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The real meaning of Yoga

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Gayathry <agayathry

Sep 10, 2005 3:59 PM

The real meaning of Yoga




It is a pitiable situation of the spiritual knowledge because people

are giving lot of importance to the word Yoga while not

understanding its real meaning. People speak about the six wheels

(Chakras) and there

is no reference of these Chakras in the sacred scriptures like

Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the creation of a middle age

scholar, who has introduced the spiritual subject in symbolic


The wheels indicate the whirlpools that come across the ocean which

have to be crossed by the swimmer who likes to cross this ocean like

ignorance. They are like the attractive lotus flowers, which capture


prison the soul, which is like a bee. If Yoga is understood as the

concept represented by this symbolic language in its true sense,

then I am very happy to the present version of Yoga. But I feel very

bad if

you really think that there are real wheels or lotus flowers on the

spine. You are not finding such things even through very powerful

microscope after doing the surgery of spine. Thus you must always

have the torch


Light of logic and science which must be used wherever and whenever

necessary. But you should also know the place where this torchlight

should not be used. In analysing yourself and in analysing the true

path, you should always use the torch. But when you have

recognised the goal, and reached it, you should put

off this torchlight because you require blind faith

there. Blindness means darkness. The quality Tamas represents Siva,

the final form of God and the final blind faith is Tamas only. While

reaching the goal, you require the knowledge and analysis. Knowledge

is Sattvam, which is the middle divine form or Vishnu. The starting

person is a person, who is highly effected by egoism indicated by

Rajas representing the first divine form Brahma. Thus the soul, the

path and the goal represent the nature of Dattta only.


The real meaning of the word Yoga means meeting the Sat guru. The

word Yoga comes from the verb "Yuj", which means the union. Sat guru

is the human form of the Lord. The Lord will exhibit

the Maya consisting of the three qualities. When the devotees are

tested, this Maya is mainly made of the full _expression of Rajas

and Tamas. Such Maya is used to test your firm faith and your

assimilation of the spiritual knowledge. By this devotees generally


away and such Maya of the Lord Datta is very strong and He appears

as drunkard and fond of prostitutes. When Kartaveeryarjuna

approached Him with his defective hands, the Lord broke the two

hands. But he continued in the service with blind faith and got

thousand hands. Thus we should have patience in the tests of the

Lord. Lord Krishna also showed several defects like steeling the

butter, dancing with the women etc., to divert the devotees. In

order to have

patience in His tests without being disturbed by Rajas and Tamas,

one must have pre-training in this world to raise your self beyond

these three qualities. In fact the Lord is beyond these three

qualities and is

untouched by them. To get such kind of patience before the Lord, you

have to take training in the world. In such training you will

develop the patience to face these divine tests from the Lord in

human form.

Therefore, Yoga is defined as the union or achievement of this

equilibrium unperturbed by these three qualities Yoga is defined by

the Lord as this equilibrium (Samatvam Yoga Uchyate—Gita). In the

chapter "Atmasamyama Yoga" the details of such training are

mentioned. You have to receive both the friend and enemy with

equality (Suhrunmitraryudasinah—Gita). By this you will treat the

Lord with the same devotion even if He reacts as enemy towards you

to test your faith. The Lord also tests your attachment with the

worldly bonds with reference to His bond. You must prove that His

bond is

highest. For this you have to reduce the attractions in the world.

Such reduction of your attractions is a part of Yoga and is useful

directly before the Lord. You should serve the Lord without aspiring

anything in

return and you must treat both the respect and insult

with equality (Sukh Duhkh Same, Manavamanayoh—Gita).

You must treat both profit and loss with equality because when you

approach the Lord you may some times get loss instead of profit.

Without undergoing such training to achieve self control or Atma

Samyama, one can not succeed in the tests of the Lord. Sudama

developed such self-control during the poverty for a long time. He

did not do any sin in spite of the suffering of his family members

with poverty. Such training helped him when he went to Lord Krishna.


stayed with the Lord for a few days. During this period he never

asked the Lord for anything. The Lord also sent him back without

even a trace of help. Sudama never criticised the Lord for not doing


help. He succeeded in the test of the Lord and achieved infinite

wealth. Thus Gita gives the real meaning of Yoga, which is the self-

control without being attracted by diversions. Such diversions are

these charkas, which are nothing but the obstructions to pass in the

test of the Lord. This training is like one full year academic

course and is very important.

The test of the Lord is a matter of three-hour examination at the

end of the year. If you have finished this training, the Lord

Himself will come to you in human form, conduct the test and will

give you

the certificate. Therefore you should concentrate on

the Gita, which is called as Yoga Sastra or The scripture of Yoga.

The examiner, examination and the certificate are consequent steps,

which will take place spontaneously on the divine will. Therefore the

study of Gita helps you really on this day of festival and eating

these sweets leads only to problems of indigestion. Praising the

examiner with songs (Bhajans) also will not help you because the


is very clever and strict and cannot be pleased. It is better to

hear His divine knowledge, assimilate and pass the examination. Such

path gives you a dignity and respect to the divine teacher also.

Instead of

taking this royal path, why are you sorting to unlawful means of

pleasing Lord by chanting His name (Japam), worshipping Him (Puja),

singing (Bhajans) in order to get such certificates. Hanuman never


these things except participating in the service of the Lord. He

never aspire any thing in return to his service also. He was made

the future creator (Brahma) by the Lord and this is the highest


Therefore you can get the highest fruit from the Lord if you

practice Yoga in this world in your day-to-day life, which gives you

all the necessary training to succeed in the test of the Lord.


Looking at the goal should not discourage you, because the goal is

very far with so many difficulties. You may fear that you may not

reach the goal before the end of this human birth. You keep on

trying for it and are in constant trail (Sadhana). In such case the

Lord will co-operate with you by granting you any number of human

births. The Lord will do His part (Daivamchaivatra—Gita). Even if

you slip

back in such a trail you will be still granted the human re-birth

with favorable spiritual atmosphere (Yogabrashtobhijayate—Gita). But

you should sincerely put your effort and should not act

artificially. The

Lord is omniscient and you cannot fool Him and get the rare human



One should not think of leaving the family members and house as the

real spiritual step. You cannot get the grace of the Lord by simply

sacrificing your house and family and claim that you have become the

saint. The sacrifice should not be based on your effort and it

should be a spontaneous consequence of the devotion to the Lord.

Gopikas were wandering in Brindavan leaving their families and the

reason for such detachment was the attachment towards the Lord. They

became mad due to the absence of the Lord and this madness cannot be

compared to the madness of a person obtained by the shock of brain in

an accident. In both cases the madness is same but the reasons are

different. When Lord Krishna was staying with them, they neglected

Him and were doing all their family duties. When the Gopikas were

going to Madhura city to sell the butter, Krishna used to obstruct

them. They were requesting Him not to disturb their duties. But when

Krishna left Brindavan they became mad and left all the duties. The

reason for this difference is that when the human incarnation is near

negligence enters. Only in His absence the devotion reaches climax

and this is human psychology. Human form itself leads to negligence

and if such human form stays constantly near the negligence is

doubled. By leaving the families and by simply wandering in

Brindavan, one will not become a Gopika. Of course, in the

Yogavasishta it is said that a common person shall stay far off from

the attractions and this will help the concentration on the God

initially. But

the actual attachment towards the Lord is the only reason for

spiritual development. I will give an example. A boy is in love of a

girl. In the beginning the boy would leave the house often in order

to develop the affair with the girl. But one day the love reaches

its climax and now the boy is prepared to leave his parents, house

and lots of property to run away with the girl. Now the reason for

leaving the parents and property is love with that girl. Some times

a boy having psychological disorder may also leave the house. Both

the cases are quite different.

But again one point should be remembered in such sacrifice. Sankar

left His mother because she was fond of Sankara. This bond is a

hindrance in the spiritual effort of Sankara. To avoid this Sankara

left His mother. If His mother was congenial to the spiritual path

of Sankara, Sankara would not have left His mother. Therefore, one

should leave the house only when the atmosphere is opposing your

spiritual effort. Even in that case one should try his best to change

the atmosphere by preaching the family members. Ramanuja left his

wife when she continued to obstruct him from his spiritual path in

spite of his repeated spiritual advises. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa did


leave his wife since she was fully co-operating with his spiritual

effort. Even if the atmosphere is neutral one should not leave the

house and hurt others. Only in the case of extreme opposition one

should leave the house and go away for the association of real

devotees (Nachasanyasanadeva—Gita).


