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Standardize Vedic Gemology


Once I was approached by a devotee wanting a flawless ruby for his

wife. The ruby was prescribed by a devotee astrologer. We checked her

janma-patri and Sun, the lord of ruby, was debilitated or giving

"maximum harm;" Sun was the worst planet in his wife's horoscope and

yet she was advised to use ruby!? Most devotee astrologers advise gems

for the devotee's BAD planets, and thus they inflict harm on them. I

hope this appeal will save the devotee astrologers from misleading

those souls wanting to benefit by wearing auspicious Vedic gems.


SUBJECT: Standardization of the Vedic Science of Planetary Gemology.


I would first like to address the question of how gems should be chosen

and what their effects will be. One group opines that gems should be

used to "pacify" harmful (Pratikul) planets; another group believes

that gems should be used to "strengthen" or to "boost" beneficial or

auspicious planets (Anukula).


I GEM COLOR (planetary associations):


According to Late Great B.V. Raman, India's leading astrologer, "A

planet in it's own sign is rendered powerful to do good. A planet in

its sign of exaltation is rendered even more powerful to do good than

in it's own sign. A planet in it's sign of mulatrikona is rendered

powerful to do good similar to when in exaltation." Planets that are in

an enemy sign or which are debilitated usually have a harmful or

inauspicious influence. Thus Professor Raman also states that planets

which are debilitated give results opposite of when they are in strong

sign position - in other words, bad results. (Ref. Astrology for

Beginners. IBH Prakashana, Fifth Main, Gandhinagar, Bangalore 560 009,

India. 1983)


When using any planet's gem, the result will depend on the condition of

the planet in one's horoscope (as per the above conclusion of Prof.

Raman). Gems DO magnify the energy and influence of a planet, but gems

DO NOT change the angle or position of a planet in one's horoscope. The

idea that gems will strengthen weak planets (like those in an enemy

sign or sign of debilitation) and thereby make them auspicious is, in

my opinion, an incorrect understanding.


This conclusion, which I believe to be erroneous, leads to the belief

that br providing the gem for a malefic planet, benefic results will

follow: Which we have shown to be completely false.


I believe that a gem WILL increase the influence of it's ruling planet,

FOR BETTER OR WORSE, depending on the position or angle that a planet

is placed in one's horoscope. To make a BAD planet stronger will only

increase its bad influence.


For example, whenever people ask me what [gem] is good for them

(according to their janma-patri) I CANNOT point out their malefic Mars

and say that Coral for Mars is good for them. It is common knowledge

that having any planet malefic is NOT GOOD! Prof. Raman says that it

would be a BAD influence on the person.


In 1982 and again in 1988 I published a book called "Handbook of

Planetary Gemology." In this book I also advocated the negative idea

that gems should be chosen for bad (weak) planets to strengthen their

weakness. In fact, I actually practiced this negative or PRATIKUL

method of gem selection for clients from 1975 to 1990, and now I can

understand why my first 15 years were so discouraging. I was not giving

people what was GOOD for them; rather I was dispensing the very worst

gem they could use.


An illustration of this concept can be taken from one of my own

experiences with gem therapy. Saturn in particular is a krura-graha, or

cruel planet, and its position in my horoscope is even worse. Still, I

was advised by most sidereal astrologers to use a blue sapphire, the

gem for Saturn, in order to "pacify" or CHANGE Saturn's harmful

influence on me.


After a long search I found a flawless, unburned, top color Burmese

blue sapphire weighing just over 7 carats. I bought the gem, had it set

into a special gold ring, and on Saturday, two hours and forty minutes

before sunset (during the waxing Moon), and I installed the ring after

reciting the appropriate mantras to Shanideva.


I began having ill fortune as soon as I started wearing this most

auspicious and completely flawless blue sapphire, and the bad influence

was totally of a saturnine nature. It felt like I was into a Shani

Mahadasha period. I started getting frequent headaches and my business

started slowing down along with my energy level. Almost everything I

did was beset with obstacles and delays.


Finally, after using the gem for almost a year, I took it off in

frustration. And slowly I began to feel relief (Note: Our research has

shown that the influence of blue sapphire for Saturn takes about 30

days to wear off). So the blue sapphire didn't 'pacify' my cruel

Saturn, it didn't strengthen my so-called weak Saturn; rather it

increased Saturn's evil influence on me according to its bad position

in my birth chart.


Later I had the opportunity to show my birth chart to Pandit Vidyadhar

Shukla, the current Chief Brahmin Priest and leading Vedic astrologer

of Thailand, who confirmed that Saturn was indeed a bad influence for

me. He further suggested that as the blue sapphire had made matters

worse, this was a good case against the theory that gems "pacify"

harmful planets.


In my chart Sun is exalted in Aries in the 9th house as lord of my

lagna, Leo. Pandit Vidyadhar suggested that I should wear a ruby to

"strengthen" the Sun in order to counteract or overpower Saturn's

harmful influence. Panditji also told me to "donate" a blue sapphire in

order to mitigate Saturn's harmful influence. Since following this

advice I have experienced much better effects on my health, business

and attitude.


II GEM DONATIONS (using gems to pacify harmful planets)


Gems CAN be used to 'pacify' bad or ill-placed planets, but the method

is to sacrifice or DONATE the gem(s) for one's bad planet(s), not to

wear the gem oneself. For example: To propitiate an evil (ill-placed)

Rahu in one's horoscope, it is recommended that one should DONATE a

fine hessonite (gomeda) gem to a leper on Saturday evening during the

waxing Moon. This is the recommendation for using gems to PACIFY bad or

ill-placed planet(s) in one's horoscope.


III GEM CLARITY (Is a gem dead or alive?)


According to Shastra only EYE-CLEAN gems (free of visible flaws) are

auspicious and flawed gems "should not be used at all!" Ref. Chapter

246 of the Sanskrit classic "Agni-Puranam"...


