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Who is Ganesha?

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[Emptiness] Who is Ganesha?

Ganesh is the Hindu elephant-headed god, Ganesha (or Ganesh) is known (by

various names in different parts of India and on different occasions) as the

Remover of Obstacles, the god of domestic harmony and of success. He is the

most beloved and revered of all the Hindu gods, and is always invoked first in

any Hindu ceremony or festival. He is the son of Parvati (the wife of Shiva,

the Destroyer, the most powerful of the Hindu trinity of principal gods). There

are many stories about how Ganesha got his elephant head, and about his exploits

and antics. He was created as an ordinary boy, but was decapitated in battle.

Shiva's emissaries were sent into the forest and told to get the head of the

first animal they found and to fit that head onto the boy's neck. They found a

little elephant, and it worked!

Heroes of epics like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana are immortalized and are

still alive in the day-to-day existence of the common people. The gods of

Hinduism are at once super-human and human and there is distinct feeling of

warmth and familiarity towards them. Rama, the hero of the Ramayana, represents

qualities such as honor, courage and valor and is held up as a model of

manliness. His wife Sita is the prototypal Indian wife who is carried off by

Ravana, the king of Lanka, while Rama and Sita are on exile. Sita's eventual

rescue by Rama, his brother Lakshmana, and Rama's faithful monkey-general

Hanuman are all woven into this engrossing tale. Stories from this epic have

been passed down orally from one generation to the next. Religious fairs,

festivals and rituals have kept these legends alive, and there is never an

occasion that does not offer an opportunity to retell the old stories.

The stirring verses of the Mahabharata tell the story of the dynastic struggle

between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, who were close cousins. Lord Krishna

plays a very important role in this Great Epic. He is a friend, philosopher and

guide to Arjuna, one of the Pandavas, and he helps Arjuna overcome his

hesitation to kill his close relatives in the battlefield. The wise philosophy

of Krishna and his teachings have been embodied in the Bhagwad Gita. Although

the popular image of Krishna is that of a god who steals butter as a child, and

who, as a youth, plays the flute and entices cows and cowherd girls alike; in

his mature years he is depicted as the wise philosopher with a more serious

side to his nature.

There are numerous gods and goddesses worshipped by Hindus all over India. Among

these, the most fundamental to Hinduism, is the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and

Shiva - creator, preserver and destroyer respectively. Brahma has four heads

corresponding to the four directions of the compass. He is the creator of life

and the entire universe. Vishnu is the preserver who guides the cycle of birth

and rebirth. He is also supposed to have taken many incarnations to save the

world from evil forces. Both Rama and Krishna are believed to have been

incarnations of Vishnu. Shiva, usually seen with a coiled cobra around his

neck, destroys all evil and also has many incarnations, not all of which are


The invisible deities are represented by a complexity of images and idols

symbolizing divine powers. Many of these idols are housed within ornate temples

of unparalleled beauty and grandeur. The Hindu gods are very much alive and live

in temples, snow-capped peaks, in rivers and oceans and in the very hearts and

minds of the Hindus.

The elephant God of India who removes obstacles.


Lord Ganesh is the virtual son of Lord Shiva and goddess Parvathi.

When Lord Shiva, was away fighting for the gods, the lady of the house, goddess

Parvathi was alone at home.

On one occasion, she needed someone to guard the house when she was going for a

bath. Unable to think of an alternative, she used her powers to create a son,

Ganesh. She instructed Ganesh to keep strict vigil on the entrance to the house

and not to allow anyone into the house. Ganesh agreed and stayed on the

strictest of strict vigils.

In the meantime Lord Shiva returned happy after a glorious victory for the gods,

only to be stopped at the entrance by Ganesh. Ganesh, acting on Parvathi's

orders verbatim, did not allow Shiva to enter the house.

Lord Shiva became enraged beyond control and in a fit of rage slashed the head of Ganesh.

Paravti came out from her bath and was aghast at the scene. She was very very

angry at her lordship for what had happened and explained him the situation.

Lord Shiva wanted to make it up to Parvathi and agreed to put life back into

Ganesha by putting the head of the first sleeping living creature that came in

sight which was sleeping with its head to the north. He sent his soldiers to go

in search of the creature. The first creature which came in sight was an


So Lord Shiva re-created his son with the head of the elephant. Hence the trunk of Lord Ganesha.