There are three types of people. The first type of people is

ordinary persons who do not start the spiritual journey. They are


attracted by this world and these attractions are the qualities

accumulated from millions of births in the soul. Such people are

called as Ayukta (Ayuktah Kamakarena Phalesaktah—Gita). The second

types of people are called as yogis who practice Yoga and who have

not yet completed the training in Yoga. They cannot sacrifice their

fruit of the work to the Lord. They can sacrifice the work, devotion

by mind,

discussions with intelligence and any work with senses of their body

like singing songs etc (Kayena Manasa Buddhya—Gita). The third types

of people are called as Yuktas, which means the people who have

finished the training in Yoga. Such people sacrifice the fruit of

work also along with the above (Yuktah Karmaphalam—Gita). The

aspects to be achieved by Yoga are the equal reaction to all types

of incidents and the reaction must be only peaceful undisturbed


of mind (Sarvatra Samadarsanah, Prasanta Manasam—Gita). Another

aspect is not to think of any worldly matter in leisure time. Such

thinking will lead to loss of energy (Nakinchidapi Chintayet—Gita).

Another aspect is to realise the achievement of grace of God as the

highest profit in the life (Yamlabdhva Naparam—Gita). Another aspect

of Yoga is to maintain constant mind even if a mountain of misery

falls on you (Na Duhkhe na Gurunapi—Gita).


Another aspect of Yoga is not to have even single worldly desire in

mind (Nisspruhah Sarvaakamebhyah—Gita). Another aspect of Yoga is to

control the worldly activities to the possible minimum level because

if God's grace is there, any worldly affair will succeed even with

minimum effort (Yuktacheshtasya—Gita).


The Lord criticised both science and arts related to worldly aspects

(Vedavadaratah, Trigunya Vishayah—Gita). The Lord says that both are

waste since you are not touching anything about the Lord

(Namyadastiti—Gita). Such people are attracted to the worldly

selfish pleasures only and not to please the Lord. The dynamism

observed in such people is also not appreciated by the Lord because

both walking and running in the wrong direction are useless (Kriya

Visesha Bahulam—Gita). The Lord is giving stress on the devotees to

cross the difference between good and bad faced in the world. You

should be showing the same love and kindness to both good and bad

people and also love friends and enemies in the same way. If you

praise a good person and a friend and scold a bad person and enemy,

you have failed in the Yoga. Tomorrow when you reach the Lord in the

human form, He will appear bad and damage you like any. Then you will

scold the Lord also. For example the devotees of Vishnu criticise

Lord Siva, since Lord Siva appears with the qualities of Tamas. This

is very important essence of Gita that one will succeed in the tests


the Lord in human form only if he raises himself above the three

qualities (Satvam, Rajas and Tamas). Therefore you should not be

disturbed by the negative qualities or positive qualities in the

world like insult and honour, enmity and friendship, loss and

benefit, misery and happiness etc (Gunanetanatetyatrin—Gita). Only

such devotee can

succeed the tests of the Lord and can please the Lord. This yukta

state, which is the final stage of the Yoga, is called as the real

sanyasa. Here the word sanyasa does not mean the external

indications like saffron cloth, leaving the house etc (Naniragnih—

Gita). The sanyasin is that person who has completely sacrificed

everything and everyone for the sake of the service to the Lord.

Such sanyasin or

yukta alone can be fully blessed by the Lord and enters the inner

most circle of the Lord (Brahmabhuyaya—Gita). ParaBrahman is the

unimaginable Lord who is speaking Gita. Such ParaBrahman is speaking

through the mouth of the external body of Lord Krishna. The

ParaBrahman or the Lord with His characteristics is completely

unknown and nobody can ever know at any time (Mantuveda Nakashchana—

Gita). This Lord generates the power called Maya. The

characteristics of Maya are awareness, force and work. These three

qualities of Maya are wonderful and are beyond the rules of Prakruti

or Nature (Jnana Bala Kriya cha—Veda). His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


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Developed by Smt. Devi & Shri Nikhil, FLORIDA, USA

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om namo bhagawate rudraya


the observation in this article "there is no reference of these Chakras in the

sacred scriptures like Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the creation of a

middle age scholar, who has introduced the spiritual subject in symbolic

language." is incorrect.

i can cite MANY hindu holy scriptures which mentions the kundalini energy, the

nadis and the chakras in the body. here i am not proving that what this

article writes is wrong. one shall not belittle our holy scriptures which

contain literally EVERYTHING in the world.

in priase of lord shiva

arjunKASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao > wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------Gayathry <agayathry >Date:

Sep 10, 2005 3:59 PM The real meaning of YogaFROM SRI DATTA JNANA

PRACHARA PARISHADIt is a pitiable situation of the spiritual knowledge because

people thereis no reference of these Chakras in the sacred scriptures like

Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the creation of a middle age scholar,

who has introduced the spiritual subject in symbolic language.are giving lot of

importance to the word Yoga while not understanding its real meaning. People

speak about the six wheels (Chakras) and The wheels indicate the whirlpools

that come across the ocean which have to be crossed by the swimmer who likes to

cross this ocean like ignorance. They are like the attractive lotus flowers,

which capture andprison the soul,

which is like a bee. If Yoga is understood as the concept represented by this

symbolic language in its true sense, then I am very happy to the present

version of Yoga. But I feel very bad ifyou really think that there are real

wheels or lotus flowers on the spine. You are not finding such things even

through very powerful microscope after doing the surgery of spine. Thus you

must always have the torch Light of logic and science which must be used

wherever and whenever necessary. But you should also know the place where this

torchlight should not be used. In analysing yourself and in analysing the true

path, you should always use the torch. But when you haverecognised the goal,

and reached it, you should putoff this torchlight because you require blind

faiththere. Blindness means darkness. The quality Tamas represents Siva, the

final form of God and the final blind faith is Tamas only. While reaching the

goal, you

require the knowledge and analysis. Knowledge is Sattvam, which is the middle

divine form or Vishnu. The starting person is a person, who is highly effected

by egoism indicated by Rajas representing the first divine form Brahma. Thus

the soul, the path and the goal represent the nature of Dattta only.

The real meaning of the word Yoga means meeting the Sat guru. The word Yoga

comes from the verb "Yuj", which means the union. Sat guru is the human form of

the Lord. The Lord will exhibit the Maya consisting of the three qualities. When

the devotees are tested, this Maya is mainly made of the full _expression of

Rajas and Tamas. Such Maya is used to test your firm faith and your

assimilation of the spiritual knowledge. By this devotees generally runaway and

such Maya of the Lord Datta is very strong and He appears as drunkard and fond

of prostitutes. When

Kartaveeryarjuna approached Him with his defective hands, the Lord broke the two

hands. But he continued in the service with blind faith and gotthousand hands.

Thus we should have patience in the tests of the Lord. Lord Krishna also showed

several defects like steeling the butter, dancing with the women etc., to divert

the devotees. In order to havepatience in His tests without being disturbed by

Rajas and Tamas, one must have pre-training in this world to raise your self

beyond these three qualities. In fact the Lord is beyond these three qualities

and isuntouched by them. To get such kind of patience before the Lord, you have

to take training in the world. In such training you will develop the patience to

face these divine tests from the Lord in human form.Therefore, Yoga is defined

as the union or achievement of this equilibrium unperturbed by these three

qualities Yoga is defined by the Lord as this equilibrium

(Samatvam Yoga Uchyate—Gita). In the chapter "Atmasamyama Yoga" the details of

such training are mentioned. You have to receive both the friend and enemy with

equality (Suhrunmitraryudasinah—Gita). By this you will treat the Lord with the

same devotion even if He reacts as enemy towards you to test your faith. The

Lord also tests your attachment with the worldly bonds with reference to His

bond. You must prove that His bond ishighest. For this you have to reduce the

attractions in the world. Such reduction of your attractions is a part of Yoga

and is useful directly before the Lord. You should serve the Lord without

aspiring anything inreturn and you must treat both the respect and insult with

equality (Sukh Duhkh Same, Manavamanayoh—Gita).You must treat both profit and

loss with equality because when you approach the Lord you may some times get

loss instead of profit. Without undergoing such training to achieve self

control or Atma Samyama, one can not succeed in the tests of the Lord.

Sudamadeveloped such self-control during the poverty for a long time. He did

not do any sin in spite of the suffering of his family members with poverty.

Such training helped him when he went to Lord Krishna. Hestayed with the Lord

for a few days. During this period he never asked the Lord for anything. The

Lord also sent him back without even a trace of help. Sudama never criticised

the Lord for not doing anyhelp. He succeeded in the test of the Lord and

achieved infinite wealth. Thus Gita gives the real meaning of Yoga, which is

the self-control without being attracted by diversions. Such diversions are

these charkas, which are nothing but the obstructions to pass in the test of

the Lord. This training is like one full year academic course and is very

important.The test of the Lord is a matter of three-hour examination at the end

of the year.