"A gem which is cracked, fissured, devoid of luster, or appearing rough

or sandy, should not be used at all."


Or consider this bit of gemological advice spoken by Paramahansa Sripad

Suta Goswami in Chapter 69 of "Sri Garuda Purana"...


"A ruby, although genuine, should not be worn if it has strong color

banding, excessive inclusions within like numerous internal cracks, a

sandy appearance, a rough surface, or is dull and lusterless. Anyone

using such a flawed ruby, even out of ignorance, will suffer from

disease, or loss of fortune."


Over and over the Shastras repeatedly order, "No flawed gems!" For

instance, here is another quote from Sri Garuda Purana about the use of

ordinary colorless quartz (Bishma-ratna),


"These [before mentioned auspicious] attributes pertain to pure

flawless quartz, and knowledgeable gemologists advise that flawed

varieties that are included, fractured, or discolored should be

completely avoided!"


The required quality standard for Vedic Planetary Gemology is quoted in

Sanskrit as "sujyam-amalam" or top color (sujati=high born) and

flawless (amala). This is the only good standard and all else would be,

by definition, sub-standard or even worthless; I ask who wants to wear

a 'flawed' gem if it is deemed harmful?


IV CONCLUSION (Harness the pure power of your lucky stars)

My conclusions are based on Vedic scripture, common sense, and a 25

year study of over 5,000 persons using gems for their strong or good

planets, as well as others using gems for their bad or weak planets.


Gems related to good planets produced good results, while gems for bad

planets produced BAD results.


I think that some of today's Kali-yuga astrologers are doing a great

disservice to the public by prescribing gems for BAD planets, and also

telling people that it is OK to use FLAWED gems, in complete

contradiction of the Shastras. Some are even so foolish as to advise

that synthetic (lab-created) gems are "real," i.e., that they have the

same real power of a natural gemstone.


And I have observed that whenever I tell most Indian people what I do,

viz., Planetary Gemology, their immediate thought is of a beggar

sitting in the gutter and selling people their CHART, their GEM

PRESCRIPTION A-N-D their GEMSTONE, for Rs.100 (around $ 3.00). I think

this is a disgrace and it is proof that the evil Kali Yuga is gaining

momentum. It is really unfortunate when an ancient and exalted Vedic

science like Planetary Gemology becomes so degraded as at the present



If it is true that bad planetary gems can harm a person and flawed gems

are actually inauspicious, then those who recommend such inferior

quality of stones are guilty of inflicting harm on fellow human beings.


V PRICE (Are flawless gems only for the rich?)


The question may be raised, "If only flawless gems are good luck, does

that mean that good luck is only for the rich people who can afford the

price of a flawless gem?" The question can be expanded: "Flawed, common

gems are available to every one, rich and poor alike, but flawless,

CLEAN gems are very expensive. Only the wealthy people can afford

flawless, top quality gems, and that leaves nothing for the masses. If

only CLEAN gems are auspicious, where does that leave the middle and

poor classes? Are flawless gems only for the rich?"


---Suppose a person is advised to use a Sun jewel because of the Sun's

being posited in an auspicious sign in their horoscope. If their budget

(the amount a person can spend) is only $100 then they are poor (for

totally poverty-stricken persons there is no question of gemstones); if

the amount is $1,000 then they are middle class; if the budget is

$10,000 or more then they are rich. But in every case they can have a

flawless, natural Sun gem, because Nature has provided a number of

natural alternative gems. So, in this case, everyone, the poor, the

rich, and the middle class could all be happy by purchasing either a...


1) Flawless red garnet for $100. (Poor) 2) Flawless red spinel for

$1,000. (Middle), or 3) Flawless red ruby for $10,000. (Rich)


Along with the Navaratna (viz., Ruby, pearl, yellow sapphire,

hessonite, emerald, diamond, cat's eye, blue sapphire, and red coral.)

or nine primary gems, there are many other natural gemstone choices

based on color. These "upa-ratnas" are less expensive than their

precious counterparts and yet they conduct the same astral energy of

their associated planet. They are also easier to find without flaws or



Here is a list of the foremost upa-ratna (semi-precious gems) known to

man, along with their ruling planets:


-(RUBY) Red spinel, red garnet and red tourmaline (rubellite) are ruled

by the Sun;


-(NATURAL PEARL) Moonstone & (natural-death) Ivory and white coral are

ruled by the Moon;


-(YELLOW SAPPHIRE) Yellow topaz, yellow beryl (heliodor) and citrine

are ruled by Jupiter;


-(HESSONITE) Spessartite, orange zircon and other orange garnets are

ruled by Rahu (North Node of the Moon);


-(EMERALD) Tsavorite, green tourmaline, diopside, peridot and jade are

ruled by Mercury;


-(DIAMOND) White (colorless) sapphire, topaz, zircon, beryl and quartz

are ruled by Venus;


-(CAT'S EYE CHRYSOBERYL) Beryl, apatite, fibrolite and tourmaline cat's

eyes are ruled by Ketu (South Node of the Moon);


-(BLUE SAPPHIRE) Tanzanite (blue zoisite), blue spinel, iolite and

amethyst are ruled by Saturn;


-(RED CORAL) Carnelian and bloodstone are ruled by Mars.


If one cannot afford the price of a flawless ruby or diamond, they may

opt instead for a flawless but far less expensive red garnet or

colorless quartz crystal. All of the Sidereal astrological planets have

several varieties of gems that transmit they're cosmic energies,

beginning with the primary, most precious gems and followed by

secondary, less expensive gems. It's better, for example, to wear a

flawless red garnet than a flawed ruby. People interested in enhancing

their lives through the auspicious cosmic energies transmitted by

planetary gemstones should select only flawless specimens. It is in

fact better to wear no gems at all than to wear flawed stones. But

since every planet offers a variety of gems from "first class" to

"economy class," one may easily pick a flawless gem that suits one's

individual budget as well as one's horoscope.