Parvathi was still not totally happy so Shiva granted Ganesha a boon that before

beginning of any undertaking or task people would worship Lord Ganesh. Thus the

reason for worship of Ganesha before start of any work.

Legend 2:

There was a monster called Gajasura. He was all powerful and an ardent devotee

of Lord Shiva. He underwent penance for many years to receive special boons

from Shiva. Lord Shiva, the god, who is easily pleased by prayers, was deeply

moved by Gajasura's devotion. He blessed the monster and offered him a boon

(reward). But the devotee is not as innocent as Shiva. He pleaded with Shiva to

reside in his belly. Left with no option but to grant the boon, Shiva gets into

Gajasura's stomach.

Meanwhile on Mount Kailash, Parvati - Shiva's wife, becomes anxious not knowing

the whereabouts of her husband after a long period of time. She searches

through the whole universe but to no avail.

Finally she approaches Lord Vishnu - the preserver of the world. Vishnu

disguises himself in the form of a street player along with Nandi - the sacred

bull of Shiva and sets out in search Shiva.

They go to Gajasura's kingdom and Nandi performs a dance to please the monster.

The monster is delighted to see the bull dancing in his honor and wishes to

reward the bull. The bull asks for Shiva as a reward. Hearing this, the monster

realizes that the entertainer is none but Lord Vishnu himself. He also realizes

that Shiva cannot be made to live in his stomach forever because he has his

role to play in the world. He lets Shiva out of his stomach.

He prays to him, that he be made immortal in the memories of people. To fulfill

this wish, Shiva severs Gajasura's head and frees him from the cycle of birth

and death. He carries the head along with him. On Mount Kailash, in the

Himalayas, Parvati comes to know of Vishnu's victory and is very happy. She

makes arrangements to receive her Lord and goes to bedeck herself. She wants

somebody to stand guard.

She creates a doll out of the dough that she uses in her bath. She calls him

Vinayak - the one who puts off all obstacles.

This boy having never seen Shiva, prevents his entry into the palace. In a fit

of fury Shiva beheads the boy and enters the palace. Parvati is unaware of the

happenings and receives Shiva with warmth, for he had returned after a long

period. During the course of their conversation, Shiva mentions the incident at

the palace gates and tells her about severing the child's head.

Parvati is shocked to hear the news and pleads with Shiva to bring the child

back to life for he is like a son to her.

Shiva who has with him the head of Gajasura, immediately puts it on the torso of

the dead child. Thus the child comes back to life.

That day is Bhadrapad Chaturthi. Shiva blesses him with a boon that the entire

world would worship him on that day and also would propitiate him before any

auspicious event.

At the same time, all the Gods approach Shiva and request for a leader.

Shiva and Parvati have a son called Kumarswami or Kartik. To select the best one

of them as a leader of all the Gods, Shiva conducts a test between the two. He

says that whoever makes three rounds of the earth sooner than the other, will

be made the Ganaadhipati. Kumarswami seated on a peacock, his vahanam

(vehicle), starts off for the test.

Vinayak is given a rat which moves swiftly. Vinayak realizes that the test is

not so easy but he cannot disobey his father. He reverently pays obeisance to

his parents and goes around them three times and completes the test before

Kumarswami. He says, " my parents pervade the whole universe and going around

them, is more than going round the earth." Everybody is pleasantly surprised to

hear Vinayak's logic and intelligence. Meanwhile, Kartik is amazed to see Ganesh

completing the holy bath at each river that he reached at and ready for another

round of the universe.

When he comes back to Kailas, Shiva had already declared Vinayak as the winner.

He is blessed as the Supreme God of the universe. After this, Vinayak is called

as Ganaadhish, Ganapati and Ganesh.

All the gods worship him.

The festival of Ganesh or Vinayak Chaturthi, the day on which Ganesh was born is

the most joyous event of the year . Throughout India the festival is celebrated

with much enthusiasm and devotion. In Andhra Pradesh, like Maharashtra, the

festival is celebrated for ten days.


