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request for rudraksha

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there be Peace in the forces that act on me !Now, at this moment, I take refuge

in that Pure State of the Supreme Absolute which can be known by the Vidya,

called the Rudra HridayaUpanishad.After prostrating before the celebrated form

of Sri Mahadeva-Rudra inhis heart, adoring the sacred Bhasma and Rudraksha and

mentally reciting the great Mahavakya-Mantra, Tarasara, Sri Suka asked

hisfather Sri Vyasa Maharshi, thus:Who is the real God of gods? In whom are all

these existencesestablished? By worshipping whom, can I please the Devas in

whole? Hearing these words, Sri Veda Vyasa replied thus:Rudra is the embodiment

of all Devas. All devas are merely differentmanifestations of Sri Rudra Himself.

On the right side of Rudra,there is the sun, then the four-headed Brahma, and

then three Agnis (fires). On the left side, there exist Sri Umadevi, and also

Vishnuand Soma (moon).Uma Herself is the

form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of themoon. Therefore, those who

worship Lord Vishnu, worship Siva Himself. And those who worship Siva, worship

Lord Vishnu in reality. Those whoenvy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually hating

Sri Vishnu. Those whodecry Lord Siva, decry Vishnu Himself.Rudra is the

generator of the seed. Vishnu is the embryo of the seed. Siva Himself is Brahma

and Brahma Himself is Agni. Rudra is full ofBrahma and Vishnu. The whole world

is full of Agni and Soma. Themasculine gender is Lord Siva. The feminine gender

is Sri BhavaniDevi. All the mobile and immobile creation of this universe, is

filled up with Uma and Rudra. The Vyakta is Sri Uma, and the Avyaktais Lord

Siva. The combination of Uma and Sankara is Vishnu.Hence everybody should

prostrate to Sri Maha Vishnu with greatdevotion. He is the Atman. He is the

Paramatman. He is the Antaratman. Brahma is the Antaratman. Siva is the


Vishnuis the Eternal Atman of all this universe. This whole creation ofSvarga,

Martya and Patala Lokas is a big tree. Vishnu is the topportion (branches) of

this tree. Brahma is the stem. The root is Lord Siva.The effect is Vishnu. The

action is Brahma. The cause is Siva. Forthe benefit of the worlds. Rudra has

taken these three forms.Rudra is Dharma. Vishnu is the world. Brahma is

Knowledge. Therefore, do Kirtan of His name, `Rudra', `Rudra'. By singing like

this, thehallowed name of this great Lord, all your sins will be

destroyed.Rudra is man. Uma is woman. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra

isBrahma. Uma is Sarasvati. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Vishnu. Uma

is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Sun.Uma is shadow.

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is moon. Uma isstar. Prostrations to Him and

Her. Rudra is day. Uma is night.Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Yajna. Uma

is Vedi.

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is Svaha.Prostrations to Him and

Her. Rudra is Veda. Uma is Sastra.Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is tree.

Uma is creeper.Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is scent. Uma is flower.

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is meaning. Uma is word.Prostrations to Him

and Her. Rudra is Linga. Uma is Pitha.Prostrations to Him and Her.The devotee

should worship Sri Rudra and Uma with these Mantras referred to above. O my

son, Suka! With these hymns, you shouldmeditate on the Eternal Para-Brahman,

which is beyond the reach ofthe senses, which is pure Existence, knowledge and

Bliss and whichcannot be understood either by the speech or by the mind. After

knowing this, there is nothing more to be known, because everythingis the form

of That, and there is nothing separate from That.There are two Vidyas to be

known. They are Para and Apara. AparaVidya is the embodiment of the

four Vedas and their six Angas. They do not deal with the Nature of the Atman.

But the Para Vidya iscalled the Moksha-Sastra. It deals with that supreme

philosophy ofthe Absolute Truth, ununderstandable, impersonal, Nirguna,

Nirakara,without ears, without eyes, without hands, without feet, eternal,

omnipresent, imperishable, and knowable by the intelligent daringsages.From

that Lord Siva who performs a terrible penance in the form ofSupreme

Jnana-Marga, this whole world is created which is the food of the mortals. This

world is Maya. It seems to appear just like adream. It is superimposed on the

Lord just like a rope on a serpent.This is the eternal Truth. There is no

creation in reality. All isabsolute. All is Truth. Knowing this, one is

liberated at once. Only through Jnana, you can get rid of this Samsara. Only

throughJnana, you can understand this existence and never through

Karma.Understand this through the

guidance of a Brahmanishtha-SrotriyaGuru. The Guru will give the disciple all

the necessary knowledge of Brahman, the Absolute. By cutting off the bondage of

Ajnana orAvidya, one should take refuge in Lord Sadasiva. This is the realwisdom

to be understood by an aspirant seeking after Truth.The Pranava is the bow. The

Atman is the arrow. The Para-Brahman is the target. Just like the arrow, the

Atman will become one withBrahman.But all these three, the bow, the arrow and

the target are notdifferent from that Sadasiva. There do not shine the bodies

of thesun, moon or the stars. There does not blow the wind, there do notexist

many Devatas. He, the One Lord only exists. He only, the Purityof purities,

shines for ever and ever.There are two birds in this body, the Jiva and the

Paramatman. The Jiva eats the fruit of his Karmas, but the Paramatman is

untouched byanything. The Paramatman is only the Sakshi. He does not

do anything.He only assumes the form of the Jiva through His Maya, just as

theAkasa inside a pot seems to be different from the Akasa outside and assumes

the form of the pot. In reality all is Siva, Advaita, the OneAbsolute. There is

no difference of whatever kind.When all is understood to be One, Omkara, the

Absolute, there is nosorrow, there is no Maya. Then the attainment of the

Advaita- Paramananda is very easy. Think that you are the basis of all

thisuniverse, you are the One, Kevala, Sat-Chit-Ghana. All people

cannotunderstand this Truth. Those devoid of Maya can know this secret.After

knowing this, the Atman does not move towards any place at any time. It becomes

one with the Absolute, just like Ghatakasa withParamakasa. Just as Akasa does

not move anywhere, similarly thisAtman does not have any movement. It becomes

one with OM.One who knows this great secret Truth is the real Muni. He becomes


Para-Brahman Itself. He becomes Satchidananda. He attainspermanent peace.Om !