In conclusion I would like to suggest that the editors of the highly

regarded authority, the Astrological Magazine, recruit the world's

leading astrologers to standardize the system of Vedic Planetary

Gemology. This standardization will help to eliminate some of the

current fraudulent practices of crooks and deluded astrologers so that

this ancient science can benefit the population at large.


Thank you for reading this message and considering our opinion. Any

comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Please contact me by

sec or write care of PGA, C3 Building Suan Lum Night Bazaar,

1875 Rama 4 Road, Lumpini, Bangkok 10330, Kingdom of Thailand.





Richard S. Brown, GIA, PG Ref.




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dear shiv bhakts

om namo bhagawate rudraya


gems have only one job i.e. to attract the energies from the

respective planets which is scientifically proved.


hence it is as simple as this. if a planet is good in your chart,

wearing its stone will do good. if a planet is bad in your chart,

wearing its stone will do bad. this is also termed as "anukul"

and "pratikul".


hence a native shall wear stones only for a planet which is good in

his or her chart. any astrologer can easily identify the strength

of a planet and its disposition as good or bad. generally it is

recommended that a planet which is in its own sign, mooltrikon,

exaltation, in kendra or trikona and a yogakaraka, its stone is

recommended. there is also a popular practice (though not

scientifcally tenable) that the stone of the lord of the birthstar

or the stone of jupiter or the stone of the 9th lord irrespective of

their placement and strength. the reasoning behind these popular

practices are that the lord of the birthstar shall always be pleased

by wearing his stone for the lifetime. similarly jupiter is the

best benefic in the solar system and is karaka and upakaraka of

seven important bhavas and hence his stone would always be good.

also the stone of the lord of fortune (9th house) would always bring

good luck. even though one shall not blinldy recommend these three

types, they have been found over experience by several gemologists,

particularly in india, that they have done good to the wearers.


having said the above, the real true flawless gems are rarely

available and are highly expensive for an ordinary man. this is

where the rudraksha comes as a boon for the poor and middle class

who cannot afford the stones. several puranas mentioned how each

rudraksha is attributed to a particular lord and gives a particular

benefit. so no anukul or pratikul problem with the rurdraksha which

is why rudraksha are gaining popularity and are preferred to

stones. i have seen 100% positive results in the wearers of

rudraksha given by me, mainly because i do value added services like

purification, sanctification, energisation and programming as

mentioned in the shastras. even for stones, there is a dharana

vidhi which shall be followed.


in praise of lord shiva and with best wishes



, Richard Shaw Brown

<rsbj66 wrote:


> Standardize Vedic Gemology


> Once I was approached by a devotee wanting a flawless ruby for his

> wife. The ruby was prescribed by a devotee astrologer. We checked


> janma-patri and Sun, the lord of ruby, was debilitated or giving

> "maximum harm;" Sun was the worst planet in his wife's horoscope


> yet she was advised to use ruby!? Most devotee astrologers advise


> for the devotee's BAD planets, and thus they inflict harm on them.


> hope this appeal will save the devotee astrologers from misleading

> those souls wanting to benefit by wearing auspicious Vedic gems.


> SUBJECT: Standardization of the Vedic Science of Planetary



> I would first like to address the question of how gems should be


> and what their effects will be. One group opines that gems should


> used to "pacify" harmful (Pratikul) planets; another group believes

> that gems should be used to "strengthen" or to "boost" beneficial


> auspicious planets (Anukula).


> I GEM COLOR (planetary associations):


> According to Late Great B.V. Raman, India's leading astrologer, "A

> planet in it's own sign is rendered powerful to do good. A planet


> its sign of exaltation is rendered even more powerful to do good


> in it's own sign. A planet in it's sign of mulatrikona is rendered

> powerful to do good similar to when in exaltation." Planets that

are in

> an enemy sign or which are debilitated usually have a harmful or

> inauspicious influence. Thus Professor Raman also states that


> which are debilitated give results opposite of when they are in


> sign position - in other words, bad results. (Ref. Astrology for

> Beginners. IBH Prakashana, Fifth Main, Gandhinagar, Bangalore 560


> India. 1983)


> When using any planet's gem, the result will depend on the

condition of

> the planet in one's horoscope (as per the above conclusion of Prof.

> Raman). Gems DO magnify the energy and influence of a planet, but


> DO NOT change the angle or position of a planet in one's

horoscope. The

> idea that gems will strengthen weak planets (like those in an enemy

> sign or sign of debilitation) and thereby make them auspicious is,


> my opinion, an incorrect understanding.


> This conclusion, which I believe to be erroneous, leads to the


> that br providing the gem for a malefic planet, benefic results


> follow: Which we have shown to be completely false.


> I believe that a gem WILL increase the influence of it's ruling


> FOR BETTER OR WORSE, depending on the position or angle that a


> is placed in one's horoscope. To make a BAD planet stronger will


> increase its bad influence.


> For example, whenever people ask me what [gem] is good for them

> (according to their janma-patri) I CANNOT point out their malefic


> and say that Coral for Mars is good for them. It is common


> that having any planet malefic is NOT GOOD! Prof. Raman says that


> would be a BAD influence on the person.


> In 1982 and again in 1988 I published a book called "Handbook of

> Planetary Gemology." In this book I also advocated the negative


> that gems should be chosen for bad (weak) planets to strengthen


> weakness. In fact, I actually practiced this negative or PRATIKUL

> method of gem selection for clients from 1975 to 1990, and now I


> understand why my first 15 years were so discouraging. I was not


> people what was GOOD for them; rather I was dispensing the very


> gem they could use.


