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About group and few suggestions.

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Sh. Murali Krishnaji,And other members


I had gone through every word in this mail very carefully. With all

respect and regard, while appreciating your thought; I would like to

place before you the aim and objectives of this group in the

paragraphs that follow. Hope you would agree with us and continue to

support the group with in the set guidelines so that we can have a

forward march gracefully.


The point wise reply is appended with an idea not to miss any one of

your query or suggestion.


This Group started with the aim to share the divine knowledge among

the honourable members of the group. We promised not to entertain any

mail that may possibly leads to controversies. We wish to draw the

concentration of all revered members to discuss/share their divine

knowledge without indulging into the non-spiritual matters. Whether

right or wrong we do not wish to comment on other religions and wish

to involve in any matter other than sharing of the divine knowledge.

We feel and believe that our duty is to circulate the mails with in

the aforesaid guidelines. For these reasons we solicit the

cooperation from all revered members to tolerate any mail sent is not

circulated, which falls out side the aim and objectives of the group.


Point wise reply follows;


"1. It is very rare to see such photos, and it is a best chance to

our members."


We agree to the point of its rarity but it is against the interest of

the group.


"2. By this a Member could start a Best forum like thread. By this we

can learn a lot, as each and every posting will be in different





We would appreciate topics on spiritual or divine matters; we feel

this is a diversion from the objective of the group.




"3. The same photos are displayed in the Hinduism Spiritual

groups ShivAUM. Then, why you don't want to host such a hosting."




For the same reason as clarified above.




"4. If suppose, you don't want to show such rare photos, why should

you delete the whole directory. Why don't you delete the particular

sub directory- (Album-Voice2), as in Voice-1 there is only Shivas

idol photos, rare Chakkras and Tanjore Pragatheeswarar Temple photo."




This was done inadvertently by our moderator. After all you agree

that to err is human. We regret for it.




"5. It shows your partiality. If not so, why should you approved my

message, which is advantageous to a moderator and delete which is

credits to a member."




We are very sorry to hurt your feelings but we are bound by the guide

lines set forth before starting the group. We, with all humility,

solicit your cooperation to help the group to proceed in its forward





"6. As a moderator, it is your duty to encourage. Unwanted means,

some culprits may upload adolescent photos in this spiritual forum.

On that case you should monitor, not this."




We feel extremely sorry that we have hurt your feelings very much but

we admit humbly that we have to abide by the objectives set forth.




"7. Do you have any complaints regarding this album, requesting you

(Moderator) to delete. If so, please, kindly forward me."




We are sorry; we cannot share everything with every member. We hope

and believe afore said paragraphs clarified the matter vividly.




"8. I received a mail from your ID to join in this group. I don't

come voluntarily. Please, keep in mind."




We are thankful for obliging our request. Hope by now you have

understood the aim and objectives. We request every one to join to

contribute, share, and discuss the divine knowledge for the benefit

of the respectful members but with in the frame work of the set forth

aim and objectives of the group.




"9. Growth of a forum is in the moderator's hand. Luckily it was

grownup unto a sufficient level. I request you not to degrade the

members postings by deleting."




For the further growth we sincerely request all the members including

you to extend helping hand. We honour every member with utmost

respect including you; question of degradation does not arise at any

cost. This group picked up its growth since we respect every member

sincerely as you wrote.




"10. If it continues, I shall quit from this forum. I apologise

anything wrong in this mail. Even these words said are good for this

forum and bad experiences will not be repeated to any other member."




We once again very sorry to hurt your feelings and it is not the

intention from any one of us (myself and other moderators). It is

assured that all mails would be circulated provided they meet the

objectives and aims of the group.




We look forward with all enthusiasm and honesty for the long

association from you and request you to enlighten us with your divine





Warm Regards,




Prasanna Kumar,




Group Owner and moderator.

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Dear Members,


Namaste. As I have a little journalistic experience I wish to share

some thoughts. If I send some write up to a newspaper or magazine,

the paper may;


a) Publish it. This does not guarantee that the material will not be

edited or cut short. I have often faced situations where the entire

article had been rearranged to suit the priorities of the newspaper

distorting it beyond recognition.


b) Return it, usually without any explanation.


c) Ask for modifications. Unless the modifications are made the

article is not published.


d) Grammatical and spelling mistakes are not allowed. Only impeccable

articles are considered for publication. The editors do not like

correcting proof.


I have seen that material on the internet is not at all difficult to

get across if some minor guidelines are met. One never gets such

freedom in the print media.


In the print media the editor's decision is FINAL, period. There is

no arguing. All journalists have faced such situations.


Therefore I would humbly request all members to kindly respect the

moderator and his choice of what should be allowed and what should

not. The moderator has the long term goals in mind and should be

respected. He definitely wishes the group to prosper.





, "prasanna kumar"

<prasannakumar21@g...> wrote:


> Sh. Murali Krishnaji,And other members

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