If you have finished this training, the Lord Himself will come to you in human

form, conduct the test and will give youthe certificate. Therefore you should

concentrate on the Gita, which is called as Yoga Sastra or The scripture of

Yoga. The examiner, examination and the certificate are consequent steps, which

will take place spontaneously on the divine will. Therefore thestudy of Gita

helps you really on this day of festival and eating these sweets leads only to

problems of indigestion. Praising the examiner with songs (Bhajans) also will

not help you because the examineris very clever and strict and cannot be

pleased. It is better to hear His divine knowledge, assimilate and pass the

examination. Such path gives you a dignity and respect to the divine teacher

also. Instead oftaking this royal path, why are you sorting to unlawful means

of pleasing Lord by chanting His name (Japam), worshipping Him (Puja), singing

(Bhajans) in order to get such certificates. Hanuman never didthese things

except participating in the service of the Lord. He never aspire any thing in

return to his service also. He was made the future creator (Brahma) by the Lord

and this is the highest certificate.Therefore you can get the highest fruit from

the Lord if you practice Yoga in this world in your day-to-day life, which gives

you all the necessary training to succeed in the test of the Lord. Looking at

the goal should not discourage you, because the goal is very far with so many

difficulties. You may fear that you may not reach the goal before the end of

this human birth. You keep ontrying for it and are in constant trail (Sadhana).

In such case the Lord will co-operate with you by granting you any number of

human births. The Lord will do His part (Daivamchaivatra—Gita). Even if you

slipback in such a trail you will be still granted the human

re-birth with favorable spiritual atmosphere (Yogabrashtobhijayate—Gita). But

you should sincerely put your effort and should not act artificially. TheLord

is omniscient and you cannot fool Him and get the rare human rebirth.One should

not think of leaving the family members and house as the real spiritual step.

You cannot get the grace of the Lord by simplysacrificing your house and family

and claim that you have become the saint. The sacrifice should not be based on

your effort and it should be a spontaneous consequence of the devotion to the

Lord. Gopikas were wandering in Brindavan leaving their families and the reason

for such detachment was the attachment towards the Lord. They became mad due to

the absence of the Lord and this madness cannot be compared to the madness of a

person obtained by the shock of brain inan accident. In both cases the madness

is same but the reasons are different. When Lord Krishna

was staying with them, they neglected Him and were doing all their family

duties. When the Gopikas were going to Madhura city to sell the butter, Krishna

used to obstructthem. They were requesting Him not to disturb their duties. But

when Krishna left Brindavan they became mad and left all the duties. The reason

for this difference is that when the human incarnation is nearnegligence enters.

Only in His absence the devotion reaches climax and this is human psychology.

Human form itself leads to negligence and if such human form stays constantly

near the negligence is doubled. By leaving the families and by simply

wandering in Brindavan, one will not become a Gopika. Of course, in the

Yogavasishta it is said that a common person shall stay far off from the

attractions and this will help the concentration on the God initially. Butthe

actual attachment towards the Lord is the only reason for spiritual


I will give an example. A boy is in love of a girl. In the beginning the boy

would leave the house often in order to develop the affair with the girl. But

one day the love reaches its climax and now the boy is prepared to leave his

parents, house and lots of property to run away with the girl. Now the reason

for leaving the parents and property is love with that girl. Some times a boy

having psychological disorder may also leave the house. Both the cases are

quite different.But again one point should be remembered in such sacrifice.

Sankar left His mother because she was fond of Sankara. This bond is a

hindrance in the spiritual effort of Sankara. To avoid this Sankara left His

mother. If His mother was congenial to the spiritual path of Sankara, Sankara

would not have left His mother. Therefore, one should leave the house only when

the atmosphere is opposing your spiritual effort. Even in that case one should

try his best to

changethe atmosphere by preaching the family members. Ramanuja left his wife

when she continued to obstruct him from his spiritual path in spite of his

repeated spiritual advises. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa did notleave his wife since

she was fully co-operating with his spiritual effort. Even if the atmosphere is

neutral one should not leave the house and hurt others. Only in the case of

extreme opposition one should leave the house and go away for the association

of real devotees (Nachasanyasanadeva—Gita).There are three types of people. The

first type of people is ordinary persons who do not start the spiritual journey.

They are strongly attracted by this world and these attractions are the

qualities accumulated from millions of births in the soul. Such people are

called as Ayukta (Ayuktah Kamakarena Phalesaktah—Gita). The second types of

people are called as yogis who practice Yoga and who have not yet completed

the training in Yoga. They cannot sacrifice their fruit of the work to the Lord.

They can sacrifice the work, devotion by mind,discussions with intelligence and

any work with senses of their body like singing songs etc (Kayena Manasa

Buddhya—Gita). The third types of people are called as Yuktas, which means the

people who have finished the training in Yoga. Such people sacrifice the fruit

ofwork also along with the above (Yuktah Karmaphalam—Gita). The aspects to be

achieved by Yoga are the equal reaction to all types of incidents and the

reaction must be only peaceful undisturbed balanceof mind (Sarvatra

Samadarsanah, Prasanta Manasam—Gita). Another aspect is not to think of any

worldly matter in leisure time. Such thinking will lead to loss of energy

(Nakinchidapi Chintayet—Gita).Another aspect is to realise the achievement of

grace of God as the highest profit in the life (Yamlabdhva Naparam—Gita).

Another aspect of

Yoga is to maintain constant mind even if a mountain of misery falls on you (Na

Duhkhe na Gurunapi—Gita). Another aspect of Yoga is not to have even single

worldly desire inmind (Nisspruhah Sarvaakamebhyah—Gita). Another aspect of Yoga

is to control the worldly activities to the possible minimum level because if

God's grace is there, any worldly affair will succeed even withminimum effort

(Yuktacheshtasya—Gita). The Lord criticised both science and arts

related to worldly aspects (Vedavadaratah, Trigunya Vishayah—Gita). The Lord

says that both are waste since you are not touching anything about the Lord

(Namyadastiti—Gita). Such people are attracted to the worldly selfish pleasures

only and not to please the Lord. The dynamism observed in such people is also

not appreciated by the Lord because both walking and running in the wrong

direction are

useless (Kriya Visesha Bahulam—Gita). The Lord is giving stress on the devotees

to cross the difference between good and bad faced in the world. You should be

showing the same love and kindness to both good and bad people and also love

friends and enemies in the same way. If you praise a good person and a friend

and scold a bad person and enemy, you have failed in the Yoga. Tomorrow when

you reach the Lord in the human form, He will appear bad and damage you like

any. Then you willscold the Lord also. For example the devotees of Vishnu

criticise Lord Siva, since Lord Siva appears with the qualities of Tamas. This

is very important essence of Gita that one will succeed in the tests ofthe Lord

in human form only if he raises himself above the three qualities (Satvam, Rajas

and Tamas). Therefore you should not be disturbed by the negative qualities or

positive qualities in the world like insult and honour, enmity and

friendship, loss and benefit, misery and happiness etc

(Gunanetanatetyatrin—Gita). Only such devotee can succeed the tests of the Lord

and can please the Lord. This yukta state, which is the final stage of the Yoga,

is called as the real sanyasa. Here the word sanyasa does not mean the external

indications like saffron cloth, leaving the house etc (Naniragnih—Gita). The

sanyasin is that person who has completely sacrificed everything and everyone

for the sake of the service to the Lord. Such sanyasin oryukta alone can be

fully blessed by the Lord and enters the inner most circle of the Lord

(Brahmabhuyaya—Gita). ParaBrahman is the unimaginable Lord who is speaking

Gita. Such ParaBrahman is speaking through the mouth of the external body of

Lord Krishna. The ParaBrahman or the Lord with His characteristics is

completelyunknown and nobody can ever know at any time (Mantuveda

Nakashchana—Gita). This Lord

generates the power called Maya. The characteristics of Maya are awareness,

force and work. These three qualities of Maya are wonderful and are beyond the

rules of Prakruti or Nature (Jnana Bala Kriya cha—Veda). His Holiness Shri

Datta SwamiWebsite address: http://www.universal-spirituality.org Developed by

Smt. Devi & Shri Nikhil, FLORIDA, USA e-mail address:

swami (AT) universal-spirituality (DOT) org

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Dear Kasturi Subba Rao,


I absolutely agree with Ajrunji, I have not read vedas

and other hindu scriptures but I have read a lot about

chakras, and all the books I have read about chakras

show their roots in ancient hinduism, buddhism and

Vedas, and also the concept of chakras is not fault,

they are the energy centers that connect our soul and

body to the universal energy, I practice Reiki 1 and

feel the chakra points, we can heal both emotional and

physical aspects of people by working in chakras, if

the energy in the chakra is not in syncronization with

the universal energy people become disease prone or

sick and they can be cured by synchronizing their



Om namah shivaya,

Best Regards,



--- arjun pandit <panditarjun2004 wrote:


> dear friends


> om namo bhagawate rudraya


> the observation in this article "there is no

> reference of these Chakras in the sacred scriptures

> like Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the

> creation of a middle age scholar, who has introduced

> the spiritual subject in symbolic language." is

> incorrect.