> An illustration of this concept can be taken from one of my own

> experiences with gem therapy. Saturn in particular is a krura-

graha, or

> cruel planet, and its position in my horoscope is even worse.

Still, I

> was advised by most sidereal astrologers to use a blue sapphire,


> gem for Saturn, in order to "pacify" or CHANGE Saturn's harmful

> influence on me.


> After a long search I found a flawless, unburned, top color Burmese

> blue sapphire weighing just over 7 carats. I bought the gem, had

it set

> into a special gold ring, and on Saturday, two hours and forty


> before sunset (during the waxing Moon), and I installed the ring


> reciting the appropriate mantras to Shanideva.


> I began having ill fortune as soon as I started wearing this most

> auspicious and completely flawless blue sapphire, and the bad


> was totally of a saturnine nature. It felt like I was into a Shani

> Mahadasha period. I started getting frequent headaches and my


> started slowing down along with my energy level. Almost everything


> did was beset with obstacles and delays.


> Finally, after using the gem for almost a year, I took it off in

> frustration. And slowly I began to feel relief (Note: Our research


> shown that the influence of blue sapphire for Saturn takes about 30

> days to wear off). So the blue sapphire didn't 'pacify' my cruel

> Saturn, it didn't strengthen my so-called weak Saturn; rather it

> increased Saturn's evil influence on me according to its bad


> in my birth chart.


> Later I had the opportunity to show my birth chart to Pandit


> Shukla, the current Chief Brahmin Priest and leading Vedic


> of Thailand, who confirmed that Saturn was indeed a bad influence


> me. He further suggested that as the blue sapphire had made matters

> worse, this was a good case against the theory that gems "pacify"

> harmful planets.


> In my chart Sun is exalted in Aries in the 9th house as lord of my

> lagna, Leo. Pandit Vidyadhar suggested that I should wear a ruby to

> "strengthen" the Sun in order to counteract or overpower Saturn's

> harmful influence. Panditji also told me to "donate" a blue

sapphire in

> order to mitigate Saturn's harmful influence. Since following this

> advice I have experienced much better effects on my health,


> and attitude.


> II GEM DONATIONS (using gems to pacify harmful planets)


> Gems CAN be used to 'pacify' bad or ill-placed planets, but the


> is to sacrifice or DONATE the gem(s) for one's bad planet(s), not


> wear the gem oneself. For example: To propitiate an evil (ill-


> Rahu in one's horoscope, it is recommended that one should DONATE a

> fine hessonite (gomeda) gem to a leper on Saturday evening during


> waxing Moon. This is the recommendation for using gems to PACIFY

bad or

> ill-placed planet(s) in one's horoscope.


> III GEM CLARITY (Is a gem dead or alive?)


> According to Shastra only EYE-CLEAN gems (free of visible flaws)


> auspicious and flawed gems "should not be used at all!" Ref.


> 246 of the Sanskrit classic "Agni-Puranam"...


> "A gem which is cracked, fissured, devoid of luster, or appearing


> or sandy, should not be used at all."


> Or consider this bit of gemological advice spoken by Paramahansa


> Suta Goswami in Chapter 69 of "Sri Garuda Purana"...


> "A ruby, although genuine, should not be worn if it has strong


> banding, excessive inclusions within like numerous internal

cracks, a

> sandy appearance, a rough surface, or is dull and lusterless.


> using such a flawed ruby, even out of ignorance, will suffer from

> disease, or loss of fortune."


> Over and over the Shastras repeatedly order, "No flawed gems!" For

> instance, here is another quote from Sri Garuda Purana about the

use of

> ordinary colorless quartz (Bishma-ratna),


> "These [before mentioned auspicious] attributes pertain to pure

> flawless quartz, and knowledgeable gemologists advise that flawed

> varieties that are included, fractured, or discolored should be

> completely avoided!"


> The required quality standard for Vedic Planetary Gemology is

quoted in

> Sanskrit as "sujyam-amalam" or top color (sujati=high born) and

> flawless (amala). This is the only good standard and all else

would be,

> by definition, sub-standard or even worthless; I ask who wants to


> a 'flawed' gem if it is deemed harmful?


> IV CONCLUSION (Harness the pure power of your lucky stars)

> My conclusions are based on Vedic scripture, common sense, and a 25

> year study of over 5,000 persons using gems for their strong or


> planets, as well as others using gems for their bad or weak



> Gems related to good planets produced good results, while gems for


> planets produced BAD results.


> I think that some of today's Kali-yuga astrologers are doing a


> disservice to the public by prescribing gems for BAD planets, and


> telling people that it is OK to use FLAWED gems, in complete

> contradiction of the Shastras. Some are even so foolish as to


> that synthetic (lab-created) gems are "real," i.e., that they have


> same real power of a natural gemstone.


> And I have observed that whenever I tell most Indian people what I


> viz., Planetary Gemology, their immediate thought is of a beggar

> sitting in the gutter and selling people their CHART, their GEM

> PRESCRIPTION A-N-D their GEMSTONE, for Rs.100 (around $ 3.00). I


> this is a disgrace and it is proof that the evil Kali Yuga is


> momentum. It is really unfortunate when an ancient and exalted


> science like Planetary Gemology becomes so degraded as at the


> time.


> If it is true that bad planetary gems can harm a person and flawed


> are actually inauspicious, then those who recommend such inferior

> quality of stones are guilty of inflicting harm on fellow human



> V PRICE (Are flawless gems only for the rich?)


> The question may be raised, "If only flawless gems are good luck,


> that mean that good luck is only for the rich people who can

afford the

> price of a flawless gem?" The question can be expanded: "Flawed,


> gems are available to every one, rich and poor alike, but flawless,

> CLEAN gems are very expensive. Only the wealthy people can afford

> flawless, top quality gems, and that leaves nothing for the

masses. If

> only CLEAN gems are auspicious, where does that leave the middle


> poor classes? Are flawless gems only for the rich?"


