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Letting Go

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Letting go can be the most terrifying experience we can have. Letting go means

having no support mechanism for our egos. Put simply, when we let go, we trust

that everything is going to work out in our best interest even when we are in

the middle of an experience that screams out to us to hang on.


Our life flows from within. Life is not a series of unrelated cosmic accidents

waiting to happen. The holes we fall into were dug by us at an earlier time, we

just did not realize we were digging them. Our thoughts, words and actions were

creating our future experiences while we were thinking, speaking, and doing

them. You created your current experience.



We can let go of all the judgment, of fixing other people's problems, of

manipulating and controlling people's lives close to us, and forcing our lives

to go in directions that our logical minds tells us they must go. We can let go

of the need to keep arranging things in our physical world so that we can be

happy. We can stop reacting to thoughts and emotions with fear.


Fear alone is responsible for us not wanting to let go of what we term "our

lives." We infuriate our teenagers by constantly checking about their homework

and other items in their lives that they are more than capable to deal with.

The biggest package to let go of is our concepts about everything. We hold

concepts about the way things are, and then have expectations around those

concepts--talk about a recipe for disaster. We do not know what is going on,

and we have little or no knowledge of the best result for everyone, yet we base

our happiness on an expected outcome. These things and more are involved in

"hanging on."



To let go is to let go of our fear. Fear is the mother of anger, intolerance,

greed, arrogance, selfishness, egotistical behavior, self-centeredness and a

host of other undesirable traits. We don't want these traits in our lives

because the behavior that springs from these traits separates us from our

light. As we involve ourselves in these fearful behavior patterns, we know that

we are dishonoring ourselves and the other person, and this hurts us greatly.

When we allow fear to take hold, we will lash out even more in our defense to

hide our pain and dishonoring of self. Courage and strength are needed to let

go, and you can do it. It is not necessary to do it in one go, you can take

away pieces of who you are not, and let them go gradually.

You're in charge.



In early stages of personal growth we are not open to other ideas or concepts.

We are generally resistant to ideas such as "Why did you bring this into your

life?" Or friends who say, "You will be fine, stop worrying about it." We find

it infuriating and it appears to us as if they don't care or really understand

the way we feel.


Chronic body pain represents a part of us that is screaming out for attention.

Pain, frustration and anger are common. "People just don't understand what I am

going through" is a common remark. We come back and visit this victim stage

regularly. We are totally absorbed in our misery, and anyone who tries to shake

us out of it is in for a tough time. At this stage we want sympathy, not helpful

suggestions. We are busy dumping

blame on others for our pain and suffering. "Oh me, oh my, poor little me. No

matter what I do or how I organize my life, someone always screws it up," we

say. The tighter we hang, the greater the pain. The more we organize others'

lives, the greater the frustration from unfulfilled expectations. Do you think

God is trying to tell us something?



Letting go conjures up images of lack of control, being lost, getting left

behind, loneliness, financial ruin. This free fall state appears to offer

nothing but fear and disaster. The ego has always instructed us that striving

and achievement is everything. Letting go can only result in a fall with

devastating results. After all, no self-responsible human being does that sort

of thing. So we need to hang on, white knuckled and teeth clenched, in order to

appear normal, while we smile through our frozen faces and staring eyes to make

others feel comfortable as we conform to their expectations. This insanity is

perpetuated each

generation until we just let go.



Sooner or later, we become so tired of hanging on to our misery that we just

give up. Asking around, we find many offers of help come to us from varied

sources. We have opened the door. Hanging on takes inordinate amounts of

energy; we become very tired propping up the image we wish to portray. We

simultaneously suppress our emotions, and eventually the load just gets too

heavy to carry. Sooner or later we must put our burden down.


The letting go experience becomes like a free fall, like trust exercises of

falling backwards into other people's waiting arms. Momentarily there is fear

and total lack of control, but then helpful and safe hands support us as we

land, dispelling our unwarranted fears. We pass through this door many times on

our healing journey as our egos struggle for control through fear.