> i can cite MANY hindu holy scriptures which mentions

> the kundalini energy, the nadis and the chakras in

> the body. here i am not proving that what this

> article writes is wrong. one shall not belittle our

> holy scriptures which contain literally EVERYTHING

> in the world.



> in priase of lord shiva


> arjun


> KASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> Gayathry <agayathry

> Sep 10, 2005 3:59 PM

> The real meaning of Yoga




> It is a pitiable situation of the spiritual

> knowledge because people there

> is no reference of these Chakras in the sacred

> scriptures like

> Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the creation

> of a middle age

> scholar, who has introduced the spiritual subject in

> symbolic

> language.


> are giving lot of importance to the word Yoga while

> not

> understanding its real meaning. People speak about

> the six wheels

> (Chakras) and The wheels indicate the whirlpools

> that come across the ocean which

> have to be crossed by the swimmer who likes to cross

> this ocean like

> ignorance. They are like the attractive lotus

> flowers, which capture

> and

> prison the soul, which is like a bee. If Yoga is

> understood as the

> concept represented by this symbolic language in its

> true sense,

> then I am very happy to the present version of Yoga.

> But I feel very

> bad if

> you really think that there are real wheels or lotus

> flowers on the

> spine. You are not finding such things even through

> very powerful

> microscope after doing the surgery of spine. Thus

> you must always

> have the torch


> Light of logic and science which must be used

> wherever and whenever

> necessary. But you should also know the place where

> this torchlight

> should not be used. In analysing yourself and in

> analysing the true

> path, you should always use the torch. But when you

> have

> recognised the goal, and reached it, you should put

> off this torchlight because you require blind faith

> there. Blindness means darkness. The quality Tamas

> represents Siva,

> the final form of God and the final blind faith is

> Tamas only. While

> reaching the goal, you require the knowledge and

> analysis. Knowledge

> is Sattvam, which is the middle divine form or

> Vishnu. The starting

> person is a person, who is highly effected by egoism

> indicated by

> Rajas representing the first divine form Brahma.

> Thus the soul, the

> path and the goal represent the nature of Dattta

> only.


> The real meaning of the word Yoga means meeting the

> Sat guru. The

> word Yoga comes from the verb "Yuj", which means the

> union. Sat guru

> is the human form of the Lord. The Lord will exhibit


> the Maya consisting of the three qualities. When the

> devotees are

> tested, this Maya is mainly made of the full

> _expression of Rajas

> and Tamas. Such Maya is used to test your firm faith

> and your

> assimilation of the spiritual knowledge. By this

> devotees generally

> run

> away and such Maya of the Lord Datta is very strong

> and He appears

> as drunkard and fond of prostitutes. When

> Kartaveeryarjuna

> approached Him with his defective hands, the Lord

> broke the two

> hands. But he continued in the service with blind

> faith and got

> thousand hands. Thus we should have patience in the

> tests of the

> Lord. Lord Krishna also showed several defects like

> steeling the

> butter, dancing with the women etc., to divert the

> devotees. In

> order to have

> patience in His tests without being disturbed by

> Rajas and Tamas,

> one must have pre-training in this world to raise

> your self beyond

> these three qualities. In fact the Lord is beyond

> these three

> qualities and is

> untouched by them. To get such kind of patience

> before the Lord, you

> have to take training in the world. In such training

> you will

> develop the patience to face these divine tests from

> the Lord in

> human form.

> Therefore, Yoga is defined as the union or

> achievement of this

> equilibrium unperturbed by these three qualities

> Yoga is defined by

> the Lord as this equilibrium (Samatvam Yoga

> Uchyate—Gita). In the

> chapter "Atmasamyama Yoga" the details of such

> training are

> mentioned. You have to receive both the friend and

> enemy with

> equality (Suhrunmitraryudasinah—Gita). By this you

> will treat the

> Lord with the same devotion even if He reacts as

> enemy towards you

> to test your faith. The Lord also tests your

> attachment with the

> worldly bonds with reference to His bond. You must

> prove that His

> bond is

> highest. For this you have to reduce the attractions

> in the world.

> Such reduction of your attractions is a part of Yoga

> and is useful

> directly before the Lord. You should serve the Lord

> without aspiring

> anything in

> return and you must treat both the respect and

> insult

> with equality (Sukh Duhkh Same, Manavamanayoh—Gita).

> You must treat both profit and loss with equality

> because when you

> approach the Lord you may some times get loss

> instead of profit.

> Without undergoing such training to achieve self

> control or Atma

> Samyama, one can not succeed in the tests of the

> Lord. Sudama

> developed such self-control during the poverty for a

> long time. He

> did not do any sin in spite of the suffering of his

> family members

> with poverty. Such training helped him when he went

> to Lord Krishna.

> He

> stayed with the Lord for a few days. During this

> period he never

> asked the Lord for anything. The Lord also sent him

> back without

> even a trace of help. Sudama never criticised the

> Lord for not doing

> any

> help. He succeeded in the test of the Lord and

> achieved infinite

> wealth. Thus Gita gives the real meaning of Yoga,

> which is the self-

> control without being attracted by diversions. Such

> diversions are

> these charkas, which are nothing but the

> obstructions to pass in the

> test of the Lord. This training is like one full

> year academic

> course and is very important.

> The test of the Lord is a matter of three-hour

> examination at the

> end of the year. If you have finished this training,

> the

=== message truncated ===







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With all due reverence and regards to the thoughts expressed by you, I would

like to clarify the matter as appended under.


Ramayana, the pious epic was originally written by Maharshi Valmiki later it was

translated or rewritten by various scholars. While it was reproduced the same

version was not presented. Either some portion or thought is added or some of

the incidents deleted. Just for example, in original Valmiki's Ramayana Rama

and Lakshman were taken by "Rishi Viswa Mitra" to the court where "Swayamvar"

was taking place. In Tulsi Ramayana Lord Rama was seen by Sitama and vice versa

while walking along side "Anthapur" or "Ranivas". One cannot say it wrong or

right. The writers while producing an epic or Kavya their thought or "Anubhuti"

is punched in.


The story of Doorvas Maharshi's Curse on "shakuntala" was not seen in original

version where as it was added by "Maha Kavi Kalidas" in the name of "Abhigyan"

(An identity or a reminder). These two examples corroborate the addition of

thoughts by later writers.


Further when an incident or a version is read by one for the first time will

have lasting impression and cannot accept the other versions. This is very

common observation by one and all.


I would like to clarify that the Subject mail was a forward mail, which is an

excerpt from the speeches of "Datta Swami", an accepted and well renowned

saint, sent by Gayathry jee. This was accepted for the benefit of the readers.