> ---Suppose a person is advised to use a Sun jewel because of the


> being posited in an auspicious sign in their horoscope. If their


> (the amount a person can spend) is only $100 then they are poor


> totally poverty-stricken persons there is no question of

gemstones); if

> the amount is $1,000 then they are middle class; if the budget is

> $10,000 or more then they are rich. But in every case they can

have a

> flawless, natural Sun gem, because Nature has provided a number of

> natural alternative gems. So, in this case, everyone, the poor, the

> rich, and the middle class could all be happy by purchasing either



> 1) Flawless red garnet for $100. (Poor) 2) Flawless red spinel for

> $1,000. (Middle), or 3) Flawless red ruby for $10,000. (Rich)


> Along with the Navaratna (viz., Ruby, pearl, yellow sapphire,

> hessonite, emerald, diamond, cat's eye, blue sapphire, and red


> or nine primary gems, there are many other natural gemstone choices

> based on color. These "upa-ratnas" are less expensive than their

> precious counterparts and yet they conduct the same astral energy


> their associated planet. They are also easier to find without

flaws or

> treatment.


> Here is a list of the foremost upa-ratna (semi-precious gems)

known to

> man, along with their ruling planets:


> -(RUBY) Red spinel, red garnet and red tourmaline (rubellite) are


> by the Sun;


> -(NATURAL PEARL) Moonstone & (natural-death) Ivory and white coral


> ruled by the Moon;


> -(YELLOW SAPPHIRE) Yellow topaz, yellow beryl (heliodor) and


> are ruled by Jupiter;


> -(HESSONITE) Spessartite, orange zircon and other orange garnets


> ruled by Rahu (North Node of the Moon);


> -(EMERALD) Tsavorite, green tourmaline, diopside, peridot and jade


> ruled by Mercury;


> -(DIAMOND) White (colorless) sapphire, topaz, zircon, beryl and


> are ruled by Venus;


> -(CAT'S EYE CHRYSOBERYL) Beryl, apatite, fibrolite and tourmaline


> eyes are ruled by Ketu (South Node of the Moon);


> -(BLUE SAPPHIRE) Tanzanite (blue zoisite), blue spinel, iolite and

> amethyst are ruled by Saturn;


> -(RED CORAL) Carnelian and bloodstone are ruled by Mars.


> If one cannot afford the price of a flawless ruby or diamond, they


> opt instead for a flawless but far less expensive red garnet or

> colorless quartz crystal. All of the Sidereal astrological planets


> several varieties of gems that transmit they're cosmic energies,

> beginning with the primary, most precious gems and followed by

> secondary, less expensive gems. It's better, for example, to wear a

> flawless red garnet than a flawed ruby. People interested in


> their lives through the auspicious cosmic energies transmitted by

> planetary gemstones should select only flawless specimens. It is in

> fact better to wear no gems at all than to wear flawed stones. But

> since every planet offers a variety of gems from "first class" to

> "economy class," one may easily pick a flawless gem that suits


> individual budget as well as one's horoscope.




> In conclusion I would like to suggest that the editors of the


> regarded authority, the Astrological Magazine, recruit the world's

> leading astrologers to standardize the system of Vedic Planetary

> Gemology. This standardization will help to eliminate some of the

> current fraudulent practices of crooks and deluded astrologers so


> this ancient science can benefit the population at large.


> Thank you for reading this message and considering our opinion. Any

> comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Please contact me by

> sec or write care of PGA, C3 Building Suan Lum Night Bazaar,

> 1875 Rama 4 Road, Lumpini, Bangkok 10330, Kingdom of Thailand.

> http://www.p-g-a.org


> Respectfully,


> Richard S. Brown, GIA, PG Ref.


> http://www.richardshawbrown


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Dear Wendy,


Great to hear from you!!! Yes, there are still quite a few old fashioned

Jyotishis, even big

ones, who think that "provide the gem for a malefic will give benefic effect."

Even in Sri

Naradiya Puranam it is stated as such. As also in Mani Mala. So it is no wonder

that people

think like that. That's what I call "Pratikulvad" philosophy, or "Badism"


I wasn't giving my real horoscope in the article. My real chart can be cast from


Brown April 26, 1947, 1:06 PM, St. Petersburg (next to Tampa), Florida, USA.


Stay well,



sacred-objects, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish wrote:


> Dear Richard and Group,


> You Wrote:

> //An illustration of this concept can be taken from one of my own

> experiences with gem therapy. Saturn in particular is a krura-graha,

> or cruel planet, and its position in my horoscope is even worse.

> Still, I was advised by most sidereal astrologers to use a blue

> sapphire, the gem for Saturn, in order to "pacify" or CHANGE Saturn's

> harmful influence on me.//


> Sidereal astrologers they may have been - experienced jyotish

> pandits, I doubt! Even a half decent jyotisha would know that Saturn

> is a dire malefic in your chart. He is both a natural malefic and a

> functional malefic (owning 6th/7th bhavas). Saturn is malefic to YOUR

> ASCENDANT because of the HOUSES HE RULES not because he

> himself is weak...this is basic (according to the rules of

> Parashara). What's worse is that this malefic planet is aspecting

> your Ascendant lord Sun in 9th house.


> //I began having ill fortune as soon as I started wearing this most

> auspicious and completely flawless blue sapphire, and the bad

> influence was totally of a saturnine nature.//


> Of course you did! Ill fortune of all kinds is seen from the 12th

> house and by wearing Saturn's ring you have increased his influence

> in your life...given him strength over more favourable planets.