May He protect us both together; may He nourish us bothtogether;May we work

conjointly with great energy,May our study be vigorous and effective;May we not

mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).Om ! Let there be Peace in me !Let

there be Peace in my environment !Let there be Peace in the forces that act on

me ! Here ends the Rudra-Hridayopanishad belonging to the Krishna-Yajur-Veda.


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Dear Srinivas ji

Thank you for the message,we welcome you to our group.Our moderator

Sh Arjun Pandit ji and our esteem members will guide you and show you right path

don`t worry.

With best wishes

Prasanna Kumar






, srinucnu maly

<srinucnumaly wrote:


> Dear all

> om namah shivaya

> hara om

> iam suffering from some sort of badluck, which made me

economically very dull,

> when i concerned a person who is a great shiva bhaktha , he

told me about this group and also he suggested me to wear a

rudraksha, so any body can send me a rudrakdha , hope which makes me

free from all the bad luck of mine

> so please requestin every shiva bhaktha if you

have a chance try to send that to me

> thanking u for going through entire this letter





> prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote:

> Dear All,


> Rudra-Hridaya Upanishad





> Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both

> together;


> May we work conjointly with great energy,


> May our study be vigorous and effective;


> May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).


> Om ! Let there be Peace in me !


> Let there be Peace in my environment !


> Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !




> Now, at this moment, I take refuge in that Pure State of the


> Absolute which can be known by the Vidya, called the Rudra Hridaya

> Upanishad.


> After prostrating before the celebrated form of Sri Mahadeva-Rudra


> his heart, adoring the sacred Bhasma and Rudraksha and mentally

> reciting the great Mahavakya-Mantra, Tarasara, Sri Suka asked his

> father Sri Vyasa Maharshi, thus:


> Who is the real God of gods? In whom are all these existences

> established? By worshipping whom, can I please the Devas in whole?


> Hearing these words, Sri Veda Vyasa replied thus:


> Rudra is the embodiment of all Devas. All devas are merely different

> manifestations of Sri Rudra Himself. On the right side of Rudra,

> there is the sun, then the four-headed Brahma, and then three Agnis

> (fires). On the left side, there exist Sri Umadevi, and also Vishnu

> and Soma (moon).


> Uma Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of the

> moon. Therefore, those who worship Lord Vishnu, worship Siva


> And those who worship Siva, worship Lord Vishnu in reality. Those


> envy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually hating Sri Vishnu. Those who

> decry Lord Siva, decry Vishnu Himself.


> Rudra is the generator of the seed. Vishnu is the embryo of the


> Siva Himself is Brahma and Brahma Himself is Agni. Rudra is full of

> Brahma and Vishnu. The whole world is full of Agni and Soma. The

> masculine gender is Lord Siva. The feminine gender is Sri Bhavani

> Devi. All the mobile and immobile creation of this universe, is

> filled up with Uma and Rudra. The Vyakta is Sri Uma, and the Avyakta

> is Lord Siva. The combination of Uma and Sankara is Vishnu.


> Hence everybody should prostrate to Sri Maha Vishnu with great

> devotion. He is the Atman. He is the Paramatman. He is the

> Antaratman. Brahma is the Antaratman. Siva is the Paramatman. Vishnu

> is the Eternal Atman of all this universe. This whole creation of

> Svarga, Martya and Patala Lokas is a big tree. Vishnu is the top

> portion (branches) of this tree. Brahma is the stem. The root is


> Siva.


> The effect is Vishnu. The action is Brahma. The cause is Siva. For

> the benefit of the worlds. Rudra has taken these three forms.


> Rudra is Dharma. Vishnu is the world. Brahma is Knowledge.


> do Kirtan of His name, `Rudra', `Rudra'. By singing like this, the

> hallowed name of this great Lord, all your sins will be destroyed.


> Rudra is man. Uma is woman. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is

> Brahma. Uma is Sarasvati. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is

> Vishnu. Uma is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Sun.

> Uma is shadow. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is moon. Uma is

> star. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is day. Uma is night.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Yajna. Uma is Vedi.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is Svaha.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Veda. Uma is Sastra.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is tree. Uma is creeper.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is scent. Uma is flower.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is meaning. Uma is word.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Linga. Uma is Pitha.

> Prostrations to Him and Her.


> The devotee should worship Sri Rudra and Uma with these Mantras

> referred to above. O my son, Suka! With these hymns, you should

> meditate on the Eternal Para-Brahman, which is beyond the reach of

> the senses, which is pure Existence, knowledge and Bliss and which

> cannot be understood either by the speech or by the mind. After

> knowing this, there is nothing more to be known, because everything

> is the form of That, and there is nothing separate from That.


> There are two Vidyas to be known. They are Para and Apara. Apara

> Vidya is the embodiment of the four Vedas and their six Angas. They

> do not deal with the Nature of the Atman. But the Para Vidya is

> called the Moksha-Sastra. It deals with that supreme philosophy of

> the Absolute Truth, ununderstandable, impersonal, Nirguna, Nirakara,

> without ears, without eyes, without hands, without feet, eternal,

> omnipresent, imperishable, and knowable by the intelligent daring

> sages.


