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but also save it in your inboxes and read it to your children or grandchildren.

It has 25 stories , 133 gita verses and other teachings. In this way you will

not only spend some quality time with them but also teach them the good moral

values which will help them become better individuals and give them the right

knowledge to lead a happy, peaceful and blissful life..> May Sai baba's

blessings and grace always be with us and our families..> Sai bhakt, >

Deepa H> PS::: If anyone has not received any of the prior chapters for some

reason,--- you can send me an email and I will be glad to send u the missing

chapter..> Om Shree

Gneshaya Namah!!!> CHAPTER 12> PATH OF DEVOTION> > Jai: Should

we worship or meditate every day, Grandma, or just on Sundays?> > Grandma:

Children should do some form of worship, prayer or meditation everyday.

Good habits must be formed early. > > Jai: You said that God is

formless but also has forms. Should I worship God as Rama, Krishna, Shiva,


or should I worship a formless God? > > Grandma: Arjuna asked Lord

Krishna the same question in the Gita. (Gita 12.01) Krishna told Arjuna that

worship of God with a form with faith is easier and better for most people,

especially for beginners. But a true devotee has faith in everything: the

formless God, and God with a form, such as Rama, Krishna, Hanuman, Shiva, and

the Divine Mothers Kali, Durga, Sarasvati. > > Jai: How should I

worship, Grandma?> > Go to the worship or meditation room before going to

school and pray. Sit straight, close your eyes, take few slow and deep breaths,

remember your IshtaDeva and ask his or her blessing. Focusing your mind on your

IshtaDeva with eyes closed is called meditation. You may also silently repeat a

mantra such as ‘OM’ or

‘Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram’ a few times.> > Jai: When I start to

meditate, I can’t concentrate my mind, Grandma. My mind starts to go

everywhere. What should I do?> > Grandma: Don’t worry, this even

happens to adults. Try to concentrate or focus again and again. With practice,

you will be able to focus your mind well, not only on God but also on your

study materials This will help you get good grades. You can also pray to God

and worship by offering fruits, flowers, etc. to your IshtaDev with love. Also,

remember the Lord of learning, such as Lord Ganesha, Hanuman, or Mother

Sarasvati before starting your studies. Don’t be selfish and work hard. Accept

the results of your work without getting upset by bad results. Try to learn

from your failures, never give up and improve yourself.>

> Jai: Is that all I have to do, Grandma? Did Khrisna say anything

else?> > Grandma: You should also develop good habits such as

obeying your parents, helping others in need, not hurting anybody, being

friendly to all, saying sorry or asking forgiveness if you hurt anyone, keeping

your mind calm, being grateful to those who have helped you, and saying thank

you. God loves and helps those who act in this way. Such people are called

devotees or Bhakta. (Gita 12.13-19) If you don’t have any one of these good

habits, try hard to develop them. (Gita 12.20)> > Jai: Is it

possible for a child to be a Bhakta? > > Grandma: I already told

you the story of Dhruva, now

I will tell you the story of another child Bhakta. His name was Prahalada. >

> 14. The Story of Bhakta Prahalada > Hiranyakasipu was the king of

demons. He did very difficult spiritual practice, and lord Brahma gave him a

boon that he could not be slain by man or beast. The boon made him arrogant,

and he terrorized all the three worlds, saying that there were no gods other

than himself and that men and demons must worship him. > He had a son named

Prahalada, a religious child who always worshipped Lord Vishnu. This angered

his father greatly; he wanted to drive the thought of Vishnu out from his son’s

mind, so he turned him over a strict teacher to train him to worship only

Hiranyakasipu as God and not Vishnu. > Prahalada not only refused to listen

to the teacher, but started teaching the other students to worship Vishnu. The

teacher was very angry and reported this to

the King. > The King ran into his son’s room, and shouted, “I hear you have

been worshipping Vishnu!” > Trembling, Prahalada said softly, “Yes father, I

have.” > “Promise me that you will not do that again!” demanded the king.>

“I cannot promise,” Prahalada immediately answered. > “Then I will have you

killed,” shouted the King. > “Not unless it is the wish of Lord Vishnu,”

replied the child. > The King tried his best to get Prahalada to change his

mind, but nothing worked.> He then ordered his guards to throw

Prahalada into the ocean, hoping that would frighten Prahalada into promising

not to worship Vishnu anymore. But Prahalada remained loyal to Vishnu and kept

praying to Him in his heart with love and devotion. Guards tied him to a huge

rock and threw

him into the ocean. By God’s grace, the rock fell away and Prahalada floated

safely to the surface of the water. He was surprised to see Vishnu on the

shore. > Vishnu smiled at him and said, “Ask me anything you want.” >

Prahalada, replied, “I don’t want a long life. I just want the strength to

always love God and never turn my heart against Him.”> Lord Vishnu granted

Prahalada’s wishes.> When Prahalada returned to his father’s palace, the King

was stunned to see him alive. > “Who brought you out of the sea?” he demanded

.. > “Lord Vishnu,” said the child, simply. > “Do not say that name before

me,” boomed his father. “Where is your Lord Vishnu? Show him to me,” he

challenged. > “He is everywhere,” replied the child. > “Even in this

pillar?” asked the King. > “Yes, even in this Pillar!”

replied Prahalada confidently. > “Then let him appear before me in whatever

form he wants,” cried Hiranyakasipu and broke the pillar with his iron club. >

Out from within the pillar jumped a being called Narasimha, who was half man

and half lion. Hiranyakasipu, stood helplessly before him. Frightened, he

called out for help, but none came.> Narasimha picked up Hiranyakasipu and

placed him on his lap, where he mauled his body and tore it apart. Thus

Hiranyakasipu met his end. > God blessed Prahalada for the deep faith he

placed in Him. After the death of Hiranyakasipu, demons were crushed and the

Devas took over the world once again from demons. To this day, the name of

Prahalada is counted among the great devotees. > > Chapter 12 summary: The

path of devotional love of God is very easy to practice. This path consists of

daily deity worship, offering fruits and

flowers, singing hymns (Bhajans) in praise of the glory of God, and developing

certain good habits.> > > > "Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu > > Gurur Devoh

Maheshwar; > > Gurur Shakshat Parambramha > > Tashmai Shri Gurur Veh Namah" > >

May the Merciful Sri Sai Baba always shower His grace on us and our families and

remove our problems and anxieties by giving us all - strength , goodluck,

success and happiness with peace of mind.> Sai bhakt,> Deepa H>

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