> //It felt like I was into a Shani Mahadasha period. I started getting

> frequent headaches and my business started slowing down along with my

> energy level. Almost everything I did was beset with obstacles and

> delays.//


> Headaches - how can you wonder at this? Saturn's aspect on lagnesh

> Sun...you must know that the body part (limbs of kala purusha)

> represented by lagna is the head.


> Many people are thoroughly confused about the (proper)

> use of gems. A planet does not become malefic because it's

> ill-placed, rather it becomes weak and it's ability to do good is

> weakened accordingly. Wearing its gem will increase that planetary

> vibration within us, effectively increasing the strength of that

> planet (and its power to do good). One doesn't need to be a rocket

> scientist to understand that we should not increase the influence

> (strength) of a planet that's malefic to our Ascendant - as Saturn is

> in your chart Richard.


> I would be horrified to see someone prescribe a gem for a functional

> malefic!


> ///Later I had the opportunity to show my birth chart to Pandit

> Vidyadhar Shukla, the current Chief Brahmin Priest and leading Vedic

> astrologer of Thailand, who confirmed that Saturn was indeed a bad

> influence for me. He further suggested that as the blue sapphire had

> made matters worse, this was a good case against the theory that gems

> "pacify" harmful planets.//


> He's absolutely correct! Gems increase the effect, they DO NOT

> paciffy...this again is basic! To ward off the ill effect of malefic

> Saturn one should do any (or all) of the following:


> 1) Fast on Saturdays.

> 2) Offer prayers to lord Hanuman (or at least keep a picture in your

> home)..

> 3) Do Mrtyunjaya japa.

> 4) Wear a black horseshoe ring.

> 5) Offer rice with sesame seeds, jaggery and sesame oil as prasadam.

> 6) Feed crows at home if possible.


> All these remedies PACIFY Saturn whereas his gem will STRENGTHEN his

> effect whether benefic or malefic (according to rulership).


> NB: Prayers to lord Hanuman.

> It's said that Lord Hunuman captured Shani at one time and extracted

> from him the promise that he would not harm any of Hanuman's

> devotees.


> //In my chart Sun is exalted in Aries in the 9th house as lord of my

> lagna, Leo. Pandit Vidyadhar suggested that I should wear a ruby to

> "strengthen" the Sun in order to counteract or overpower Saturn's

> harmful influence. Since following this advice I have experienced

> much better effects on my health, business and attitude.//


> Again, this is in accordance with the dictums of Parashara. For you,

> Sun is lord of lagna...always benefic for the native! However,

> although exalted in 9th house, he is suffering the aspect of malefic

> Saturn, therefore strengthening him (further) against this influence

> by wearing his gem will be of great benefit. We all know, Richard,

> that a YogaKaraka planet is auspicious for the natives and will do

> good for the houses he occupies and aspects. However if such a planet

> is weak (by placement) his ability to deliver his promise (do good)

> is minimised or wholly restricted if he's debilitated.


> I think (at one time) you may have published the following article on

> P-G-A. which explains further the effect of gems on our physiology.

> If you scroll down the following page and click on the popup window

> "The Vibrations of Our Universe" (left column) you can read the

> article...although I think you're familiar with it.

> http://jyotishvidya.com/gems.htm


> //Panditji also told me to "donate" a blue sapphire in order to

> mitigate Saturn's harmful influence.//


> I don't doubt that this practice may be beneficial. However, ordinary

> folk are rarely in a position to donate such expensive items. Also

> who would one donate this gem to? Certainly not to someone for whom

> Saturn is malefic in their horoscope.


> //The question may be raised, "If only flawless gems are good luck,

> does that mean that good luck is only for the rich people who can

> afford the price of a flawless gem?" The question can be expanded:

> "Flawed, common gems are available to every one, rich and poor alike,

> but flawless,CLEAN gems are very expensive. Only the wealthy people

> can afford flawless, top quality gems, and that leaves nothing for

> the masses. If only CLEAN gems are auspicious, where does that leave

> the middle and poor classes? Are flawless gems only for the rich?"//


> There are other remedies Richard! I am one who could never afford a

> jyotish quality gem (perhaps in the past but certainly not now). But

> I personally would never wear, or recommend, a substitute gem

> (upa-ratna). In the words of Maharishi; "You know the difference and

> so do the planets". This is my view also.


> Take care dear Richard, it's been a long time since we've spoken :-)


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________


> , Richard Shaw Brown

> <rsbj66@> wrote:


> Standardize Vedic Gemology


> Once I was approached by a devotee wanting a flawless ruby for his

> wife. The ruby was prescribed by a devotee astrologer. We checked her

> janma-patri and Sun, the lord of ruby, was debilitated or giving

> "maximum harm;" Sun was the worst planet in his wife's horoscope and

> yet she was advised to use ruby!? Most devotee astrologers advise

> gems for the devotee's BAD planets, and thus they inflict harm on

> them. I hope this appeal will save the devotee astrologers from

> misleading those souls wanting to benefit by wearing auspicious Vedic

> gems.


> SUBJECT: Standardization of the Vedic Science of Planetary Gemology.


> I would first like to address the question of how gems should be

> chosen and what their effects will be. One group opines that gems

> should be used to "pacify" harmful (Pratikul) planets; another group

> believes that gems should be used to "strengthen" or to "boost"

> beneficial or auspicious planets (Anukula).


> I GEM COLOR (planetary associations):


> According to Late Great B.V. Raman, India's leading astrologer, "A

> planet in it's own sign is rendered powerful to do good. A planet in

> its sign of exaltation is rendered even more powerful to do good than

> in it's own sign. A planet in it's sign of mulatrikona is rendered

> powerful to do good similar to when in exaltation." Planets that are

> in an enemy sign or which are debilitated usually have a harmful or

> inauspicious influence. Thus Professor Raman also states that planets

> which are debilitated give results opposite of when they are in

> strong sign position - in other words, bad results. (Ref. Astrology

> for Beginners. IBH Prakashana, Fifth Main, Gandhinagar, Bangalore 560

> 009, India. 1983)


> When using any planet's gem, the result will depend on the condition

> of the planet in one's horoscope (as per the above conclusion of

> Prof. Raman). Gems DO magnify the energy and influence of a planet,

> but gems DO NOT change the angle or position of a planet in one's

> horoscope. The idea that gems will strengthen weak planets (like

> those in an enemy sign or sign of debilitation) and thereby make them

> auspicious is, in my opinion, an incorrect understanding.