> From that Lord Siva who performs a terrible penance in the form of

> Supreme Jnana-Marga, this whole world is created which is the food


> the mortals. This world is Maya. It seems to appear just like a

> dream. It is superimposed on the Lord just like a rope on a serpent.

> This is the eternal Truth. There is no creation in reality. All is

> absolute. All is Truth. Knowing this, one is liberated at once.


> Only through Jnana, you can get rid of this Samsara. Only through

> Jnana, you can understand this existence and never through Karma.

> Understand this through the guidance of a Brahmanishtha-Srotriya

> Guru. The Guru will give the disciple all the necessary knowledge


> Brahman, the Absolute. By cutting off the bondage of Ajnana or

> Avidya, one should take refuge in Lord Sadasiva. This is the real

> wisdom to be understood by an aspirant seeking after Truth.


> The Pranava is the bow. The Atman is the arrow. The Para-Brahman is

> the target. Just like the arrow, the Atman will become one with

> Brahman.


> But all these three, the bow, the arrow and the target are not

> different from that Sadasiva. There do not shine the bodies of the

> sun, moon or the stars. There does not blow the wind, there do not

> exist many Devatas. He, the One Lord only exists. He only, the


> of purities, shines for ever and ever.


> There are two birds in this body, the Jiva and the Paramatman. The

> Jiva eats the fruit of his Karmas, but the Paramatman is untouched


> anything. The Paramatman is only the Sakshi. He does not do


> He only assumes the form of the Jiva through His Maya, just as the

> Akasa inside a pot seems to be different from the Akasa outside and

> assumes the form of the pot. In reality all is Siva, Advaita, the


> Absolute. There is no difference of whatever kind.


> When all is understood to be One, Omkara, the Absolute, there is no

> sorrow, there is no Maya. Then the attainment of the Advaita-

> Paramananda is very easy. Think that you are the basis of all this

> universe, you are the One, Kevala, Sat-Chit-Ghana. All people cannot

> understand this Truth. Those devoid of Maya can know this secret.

> After knowing this, the Atman does not move towards any place at


> time. It becomes one with the Absolute, just like Ghatakasa with

> Paramakasa. Just as Akasa does not move anywhere, similarly this

> Atman does not have any movement. It becomes one with OM.


> One who knows this great secret Truth is the real Muni. He becomes

> the Para-Brahman Itself. He becomes Satchidananda. He attains

> permanent peace.


> Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both

> together;


> May we work conjointly with great energy,


> May our study be vigorous and effective;


> May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).


> Om ! Let there be Peace in me !


> Let there be Peace in my environment !


> Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !




> Here ends the Rudra-Hridayopanishad belonging to the Krishna-Yajur-

> Veda.







> Visit your group "" on the web.





> Terms of











> Mail

> Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.


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dear shiv bhakt srinucnu maly

om namo bhagawate rudraya


from the description of problems faced by you, i suggest you to wear

a single bead of seven mukh rudraksha after due purification,

sanctification, energisation and programming. this rudraksha shall

not cost you more than rupees one hundred. please advise in which

city or country you are currently in so that we can suggest the

nearest local source of rudraksha.


keep chanting "om namah shivaya" within your heart as much as



in praise of lord shiva and with best wishes and blessings




, "prasanna kumar"

<groupowner.prasanna wrote:


> Dear Srinivas ji

> Thank you for the message,we welcome you to our group.Our


> Sh Arjun Pandit ji and our esteem members will guide you and show

you right path don`t worry.

> With best wishes

> Prasanna Kumar






> , srinucnu maly

> <srinucnumaly@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear all

> > om namah shivaya

> > hara om

> > iam suffering from some sort of badluck, which made


> economically very dull,

> > when i concerned a person who is a great shiva bhaktha ,


> told me about this group and also he suggested me to wear a

> rudraksha, so any body can send me a rudrakdha , hope which makes


> free from all the bad luck of mine

> > so please requestin every shiva bhaktha if you

> have a chance try to send that to me

> > thanking u for going through entire this letter

> >

> srinivas

> >

> >

> > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna@> wrote:

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Rudra-Hridaya Upanishad

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both

> > together;

> >

> > May we work conjointly with great energy,

> >

> > May our study be vigorous and effective;

> >

> > May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).

> >

> > Om ! Let there be Peace in me !

> >

> > Let there be Peace in my environment !

> >

> > Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

> >

> >

> >

> > Now, at this moment, I take refuge in that Pure State of the

> Supreme

> > Absolute which can be known by the Vidya, called the Rudra


> > Upanishad.

> >

> > After prostrating before the celebrated form of Sri Mahadeva-


> in

> > his heart, adoring the sacred Bhasma and Rudraksha and mentally

> > reciting the great Mahavakya-Mantra, Tarasara, Sri Suka asked his

> > father Sri Vyasa Maharshi, thus:

> >

> > Who is the real God of gods? In whom are all these existences

> > established? By worshipping whom, can I please the Devas in


> >

> > Hearing these words, Sri Veda Vyasa replied thus:

> >

> > Rudra is the embodiment of all Devas. All devas are merely


> > manifestations of Sri Rudra Himself. On the right side of Rudra,

> > there is the sun, then the four-headed Brahma, and then three


> > (fires). On the left side, there exist Sri Umadevi, and also


> > and Soma (moon).

> >

> > Uma Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of


> > moon. Therefore, those who worship Lord Vishnu, worship Siva

> Himself.

> > And those who worship Siva, worship Lord Vishnu in reality.


> who

> > envy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually hating Sri Vishnu. Those


> > decry Lord Siva, decry Vishnu Himself.

> >

> > Rudra is the generator of the seed. Vishnu is the embryo of the

> seed.