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arjun pandit <panditarjun2004 Date:

Sat Sep 10, 2005 1:32am Subject:




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Dear friends


om namo bhagawate rudraya


whosoever has compiled this interesting piece of knowledge, thanks to them for

highlighting the reasoning behind various worships related to lord ganapathi.


however, the observation that we human beings have ignored the fact that lord

shiva is a lord nor we underestimated his clairvoyance for shiva's not

recognising who ganesha is when he stopped him from entering his own home, is a

thought from a learning individual who needs to be learnt further. lord shiva

also falls under leela or maya sometimes which he himself mentioned in several

instances. someone like you asked once how can sage gautam could not detect

indra when he trapped him to go out of his hut so that indra can sleep with

gautam's wife ahalya. he was under the maya of indra at that time which was

temporary, the moment the maya (like clouds) is over, he undertsood the truth.



your observing that parthiva lingam (made up of earth) is made by ravana who is

destroyed later also smacks little knowledge as the significance of parthiva

lingam is mentioned in many a scripture by none other than lord shiva himself.



the visarajana of the idol after celebration of navaratri (worshipping for nine

days) also made you feel as an insult to the god. such thoughs resemble the

delhi state government's decision to erect barricades on both sides of all the

bridges over jamuna river in delhi and displaying boards that people shall not

offer (throw) flowers in the river making it dirty.


some people in the garb of rationalists visited the mehandipur balaji (hanuman)

mandir near bharatpur in rajasthan and also the chotanikkara bhagawati mandir

in kerala and asked for a ban on the ways and means by which the possessed

people are removed of their evils in these places. only those countless people

who got cured after visiting such places in the country know their significance.


anyway freedom of speech is a right of everyone and it is up to the learned to

take it or not. you have expressed your thoughts for which we appreciate.

like a swan, people take the rational things from it and ignore the irrational

things. i always remember my brother's adage that "the more you learn, you

learnt the fact that what you learnt is very little".

these are my thoughts and you may either take it or trash it.


in praise of lord shiva


KASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao > wrote:

Gayathry <agayathry >Sep 7, 2005 3:42 PMMESSAGE

ON GANAPATHI CHATURTHIFrom Sri Datta Jnana Prachara Parishath, MESSAGE ON

GANAPATHI CHATURTHIBY SWAMIIt is pitiable to depict Lord Ganapathi with the

head of the elephant and offer grass and leaves treating Him as animal. The

story it self is absurd because the story says that Lord Siva cuts the head of

Ganapathi, who was prepared by Goddess Parvati. It is said that Lord Siva was

ignorant of Ganapathi as the son of Parvati. How much ignorant is this

fabrication?! Lord Siva is said to be the deity of Knowledge (Jnanam

Maheswaraat). He is Sarvajna or omniscient. Is it not insulting Lord Siva who

is the ultimate Lord? Even in the story of Markandeya, people have fabricated

that Lord Siva killed

Yama due to excess of anger and emotion and that later on He realized His hasty

action. Lord Siva really gets anger and becomes Rudra due to such insulting

stories, which denigrate His divine personality. Ganapathi

means the Lord of the devotees of His inner most circles that are liberated

souls only. He is the ultimate Lord who comes down to this earth in human form

to play well here. The ignorance is maximum on the earth and therefore the

earth is an excellent playground for His divine play or game. He comes down

along with His devotees of inner most circles called Gana (Kridayanta

Maharnisam….Sankara). It is just like a boy calling his closest friends to play

a game. It is just like a person going to see and enjoy the cinema along with

his family members. Therefore, the ultimate Para Brahman, which

descended down in the human form along with the inner most devotees for the

divine play on this earth is Ganapathi (Gananaantva …Veda). What is the

meaning of the elephant head? It means the nature of the elephant. The word

head represents the intelligence or Bhuddhi of elephant and not the head of the

elephant physically. We scold a fellow as a donkey. It means that His nature is

like the nature of the donkey and not his physical form. What is the nature of

elephant? It is said "Gajaana mati Bhirutvam', which means that the elephant

has enormous strength but forgets its own strength and always fears for

everything. Similarly, when the Lord comes down He imposes ignorance on

Himself to enjoy the role. The actor should forget himself in the role if he

wants to enjoy fully the role. Therefore, the Lord forgets His divine strength

and acts like Jeeva (Soul) and fears for troubles

in this world. Veda says that fear is the characteristic of the limited soul

(Atha tasya Bhayam Bhavati). Then only the Lord can fully enjoy and also do

full justice to the role. It is said that Goddess Parvati prepared the body

and also introduced the life. This statement has inner spiritual meaning.

Goddess Parvati represents Maya. When the Lord incarnates, Maya prepares the

human body and also introduces life, which is Para Prakruti. Therefore, the

life or awareness is only a part of the creation and is not Parabrahman.