> This conclusion, which I believe to be erroneous, leads to the belief

> that br providing the gem for a malefic planet, benefic results will

> follow: Which we have shown to be completely false.


> I believe that a gem WILL increase the influence of it's ruling

> planet, FOR BETTER OR WORSE, depending on the position or angle that

> a planet is placed in one's horoscope. To make a BAD planet stronger

> will only increase its bad influence.


> For example, whenever people ask me what [gem] is good for them

> (according to their janma-patri) I CANNOT point out their malefic

> Mars and say that Coral for Mars is good for them. It is common

> knowledge that having any planet malefic is NOT GOOD! Prof. Raman

> says that it would be a BAD influence on the person.


> In 1982 and again in 1988 I published a book called "Handbook of

> Planetary Gemology." In this book I also advocated the negative idea

> that gems should be chosen for bad (weak) planets to strengthen their

> weakness. In fact, I actually practiced this negative or PRATIKUL

> method of gem selection for clients from 1975 to 1990, and now I can

> understand why my first 15 years were so discouraging. I was not

> giving people what was GOOD for them; rather I was dispensing the

> very worst gem they could use.


> An illustration of this concept can be taken from one of my own

> experiences with gem therapy. Saturn in particular is a krura-graha,

> or cruel planet, and its position in my horoscope is even worse.

> Still, I was advised by most sidereal astrologers to use a blue

> sapphire, the gem for Saturn, in order to "pacify" or CHANGE Saturn's

> harmful influence on me.


> After a long search I found a flawless, unburned, top color Burmese

> blue sapphire weighing just over 7 carats. I bought the gem, had it

> set into a special gold ring, and on Saturday, two hours and forty

> minutes before sunset (during the waxing Moon), and I installed the

> ring after reciting the appropriate mantras to Shanideva.


> I began having ill fortune as soon as I started wearing this most

> auspicious and completely flawless blue sapphire, and the bad

> influence was totally of a saturnine nature. It felt like I was into

> a Shani Mahadasha period. I started getting frequent headaches and my

> business started slowing down along with my energy level. Almost

> everything I did was beset with obstacles and delays.


> Finally, after using the gem for almost a year, I took it off in

> frustration. And slowly I began to feel relief (Note: Our research

> has shown that the influence of blue sapphire for Saturn takes about

> 30 days to wear off). So the blue sapphire didn't 'pacify' my cruel

> Saturn, it didn't strengthen my so-called weak Saturn; rather it

> increased Saturn's evil influence on me according to its bad position

> in my birth chart.


> Later I had the opportunity to show my birth chart to Pandit

> Vidyadhar Shukla, the current Chief Brahmin Priest and leading Vedic

> astrologer of Thailand, who confirmed that Saturn was indeed a bad

> influence for me. He further suggested that as the blue sapphire had

> made matters worse, this was a good case against the theory that gems

> "pacify" harmful planets.


> In my chart Sun is exalted in Aries in the 9th house as lord of my

> lagna, Leo. Pandit Vidyadhar suggested that I should wear a ruby to

> "strengthen" the Sun in order to counteract or overpower Saturn's

> harmful influence. Panditji also told me to "donate" a blue sapphire

> in order to mitigate Saturn's harmful influence. Since following this

> advice I have experienced much better effects on my health, business

> and attitude.


> II GEM DONATIONS (using gems to pacify harmful planets)


> Gems CAN be used to 'pacify' bad or ill-placed planets, but the

> method is to sacrifice or DONATE the gem(s) for one's bad planet(s),

> not to wear the gem oneself. For example: To propitiate an evil

> (ill-placed) Rahu in one's horoscope, it is recommended that one

> should DONATE a fine hessonite (gomeda) gem to a leper on Saturday

> evening during the waxing Moon. This is the recommendation for using

> gems to PACIFY bad or ill-placed planet(s) in one's horoscope.


> III GEM CLARITY (Is a gem dead or alive?)


> According to Shastra only EYE-CLEAN gems (free of visible flaws) are

> auspicious and flawed gems "should not be used at all!" Ref. Chapter

> 246 of the Sanskrit classic "Agni-Puranam"...


> "A gem which is cracked, fissured, devoid of luster, or appearing

> rough or sandy, should not be used at all."


> Or consider this bit of gemological advice spoken by Paramahansa

> Sripad Suta Goswami in Chapter 69 of "Sri Garuda Purana"...


> "A ruby, although genuine, should not be worn if it has strong color

> banding, excessive inclusions within like numerous internal cracks, a

> sandy appearance, a rough surface, or is dull and lusterless. Anyone

> using such a flawed ruby, even out of ignorance, will suffer from

> disease, or loss of fortune."


> Over and over the Shastras repeatedly order, "No flawed gems!" For

> instance, here is another quote from Sri Garuda Purana about the use

> of ordinary colorless quartz (Bishma-ratna),


> "These [before mentioned auspicious] attributes pertain to pure

> flawless quartz, and knowledgeable gemologists advise that flawed

> varieties that are included, fractured, or discolored should be

> completely avoided!"


> The required quality standard for Vedic Planetary Gemology is quoted

> in Sanskrit as "sujyam-amalam" or top color (sujati=high born) and

> flawless (amala). This is the only good standard and all else would

> be, by definition, sub-standard or even worthless; I ask who wants to

> wear a 'flawed' gem if it is deemed harmful?