So I request to honour by reserving any Comments, to show a mark of respect to




KS Rao

On 9/13/05, Divakara Tanjore <div_tan > wrote:

Dear Kasturi Subba Rao,I absolutely agree with Ajrunji, I have not read vedasand

other hindu scriptures but I have read a lot about

chakras, and all the books I have read about chakrasshow their roots in ancient

hinduism, buddhism andVedas, and also the concept of chakras is not fault,they

are the energy centers that connect our soul and

body to the universal energy, I practice Reiki 1 andfeel the chakra points, we

can heal both emotional andphysical aspects of people by working in chakras,

ifthe energy in the chakra is not in syncronization with

the universal energy people become disease prone orsick and they can be cured by

synchronizing theirchakras.Om namah shivaya,Best Regards,Divakar. --- arjun

pandit <panditarjun2004 > wrote:

> dear friends> > om namo bhagawate rudraya> > the observation in this article

"there is no> reference of these Chakras in the sacred scriptures> like Vedas,

Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the

> creation of a middle age scholar, who has introduced> the spiritual subject in

symbolic language." is> incorrect.> > i can cite MANY hindu holy scriptures

which mentions> the kundalini energy, the nadis and the chakras in

> the body. here i am not proving that what this> article writes is wrong. one

shall not belittle our> holy scriptures which contain literally EVERYTHING> in

the world.> > > in priase of lord shiva

> > arjun> > KASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao > wrote:> ----------

Forwarded message ----------

> Gayathry <agayathry >> Sep 10, 2005 3:59 PM > Subject:

The real meaning of Yoga

> > FROM SRI DATTA JNANA PRACHARA PARISHAD> > It is a pitiable situation of the

spiritual> knowledge because people there> is no reference of these Chakras in

the sacred> scriptures like > Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the

creation> of a middle age > scholar, who has introduced the spiritual subject

in> symbolic > language.> > are giving lot of importance to the word Yoga while

> not > understanding its real meaning. People speak about> the six wheels >

(Chakras) and The wheels indicate the whirlpools> that come across the ocean

which > have to be crossed by the swimmer who likes to cross

> this ocean like > ignorance. They are like the attractive lotus> flowers,

which capture > and> prison the soul, which is like a bee. If Yoga is>

understood as the > concept represented by this symbolic language in its

> true sense, > then I am very happy to the present version of Yoga.> But I feel

very > bad if> you really think that there are real wheels or lotus> flowers on

the > spine. You are not finding such things even through

> very powerful > microscope after doing the surgery of spine. Thus> you must

always > have the torch > > Light of logic and science which must be used>

wherever and whenever > necessary. But you should also know the place where>

this torchlight > should not be used. In analysing yourself and in> analysing

the true > path, you should always use the torch. But when you

> have> recognised the goal, and reached it, you should put> off this torchlight

because you require blind faith> there. Blindness means darkness. The quality

Tamas> represents Siva,

> the final form of God and the final blind faith is> Tamas only. While >

reaching the goal, you require the knowledge and> analysis. Knowledge > is

Sattvam, which is the middle divine form or

> Vishnu. The starting > person is a person, who is highly effected by egoism>

indicated by > Rajas representing the first divine form Brahma.> Thus the soul,

the > path and the goal represent the nature of Dattta

> only. > > The real meaning of the word Yoga means meeting the>

Sat guru. The > word Yoga comes from the verb "Yuj", which means the> union.

Sat guru > is the human form of the Lord. The Lord will exhibit

> > the Maya consisting of the three qualities. When the> devotees are > tested,

this Maya is mainly made of the full> _expression of Rajas > and Tamas. Such

Maya is used to test your firm faith

> and your > assimilation of the spiritual knowledge. By this> devotees

generally > run> away and such Maya of the Lord Datta is very strong> and He

appears > as drunkard and fond of prostitutes. When

> Kartaveeryarjuna > approached Him with his defective hands, the Lord> broke

the two > hands. But he continued in the service with blind> faith and got>

thousand hands. Thus we should have patience in the

> tests of the > Lord. Lord Krishna also showed several defects like> steeling

the > butter, dancing with the women etc., to divert the> devotees. In > order

to have> patience in His tests without being disturbed by

> Rajas and Tamas, > one must have pre-training in this world to raise> your

self beyond > these three qualities. In fact the Lord is beyond> these three >

qualities and is> untouched by them. To get such kind of patience

> before the Lord, you > have to take training in the world. In such training>

you will > develop the patience to face these divine tests from> the Lord in >

human form.> Therefore, Yoga is defined as the union or

> achievement of this > equilibrium unperturbed by these three qualities> Yoga

is defined by > the Lord as this equilibrium (Samatvam Yoga> Uchyate—Gita). In

the > chapter "Atmasamyama Yoga" the details of such

> training are > mentioned. You have to receive both the friend and> enemy with

> equality (Suhrunmitraryudasinah—Gita). By this you> will treat the > Lord

with the same devotion even if He reacts as

> enemy towards you > to test your faith. The Lord also tests your> attachment

with the > worldly bonds with reference to His bond. You must> prove that His >

bond is> highest. For this you have to reduce the attractions

> in the world. > Such reduction of your attractions is a part of Yoga> and is

useful > directly before the Lord. You should serve the Lord> without aspiring

> anything in> return and you must treat both the respect and

> insult > with equality (Sukh Duhkh Same, Manavamanayoh—Gita).> You must treat

both profit and loss with equality> because when you > approach the Lord you

may some times get loss> instead of profit. > Without undergoing such training

to achieve self> control or Atma > Samyama, one can not succeed in the tests of

the> Lord. Sudama> developed such self-control during the poverty for a

> long time. He > did not do any sin in spite of the suffering of his> family

members > with poverty. Such training helped him when he went> to Lord Krishna.

> He> stayed with the Lord for a few days. During this

> period he never > asked the Lord for anything. The Lord also sent him> back

without > even a trace of help. Sudama never criticised the> Lord for not doing

> any> help. He succeeded in the test of the Lord and

> achieved infinite > wealth. Thus Gita gives the real meaning of Yoga,> which

is the self-> control without being attracted by diversions. Such> diversions

are > these charkas, which are nothing but the

> obstructions to pass in the > test of the Lord. This training is like one

full> year academic > course and is very important.> The test of the Lord is a

matter of three-hour> examination at the > end of the year. If you have

finished this training,> the === message truncated

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-- KS Rao,Navi MumbaiCell: 93242 94531

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Dear KS Rao ji,


Thank you for your clarification and I understand your

opinion on the scriptures, Over the generations

scriptutes have changed according to the situations

and cultures, but the intent is mostly the same, what

I feel is we have to look at them in a broader sense

and try to assimilate the good, some times I felt some

stories as silly and some serious contradictions in

what I have read, but over the period the good in

these scriptures have over powered these



As per Swamiji's observations, I am humbly just

disagreeing with him, no disrespect here, may be I am

wrong but from what I have read and what I practice as

a Reiki 1 practitioner, I feel the presense of chakras

and their connection with the universal energy or life



Chakras are form less and shapeless since they are

energy, some auhthors might have added those

imaginations like lotus etc but chakras exist.


Medical siciene explains human body, but how will you

explain the life, the thought process, etc. this life

engerty flows in the body through chakrs.


For example please observe artists like vocal singers,

musicians etc, they have a very attractive aura in

them, they have radient energy which is quite evident,

it is because by sadhana they activate their 3rd

chakra ( I dont know the sanskrit name of it), which

generates a lot of energy.


Music has healing properties, but how is that

possibnle, this happens because the music energy or

vibrations work on our body energy and synchronize our

enrgy with devine or universal energy.


these are my sincere opinions, no offence to to

anyone, disagreement on issues is not disrespect, I am

very open about these issues and I am still a humble



Best Regards,

Om namah shivaya,




--- KS Rao <kasturisrao wrote:


> Sh. Divakara, Sh. Arjun Pandit,


> With all due reverence and regards to the thoughts

> expressed by you, I would

> like to clarify the matter as appended under.


> Ramayana, the pious epic was originally written by

> Maharshi Valmiki later

> it was translated or rewritten by various scholars.

> While it was reproduced

> the same version was not presented. Either some

> portion or thought is added

> or some of the incidents deleted. Just for example,

> in original Valmiki's

> Ramayana Rama and Lakshman were taken by "Rishi

> Viswa Mitra" to the court

> where "Swayamvar" was taking place. In Tulsi

> Ramayana Lord Rama was seen by

> Sitama and vice versa while walking along side

> "Anthapur" or "Ranivas". One

> cannot say it wrong or right. The writers while

> producing an epic or Kavya

> their thought or "Anubhuti" is punched in.


> The story of Doorvas Maharshi's Curse on

> "shakuntala" was not seen in

> original version where as it was added by "Maha Kavi

> Kalidas" in the name of

> "Abhigyan" (An identity or a reminder). These two

> examples corroborate the

> addition of thoughts by later writers.


> Further when an incident or a version is read by

> one for the first time

> will have lasting impression and cannot accept the

> other versions. This is

> very common observation by one and all.


> I would like to clarify that the Subject mail was a

> forward mail, which is

> an excerpt from the speeches of "Datta Swami", an

> accepted and well renowned

> saint, sent by Gayathry jee. This was accepted for

> the benefit of the

> readers.


> So I request to honour by reserving any Comments,

> to show a mark of respect

> to "Swami"

> Regards,

> KS Rao

> On 9/13/05, Divakara Tanjore <div_tan

> wrote:


> > Dear Kasturi Subba Rao,

> >

> > I absolutely agree with Ajrunji, I have not read

> vedas

> > and other hindu scriptures but I have read a lot

> about

> > chakras, and all the books I have read about

> chakras

> > show their roots in ancient hinduism, buddhism and

> > Vedas, and also the concept of chakras is not

> fault,

> > they are the energy centers that connect our soul

> and

> > body to the universal energy, I practice Reiki 1

> and

> > feel the chakra points, we can heal both emotional

> and

> > physical aspects of people by working in chakras,

> if

> > the energy in the chakra is not in syncronization

> with

> > the universal energy people become disease prone

> or

> > sick and they can be cured by synchronizing their

> > chakras.

