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first root 'man' means 'continual or constant thinking'. The secondroot 'tra'

means 'free' or 'to be free'. Mantra is a process bywhich you free yourself

from worries or doubts, but not fromconsciousness. In short, mantra is a means

of transcending thought,

and bringing consciousness to a much higher level of spiritualbeing. The root

'tri' also means 'to protect'. Thus, in India agreat number of mantras are

called protection mantras. True mantrais that which frees you from constrictive

limitations of mind

thought.We live in the iron age (Kali yuga), and it is filled with martianforces

which disturb and distract human consciousness. Mantra is away of fixing mind

upon peace, tranquility, serenity, and

equanimity, enabling you to reach deeper into consciousness.A mantra is a

mystical sound or combination of sounds which wereoriginally heard mystically

by the sages in their deep states ofsamadhi. The sages passed on these powerful

sounds to their

disciples. As their disciples chanted the words, the power, themajesty and the

magic of the mantra brought them into those higherstates of consciousness

experienced by their guru. Thus, it isimportant that a mantra given by a guru,

be a mantra that he has

used and experienced.Mantra is a mystical formula, a metaphysical formula,

utilized toinduce certain spiritual states of consciousness, when intensely and

devoutly chanted. The efficiency of a mantra is dependent upon boththe spiritual

awareness of the guru that gave the mantra, and thesound vibration innate within

the mantra itself, and the student'sability to concentrate.

Each mantra has a particular intonation or sound pattern. Theknowledge of the

use of mantra (mantra-vidya), is one of the deepestsecrets of yoga sciences.

The word mantra also means 'thought form'. It is the science ofthought forms and

knowledge of how to crystallize those thought-

forms in the physical world. Ultimately, all things in the universeare

thought-forms from the consciousness of Reality.For mantra to be effective, it

is necessary to be combined withkriya and bhakti. These three are essential.

Mantra is the

activation of the thought-form; kriya is the mental and externalaction

consistent with that thought-form; and bhakti is the properattitude (devotion)

with which to crystallize these eventsharmoniously into your life. It is not

enough to merely bring things

and events into life, they must be brought into life surely,swiftly, and most

harmoniously.There are four main types of mantra. These are,1. Vedic mantras2.

Upanishadic mantras3. Tantric mantras

4. Puranic mantrasVedic mantras are mantras that are found within the Veda, the

basicancient scriptures of India. Upanishadic mantras are found in

theUpanishads. Tantric mantras are found in Tantra texts, and the

Puranic mantras are found in the Puranas. The Vedic mantras areconsidered to be

the most sacred, while the Puranic mantras areconsidered to be least sacred.

All mantras, however, are effectiveand efficient in producing their given


Each main division of mantra are divided into three subdivisions.These are 1)

sattvic, 2) rajasic, and 3) tamasic.1. Sattvic mantras have the innate power to

produce wisdom,illumination, compassion, or any major attribute of God-

consciousness.2. Rajasic mantras are those chanted to produce children,

wealth,worldly success, and the like.3. Tamasic mantras are used to invoke

lower forces from the astralplane. Tamasic mantras are like words-of-power used

to invoke forces

through ceremony.

Philosophically and psychologically speaking, you should practiceonly one mantra

until the mantra releases its potency. The mantra

should be given at the right moment, to the right person, with theright mental

attitude, to produce the right spiritual effect. Amantra that is given in such

a way is called a guru mantra, a mantragiven by s spiritual preceptor.

The chanting of many different mantras at the same time can produceconfusion.

Therefore, if you do not have a guru mantra, it issuggested that you listen to

a number of mantras and choose foryourself one which is most harmonious with

your inner soul. Upon

choosing that special mantra, chant it, and give it emphasis. Thismantra is then

called your ishta-mantra, or the mantra of your choice.

prasanna kumar

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