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Fw: [HinduCalendar] Astrology and karma

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- jyotirved

vedic astrology-group ; hinduism_environment

; aryasamajonline ; kpindia ; hindunationalists ;

(AT) grops (DOT) com

Cc: dattaswami (AT) universal-spirituality (DOT) org ; HinduCalendar

Monday, September 12, 2005 8:57 PM

Fw: [HinduCalendar] Astrology and karma

Dear friends,

The following message was posted on HinduCalendar Group by one of its esteemed

members. He has raised some relevant questions and I would request other

forums -- apart from the members of this forum -- to ponder over those

questions and try to find an answer to them. I shall be personally obliged if

I am taken into confidence about their findings.

With regards,


Avtar Krishen Kaul


All India Calendar REform Committee

New Delhi

- Dalip Langoo


Monday, September 12, 2005 11:11 AM

Re: [HinduCalendar] Astrology and karma

Namaskar all

Everyone has choice to chose his/her desired path to live and act in this world.

I think in todays world if one has to exist go with the time should realise that

knowledge is the path and there are correct things that should be followed and

never ignored. Why mix Bhakti, Karma and other things to make things complex to


We talk of correctness of TITHEES but you express the highest devotion. We want

to make aware people about the errors everyone is making and you are giving the

lectures of something that deviates from the purpose.

Please come to the point and make people aware of thier mistakes they do

unknowingly since past so many centuries. Do you want people to follow all that

is dark? To me the highest devotion should remove darkness and not advocate EVIL

forces agenda. The Bhakti that advocates love and compassion should be

associated with perfect timings as Rishis the greatest of Lord's devotees had

set for us.

The EVILS work that of deviating the whole HINDU community from performing

rituals and rites on right dates have helped to put this great country into a

deep slumber but now when the time has come why are not we waking up with full

force? Why are not we accepting the mistakes? Why are not our MAARGDARSHAKS

making all of us aware of such realities??? JAAGRITI IS THE ANSWER TO ALL


May Datta Bhagawaan awaken all of us from the deepest slumber!

My salutations to Bhagawaan shris lotus feet!!!

Dalip Langoo prakki surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

Dear Shri Kaul


Devotion means love on Lord. When one follows Dharma Lord is pleased by him.

This is called Pravrutti (path of justice). But this is not devotion. That is

why Dharmaraja is very great compared to normal human beings because he

followed dharma. But he is not the list of great devotees. Following shastras

come in this category. Also every human being is not Lord. If you love all the

human beings in the world, that is also not devotion.


In Nivrutti (path of liberation), devotees love Lord and give highest importance

to Lord only. They even cross dharma for the sake of Lord. Ex: Radha, Gopikas,

Hanuman, Prahlada, swami vivekananda, Rama krishna parma hamsa ...


In Pravrutti one has to practice the justice at the individual level and

propagate the justice at the social level for the peace of the world. In

Nivrutti also, one has to uplift at the individual level and uplift others at

the social level. In both the fields the Lord is pleased but the pleasure of

the Lord in Nivrutti is infinite. In both the fields, the obstruction for the

success is also the same, which are the side attraction and that is the

attraction towards these worldly bonds. When the excess attraction in these

worldly bonds is reduced, one succeeds in Pravrutti. When these worldly bonds

are completely destroyed due to the intensive attraction present in the new

bond formed with the Lord, one succeeds in Nivrutti. In Pravrutti the

attraction towards the Lord is not required and here only the knowledge of the

unreality of these worldly bonds is only required. By such knowledge even if

the worldly bonds are not cut completely, at least the bonds become weak. In

Pravrutti there is no need of the complete destruction of these worldly bonds.

But in Nivrutti the complete destruction of these worldly bonds is essential,

but the cause for this destruction should be the new bond formed with the Lord

(Eka bhaktih---Gita). In fact the bond with the Lord alone can destroy these

worldly bonds. The knowledge of the unreality of these bonds can only weaken

these bonds and cannot completely destroy them. Therefore the Lord is

personally required in Nivrutti for the formation of such a new bond. The Lord

in human form is the best for the real and complete formation of such a new

bond as the case of Gopikas with Lord Krishna.