> > Siva Himself is Brahma and Brahma Himself is Agni. Rudra is full


> > Brahma and Vishnu. The whole world is full of Agni and Soma. The

> > masculine gender is Lord Siva. The feminine gender is Sri Bhavani

> > Devi. All the mobile and immobile creation of this universe, is

> > filled up with Uma and Rudra. The Vyakta is Sri Uma, and the


> > is Lord Siva. The combination of Uma and Sankara is Vishnu.

> >

> > Hence everybody should prostrate to Sri Maha Vishnu with great

> > devotion. He is the Atman. He is the Paramatman. He is the

> > Antaratman. Brahma is the Antaratman. Siva is the Paramatman.


> > is the Eternal Atman of all this universe. This whole creation of

> > Svarga, Martya and Patala Lokas is a big tree. Vishnu is the top

> > portion (branches) of this tree. Brahma is the stem. The root is

> Lord

> > Siva.

> >

> > The effect is Vishnu. The action is Brahma. The cause is Siva.


> > the benefit of the worlds. Rudra has taken these three forms.

> >

> > Rudra is Dharma. Vishnu is the world. Brahma is Knowledge.

> Therefore,

> > do Kirtan of His name, `Rudra', `Rudra'. By singing like this,


> > hallowed name of this great Lord, all your sins will be


> >

> > Rudra is man. Uma is woman. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is

> > Brahma. Uma is Sarasvati. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is

> > Vishnu. Uma is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is


> > Uma is shadow. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is moon. Uma is

> > star. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is day. Uma is night.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Yajna. Uma is Vedi.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is Svaha.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Veda. Uma is Sastra.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is tree. Uma is creeper.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is scent. Uma is flower.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is meaning. Uma is word.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Linga. Uma is Pitha.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her.

> >

> > The devotee should worship Sri Rudra and Uma with these Mantras

> > referred to above. O my son, Suka! With these hymns, you should

> > meditate on the Eternal Para-Brahman, which is beyond the reach


> > the senses, which is pure Existence, knowledge and Bliss and


> > cannot be understood either by the speech or by the mind. After

> > knowing this, there is nothing more to be known, because


> > is the form of That, and there is nothing separate from That.

> >

> > There are two Vidyas to be known. They are Para and Apara. Apara

> > Vidya is the embodiment of the four Vedas and their six Angas.


> > do not deal with the Nature of the Atman. But the Para Vidya is

> > called the Moksha-Sastra. It deals with that supreme philosophy


> > the Absolute Truth, ununderstandable, impersonal, Nirguna,


> > without ears, without eyes, without hands, without feet,


> > omnipresent, imperishable, and knowable by the intelligent daring

> > sages.

> >

> > From that Lord Siva who performs a terrible penance in the form


> > Supreme Jnana-Marga, this whole world is created which is the


> of

> > the mortals. This world is Maya. It seems to appear just like a

> > dream. It is superimposed on the Lord just like a rope on a


> > This is the eternal Truth. There is no creation in reality. All


> > absolute. All is Truth. Knowing this, one is liberated at once.

> >

> > Only through Jnana, you can get rid of this Samsara. Only through

> > Jnana, you can understand this existence and never through Karma.

> > Understand this through the guidance of a Brahmanishtha-Srotriya

> > Guru. The Guru will give the disciple all the necessary


> of

> > Brahman, the Absolute. By cutting off the bondage of Ajnana or

> > Avidya, one should take refuge in Lord Sadasiva. This is the real

> > wisdom to be understood by an aspirant seeking after Truth.

> >

> > The Pranava is the bow. The Atman is the arrow. The Para-Brahman


> > the target. Just like the arrow, the Atman will become one with

> > Brahman.

> >

> > But all these three, the bow, the arrow and the target are not

> > different from that Sadasiva. There do not shine the bodies of


> > sun, moon or the stars. There does not blow the wind, there do


> > exist many Devatas. He, the One Lord only exists. He only, the

> Purity

> > of purities, shines for ever and ever.

> >

> > There are two birds in this body, the Jiva and the Paramatman.


> > Jiva eats the fruit of his Karmas, but the Paramatman is


> by

> > anything. The Paramatman is only the Sakshi. He does not do

> anything.

> > He only assumes the form of the Jiva through His Maya, just as


> > Akasa inside a pot seems to be different from the Akasa outside


> > assumes the form of the pot. In reality all is Siva, Advaita,


> One

> > Absolute. There is no difference of whatever kind.

> >

> > When all is understood to be One, Omkara, the Absolute, there is


> > sorrow, there is no Maya. Then the attainment of the Advaita-

> > Paramananda is very easy. Think that you are the basis of all


> > universe, you are the One, Kevala, Sat-Chit-Ghana. All people


> > understand this Truth. Those devoid of Maya can know this secret.

> > After knowing this, the Atman does not move towards any place at

> any

> > time. It becomes one with the Absolute, just like Ghatakasa with

> > Paramakasa. Just as Akasa does not move anywhere, similarly this

> > Atman does not have any movement. It becomes one with OM.

> >

> > One who knows this great secret Truth is the real Muni. He


> > the Para-Brahman Itself. He becomes Satchidananda. He attains

> > permanent peace.

> >

> > Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both

> > together;

> >

> > May we work conjointly with great energy,

> >

> > May our study be vigorous and effective;

> >

> > May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).

> >

> > Om ! Let there be Peace in me !

> >

> > Let there be Peace in my environment !

> >

> > Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

> >

> >

> >

> > Here ends the Rudra-Hridayopanishad belonging to the Krishna-


> > Veda.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Visit your group "" on the web.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mail

> > Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

> >


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Dear Srinivas,


Please chant the panchakshara mantra ( om namah

shivaya), Gayatri mantra and Maha mrutyunjaya mantra,

chanting them will clear all your obstacles and get

you peace and prosperity.


