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Surrendering every action to God

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Dear Chhaya,and esteem members

I wish share this posting with you,hope will clear Chhaya`s doult and

other will find useful.


Surrendering every action to God



Devotion is easy. Whatever simple thing or action that you do, offer

it with devotion to God. God values the expressions and feelings.


Arjuna: Is devotion to you (Lord) very difficult?


Lord Krishna: No, it is very easy. Whosoever offers Me with devotion,

a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or even water, I appear in person before

that devout devotee and delightfully partake of that offering. (Gita



Comments by Swamiji: In the worship of gods (devatas), many rituals

and disciplines are required to be observed; however in the

worshipping God, they is no specific disciplines. In worship of God,

love and feeling of intimacy and mineness (bhava) is more important,

not specific rituals. God values the expressions and feelings. He

does not value the act.Just like an innocent child, grabs anything

that come in his hand and puts it in his mouth. Similarly the

innocent devotee, whatever he offers to God, is innocently eaten by

God. "Ye yethaa maam prapadyante, taams tethayee bhajaamyahum" (Gita

4:11); Just like Queen Vidurani, offers a banana's peel to God and

God even eats the peel.



Arjuna: What should I do?

Lord Krishna: O Arjuna, whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever

you offer as oblation to the sacred fire, whatever you give as a

gift, whatever you do by way of penance, offer it all to Me. (Gita



Comments by Swamiji: A Jnana Yogi, renounces his assumed relation with

the world, but a devotee does not believe or accept any reality other

than God. Jnana Yogi, renounces objects and actions, whereas devotee

offers objects and actions to God, that is, believing that the

objects and actions are not his,rather believes them to be God's and

God's manifestation. In other words, a devotee, surrenders himself to

God. By surrendering the Self (swayam) to God,all activities and

happening whether worldly or of spiritual nature all are naturally

and automatically surrendered to God.



Question: If one performs wrongful actions and then offers these to

God,then what ?


Swamiji: Only those things and activities can be offered to God, that

are in conformance to His teachings, that are favorable and

acceptable offerings according to God. That devotee whose sentiments

are one of offering his actions to God, he will be unable to perform

wrongful actions nor will he be able to make an offering of wrongful

actions. It is customary that whatever is offered to God, it comes

back ten folds to the devotee. If one offers these wrongful actions

to God, then the punishment for this will also comeback to him

ten folds.

Source: www.swamiramsukhdasji.org



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