> >

> > Om namah shivaya,

> > Best Regards,

> > Divakar.

> >

> > --- arjun pandit <panditarjun2004

> wrote:

> >

> > > dear friends

> > >

> > > om namo bhagawate rudraya

> > >

> > > the observation in this article "there is no

> > > reference of these Chakras in the sacred

> scriptures

> > > like Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the

> > > creation of a middle age scholar, who has

> introduced

> > > the spiritual subject in symbolic language." is

> > > incorrect.

> > >

> > > i can cite MANY hindu holy scriptures which

> mentions

> > > the kundalini energy, the nadis and the chakras

> in

> > > the body. here i am not proving that what this

> > > article writes is wrong. one shall not belittle

> our

> > > holy scriptures which contain literally


> > > in the world.

> > >

> > >

> > > in priase of lord shiva

> > >

> > > arjun

> > >

> > > KASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao wrote:

> > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> > > Gayathry <agayathry

> > > Sep 10, 2005 3:59 PM

> > > The real meaning of Yoga

> > >


> > >

> > > It is a pitiable situation of the spiritual

> > > knowledge because people there

> > > is no reference of these Chakras in the sacred

> > > scriptures like

> > > Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the

> creation

> > > of a middle age

> > > scholar, who has introduced the spiritual

> subject in

> > > symbolic

> > > language.

> > >

> > > are giving lot of importance to the word Yoga

> while

> > > not

> > > understanding its real meaning. People speak

> about

> > > the six wheels

> > > (Chakras) and The wheels indicate the whirlpools

> > > that come across the ocean which

> > > have to be crossed by the swimmer who likes to

> cross

> > > this ocean like

> > > ignorance. They are like the attractive lotus

> > > flowers, which capture

> > > and

> > > prison the soul, which is like a bee. If Yoga is

> > > understood as the

> > > concept represented by this symbolic language in

> its

> > > true sense,

> > > then I am very happy to the present version of

> Yoga.

> > > But I feel very

> > > bad if

> > > you really think that there are real wheels or

> lotus

> > > flowers on the

> > > spine. You are not finding such things even

> through

> > > very powerful

> > > microscope after doing the surgery of spine.

> Thus

> > > you must always

> > > have the torch

> > >

> > > Light of logic and science which must be used

> > > wherever and whenever

> > > necessary. But you should also know the place

> where

> > > this torchlight

> > > should not be used. In analysing yourself and in

> > > analysing the true

> > > path, you should always use the torch. But when

> you

> > > have

> > > recognised the goal, and reached it, you should

> put

> > > off this torchlight because you require blind

> faith

> > > there. Blindness means darkness. The quality

> Tamas

> > > represents Siva,

> > > the final form of God and the final blind faith

> is

> > > Tamas only. While

> > > reaching the goal, you require the knowledge and

> > > analysis. Knowledge

> > > is Sattvam, which is the middle divine form or

> > > Vishnu. The starting

> > > person is a person, who is highly effected by

> egoism

> > > indicated by

> > > Rajas representing the first divine form Brahma.

> > > Thus the soul, the

> > > path and the goal represent the nature of Dattta

> > > only.


=== message truncated ===







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Sh. Divakar,


Thanks for the mail. It is glad to note that you are a Reiki

Practitioner. With Grace of Lord Shiva I have acquired Reiki

mastership while I was in Delhi in 1997. As you are already

aware, practicing Reiki Symbols is daily chores and

is very essential. I am not supposed to scribble this in

Om Namah Shivaya group but for the feeling from Reiki family

member,I could not resist.


As regards to Chakras an article was covered in this group

vide message Serial no 27. You may like to refer.


Than you once again,


Warm regards,

KS Rao







, Divakara Tanjore

<div_tan> wrote:

> Dear KS Rao ji,


> Thank you for your clarification and I understand your

> opinion on the scriptures, Over the generations

> scriptutes have changed according to the situations

> and cultures, but the intent is mostly the same, what

> I feel is we have to look at them in a broader sense

> and try to assimilate the good, some times I felt some

> stories as silly and some serious contradictions in

> what I have read, but over the period the good in

> these scriptures have over powered these

> contradictions.


> As per Swamiji's observations, I am humbly just

> disagreeing with him, no disrespect here, may be I am

> wrong but from what I have read and what I practice as

> a Reiki 1 practitioner, I feel the presense of chakras

> and their connection with the universal energy or life

> force.


> Chakras are form less and shapeless since they are

> energy, some auhthors might have added those

> imaginations like lotus etc but chakras exist.


> Medical siciene explains human body, but how will you

> explain the life, the thought process, etc. this life

> engerty flows in the body through chakrs.


> For example please observe artists like vocal singers,

> musicians etc, they have a very attractive aura in

> them, they have radient energy which is quite evident,

> it is because by sadhana they activate their 3rd

> chakra ( I dont know the sanskrit name of it), which

> generates a lot of energy.


> Music has healing properties, but how is that

> possibnle, this happens because the music energy or

> vibrations work on our body energy and synchronize our

> enrgy with devine or universal energy.


> these are my sincere opinions, no offence to to

> anyone, disagreement on issues is not disrespect, I am

> very open about these issues and I am still a humble

> learner.


> Best Regards,

> Om namah shivaya,

> divakar.



> --- KS Rao <kasturisrao@g...> wrote:


> > Sh. Divakara, Sh. Arjun Pandit,

> >

> > With all due reverence and regards to the thoughts

> > expressed by you, I would

> > like to clarify the matter as appended under.

> >

> > Ramayana, the pious epic was originally written by

> > Maharshi Valmiki later

> > it was translated or rewritten by various scholars.

> > While it was reproduced

> > the same version was not presented. Either some

> > portion or thought is added

> > or some of the incidents deleted. Just for example,

> > in original Valmiki's

> > Ramayana Rama and Lakshman were taken by "Rishi

> > Viswa Mitra" to the court

> > where "Swayamvar" was taking place. In Tulsi

> > Ramayana Lord Rama was seen by

> > Sitama and vice versa while walking along side

> > "Anthapur" or "Ranivas". One

> > cannot say it wrong or right. The writers while

> > producing an epic or Kavya

> > their thought or "Anubhuti" is punched in.

> >

> > The story of Doorvas Maharshi's Curse on

> > "shakuntala" was not seen in

> > original version where as it was added by "Maha Kavi

> > Kalidas" in the name of

> > "Abhigyan" (An identity or a reminder). These two

> > examples corroborate the

> > addition of thoughts by later writers.

> >

> > Further when an incident or a version is read by

> > one for the first time

> > will have lasting impression and cannot accept the

> > other versions. This is

> > very common observation by one and all.

> >

> > I would like to clarify that the Subject mail was a

> > forward mail, which is

> > an excerpt from the speeches of "Datta Swami", an

> > accepted and well renowned

> > saint, sent by Gayathry jee. This was accepted for

> > the benefit of the

> > readers.

> >

> > So I request to honour by reserving any Comments,

> > to show a mark of respect

> > to "Swami"

> > Regards,

> > KS Rao

> > On 9/13/05, Divakara Tanjore <div_tan>

> > wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Kasturi Subba Rao,

> > >

> > > I absolutely agree with Ajrunji, I have not read

> > vedas

> > > and other hindu scriptures but I have read a lot

> > about

> > > chakras, and all the books I have read about

> > chakras

> > > show their roots in ancient hinduism, buddhism and

> > > Vedas, and also the concept of chakras is not

> > fault,

> > > they are the energy centers that connect our soul

> > and

> > > body to the universal energy, I practice Reiki 1

> > and

> > > feel the chakra points, we can heal both emotional

> > and

> > > physical aspects of people by working in chakras,

> > if

> > > the energy in the chakra is not in syncronization

> > with

> > > the universal energy people become disease prone

> > or

> > > sick and they can be cured by synchronizing their

> > > chakras.

> > >

> > > Om namah shivaya,

> > > Best Regards,

> > > Divakar.

> > >

> > > --- arjun pandit <panditarjun2004>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > > dear friends

> > > >

> > > > om namo bhagawate rudraya

> > > >

> > > > the observation in this article "there is no

> > > > reference of these Chakras in the sacred

> > scriptures

> > > > like Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the

> > > > creation of a middle age scholar, who has

> > introduced

> > > > the spiritual subject in symbolic language." is

> > > > incorrect.