Om namah shivaya,



--- srinucnu maly <srinucnumaly wrote:


> Dear all

> om namah shivaya

> hara om

> iam suffering from some sort of badluck,

> which made me economically very dull,

> when i concerned a person who is a great

> shiva bhaktha , he told me about this group and also

> he suggested me to wear a rudraksha, so any body can

> send me a rudrakdha , hope which makes me free from

> all the bad luck of mine

> so please requestin every shiva

> bhaktha if you have a chance try to send that to me

> thanking u for going through entire

> this letter


> srinivas



> prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna

> wrote:

> Dear All,


> Rudra-Hridaya Upanishad





> Om ! May He protect us both together; may He

> nourish us both

> together;


> May we work conjointly with great energy,


> May our study be vigorous and effective;


> May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate

> any).


> Om ! Let there be Peace in me !


> Let there be Peace in my environment !


> Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !




> Now, at this moment, I take refuge in that Pure

> State of the Supreme

> Absolute which can be known by the Vidya, called the

> Rudra Hridaya

> Upanishad.


> After prostrating before the celebrated form of Sri

> Mahadeva-Rudra in

> his heart, adoring the sacred Bhasma and Rudraksha

> and mentally

> reciting the great Mahavakya-Mantra, Tarasara, Sri

> Suka asked his

> father Sri Vyasa Maharshi, thus:


> Who is the real God of gods? In whom are all these

> existences

> established? By worshipping whom, can I please the

> Devas in whole?


> Hearing these words, Sri Veda Vyasa replied thus:


> Rudra is the embodiment of all Devas. All devas are

> merely different

> manifestations of Sri Rudra Himself. On the right

> side of Rudra,

> there is the sun, then the four-headed Brahma, and

> then three Agnis

> (fires). On the left side, there exist Sri Umadevi,

> and also Vishnu

> and Soma (moon).


> Uma Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is

> the form of the

> moon. Therefore, those who worship Lord Vishnu,

> worship Siva Himself.

> And those who worship Siva, worship Lord Vishnu in

> reality. Those who

> envy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually hating Sri

> Vishnu. Those who

> decry Lord Siva, decry Vishnu Himself.


> Rudra is the generator of the seed. Vishnu is the

> embryo of the seed.

> Siva Himself is Brahma and Brahma Himself is Agni.

> Rudra is full of

> Brahma and Vishnu. The whole world is full of Agni

> and Soma. The

> masculine gender is Lord Siva. The feminine gender

> is Sri Bhavani

> Devi. All the mobile and immobile creation of this

> universe, is

> filled up with Uma and Rudra. The Vyakta is Sri Uma,

> and the Avyakta

> is Lord Siva. The combination of Uma and Sankara is

> Vishnu.


> Hence everybody should prostrate to Sri Maha Vishnu

> with great

> devotion. He is the Atman. He is the Paramatman. He

> is the

> Antaratman. Brahma is the Antaratman. Siva is the

> Paramatman. Vishnu

> is the Eternal Atman of all this universe. This

> whole creation of

> Svarga, Martya and Patala Lokas is a big tree.

> Vishnu is the top

> portion (branches) of this tree. Brahma is the stem.

> The root is Lord

> Siva.


> The effect is Vishnu. The action is Brahma. The

> cause is Siva. For

> the benefit of the worlds. Rudra has taken these

> three forms.


> Rudra is Dharma. Vishnu is the world. Brahma is

> Knowledge. Therefore,

> do Kirtan of His name, `Rudra', `Rudra'. By singing

> like this, the

> hallowed name of this great Lord, all your sins will

> be destroyed.


> Rudra is man. Uma is woman. Prostrations to Him and

> Her. Rudra is

> Brahma. Uma is Sarasvati. Prostrations to Him and

> Her. Rudra is

> Vishnu. Uma is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her.

> Rudra is Sun.

> Uma is shadow. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is

> moon. Uma is

> star. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is day. Uma

> is night.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Yajna. Uma is

> Vedi.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is

> Svaha.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Veda. Uma is

> Sastra.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is tree. Uma is

> creeper.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is scent. Uma is

> flower.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is meaning. Uma

> is word.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Linga. Uma is

> Pitha.

> Prostrations to Him and Her.


> The devotee should worship Sri Rudra and Uma with

> these Mantras

> referred to above. O my son, Suka! With these hymns,

> you should

> meditate on the Eternal Para-Brahman, which is

> beyond the reach of

> the senses, which is pure Existence, knowledge and

> Bliss and which

> cannot be understood either by the speech or by the

> mind. After

> knowing this, there is nothing more to be known,

> because everything

> is the form of That, and there is nothing separate

> from That.


> There are two Vidyas to be known. They are Para and

> Apara. Apara

> Vidya is the embodiment of the four Vedas and their

> six Angas. They

> do not deal with the Nature of the Atman. But the

> Para Vidya is

> called the Moksha-Sastra. It deals with that supreme

> philosophy of

> the Absolute Truth, ununderstandable, impersonal,

> Nirguna, Nirakara,

> without ears, without eyes, without hands, without

> feet, eternal,

> omnipresent, imperishable, and knowable by the

> intelligent daring

> sages.


> From that Lord Siva who performs a terrible penance

> in the form of

> Supreme Jnana-Marga, this whole world is created

> which is the food of

> the mortals. This world is Maya. It seems to appear

> just like a

> dream. It is superimposed on the Lord just like a

> rope on a serpent.

> This is the eternal Truth. There is no creation in

> reality. All is

> absolute. All is Truth. Knowing this, one is

> liberated at once.


> Only through Jnana, you can get rid of this Samsara.

> Only through

> Jnana, you can understand this existence and never

> through

=== message truncated ===







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Guest guest


Respected Pandit Ji,

I live in USA,and am intrested in buying seven mukh rudraksha,please guide me.