Ganapathi also shows five faces like Siva. This indicates that Parabrahman

indicated by the word Siva has entered the human body. Ganapathi is said to be

husband of Siddhi and Buddhi. They are not the two ladies. The symbolic

representation shows the two ladies. Buddhi means knowledge associated with

logical analysis. Siddhi means

attainment. You have to attain the Lord in human form who is Satguru by

logical analysis so that you can eliminate the fraud preachers. Siddhi means

attainment of the Lord in human form.Dravya Yajna means sacrifice of the fruit

of your hard work, which is said as Karmaphala Tyaga in Gita. This sacrifice

is praised as the highest stage of the spiritual effort and is emphasized

everywhere in Gita. Veda also says that one gets the goal only by the

sacrifice of fruit of his hard work (Dhanena Tyagenaikena). But in Gita it is

said that knowledge is higher than sacrifice of the material (Sreyaan Dravya

mayaat). Now this is contradiction. Here you have to solve like this. When

the material is wasted in terms of sacrifice that is done by ignorance. Such

ignorance can only be removed by knowledge. Therefore, in such case knowledge

of the inner meaning is better. Veda also

says that the food or money should not be wasted (Annam Naparicheksheeta). But

when the fruit of work is properly utilized without wastage, the sacrifice of

material is highest because it is practical sacrifice. Therefore, instead of

purchasing these leaves and branches of trees, you can use your money to serve

Satguru or real devotees or beggars or at least the hungry animals. You feed

the hungry animals with these leaves. Then the sacrifice is properly done and

will give you good result. Today people are worshipping the earthen Ganapathi.

Such worship is condemned in the scriptures and especially by Sankara as

Parthiva Puja. Ravana used to do this every day and was finally destroyed. It

is actually a sin to establish the Lord in the earthen statue and you are doing

the initiation of life (Prana Pratistha). On the 10th day you are saying

'Udvasana', which means removing the life from the

body. It means killing Lord Ganapathi. You can invite the Lord but should

never say to Him to get out after your work is over. You are immersing the

dead body in the river on the 10th day. Therefore, you should have a permanent

photo or statue and worship it every day. You must invite the Lord every day and

should never say to the Lord to go. In fact you should know that your

invitation will never bring the Lord unless it is fully filled with devotion.

Do you think that He is coming on your invitation and is going out on your

Udvasana? Is He your servant? Some people say that if Lord Ganapathi stays in

the house the food materials are exhausted quickly. How foolish is this idea?

He is the creator of this universe. He created the food and yourself. Should

you have such idea towards Him? Is this the devotion? You are treating Him as

some human guest because when the

guest stays for more days the food materials are exhausted. In fact the statue

or photo is not eating even a grain of the food. In fact Ganapathi represents

Satguru who is in human form. If Ganapathi i.e., Satguru stays in your house

forever, really the food materials get exhausted. In the correct sense of this

statement Ganapathi means the human incarnation and not the statue or photo.

Thanks! At least you have recognized that Ganapathi means the human form of the

Lord and not the statue. Again this statement means that you can keep Satguru

in your house for 10 days at the maximum and He should be sent out by 10th day.

Therefore, you are treating the Lord as an outsider and not even equal to one

of your family members, whom you keep forever and never say this statement.

This shows the value you give to the God! You expect God to protect you in this

world in every issue and

finally to give the salvation in the upper world? On this day we should

analyse ourselves and feel ashamed regarding our behaviour to the Lord who gave

us this human birth and created all this cosmic facilities. The story that the

moon is cursed by Ganapathi has also the inner meaning. Moon represents the

mind (Chandrama Manaso – Veda). This means that when the Lord comes in the

human form, the mind sees the outermost human body only and laughs at the

ideathat He is the Lord as said in Gita (Avajananti Mam….). The face of such a

fellow should not be seen by real devotees and this is the meaning that we

should not see the Moon on this occasion. MESSAGE AFTER BHAJAN: You should take

the inner sense of the story which alone is truth. Scholars say the concept in

symbolic language for the sake of illiterate and ignorant people Ganapathi was

very brave and stood against even Lord Siva. This means that when the

Lord is with full knowledge in His original form, He is fully aware of His

divine strength. But when the head of Ganapathi is replaced by the head of

elephant, He forgot all his divine strength and feared for every thing. This is

symbolic story. Actual meaning is that the Lord in his original form is fully

aware of Himself and His power. But when he comes down in the human form, He

forgets His divine strength and fears like an ordinary soul. This gives the

full enjoyment to the Lord in the human role. The vehicle of big Ganapathi is

the small rat. This means that when you enter the service of Lord, you need not

think about your capacity to do the service. By the will and power of the Lord

you will do service of the God. You are just an external instrument and the

Lord wants to give you the divine fame. The small rat is carrying the big

Ganapathi and this is not due to the strength of rat. It is by the power of

Ganapathi, the rat is carrying Him. When Ganapathi and His brother Kumara got

the competition for the selection to the post of Ganapathi (The leader of

Ganas), the test was to go round the world and come back at the earliest.

