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ego Mantra Recitation

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What is an ego exactly, and how can a person function without it?




-------------- Original message from Divakara Tanjore <div_tan >:

-------------- Reiki works on healers intention, which has to be pureas the

light, there is no ego attached to it.Om namah shivaya.

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In a message dated 10/21/2005 8:26:04 PM Central Standard Time, MysticalRealm (AT) att (DOT) net writes:

What is an ego exactly, and how can a person function without it?


the ego is your self and all that you think about yourself.

but lets rewind a bit for a brief definition.

a bigger question might be, who am I, who is god, and how are we similiar or different.?

imagine god is like a big bonfire. each soul of a person is a little spark that

has flown off of that bonfire. us sparks are separate from god, we came from

god, but our essence is the same as god.

now when we think about ourself with questions like, who am I, what am I? we do

not see that we are a spark. we see only a human body. this is a delusional

view of ourself. this incorrect view of our self is called our ego. we are

seeing our ego, our false self. the goal of true yoga is to remove our

delusion (also called maya) so that we no longer see our ego...our body and sex

and greed and interests....but rather we see that we are a spark. when/if you

see that you are a spark it means more than just understanding the concept, it

means also that you have achieved "sainthood". you have experienced the

abscense of your ego. then you could function like buddha, basavanna, jesus,

saint teresa of avila, etc etc.

i could go on but maybe i have said enough

and a servant should not have to many words

lest he get egotistical

and forget he needs to help sparks see their light

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In a message dated 10/22/2005 3:19:11 AM Central Standard Time, div_tan writes:

If we give up ego completely and see our self as sparkor part of divine light we

can see the real light


then we have question next

what is the process to see our self as spark?

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Beautifully explained,


If we give up ego completely and see our self as spark

or part of divine light we can see the real light, we

can be part of the spiritul world.




--- JCsharanananda wrote:



> In a message dated 10/21/2005 8:26:04 PM Central

> Standard Time,

> MysticalRealm writes:


> What is an ego exactly, and how can a person

> function without it?




> the ego is your self and all that you think about

> yourself.

> but lets rewind a bit for a brief definition.

> a bigger question might be, who am I, who is god,

> and how are we similiar or

> different.?

> imagine god is like a big bonfire. each soul of a

> person is a little spark

> that has flown off of that bonfire. us sparks are

> separate from god, we came

> from god, but our essence is the same as god.

> now when we think about ourself with questions like,

> who am I, what am I?

> we do not see that we are a spark. we see only a

> human body. this is a

> delusional view of ourself. this incorrect view of

> our self is called our ego.

> we are seeing our ego, our false self. the goal of

> true yoga is to remove our

> delusion (also called maya) so that we no longer

> see our ego...our body and

> sex and greed and interests....but rather we see

> that we are a spark.

> when/if you see that you are a spark it means more

> than just understanding the

> concept, it means also that you have achieved

> "sainthood". you have experienced

> the abscense of your ego. then you could function

> like buddha, basavanna,

> jesus, saint teresa of avila, etc etc.

> i could go on but maybe i have said enough

> and a servant should not have to many words

> lest he get egotistical

> and forget he needs to help sparks see their light







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>From my experience self-realization makes us see our

self as sparks or light of the supreme. This happens

through acquiring knowledge, bhakti, .., and

compassion. All knowlwdge and energy etc.. will lead

to compassion. That is the reason all great people in

this world are very compassionate people, they have

the unbelievable power like god. For example, Mahatma

Gandhi, a very simple and ordinary person from his

looks, just wearing a dhoti, but look at what he

achieved, can you believe he brought independence with

non-voilence. how could he convince the people of

non-voilence principle. I just cannot understand, that

is the power of love and compassion, nothing can stop.


Mahatma's self realization led him to believe he can

achive the impossible.


he had no ego, he gradully gave up ego, he is full of



Om namah shivaya,



--- JCsharanananda wrote:



> In a message dated 10/22/2005 3:19:11 AM Central

> Standard Time,

> div_tan writes:


> If we give up ego completely and see our self as

> spark

> or part of divine light we can see the real light



> yes

> then we have question next

> what is the process to see our self as spark?







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can you please explain, what does "no room for

knowledge" means...





--- svc_astro <no_reply> wrote:


> Very nice,


> In the house of Gurus (meenam) there is no room for

> knowledge/intellect (debilitated Budha). The mind is

> the king of the

> senses, the breath is the king of the mind.


> Yes, when the AHAM is cut, AHAM-BRAHMASMI reveals.