Thanking You.



panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 >To:

Sent: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 11:01:23

-0000 Re: request for rudraksha

dear shiv bhakt srinucnu maly

om namo bhagawate rudraya


from the description of problems faced by you, i suggest you to wear

a single bead of seven mukh rudraksha after due purification,

sanctification, energisation and programming. this rudraksha shall

not cost you more than rupees one hundred. please advise in which

city or country you are currently in so that we can suggest the

nearest local source of rudraksha.


keep chanting "om namah shivaya" within your heart as much as



in praise of lord shiva and with best wishes and blessings




, "prasanna kumar"

<groupowner.prasanna wrote:


> Dear Srinivas ji

> Thank you for the message,we welcome you to our group.Our


> Sh Arjun Pandit ji and our esteem members will guide you and show

you right path don`t worry.

> With best wishes

> Prasanna Kumar






> , srinucnu maly

> <srinucnumaly@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear all

> > om namah shivaya

> > hara om

> > iam suffering from some sort of badluck, which made


> economically very dull,

> > when i concerned a person who is a great shiva bhaktha ,


> told me about this group and also he suggested me to wear a

> rudraksha, so any body can send me a rudrakdha , hope which makes


> free from all the bad luck of mine

> > so please requestin every shiva bhaktha if you

> have a chance try to send that to me

> > thanking u for going through entire this letter

> >

> srinivas

> >

> >

> > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna@> wrote:

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Rudra-Hridaya Upanishad

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both

> > together;

> >

> > May we work conjointly with great energy,

> >

> > May our study be vigorous and effective;

> >

> > May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).

> >

> > Om ! Let there be Peace in me !

> >

> > Let there be Peace in my environment !

> >

> > Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

> >

> >

> >

> > Now, at this moment, I take refuge in that Pure State of the

> Supreme

> > Absolute which can be known by the Vidya, called the Rudra


> > Upanishad.

> >

> > After prostrating before the celebrated form of Sri Mahadeva-


> in

> > his heart, adoring the sacred Bhasma and Rudraksha and mentally

> > reciting the great Mahavakya-Mantra, Tarasara, Sri Suka asked his

> > father Sri Vyasa Maharshi, thus:

> >

> > Who is the real God of gods? In whom are all these existences

> > established? By worshipping whom, can I please the Devas in


> >

> > Hearing these words, Sri Veda Vyasa replied thus:

> >

> > Rudra is the embodiment of all Devas. All devas are merely


> > manifestations of Sri Rudra Himself. On the right side of Rudra,

> > there is the sun, then the four-headed Brahma, and then three


> > (fires). On the left side, there exist Sri Umadevi, and also


> > and Soma (moon).

> >

> > Uma Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of


> > moon. Therefore, those who worship Lord Vishnu, worship Siva

> Himself.

> > And those who worship Siva, worship Lord Vishnu in reality.


> who

> > envy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually hating Sri Vishnu. Those


> > decry Lord Siva, decry Vishnu Himself.

> >

> > Rudra is the generator of the seed. Vishnu is the embryo of the

> seed.

> > Siva Himself is Brahma and Brahma Himself is Agni. Rudra is full


> > Brahma and Vishnu. The whole world is full of Agni and Soma. The

> > masculine gender is Lord Siva. The feminine gender is Sri Bhavani

> > Devi. All the mobile and immobile creation of this universe, is

> > filled up with Uma and Rudra. The Vyakta is Sri Uma, and the


> > is Lord Siva. The combination of Uma and Sankara is Vishnu.

> >

> > Hence everybody should prostrate to Sri Maha Vishnu with great

> > devotion. He is the Atman. He is the Paramatman. He is the

> > Antaratman. Brahma is the Antaratman. Siva is the Paramatman.


> > is the Eternal Atman of all this universe. This whole creation of

> > Svarga, Martya and Patala Lokas is a big tree. Vishnu is the top

> > portion (branches) of this tree. Brahma is the stem. The root is

> Lord

> > Siva.

> >

> > The effect is Vishnu. The action is Brahma. The cause is Siva.


> > the benefit of the worlds. Rudra has taken these three forms.

> >

> > Rudra is Dharma. Vishnu is the world. Brahma is Knowledge.

> Therefore,

> > do Kirtan of His name, `Rudra', `Rudra'. By singing like this,


> > hallowed name of this great Lord, all your sins will be


> >

> > Rudra is man. Uma is woman. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is

> > Brahma. Uma is Sarasvati. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is

> > Vishnu. Uma is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is


> > Uma is shadow. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is moon. Uma is

> > star. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is day. Uma is night.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Yajna. Uma is Vedi.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is Svaha.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Veda. Uma is Sastra.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is tree. Uma is creeper.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is scent. Uma is flower.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is meaning. Uma is word.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Linga. Uma is Pitha.

> > Prostrations to Him and Her.

> >

> > The devotee should worship Sri Rudra and Uma with these Mantras

> > referred to above. O my son, Suka! With these hymns, you should

> > meditate on the Eternal Para-Brahman, which is beyond the reach


> > the senses, which is pure Existence, knowledge and Bliss and


> > cannot be understood either by the speech or by the mind. After

> > knowing this, there is nothing more to be known, because


> > is the form of That, and there is nothing separate from That.

> >

> > There are two Vidyas to be known. They are Para and Apara. Apara

> > Vidya is the embodiment of the four Vedas and their six Angas.


> > do not deal with the Nature of the Atman. But the Para Vidya is

> > called the Moksha-Sastra. It deals with that supreme philosophy


> > the Absolute Truth, ununderstandable, impersonal, Nirguna,


> > without ears, without eyes, without hands, without feet,


> > omnipresent, imperishable, and knowable by the intelligent daring

> > sages.