Kumara played the role of an ignorant devotee. Kumara represented the serpent

which is famous for its egoism (Tamas) and jealousy (Rajas), Kumara went round

the world. Ganapathi surrendered to Narada who is the Satguru. Nara means

knowledge and Da is giver. This shows that if you catch and surrender the

Satguru you can achieve the goal very easily. By the advice of Narada Ganapathi

went round His parents. Siva represents ParaBrahman and Parvathi represents the

creation. Therefore, Ganapathi went round the ParaBrahman and also the

creation. Kumara went round the creation only. The human forms of Siva and

Parvati represent the Lord in human form and His real devotees. Therefore the

service to the Lord in

human form and His devotees is the ultimate path. The rat was a demon and

became the enemy of the Lord. Finally it turned as a servant to the Lord. This

means that even if you misunderstand the Lord in human form for some time, if

you realise the truth in course of time and surrender to Him, He will accept

you as His servant and give a place in His inner most circle. You need not

hesitate about your past behaviour. The Lord forgets every thing and showers

love on you in the same way as He graces other devotees today you are offering

the sugar cane to the Lord Ganapathi. The sugar cane consists of visible matter

of cellulose and invisible sugar which can be known by experience only. This

represents the human incarnation. The visible cellulose is the visible human

body. The invisible sugar is the unimaginable ParaBrahman, which can be

experienced only. Similarly the leaves represent the best item of the food,

which are

green leaf-vegetables. The sages lived on leaves, which have herbal medicinal

value. Such food develops the quality of Sattvam which pleases the Lord. It is

said that Lord Datta appeared to a sage called Parnada. Parnada means he who

eats green leaf- vegetables. Unless you understand internal sense and get

benefited, what is the use of celebrating a divine festival simply by wasting

the money and by over eating? His Holiness Shri Datta Swami website address:

http://www.universal-spirituality.orgDeveloped by Smt. Devi & Shri Nikhil,

FLORIDA, USA E-mail address:

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arjun pandit <panditarjun2004 Date:

Sat Sep 10, 2005 1:00am Subject:

Re: Re: power of mantra



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Dear brother


om namo bhagawate rudraya


though i am not bypassing the laid down scriptures, instead of going into the

minutest details for a ritualistic procedure of chanting a mantra strictly as

per rulebook which is practically not feasible in the modern days, the easiest

way is to chant the mantra "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA" after which this group is named.

In Kaliyuga, for human beings this mantra was suggested as the best and it is

further mentioned that this mantra can be read by any caste person (even a

sudra), male or female and can be chanted in any condition be it while walking,

sleeping, sitting, standing, driving, working at office etc.. for chanting this

mantra, no rules are to be followed and there are no side affects are negative

marks. so the best and easiest mantra is to chant "om namah shivaya" only.

meanwhile i would try to locate and send the pdf file having rudraksha chapter

from the purans giving all details.


in praise of lord shiva

arjunb_jamnadas <b_jamnadas (AT) (DOT) ca> wrote:

Hello Arjun,BTW., it is "Dear Brother", not "Dear Sister"I already have

Shiv-Puran. It is English verison printed by I think Motilal Benaras press or

something like that. It has 4 volumes of very thick books, but inspite of that,

it is very lite on details. For details on anything, it simply refers to other

refernce text that we may read. It doesn't have any mantras, all mantras have

been translated in English. A lot of Mantras are mentioned by names only such

as Sadyo or Rudra mantras with a footnote directing to the refernce material

that will have details on that mantra. So for instance in my case, I do not

know rudra or Sadyo mantra, so I would have to buy these refrence text and

hopeful this text might have the mantras and not refer me to another book. This

is the best Shiv-Puran that I could find. I had to ask one

of my relatives in India to get one for me and that took a very long time. I

cannot read Hindi, so had to stick to English version.BJ--- In

, arjun pandit <panditarjun2004>

wrote:> dear sister> > if a pundit does not do his job fully, leave it to his

karma and we shall not find fault with him.> > as regards price of three mukh

rudraksh is concerned, an unenergised rudraksh in wholesale market in the

himalayas would cost only Rs.10 or so per bead but to bring it to the retail

showroom in the metro, clean it, oil it, purify it with gangajal, and then

chant the respective mantra and worshipping it before offering to the customer

all incurr some costs which is why the retail cost is Rs.100 or so per bead but

i offer it at half these prices.> > i suggest you buy Shiv Puran (Gita Press,

Gorakhpur publication in

hindi costs Rs.108) or it is available in all languages these days and read

about the rudaraksha in the first chapter titled Vidyeshwar Samhita which is

self explanatory and also gives all the mantras for all 14 types of rudraksh.>

> with best wishes> arjun> > > b_jamnadas <b_jamnadas> wrote:> Hello

Arjun,> > I think you have hit the nail over here. But if I were to ask some >

local pundit what needs to be done with a yantra, nothing much is > going to

come out of their mouth. Most of these pundits these days > seem to be just

like ordinary people with one exception...their for-> fathers had taught them

or given them prectice with vedic stotras > and so they come to the house, do

puja and go away. I do not think > their is any true knowledge left in most of

these pundits. How are > the rudrakshas to be energized? How much would a

3 - mukhi rudraksha > cost?> > BJ> > --- In

, arjun pandit > <panditarjun2004>

wrote:> > dear friend> > > > om namo bhagawate rudraya> > > > unfortunately

most people do not know the great significance of > yantras. simply put, they

cannot be bought, kept in your home and > worshipped just like that. there are

strict procedures and daily > rituals which are practically difficult for modern

men and women.> > > > when a person is in distress and things are not happening

the way > it is expected, there are three paths to get positive results viz. >

mantra, yantra and tantra. mantra is good, yantra is better and > tantra the

best in speedy deliverance. however, since both tantra > and yantra are

difficult to understand and

practice, mantra is the > best medicine for all troubles.> > > > for example

the shiva panchakshari Namah Sivaya or Om Namah Sivaya > is the best mantra for

all people. People of all ages, all casts, > men and women alike can chant this

mantra in any position or > situation and no rules are attached for chanting

this mantra. > however, very few people realise that for this mantra to attain

its > sidddhi, it needs to be chanted 33,00,000 i.e. 33 lakh times or 3.3 >

million times. each mantra has a prescribed figure after which it > attains

siddhi. this is the reason why in olden days, sages used to > go into a state

of sun-consciousness (tapo nidra and then tapo > samadhi) while chanting a

particular mantra within thier mind > for "n" number of times. it may take

days, weeks, months or years. > suddenly one day (the day

the mantra attains siddhi) god grants you > the boons.> > > > the power of

mantra is the most easiest and inexpensive tool > available to the modern men

and women. > > > > Hope you too understand the power of mantra and practice

it to get > the best positive results.> > > > in praise of lord shiava and

with best wishes> > arjun> > > > b_jamnadas <b_jamnadas> wrote:> > Hello

Arjun,> > > > Do you personally have had any expereince with 3 mukh rudraksha?

> > Whjat is the cost of this rudraksha? I have read in Siva-Purana if > >

wearing a rudraksha mala around the neck, it needs to have 108 > > rudraksha

beads. And in any case, a lot of this ancient science > > doesn't seem to be

showing the kind of results that are promised. > > Take for instance the

Sri-Yantra. I had it installed at home by a > > pundit(a lot of people just buy

it and keep it in a worship > place), > > but inspire of being properly

installed, nearly 8 months now and > no > > result, I have been looking for a

better job and no luck so > far...in > > fact no luck at all on the financial

front.> > > > BJ> > , arjun pandit

> > <panditarjun2004> wrote:> > > Dear friend> > > > > > for concentration

in sadhana, wearing of a three mukh rudraksh > > mala is ideal as lord shiva

says in shiva puran that the wearer > gets > > the result of sadhana and learns

all vidyas. i have been > supplying > > rudraksh for quite some time procured

from the himalayas which i > > visit every month and my prices are just to

recover my costs and > > expenses and are around 50% of what is listed in most

rudraksh > > selling sites on the net. i have also supplied 14 mukh rudraksh >

to > > some fellow astrologers which develops the third eye and the sixth > >

sense works so great that the wearer can foresee and foretell > > everything.

