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The clarion call of the Time-Spirit (Mahakal)

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The fowwloing is an article written by Sri Ram Sharma Acharya ( A

great Saint, visonary and Gayatri Upasak of mordern times--

www.awgp.org, www.dsvv.org, www.dsvv.org). He said over and over that

Mahakal ( lord Shiva) is sankalpit ( determined) to bring a major

chage in the present era.


Here is one of hte message that he wote nearly 20 years ago..


The clarion call of the Time-Spirit (Mahakal)


The seeds of illumined transmuting intelligence will sprout and grow

to usher in the golden era of truth and righteousness on earth - An

open invitation to all awakened souls to join the ranks of Peaceful

Warriors of Spirit for spiritual transformation of humanity.


To intrinsically and qualitatively change humanity is indeed a

Herculean task and paid workers or servants cannot do it. This work

is for the awakened souls ready to dedicate them to selfless service

for upliftment of humanity into the illumined realm of unitive

consciousness of spirit. I need those noble souls who are both honest

and hard working. At present, those who are honest are not hard

working and those who are hard working are not honest; and those who

are both hard working as well as honest, are unaware of the Time-

Spirit's call (Mahakal's call) for divination of human consciousness.

I have very little time in this embodiment and I need worthy

collaborators and colleagues to carry forward my Divine Mission of

transmutation to its culmination. I heartily welcome all who can

offer themselves unconditionally for this noble cause. It is my

assurance to you that this will be the most rewarding undertaking. I

have been doing it myself ever since I was in my early teens and

hence this assurance.


I need you to expand the reach of this Divine Mission. I need those

who can contribute to the building up of a new nation, a new world of

divinised human beings. All of you! Please take me to new regions,

new territories and to new classes of people. The Mission that I have

initiated is unique of its kind. The heart of this Mission is to take

the consciousness transforming literature that I have written and

which has been made available at negligible cost to every noble and

educated person in the world. My humble request to all of you is to

spread the sparks of the illumination behind my inspired words as far

and wide as you can.

When you introduce me to others, please do not introduce me as a

great yogi and saint endowed with occult powers, who can grant boons

to whosoever beseeches the same from him. Instead, introduce me as a

person who has a burning fire in his heart and firy sparks in his

eyes for the real welfare of humanity.


My request to all of you who have responded to my ardent call is to

read and understand my thoughts and vision and spread them across the

entire globe. Please detach yourself from the dreamland filled with

selfish motives and join the wakefulness of Spirit, which embraces

the whole creation in its love-filled bosom.


Please take my inspired words to everyone close to you who is ready

to be awakened, especially the thinkers and intellectuals of society.

There is no copyright on my writings and these can be printed /

published by any one.


Anyone who will read and assimilate my message of spiritual awakening

is my disciple. All my spiritual energy is condensed in my words. My

resolve of "Ushering in the golden era of truth and righteousness on

earth" is not because of any occult powers that I might be possessing

or a flight of fancy but because of the strength and energy behind my

inspired vision.


The murmuring of advent and descent of cosmic consciousness on earth

can be heard in all the directions. Every invisible subtle particle

in the universe is resonating with it. It feels like the roar

of "Panchjanya Shankha" of Lord Krishna proclaiming – Change!

Change!! Change!!! - Nothing but a total transmuting change – a

paradigm shift in human consciousness.


Just as the epical character "Shravan Kumar" took his parents to all

pilgrimage centers, please take me, in the form of my written and

spoken words, to all corners of the earth. They are surcharged with

the transmuting energy of the Supreme Spirit.


Let me assure you that if you unconditionally dedicate yourselves to

this Divine Mission, your own worldly responsibilities will be

properly taken care of.


The seeds of all soul-level revolutions originate from the minds of

illumined thinkers and seers. Their inspiring literature spreads like

a wild fire to other receptive minds. The process continues as ripple

effect and spreads globally. The sparks join together and transform

themselves into all-encompassing Effulgent Light – chasing all that

is impure, obscure, wicked, divisive – in one word Evil.



The Invisible Cosmic Intelligence that upholds the universe is ready

to bring about this revolutionary paradigm shift in human

consciousness. With the roar of canons, the marching sound of the

armies and fall of the mighty rulers, tremendous revolutionary

changes at global level are helping in the destruction of the forces

of darkness and preparing the ground for descent of light of the

Divine Spirit. Apparently the world scene presents a state of total

darkness – where Evil reigns supreme. But beneath this eastern

horizon golden Light of Dawn is preparing to burst forth. Let us

stand firm in this hour of trial and tribulation on the strength of -

Hope, Faith and Love.



The miracle–like influence of the sprouting seeds of a revolutionary

seer-vision has unobtrusively started spreading in all directions.

The Hour of God has arrived. Let all those, who can hear, hark the

call and consciously choose to be the Peaceful Warriors of Spirit for

creating Divine Life on earth.


Pandit Sriram Sharma Acharya


Englsih tranlation of some of his book is now awialble at



Hope you enjoyed the article.


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Dear Devotees,





>Have you ever watched kids

>On a merry-go-round?

>Or listened to the rain

>Slapping on the ground?

>Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

>Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

>You better slow down.

>Don't dance so fast.

>Time is short.

>The music won't last.


>Do you run through each day

>On the fly?

>When you ask How are you?

>Do you hear the reply?

>When the day is done

>Do you lie in your bed

>With the next hundred chores

>Running through your head?

>You'd better slow down

>Don't dance so fast.

>Time is short.

>The music won't last.


>Ever told your child,

>We'll do it tomorrow?

>And in

>your haste,

>Not see his sorrow?

>Ever lost touch,

>Let a good friendship die

>Cause you never had time

>To call and say,"HI"

>You'd better slow down.

>Don't dance so fast.

>Time is short.

>The music won't last.

>When you run so fast to get somewhere

>You miss half the fun of getting there.

>When you worry and hurry through your day,

>It is like an unopened gift....

>Thrown away.

>Life is not a race.

>Do take it slower

>Hear the music

>Before the song is over.






>Dear All:


>PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know -

>even to those you don't know!


>It is the request of a special girl who


>will soon leave this world due to cancer.


>This young girl has 6 months left to live, and as her dying wish,


>She wanted to send a

>letter telling everyone to live


>their life to the fullest, since she never will.


>She'll never make it to prom, graduate from high


>school, or get married and have a family of her own.


>By you sending this to as many people as possible,


>you can give her and her family a little hope,


>because with every name that this is sent to,


>The American Cancer Society


>will donate 3 cents per name to her treatment and recovery plan.


>One guy sent this to 500 people! So I know that we can


>at least

>send it to 5 or 6 ---

>(just think ,it could be you one day).

>It's not even your money, just your time!








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