> > > >

> > > > i can cite MANY hindu holy scriptures which

> > mentions

> > > > the kundalini energy, the nadis and the chakras

> > in

> > > > the body. here i am not proving that what this

> > > > article writes is wrong. one shall not belittle

> > our

> > > > holy scriptures which contain literally


> > > > in the world.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > in priase of lord shiva

> > > >

> > > > arjun

> > > >

> > > > KASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao@g...> wrote:

> > > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> > > > Gayathry <agayathry>

> > > > Sep 10, 2005 3:59 PM

> > > > The real meaning of Yoga

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > It is a pitiable situation of the spiritual

> > > > knowledge because people there

> > > > is no reference of these Chakras in the sacred

> > > > scriptures like

> > > > Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the

> > creation

> > > > of a middle age

> > > > scholar, who has introduced the spiritual

> > subject in

> > > > symbolic

> > > > language.

> > > >

> > > > are giving lot of importance to the word Yoga

> > while

> > > > not

> > > > understanding its real meaning. People speak

> > about

> > > > the six wheels

> > > > (Chakras) and The wheels indicate the whirlpools

> > > > that come across the ocean which

> > > > have to be crossed by the swimmer who likes to

> > cross

> > > > this ocean like

> > > > ignorance. They are like the attractive lotus

> > > > flowers, which capture

> > > > and

> > > > prison the soul, which is like a bee. If Yoga is

> > > > understood as the

> > > > concept represented by this symbolic language in

> > its

> > > > true sense,

> > > > then I am very happy to the present version of

> > Yoga.

> > > > But I feel very

> > > > bad if

> > > > you really think that there are real wheels or

> > lotus

> > > > flowers on the

> > > > spine. You are not finding such things even

> > through

> > > > very powerful

> > > > microscope after doing the surgery of spine.

> > Thus

> > > > you must always

> > > > have the torch

> > > >

> > > > Light of logic and science which must be used

> > > > wherever and whenever

> > > > necessary. But you should also know the place

> > where

> > > > this torchlight

> > > > should not be used. In analysing yourself and in

> > > > analysing the true

> > > > path, you should always use the torch. But when

> > you

> > > > have

> > > > recognised the goal, and reached it, you should

> > put

> > > > off this torchlight because you require blind

> > faith

> > > > there. Blindness means darkness. The quality

> > Tamas

> > > > represents Siva,

> > > > the final form of God and the final blind faith

> > is

> > > > Tamas only. While

> > > > reaching the goal, you require the knowledge and

> > > > analysis. Knowledge

> > > > is Sattvam, which is the middle divine form or

> > > > Vishnu. The starting

> > > > person is a person, who is highly effected by

> > egoism

> > > > indicated by

> > > > Rajas representing the first divine form Brahma.

> > > > Thus the soul, the

> > > > path and the goal represent the nature of Dattta

> > > > only.

> >

> === message truncated ===







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Dear KS Rao,


Thanks for your message and very glag to know that you

are a Reiki Master. I just started recently, I had a

very strong urge to learn and found a nice guru, I am

learning remotely though. I feel very good about it

and seeing some results.


I will definitely look at the posting on the chakras

as you mentioned.


I certainly need your blessings and wishes in my

endeavour to become a Reiki Master.


Om namah shivaya,

Best Regards,



--- KASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao wrote:


> Sh. Divakar,


> Thanks for the mail. It is glad to note that you are

> a Reiki

> Practitioner. With Grace of Lord Shiva I have

> acquired Reiki

> mastership while I was in Delhi in 1997. As you are

> already

> aware, practicing Reiki Symbols is daily chores and

> is very essential. I am not supposed to scribble

> this in

> Om Namah Shivaya group but for the feeling from

> Reiki family

> member,I could not resist.


> As regards to Chakras an article was covered in this

> group

> vide message Serial no 27. You may like to refer.


> Than you once again,


> Warm regards,

> KS Rao


> Divakara Tanjore

> <div_tan> wrote:

> > Dear KS Rao ji,

> >

> > Thank you for your clarification and I understand

> your

> > opinion on the scriptures, Over the generations

> > scriptutes have changed according to the

> situations

> > and cultures, but the intent is mostly the same,

> what

> > I feel is we have to look at them in a broader

> sense

> > and try to assimilate the good, some times I felt

> some

> > stories as silly and some serious contradictions

> in

> > what I have read, but over the period the good in

> > these scriptures have over powered these

> > contradictions.

> >

> > As per Swamiji's observations, I am humbly just

> > disagreeing with him, no disrespect here, may be I

> am

> > wrong but from what I have read and what I

> practice as

> > a Reiki 1 practitioner, I feel the presense of

> chakras

> > and their connection with the universal energy or

> life

> > force.

> >

> > Chakras are form less and shapeless since they are

> > energy, some auhthors might have added those

> > imaginations like lotus etc but chakras exist.

> >

> > Medical siciene explains human body, but how will

> you

> > explain the life, the thought process, etc. this

> life

> > engerty flows in the body through chakrs.

> >

> > For example please observe artists like vocal

> singers,

> > musicians etc, they have a very attractive aura in

> > them, they have radient energy which is quite

> evident,

> > it is because by sadhana they activate their 3rd

> > chakra ( I dont know the sanskrit name of it),

> which

> > generates a lot of energy.

> >

> > Music has healing properties, but how is that

> > possibnle, this happens because the music energy

> or

> > vibrations work on our body energy and synchronize

> our

> > enrgy with devine or universal energy.

> >

> > these are my sincere opinions, no offence to to

> > anyone, disagreement on issues is not disrespect,

> I am

> > very open about these issues and I am still a

> humble

> > learner.

> >

> > Best Regards,

> > Om namah shivaya,

> > divakar.

> >

> >

> > --- KS Rao <kasturisrao@g...> wrote:

> >

> > > Sh. Divakara, Sh. Arjun Pandit,

> > >

> > > With all due reverence and regards to the

> thoughts

> > > expressed by you, I would

> > > like to clarify the matter as appended under.

> > >

> > > Ramayana, the pious epic was originally written

> by

> > > Maharshi Valmiki later

> > > it was translated or rewritten by various

> scholars.

> > > While it was reproduced

> > > the same version was not presented. Either some

> > > portion or thought is added

> > > or some of the incidents deleted. Just for

> example,

> > > in original Valmiki's

> > > Ramayana Rama and Lakshman were taken by "Rishi

> > > Viswa Mitra" to the court

> > > where "Swayamvar" was taking place. In Tulsi

> > > Ramayana Lord Rama was seen by

> > > Sitama and vice versa while walking along side

> > > "Anthapur" or "Ranivas". One

> > > cannot say it wrong or right. The writers while

> > > producing an epic or Kavya

> > > their thought or "Anubhuti" is punched in.

> > >

> > > The story of Doorvas Maharshi's Curse on

> > > "shakuntala" was not seen in

> > > original version where as it was added by "Maha

> Kavi

> > > Kalidas" in the name of

> > > "Abhigyan" (An identity or a reminder). These

> two

> > > examples corroborate the

> > > addition of thoughts by later writers.

> > >

> > > Further when an incident or a version is read

> by

> > > one for the first time

> > > will have lasting impression and cannot accept

> the

> > > other versions. This is

> > > very common observation by one and all.

> > >

> > > I would like to clarify that the Subject mail

> was a

> > > forward mail, which is

> > > an excerpt from the speeches of "Datta Swami",

> an

> > > accepted and well renowned

> > > saint, sent by Gayathry jee. This was accepted

> for

> > > the benefit of the

> > > readers.

> > >

> > > So I request to honour by reserving any

> Comments,

> > > to show a mark of respect

> > > to "Swami"

> > > Regards,

> > > KS Rao

> > > On 9/13/05, Divakara Tanjore <div_tan>

> > > wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Kasturi Subba Rao,

> > > >

> > > > I absolutely agree with Ajrunji, I have not

> read

> > > vedas

> > > > and other hindu scriptures but I have read a

> lot

> > > about

> > > > chakras, and all the books I have read about

> > > chakras

> > > > show their roots in ancient hinduism, buddhism

> and

> > > > Vedas, and also the concept of chakras is not

> > > fault,

> > > > they are the energy centers that connect our

> soul

> > > and

> > > > body to the universal energy, I practice Reiki

> 1

> > > and

> > > > feel the chakra points, we can heal both

> emotional

> > > and

> > > > physical aspects of people by working in

> chakras,

> > > if

> > > > the energy in the chakra is not in

> syncronization

> > > with

> > > > the universal energy people become disease

> prone

> > > or


=== message truncated ===






Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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There is on beautiful book on 'Chakras'. The name of the book is 'Chakras' and

is in English. The book is published by Vakils & Co. and costs Rs. 500/-. I

do not have the details at hand, however, I will let you know very soon.