the 14 mukh rudraksh is worshipped in the pooja place > > and is worn on the

forehead only while doing meditation.> > > > > > for sadhana or meditation,

sitting on a darbha mat is good, a > deer > > skin is better and tiger skin is

the best but is difficult to > get. > > meditation on such skin would help you

develop more concentration > > and the entire energy created or developed by you

in meditation > > stays within you and builds an aura. .> > > > > >

with best wishes> > > arjun> > > > > > b_jamnadas <b_jamnadas> wrote:> > >

Hello,> > > > > > I am a devotee of shiva as well, my problem though is that > >

whenever > > > I sit to do my sadhana, I am not able to do 1 very important and

> > > basic thing...maintain concentration. I never realise when my > mind > >

> has drifted to other thoughts. I have no control over it and > > >

eventually, when I complete my sadhana, I feel very unsatisfied > > and > > >

extremely angry at myself, and very dis-spirited as well. I do > not > > > know

what to do!> > > > > > BJ> > > > > > > > > > > > --- In

, arjun pandit > > >


wrote:> > > > dear friend das> > > > > > > > om namo bhagavate rudraya> > > >

> > > > this group named after the lord of all gods rudra (form of > > shiva) >

> > is a good platform to sing his songs, praise his glory, share > > >

knowledge on his stories and also share members expeirences. as > > > regards

you interest in knowing my experiences with lord shiva > are > > > concerned, i

can only advise that they can only be felt and not > > > described. i do

upasana of shiva, kaali and saravana.> > > > > > > > lord shiva is known for

his equal benevolence on all devotees > > > alike be it devatas or rakshasas.

so chant shiva round the > clock > > > and remember him even in your dreams and

you too would see him >

> > sooner in various manifestations.> > > > > > > > in praise of lord shiva>

> > > arjun> > > > > > > > > > > > b_jamnadas <b_jamnadas> wrote:> > > >

Hello,> > > > > > > > You claim to have seen different manifestations of Lord

Shiva. > > How > > > > so? What kind of sadhana do you perform? I am very much

> > interested > > > > to know.> > > > > > > > BJ> > > > > > > > --- In

, arjun pandit > > > >

<panditarjun2004> wrote:> > > > > dear friends> > > > > > > > > > om namo

bhagavate rudraya> > > > > > > > > > birds of same feathers

flock together is an old adage. > > devotees > > > > of the same god flock

together is what is happening in the > > groups > > > > these days.> > > > > >

> > > > well, i have been an ardent devotee of lord shiva and was > > named > >

> > after his manifestation in srisailam (mallikarjuna) but for > > > general >

> > > public, i am called arjun pandit as it is the name with which > i > > > >

practice my astrology profession.> > > > > > > > > > i feel lord shiva within

us which we can visualise if we > > realise > > > > our self first.> > > > > >

> > > > have seen lord shiva in several manifestations and spoken to > > him > >

> > several times in the past 40

years.> > > > > > > > > > have been visiting his amarnath caveshirne in

kashmir for > the > > > past > > > > 14 years and have a taken a rare

photograph of a real serpant > on > > > the > > > > ice lingam which i shall

scan and send later.> > > > > > > > > > it must be the will of lord shiva to

bring all his ganas > > > together > > > > in praising him which would

naturally please the bhole baba.> > > > > > > > > > in continued praising of

lord shiva> > > > > arjun> > > > > > > > > > indianguru21

<kasturiprasanna> wrote:> > > > > To > > > > > All Members> > > > > Thank

you for joining this group.One important message i >

> wanted > > > to > > > > tell> > > > > to all of us.. Do remember that this

groups are religious > > groups > > > > > dedicated to Lord shiva. Any person

who deviates from the > > > group's > > > > God) > > > > > or Hinduism Religion

or insulting any person will be removed > > > from > > > > the > > > > > group

and banned. > > > > > > > > > > So, please share your ideas,

photos, stories, > > > > > mythologies, mantras, mahimas, greatness, punya

kshethras > and > > > > other > > > > > views of the God or Goddess (es) or

Deity (ies) of the > group > > > > without > > > > >

hurting or insulting anybody.> > > > > > > > > > Yours Faithfully,> > > > >

Group Owner and Moderator> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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"pillai_george" <pillai_george Date:

Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:55am Subject:




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Dear Sis Simone,


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George Pillai

Om Namah Shivaya

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