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Appar on Myths and Their Meanings-5

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Appar on Myths and Their Meanings-5Tevaram 4:14It is the Primordial Fire that

can Destroy the Killer Powers.One of the metaphysical understanding that

emerged forcefully during the Bakti Period ( 4th -9th cent AD) is that of

Muppuram and which Tirumular delineates as the metaphysical castles built by

creatures infected with the Malam, viz. aaNava Malam, Kanmam and Maayai. These

forces are there throughout the universe leading to an instability and decay

put here in the form of Asura vaaLi which is derived from Ta. vaaL, the sword.

Thus these malams act as if the destructive sword that brings about decay and

death of the physical cosmos.Now this theme is common to the Saivite and

VaishNavite Sacred Tamil indicating that in both traditions where the choice of

names of BEING may be either Saivite or

VaishNavite, but the metaphysical understanding is the SAME, viz. the

Fundamental Ontology of Triadism - that the souls and the various malams as

above are just as anati as BEING. These malams pre-exist the creation of the

world just as do the souls. They are just as unconfigured as BEING Himself.Now

here what is indicated is that the POWER to contain these evil and destructive

powers are located in the Tiru Ampalam, the Paradise of the Sumerians, the

Til-mun where dances Enki(< Ensi?) with Nin-sikil-la ( the Pure Woman)This is

also the Meru Mountain or at least the metaphysical passage towards this

TiruciRRambalam, the most primordial ground of all originations or

configurations, the Sumerian Til-mun or what’s the same the Tillai ManRu.Now

in connection with these universally prevalent destructive forces, what can be

the metaphysical significance of turning this Mount Meru itself into a bow and


the cord Vasuki to spill out the Fire to burn off these evil forces?The fire can

come from various levels and certainly the deepest layer , the Primordial Fire

is that which comes from Til-Mun itself and which can be issued only by BEING

who is the Lord of Mount Meru also known as the Kailash in Saivite

mythology.Now this Metaphysical Pyramid is peculiar and constitutes the journey

of the soul in Meru Nadi or Guru Nadi, as delineated by Tirumular. It is the

final journey of the soul before it reaches the PEAK, the Paradise or Til-mun

and hence enjoy Moksa, being-there-in-the- Paradise without being-thrown back

into embodiment. This was first captured by the SumeroTamils in the story of

the Flood Hero , Jiusudra who escaping the flood managed to live among the

gods, as one on them.Now the snake here is probably the same as the Usumgal of

the Sumerians, a form of In-anna, the latter day Aticedan the snake with a

thousand heads and which provides the tremendous

energy required to climb up the Mount Meru itself.Now BEING uses the Mount Meru

as the bow and aims at the Asura VaaLi using this snake as the cord. What can

this mean?It is clear that the energy as represented by Vasuki or Aticedan here

must the most powerful package of energy, that which throws the soul into the

Paradise itself. Now this mythical tale also shows that this energy is turned

into FIRE by BEING ( and who else can do this?) and hence into the most

powerful kind of FIRE that singes to ashes the VaaLi, the destructive powers

that extend even into the passage towards the Paradise and hence highly

penetrative and almost impossible to destroy. The Mummalam has a tenacity that

extends even into the Mount Meru, the Kailash and hence something immensely

obstinate and which can be burnt only by BEING who rules over Mount Meru.Now

such a BEING is also the Primordial Logos Om and the mantra Namaccivaaya , the

phenomenal _expression

of Om, becomes the NAME that is the real refuge for all the souls.5.nilai

valiyinRi eGku nilanodu viNNum nitananj ceytoodu puram muunRualai nalai

anjci oodi ariyodu teevar araNam pukat tan aruLaalkolai nali vaaLai

muuLa arvaG kai naaNu anal paaya niiRu puramaamalai cilai kaiyil olka

vaLaivitta vaLLal avan naamam namkkor caraNeeMeaning:There are the three

castles arising from the Mummalam, aaNavam Kanmam and Maayai and which penetrate

the whole of the physical cosmos making it always unstable and ready to decay

and disappear. Now VishNu, the God of Conservation and other

celestial powers unable to battle with the Asura of VaaLi, out of fear take

shelter in the Tillai Ambalam where resides BEING-as-Siva. He bents the whole

of the Mount into a BOW and aims a powerful fire by using the Snake as the cord

and which singes to ash to VaaLi and all these false castles. Thus this BEING

who has his name as Namaccivaaya is our true refuge.

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