> >

> > From that Lord Siva who performs a terrible penance in the form


> > Supreme Jnana-Marga, this whole world is created which is the


> of

> > the mortals. This world is Maya. It seems to appear just like a

> > dream. It is superimposed on the Lord just like a rope on a


> > This is the eternal Truth. There is no creation in reality. All


> > absolute. All is Truth. Knowing this, one is liberated at once.

> >

> > Only through Jnana, you can get rid of this Samsara. Only through

> > Jnana, you can understand this existence and never through Karma.

> > Understand this through the guidance of a Brahmanishtha-Srotriya

> > Guru. The Guru will give the disciple all the necessary


> of

> > Brahman, the Absolute. By cutting off the bondage of Ajnana or

> > Avidya, one should take refuge in Lord Sadasiva. This is the real

> > wisdom to be understood by an aspirant seeking after Truth.

> >

> > The Pranava is the bow. The Atman is the arrow. The Para-Brahman


> > the target. Just like the arrow, the Atman will become one with

> > Brahman.

> >

> > But all these three, the bow, the arrow and the target are not

> > different from that Sadasiva. There do not shine the bodies of


> > sun, moon or the stars. There does not blow the wind, there do


> > exist many Devatas. He, the One Lord only exists. He only, the

> Purity

> > of purities, shines for ever and ever.

> >

> > There are two birds in this body, the Jiva and the Paramatman.


> > Jiva eats the fruit of his Karmas, but the Paramatman is


> by

> > anything. The Paramatman is only the Sakshi. He does not do

> anything.

> > He only assumes the form of the Jiva through His Maya, just as


> > Akasa inside a pot seems to be different from the Akasa outside


> > assumes the form of the pot. In reality all is Siva, Advaita,


> One

> > Absolute. There is no difference of whatever kind.

> >

> > When all is understood to be One, Omkara, the Absolute, there is


> > sorrow, there is no Maya. Then the attainment of the Advaita-

> > Paramananda is very easy. Think that you are the basis of all


> > universe, you are the One, Kevala, Sat-Chit-Ghana. All people


> > understand this Truth. Those devoid of Maya can know this secret.

> > After knowing this, the Atman does not move towards any place at

> any

> > time. It becomes one with the Absolute, just like Ghatakasa with

> > Paramakasa. Just as Akasa does not move anywhere, similarly this

> > Atman does not have any movement. It becomes one with OM.

> >

> > One who knows this great secret Truth is the real Muni. He


> > the Para-Brahman Itself. He becomes Satchidananda. He attains

> > permanent peace.

> >

> > Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both

> > together;

> >

> > May we work conjointly with great energy,

> >

> > May our study be vigorous and effective;

> >

> > May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).

> >

> > Om ! Let there be Peace in me !

> >

> > Let there be Peace in my environment !

> >

> > Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

> >

> >

> >

> > Here ends the Rudra-Hridayopanishad belonging to the Krishna-


> > Veda.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Visit your group "" on the web.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mail

> > Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

> >











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Guest guest

FONT-FAMILY: 'Verdana'"> SAIRAM, Respected Pandit Ji, I live in USA,and am

intrested in buying seven mukh rudraksha,please guide me. Thanking You.

anju panditarjun2004

<panditarjun2004 >Sent: Mon,

13 Mar 2006 11:01:23 -0000 Re: request for

rudraksha dear shiv bhakt srinucnu maly om namo bhagawate rudraya from the

description of problems faced by you, i suggest you to wear a single bead of

seven mukh rudraksha after due purification, sanctification, energisation and

programming. this rudraksha shall not cost you more than rupees one hundred.

please advise in which city or country you are currently in so that we

can suggest the nearest local source of rudraksha. keep chanting "om namah

shivaya" within your heart as much as possible. in praise of lord shiva and

with best wishes and blessings arjun --- In

, "prasanna kumar"

<groupowner.prasanna wrote: > > Dear Srinivas ji > Thank you for the

message,we welcome you to our group.Our moderator > Sh Arjun Pandit ji and

our esteem members will guide you and show you right path don`t worry. >

With best wishes > Prasanna Kumar > > > > > > --- In

, srinucnu maly > <srinucnumaly@>

wrote: > > > > Dear all > > om namah shivaya > > hara om > >

iam suffering from some sort of badluck, which made me >

economically very dull, > > when i concerned a person who is a great

shiva bhaktha , he > told me about this group and also he suggested me to

wear a > rudraksha, so any body can send me a rudrakdha , hope which makes

me > free from all the bad luck of mine > > so please

requestin every shiva bhaktha if you > have a chance try to send that to me

> > thanking u for going through entire this letter > >

> srinivas > >

> > > > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna@> wrote: > > Dear All, > >

> > Rudra-Hridaya Upanishad > > > > > > > > > > Om ! May He

protect us both together; may He nourish us both > > together; > > > > May

we work conjointly with great energy, > > > > May our study be vigorous

and effective; > > > > May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate

any). > > > > Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! > > > > Let there be Peace

in my environment ! > > > > Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

> > > > > > > > Now, at this moment, I take refuge in that Pure State of

the > Supreme > > Absolute which can be known by the Vidya, called the

Rudra Hridaya > > Upanishad. > > > > After prostrating before the

celebrated form of Sri Mahadeva- Rudra > in > > his heart, adoring the

sacred Bhasma and Rudraksha and mentally > > reciting the great

Mahavakya-Mantra, Tarasara, Sri Suka asked his > > father Sri Vyasa Maharshi,

thus: > > > > Who is the real God of gods? In whom are all these existences

> > established? By worshipping whom, can I please the Devas in whole? > >

> >

Hearing these words, Sri Veda Vyasa replied thus: > > > > Rudra is the

embodiment of all Devas. All devas are merely different > > manifestations

of Sri Rudra Himself. On the right side of Rudra, > > there is the sun, then

the four-headed Brahma, and then three Agnis > > (fires). On the left side,

there exist Sri Umadevi, and also Vishnu > > and Soma (moon). > > > > Uma

Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of the > > moon.

