one becomes a

> aghori he has to prove that he does not care about

> laws of social

> world . No matter in which physical state he is he

> can concentrate

> right there and think of God .




> Jay gurudev




> , uj9vy uj9vy

> <uj9vy1> wrote:

> >

> > I would like to clarify a Point on Tantra.

> >   There are 2 sides of tantra. One Vaama and other

> Daksina. The

> vaama maarga requires paanch maakar for completion

> of the sadhana.

> >   Matshya, Madira, Mithun, Mass, Muth .

> Practitioners of this

> Vaama marga normally evoke Tamasa deva/ devis,

> includes also

> Bhuth,preth,pishaach,Dakini,shakini,hakini, etc.

> >   Where as the Daskina practitioners evoke

> Sativika Devta /Devis.

> This is much safer for the Sadhak as at end he/she

> attains

> mukti,sidhi where as in Vaama marga, mistakes are

> not tolerated at

> all. Which can cause death, mental disturbance, etc

> to the sadhak.

> >   

> >   In Daksina maarga, the sadhak has to keep purity

> in thoughts and

> actions. The taking of Sativik food, controlling

> anger, lust, greed,

> etc is must.

> >   

> > Shradha / Viswaas / will power/ faith in Guru /

> commitment/concentration  applies to both maarga.

> >            

> >

> >   Introducing the new Answers Beta – A new

> place to get

> answers to your questions – Try it

> >












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Jay Gurudev








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