> Om Tat Sat


> ,

> Divakara Tanjore

> <div_tan> wrote:

> >

> > From my experience self-realization makes us see

> our

> > self as sparks or light of the supreme. This

> happens

> > through acquiring knowledge, bhakti, .., and

> > compassion. All knowlwdge and energy etc.. will

> lead

> > to compassion. That is the reason all great people

> in

> > this world are very compassionate people, they

> have

> > the unbelievable power like god. For example,

> Mahatma

> > Gandhi, a very simple and ordinary person from his

> > looks, just wearing a dhoti, but look at what he

> > achieved, can you believe he brought independence

> with

> > non-voilence. how could he convince the people of

> > non-voilence principle. I just cannot understand,

> that

> > is the power of love and compassion, nothing can

> stop.

> >

> > Mahatma's self realization led him to believe he

> can

> > achive the impossible.

> >

> > he had no ego, he gradully gave up ego, he is full

> of

> > love.

> >

> > Om namah shivaya,

> > Divakar.

> >

> > --- JCsharanananda@a... wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 10/22/2005 3:19:11 AM Central

> > > Standard Time,

> > > div_tan writes:

> > >

> > > If we give up ego completely and see our self

> as

> > > spark

> > > or part of divine light we can see the real

> light

> > >

> > >

> > > yes

> > > then we have question next

> > > what is the process to see our self as spark?

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Start your day with - Make it your home

> page!

> > http://www./r/hs

> >













Start your day with - Make it your home page!


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In a message dated 10/23/2005 2:37:24 AM Central Standard Time, div_tan writes:

can you please explain, what does "no room forknowledge" means

I am not sure what the person in the original post meant but I can give you my

idea. Knowledge is produced by the mind. Some religious people get so

addicted to knowledge of holy books they miss out on god.

here is example.....

there was a great sadhu who lived in the forest and his reputation was known far

and wide for his wisdom and sadhana. Once there was a brahmin priest and great

scholar of religion and vedas who was on a journey and when he heard about this

wise mine he decided to visit him in the forest.

The vedic scholar had to cross a large expanse of water in a boat to reach the

wise hermit. he got out of the boat and approached the swamiji and asked him,

"venerable swamiji please tell me what is your sadhana"?

the hermit told the scholar his mantra which he had been chanting all day every

day for years and years.

"Oh", said the vedic scholar, "I am very sorry to inform you hermit that you are

not reciting this mantra according to proper sanskrit pronounciation! You have

been chanting that wrong all this time!"

Then the vedic scholar turned around and left and got back on the boat. He

began to go across the water when he looked back over his shoulder to where the

hermit had been, and saw the hermit walking on the water! The sadhu walked to

the middle of the lake, right up to the boat! and he said to the astonished

and frightened vedic scholar, "Great teacher of knowledge please inform me of

the correct way to pronounce my mantra so that I may gain some spiritual

advancement in this life"

Of course the vedic scholar saw that he was a fool for placing knowledge as

important and begged the sadhu to be his swamiji.

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Great story, in God's kingdom compassion and bhakti

has more importance than knowledge. I agree.


Knowledge attained with pride is useless.



--- JCsharanananda wrote:



> In a message dated 10/23/2005 2:37:24 AM Central

> Standard Time,

> div_tan writes:


> can you please explain, what does "no room for

> knowledge" means



> I am not sure what the person in the original post

> meant but I can give you

> my idea. Knowledge is produced by the mind. Some

> religious people get so

> addicted to knowledge of holy books they miss out on

> god.

> here is example.....

> there was a great sadhu who lived in the forest and

> his reputation was known

> far and wide for his wisdom and sadhana. Once there

> was a brahmin priest

> and great scholar of religion and vedas who was on a

> journey and when he heard

> about this wise mine he decided to visit him in the

> forest.

> The vedic scholar had to cross a large expanse of

> water in a boat to reach

> the wise hermit. he got out of the boat and

> approached the swamiji and asked

> him, "venerable swamiji please tell me what is your

> sadhana"?

> the hermit told the scholar his mantra which he had

> been chanting all day

> every day for years and years.

> "Oh", said the vedic scholar, "I am very sorry to

> inform you hermit that you

> are not reciting this mantra according to proper

> sanskrit pronounciation!

> You have been chanting that wrong all this time!"

> Then the vedic scholar turned around and left and

> got back on the boat. He

> began to go across the water when he looked back

> over his shoulder to where

> the hermit had been, and saw the hermit walking on

> the water! The sadhu

> walked to the middle of the lake, right up to the

> boat! and he said to the

> astonished and frightened vedic scholar, "Great

> teacher of knowledge please inform

> me of the correct way to pronounce my mantra so

> that I may gain some

> spiritual advancement in this life"

> Of course the vedic scholar saw that he was a fool

> for placing knowledge as

> important and begged the sadhu to be his swamiji.








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