With regards,


Chandrashekhar PhadkeKASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao > wrote:

Sh. Divakar,Thanks for the mail. It is glad to note that you are a Reiki

Practitioner. With Grace of Lord Shiva I have acquired Reiki mastership while I

was in Delhi in 1997. As you are already aware, practicing Reiki Symbols is

daily chores and is very essential. I am not supposed to scribble this in Om

Namah Shivaya group but for the feeling from Reiki family member,I could not

resist.As regards to Chakras an article was covered in this group vide message

Serial no 27. You may like to refer.Than you once again,Warm regards,KS Rao---

In , Divakara Tanjore <div_tan>

wrote:> Dear KS Rao ji,> > Thank you for your clarification and I understand

your> opinion on the scriptures, Over the generations>

scriptutes have changed according to the situations> and cultures, but the

intent is mostly the same, what> I feel is we have to look at them in a broader

sense> and try to assimilate the good, some times I felt some> stories as silly

and some serious contradictions in> what I have read, but over the period the

good in> these scriptures have over powered these> contradictions.> > As per

Swamiji's observations, I am humbly just> disagreeing with him, no disrespect

here, may be I am> wrong but from what I have read and what I practice as> a

Reiki 1 practitioner, I feel the presense of chakras> and their connection with

the universal energy or life> force.> > Chakras are form less and shapeless

since they are> energy, some auhthors might have added those> imaginations like

lotus etc but chakras exist.> > Medical siciene explains human body,

but how will you> explain the life, the thought process, etc. this life> engerty

flows in the body through chakrs.> > For example please observe artists like

vocal singers,> musicians etc, they have a very attractive aura in> them, they

have radient energy which is quite evident,> it is because by sadhana they

activate their 3rd> chakra ( I dont know the sanskrit name of it), which>

generates a lot of energy.> > Music has healing properties, but how is that>

possibnle, this happens because the music energy or> vibrations work on our

body energy and synchronize our> enrgy with devine or universal energy.> >

these are my sincere opinions, no offence to to> anyone, disagreement on issues

is not disrespect, I am> very open about these issues and I am still a humble>

learner.> > Best Regards,> Om namah shivaya,> divakar.>

> > --- KS Rao <kasturisrao@g...> wrote:> > > Sh. Divakara, Sh. Arjun Pandit,> >

> > With all due reverence and regards to the thoughts> > expressed by you, I

would > > like to clarify the matter as appended under.> > > > Ramayana, the

pious epic was originally written by> > Maharshi Valmiki later > > it was

translated or rewritten by various scholars.> > While it was reproduced > > the

same version was not presented. Either some> > portion or thought is added > >

or some of the incidents deleted. Just for example,> > in original Valmiki's >

> Ramayana Rama and Lakshman were taken by "Rishi> > Viswa Mitra" to the court

> > where "Swayamvar" was taking place. In Tulsi> > Ramayana Lord Rama was seen

by > > Sitama and vice versa while walking along

side> > "Anthapur" or "Ranivas". One > > cannot say it wrong or right. The

writers while> > producing an epic or Kavya > > their thought or "Anubhuti" is

punched in.> > > > The story of Doorvas Maharshi's Curse on> > "shakuntala"

was not seen in > > original version where as it was added by "Maha Kavi> >

Kalidas" in the name of > > "Abhigyan" (An identity or a reminder). These two>

> examples corroborate the > > addition of thoughts by later writers. > > > >

Further when an incident or a version is read by> > one for the first time > >

will have lasting impression and cannot accept the> > other versions. This is >

> very common observation by one and all. > > > > I would like to clarify that

the Subject mail was a> > forward mail, which is > > an

excerpt from the speeches of "Datta Swami", an> > accepted and well renowned > >

saint, sent by Gayathry jee. This was accepted for> > the benefit of the > >

readers.> > > > So I request to honour by reserving any Comments,> > to show a

mark of respect > > to "Swami"> > Regards,> > KS Rao > > On 9/13/05, Divakara

Tanjore <div_tan>> > wrote:> > > > > Dear Kasturi Subba Rao,> > > > > > I

absolutely agree with Ajrunji, I have not read> > vedas> > > and other hindu

scriptures but I have read a lot> > about> > > chakras, and all the books I

have read about> > chakras> > > show their roots in ancient hinduism, buddhism

and> > > Vedas, and also the concept of chakras is not> > fault,> > >

they are the energy centers that connect our soul> > and> > > body to the

universal energy, I practice Reiki 1> > and> > > feel the chakra points, we can

heal both emotional> > and> > > physical aspects of people by working in

chakras,> > if> > > the energy in the chakra is not in syncronization> > with>

> > the universal energy people become disease prone> > or> > > sick and they

can be cured by synchronizing their> > > chakras.> > > > > > Om namah shivaya,>

> > Best Regards,> > > Divakar. > > > > > > --- arjun pandit

<panditarjun2004>> > wrote:> > > > > > > dear friends> > > > > > > > om

namo bhagawate rudraya> > > > > > > > the observation in

this article "there is no> > > > reference of these Chakras in the sacred> >

scriptures> > > > like Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the> > > >

creation of a middle age scholar, who has> > introduced> > > > the spiritual

subject in symbolic language." is> > > > incorrect.> > > > > > > > i can cite

MANY hindu holy scriptures which> > mentions> > > > the kundalini energy, the

nadis and the chakras> > in> > > > the body. here i am not proving that what

this> > > > article writes is wrong. one shall not belittle> > our> > > > holy

scriptures which contain literally> > EVERYTHING> > > > in the world.> > > > >

> > > > > > > in priase of lord shiva> > > > > > >

> arjun> > > > > > > > KASTURI SUBBA RAO <kasturisrao@g...> wrote:> > > >

---------- Forwarded message ----------> > > > Gayathry <agayathry>>

> > > Sep 10, 2005 3:59 PM > > > > The real meaning of Yoga> > >

> > > > > FROM SRI DATTA JNANA PRACHARA PARISHAD> > > > > > > > It is a

pitiable situation of the spiritual> > > > knowledge because people there> > >

> is no reference of these Chakras in the sacred> > > > scriptures like > > > >

Vedas, Gita and Brahma Sutras. This is the> > creation> > > > of a middle age >

> > > scholar, who has introduced the spiritual> > subject in> > > > symbolic >

> > > language.> > > > >

> > > are giving lot of importance to the word Yoga> > while> > > > not > > > >

understanding its real meaning. People speak> > about> > > > the six wheels > >

> > (Chakras) and The wheels indicate the whirlpools> > > > that come across the

ocean which > > > > have to be crossed by the swimmer who likes to> > cross> > >

> this ocean like > > > > ignorance. They are like the attractive lotus> > > >

flowers, which capture > > > > and> > > > prison the soul, which is like a bee.

If Yoga is> > > > understood as the > > > > concept represented by this symbolic

language in> > its> > > > true sense, > > > > then I am very happy to the

present version of> > Yoga.> > > > But I feel

very > > > > bad if> > > > you really think that there are real wheels or> >

lotus> > > > flowers on the > > > > spine. You are not finding such things

even> > through> > > > very powerful > > > > microscope after doing the surgery

of spine.> > Thus> > > > you must always > > > > have the torch > > > > > > > >

Light of logic and science which must be used> > > > wherever and whenever > >

> > necessary. But you should also know the place> > where> > > > this

torchlight > > > > should not be used. In analysing yourself and in> > > >

analysing the true > > > > path, you should always use the torch. But when> >

you> > > > have> > > > recognised the goal,

and reached it, you should> > put> > > > off this torchlight because you require

blind> > faith> > > > there. Blindness means darkness. The quality> > Tamas> > >

> represents Siva, > > > > the final form of God and the final blind faith> >

is> > > > Tamas only. While > > > > reaching the goal, you require the

knowledge and> > > > analysis. Knowledge > > > > is Sattvam, which is the

middle divine form or> > > > Vishnu. The starting > > > > person is a person,

who is highly effected by> > egoism> > > > indicated by > > > > Rajas

representing the first divine form Brahma.> > > > Thus the soul, the > > > >

path and the goal represent the nature of Dattta> > > > only. > > > === message

truncated ===> > > > Do You

?> >


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