Lord comes in human form to propagate the divine knowledge and to uplift the

people. Lord Krishna preached Gita. Adi Sankara preached the divine knowledge

by walking all over India 3 times. Lord Jesus propagated the divine knowledge

only. Mohd. Prophet also preached divine knowledge. Divine knowledge is the

knowledge to identify the lord in human form. His main characteristic is jnana.

He does miracles also but not for show.

His preaching will be in line with Vedas and Gita, because He only told them and

also depend on the psychology of the people of that time. This knowledge only

requires propagation. The word of Lord alone can induce bliss in you & generate

love towards Him. Lord Krishna could only preach Gita. That time also many

saints were there. It does mean that Lord can only tell about Himself i.e., He

only Knows about Himself. This is actually the identification of Lord.

To achieve the grace of Lord is the goal of life. One can get the grace of the

Lord by serving Him when He comes in human form. This service consists of Karma

Phala Tyaga (donating money for His mission) and Karma Sanyasa (spending time

physically by participating), put together called SERVICE.

Ex: if I see the president of our country, what is the benefit I am going to get

out of it? It gives just a momentary happiness. But, if I do something by which

I can get his soft corner that helps me in getting some favour from him.

Jnana induces Bhakti. Bhakti is to be proved by service to get the grace of

Lord. Rama did not give hanuman any vision. Radha was also not given any divine

vision. Hanuman was searching for Rama in the chain given by Sita. He wants to

see Lord Rama by open eyes only.

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami

suryajyotirved <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

Adarniya Suryaji,


All I know is that when, as per the Gita, Arjuna expressed his doubts before

Bhagwan Krishna that he was not sure as to who -- whether Kauravas or Pandavas

-- would win the war, Omniscient Krishna did not reveal to him the outcome of

that war bgefore hand, nor did He advise him to consult some "Veidc" or

"non-Vedic" Jyotishi! On the other hand, He was very emphatic that if Arjuna

got killed in the battle field he would go to heavens and if he won the war he

would be the king of all the earth!


"Kuru karmaiv tasmat tvam purvaih purvataram kritam..." and celebrating

festivals on right days and timings is also a shastriya doctrine! That is what

we want to discuss in HinduCalendar forum!


With regards,

Avtar Krishen Kaul


prakki surya


Sunday, September 11, 2005 4:36 PM

Re: [HinduCalendar] The aims of HinduCal;endar forum.

I. Correlating Astrology And Theory Of Karma


Astrologers say that you are getting troubles due to the movement of the

planets. This means that you are getting the trouble not due to your previous

sins. Therefore you feel that you are unnecessarily getting troubles, even

though you have not done any sin. Astrologers say that a police arrests you

because you are going on a road and accidentally the police is also walking on

the same road. You are very anxious to get rid of these troubles because these

are unnecessary punishments for you. The astrologers exploit your anxiety by

suggesting some remedies. The word Graha (planet) means that system which

gives the exact result for your exact deed in exact time.


The planets are just the computers. They are inert and are not independent.

Only Swami can change the decisions. Therefore there is no use of worshipping

the planets. One has to receive the fruits of the deeds whether good or bad

(Naabhuktam Ksheeyate Karma). There is only one way to escape the fruits of

the deeds. The Lord comes down in human form and undergoes the punishments for

your sake and saves you. At the same time He will protect the prestige of God

of Justice and the theory of Karma. This is the main reason for His human



He will never cancel the fruits of deeds. He will sacrifice Himself and

protects you. When you cannot pay the fine, your father pays it. You must

become eligible for such grace of the Lord. The eligibility is achieved by you

when you do not aspire to get rid of the fruits of your deeds and prepare to

undergo the punishments of all your sins. You should never think that the Lord

should sacrifice for your sake.

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami


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