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Spiritual Inquiries: 3. The One, The Three a...

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In a message dated 10/21/2005 8:30:00 PM Central Standard Time, saidevo (AT) (DOT) co.in writes:

I am surprised at the statement that Kali Yuga has ended,and that, long back.

Are you talking about the 24,000 yearscycle calendar invented by Shri Yukteswar

Giri, guru of ShriParamahansa Yogananda? Please explain and provide links tothis

interesting facts.You are welcome to comment freely on my articles and

offersuggestions for their contents. I invite you to cite more references and

parallels in Hinduism

thank you for your openmindedness and friendly spirit of dialogue. I will try

to offer more parellels in hinduism but I must note a subtle distinction in

that the vira shaivite dharma which I follow holds itself as separate from

hinduism and most of my beliefs are from this perspective.

as for kali yuga. it is the belief of vaishnava and buddhist traditions (and

not their new age varieties but the true traditional lineages) that the end of

kali yuga is far far off and will not end any time soon much to the

disagreement of new agers who think that we are at the end of kali yuga right

now. This "new age" or "golden age" fallacy makes it easy for frauds to arise

saying that they are maitreya, kalki avatar, jesus returned etc etc and thus

many cults arise.

I will look for some more detailed essays in traditional buddhist and hindu

lineages as to how far away the end of kali yuga is but it is thousands of

years way.

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In a message dated 10/21/2005 9:19:08 PM Central Standard Time, JCsharanananda (AT) aol (DOT) com writes:

will look for some more detailed essays in traditional buddhist and hindu

lineages as to how far away the end of kali yuga is but it is thousands of

years way.

Maitreya, in Buddhism, the future Buddha, a Buddha who will be reborn in a

period of decline to renew the doctrine of the founder of Buddhism, the Buddha.

Maitreya is believed to be a bodhisattva, one who refuses entry into nirvana, a

transcendent state free from suffering, out of a compassionate desire to help

others. At present, he is believed to reside in Tushita Heaven, where he awaits

his rebirth (see Transmigration). Although various calculations exist, this

rebirth is expected to occur in 30,000 years


According to most interpretations of Hindu scriptures, including the Vedas, the

Kali Yuga (lit. Age of Kali , also known as Iron Age) began at the end of

Krishna's bodily lifespan (approximately 5100 years ago, 3102 BCE) and will

last exactly 432,000 years — placing its conclusion in the year 428,899 CE

(it began with a year 0). Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of Vishnu, is

expected to appear at this time, riding a white horse and wielding a flaming

sword with which to strike down the wicked.

Kali Yuga is the last of four Yugas—upon its conclusion, the world will

'reboot' into a new Satya Yuga (Golden Age). This involves the end of the world

as we know it and the return of Earth to a state of paradise. Kali Yuga began at

midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE according to the Surya Siddhanta, which

is an astronomical treatise that forms the basis of all Hindu and Buddhist


During Kali Yuga, there are a minority of people who are still strong supporters

of Lord Krishna (or "God"). However, by around 7000 CE, which is ten thousand

years after Kali Yuga began, the devotees of God would all have received moksha

(liberation, gone to heaven), and evil on Earth and in humans and other

creatures is omnipresent. There is total chaos.

The traditional timescale of the yugas is as follows:

Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga - 1,728,000 years Treta Yuga - 1,296,000 years Dwapar

Yuga - 864,000 years Kali Yuga - 432,000 years

I think we both agree that the "holy science" book by sri yukteswar is

incorrect. From my perspective I know he is wrong because he goes against

tradition of hinduism and buddhism both...

According to Sri Yukteswar, the descending phase of Satya Yuga lasts 4800 years.

That of Treta Yuga lasts 3600 years. That of Dwapara Yuga lasts 2400 years. That

of Kali Yuga lasts 1200 years

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