As the fear and stress of hanging on subsides after letting go, the pain and

misery also abates as we see we are not alone. There is an improvement in

outlook immediately.



We have so much difficulty hanging on and it causes us so much pain and

disappointment that you would think we would be anxious to change, but we

steadfastly refuse to see the common sense in letting go. Instead we see the

fear and let it block our path to freedom. We resist letting go of our concepts

about the way things are or should be, just to keep our egos happy. We push our

children to perform and excel just to please our egos. We insist that our

partners walk, talk and act in ways to please us, so we can be happy. The

expectations we put on our partners and children are ours alone and we reap the

consequences. We expect them to act, speak and think the way we do for our own

sakes. If we really loved them, we would accept

everything they say and do as necessary for them and honor their pathways home

as we expect them to honor ours.


The greatest gift we can give our partners is to cut them free of our

expectations. In this single action, we free ourselves to experience happiness

in our relationships.


Everything we see in this creation needs changing, according to us. If we see a

forest, we believe that a car park would be more useful. Then after a few

years, we believe we should grow trees on the car park, forgetting that there

were trees there in the first place. After we get our family under control, we

then have the arrogance to tell our older and

wiser parents how to live out the rest of their lives. By the time we start on

our friends' behavior, our children have rebelled, our partner has left us and

our worlds start to wobble.


Stand by for the stress, pain, nervous breakdowns, physical illnesses and all of

the other symptoms hanging on and perceived failure brings. Our fingernails

start to splinter and break as control slips through them. We blame everyone

else for our unhappiness, when all we need to do is LET GO.



When we eventually let go, sometimes all hell breaks loose, sometimes we become

sicker than ever before. Deeply hidden issues surface like dragons from the

past, threatening to eat us alive. Our "normal" life activities are turned on

their heads and unreal feelings of panic spread through us, telling us we

should have left well enough alone. Friends judge us and walk out of our lives.

Guilt raises its head and blames us for upsetting and destroying others' lives.


The day-to-day comfort zone has been shattered and the winds of change are

blowing. The winds blow into corners that have not seen light for many

lifetimes, and the pain can be almost unbearable. We find our greatest fears

are unfounded as we let go to the Light. Hanging on causes our distress;

freedom is already ours, we just need to let it be



The Universe is shifting to meet our newly embraced reality. We still have the

same body, the same soul, but our thinking has changed, and therefore so must

our reality change. The Universe must accommodate us with every change of mind,

that is universal law.



During all of these crazy activities that we think are essential to our

happiness, we block the flow of life from our God center. Our future

experiences vibrate to the same confusion that we are creating in our fearful

hanging on state in the now. We just do not allow what is best for us to come

into our lives. By continuing to create confusing karma

with our minds, we ensure our future will be the same.


There is a divine energy that flows from within. This is the river of life that

flows from our hearts. The river is gold and silver, pure and radiant, a light

vibration of the highest frequency. This light is the Christ, the highest

vibration possible that we can radiate on this plane of existence. When this

river of life flows uninterrupted, our lives become perfect and in harmony with

the Creator's intention.


Letting go is plunging into this flow without thoughts of a fearful nature and

trusting that lifetimes of fear will be reversed and perfection manifested our

lives. However, this does not happen to our timetable, but to the Creator's

timing. First we must deal with the self-made creations already in our lives

before we feel the major effects of the divine. Letting go has to happen first

in order that the Greater can come in. Depending on our past experiences and

reactions to those situations, we may have created such beautiful karma that

life is a continuous blissful state. Then again, it may not be.



Letting go is acknowledging that there is a greater power that flows through us

that has our best interest at heart. Without any effort on our parts, we can

let go to this power and allow. By not resisting, we can let our lives flow

like a river from our hearts, making room in our lives for everything that

needs to be there and allowing other things to pass by and move on. The joy of

life is in the standing still and allowing.

We discover that peace comes in when we cease to struggle. When we know we are

in a dream, everything can be released.



George Pillai

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