> IV CONCLUSION (Harness the pure power of your lucky stars)

> My conclusions are based on Vedic scripture, common sense, and a 25

> year study of over 5,000 persons using gems for their strong or good

> planets, as well as others using gems for their bad or weak planets.


> Gems related to good planets produced good results, while gems for

> bad planets produced BAD results.


> I think that some of today's Kali-yuga astrologers are doing a great

> disservice to the public by prescribing gems for BAD planets, and

> also telling people that it is OK to use FLAWED gems, in complete

> contradiction of the Shastras. Some are even so foolish as to advise

> that synthetic (lab-created) gems are "real," i.e., that they have

> the same real power of a natural gemstone.


> And I have observed that whenever I tell most Indian people what I

> do, viz., Planetary Gemology, their immediate thought is of a beggar

> sitting in the gutter and selling people their CHART, their GEM

> PRESCRIPTION A-N-D their GEMSTONE, for Rs.100 (around $ 3.00).

> I think this is a disgrace and it is proof that the evil Kali Yuga is

> gaining momentum. It is really unfortunate when an ancient and

> exalted Vedic science like Planetary Gemology becomes so degraded as

> at the present time.


> If it is true that bad planetary gems can harm a person and flawed

> gems are actually inauspicious, then those who recommend such

> inferior quality of stones are guilty of inflicting harm on fellow

> human beings.


> V PRICE (Are flawless gems only for the rich?)


> The question may be raised, "If only flawless gems are good luck,

> does that mean that good luck is only for the rich people who can

> afford the price of a flawless gem?" The question can be expanded:

> "Flawed, common gems are available to every one, rich and poor alike,

> but flawless,CLEAN gems are very expensive. Only the wealthy people

> can afford flawless, top quality gems, and that leaves nothing for

> the masses. If only CLEAN gems are auspicious, where does that leave

> the middle and poor classes? Are flawless gems only for the rich?"


> ---Suppose a person is advised to use a Sun jewel because of the

> Sun's being posited in an auspicious sign in their horoscope. If

> their budget (the amount a person can spend) is only $100 then they

> are poor (for totally poverty-stricken persons there is no question

> of gemstones); if the amount is $1,000 then they are middle class; if

> the budget is $10,000 or more then they are rich. But in every case

> they can have a flawless, natural Sun gem, because Nature has

> provided a number of natural alternative gems. So, in this case,

> everyone, the poor, the rich, and the middle class could all be happy

> by purchasing either a...


> 1) Flawless red garnet for $100. (Poor) 2) Flawless red spinel for

> $1,000. (Middle), or 3) Flawless red ruby for $10,000. (Rich)


> Along with the Navaratna (viz., Ruby, pearl, yellow sapphire,

> hessonite, emerald, diamond, cat's eye, blue sapphire, and red

> coral.) or nine primary gems, there are many other natural gemstone

> choices based on color. These "upa-ratnas" are less expensive than

> their precious counterparts and yet they conduct the same astral

> energy of their associated planet. They are also easier to find

> without flaws or treatment.


> Here is a list of the foremost upa-ratna (semi-precious gems) known

> to man, along with their ruling planets:


> -(RUBY) Red spinel, red garnet and red tourmaline (rubellite) are

> ruled by the Sun;


> -(NATURAL PEARL) Moonstone & (natural-death) Ivory and white coral

> are ruled by the Moon;


> -(YELLOW SAPPHIRE) Yellow topaz, yellow beryl (heliodor) and citrine

> are ruled by Jupiter;


> -(HESSONITE) Spessartite, orange zircon and other orange garnets are

> ruled by Rahu (North Node of the Moon);


> -(EMERALD) Tsavorite, green tourmaline, diopside, peridot and jade

> are ruled by Mercury;


> -(DIAMOND) White (colorless) sapphire, topaz, zircon, beryl and

> quartz are ruled by Venus;


> -(CAT'S EYE CHRYSOBERYL) Beryl, apatite, fibrolite and tourmaline

> cat's eyes are ruled by Ketu (South Node of the Moon);


> -(BLUE SAPPHIRE) Tanzanite (blue zoisite), blue spinel, iolite and

> amethyst are ruled by Saturn;


> -(RED CORAL) Carnelian and bloodstone are ruled by Mars.


> If one cannot afford the price of a flawless ruby or diamond, they

> may opt instead for a flawless but far less expensive red garnet or

> colorless quartz crystal. All of the Sidereal astrological planets

> have several varieties of gems that transmit they're cosmic energies,

> beginning with the primary, most precious gems and followed by

> secondary, less expensive gems. It's better, for example, to wear a

> flawless red garnet than a flawed ruby. People interested in

> enhancing their lives through the auspicious cosmic energies

> transmitted by planetary gemstones should select only flawless

> specimens. It is in fact better to wear no gems at all than to wear

> flawed stones. But since every planet offers a variety of gems from

> "first class" to "economy class," one may easily pick a flawless gem

> that suits one's individual budget as well as one's horoscope.




> In conclusion I would like to suggest that the editors of the highly

> regarded authority, the Astrological Magazine, recruit the world's

> leading astrologers to standardize the system of Vedic Planetary

> Gemology. This standardization will help to eliminate some of the

> current fraudulent practices of crooks and deluded astrologers so

> that this ancient science can benefit the population at large.


> Thank you for reading this message and considering our opinion. Any

> comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Please contact me by

> sec@ or write care of PGA, C3 Building Suan Lum Night Bazaar,

> 1875 Rama 4 Road, Lumpini, Bangkok 10330, Kingdom of Thailand.

> http://www.p-g-a.org


> Respectfully,


> Richard S. Brown, GIA, PG Ref.


> http://www.richardshawbrown


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