Therefore, those who worship Lord Vishnu, worship Siva > Himself. > > And

those who worship Siva, worship Lord Vishnu in reality. Those > who > >

envy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually hating Sri Vishnu. Those who > > decry

Lord Siva, decry Vishnu Himself. > > > > Rudra is the generator of the seed.

Vishnu is the embryo of the > seed. > > Siva Himself is Brahma and Brahma

Himself is Agni. Rudra is full of

> > Brahma and Vishnu. The whole world is full of Agni and Soma. The > >

masculine gender is Lord Siva. The feminine gender is Sri Bhavani > > Devi.

All the mobile and immobile creation of this universe, is > > filled up with

Uma and Rudra. The Vyakta is Sri Uma, and the Avyakta > > is Lord Siva. The

combination of Uma and Sankara is Vishnu. > > > > Hence everybody should

prostrate to Sri Maha Vishnu with great > > devotion. He is the Atman. He is

the Paramatman. He is the > > Antaratman. Brahma is the Antaratman. Siva is

the Paramatman. Vishnu > > is the Eternal Atman of all this universe. This

whole creation of > > Svarga, Martya and Patala Lokas is a big tree. Vishnu is

the top > > portion (branches) of this tree. Brahma is the stem. The root is

> Lord > > Siva. > > > > The effect is Vishnu. The action is Brahma. The

cause is Siva. For > > the benefit of

the worlds. Rudra has taken these three forms. > > > > Rudra is Dharma.

Vishnu is the world. Brahma is Knowledge. > Therefore, > > do Kirtan of His

name, `Rudra', `Rudra'. By singing like this, the > > hallowed name of this

great Lord, all your sins will be destroyed. > > > > Rudra is man. Uma is

woman. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is > > Brahma. Uma is Sarasvati.

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is > > Vishnu. Uma is Lakshmi.

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Sun. > > Uma is shadow. Prostrations

to Him and Her. Rudra is moon. Uma is > > star. Prostrations to Him and Her.

Rudra is day. Uma is night. > > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Yajna.

Uma is Vedi. > > Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is Svaha. >

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Veda. Uma is Sastra. > > Prostrations

to Him and Her. Rudra is tree. Uma is creeper. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is scent. Uma is flower. > > Prostrations

to Him and Her. Rudra is meaning. Uma is word. > > Prostrations to Him and

Her. Rudra is Linga. Uma is Pitha. > > Prostrations to Him and Her. > > > >

The devotee should worship Sri Rudra and Uma with these Mantras > > referred

to above. O my son, Suka! With these hymns, you should > > meditate on the

Eternal Para-Brahman, which is beyond the reach of > > the senses, which is

pure Existence, knowledge and Bliss and which > > cannot be understood

either by the speech or by the mind. After > > knowing this, there is nothing

more to be known, because everything > > is the form of That, and there is

nothing separate from That. > > > > There are two Vidyas to be known. They

are Para and Apara. Apara > > Vidya is the embodiment of the four Vedas and

their six Angas. They > > do not deal with the

Nature of the Atman. But the Para Vidya is > > called the Moksha-Sastra. It

deals with that supreme philosophy of > > the Absolute Truth,

ununderstandable, impersonal, Nirguna, Nirakara, > > without ears, without

eyes, without hands, without feet, eternal, > > omnipresent, imperishable,

and knowable by the intelligent daring > > sages. > > > > From that Lord

Siva who performs a terrible penance in the form of > > Supreme Jnana-Marga,

this whole world is created which is the food > of > > the mortals. This

world is Maya. It seems to appear just like a > > dream. It is superimposed on

the Lord just like a rope on a serpent. > > This is the eternal Truth. There

is no creation in reality. All is > > absolute. All is Truth. Knowing this,

one is liberated at once. > > > > Only through Jnana, you can get rid of

this Samsara. Only through > > Jnana, you can

understand this existence and never through Karma. > > Understand this through

the guidance of a Brahmanishtha-Srotriya > > Guru. The Guru will give the

disciple all the necessary knowledge > of > > Brahman, the Absolute. By

cutting off the bondage of Ajnana or > > Avidya, one should take refuge in

Lord Sadasiva. This is the real > > wisdom to be understood by an aspirant

seeking after Truth. > > > > The Pranava is the bow. The Atman is the arrow.

The Para-Brahman is > > the target. Just like the arrow, the Atman will

become one with > > Brahman. > > > > But all these three, the bow, the

arrow and the target are not > > different from that Sadasiva. There do not

shine the bodies of the > > sun, moon or the stars. There does not blow the

wind, there do not > > exist many Devatas. He, the One Lord only exists. He

only, the > Purity > > of purities, shines for

ever and ever. > > > > There are two birds in this body, the Jiva and the

Paramatman. The > > Jiva eats the fruit of his Karmas, but the Paramatman

is untouched > by > > anything. The Paramatman is only the Sakshi. He does

not do > anything. > > He only assumes the form of the Jiva through His Maya,

just as the > > Akasa inside a pot seems to be different from the Akasa

outside and > > assumes the form of the pot. In reality all is Siva,

Advaita, the > One > > Absolute. There is no difference of whatever kind.

> > > > When all is understood to be One, Omkara, the Absolute, there is no

> > sorrow, there is no Maya. Then the attainment of the Advaita- > >

Paramananda is very easy. Think that you are the basis of all this > >

universe, you are the One, Kevala, Sat-Chit-Ghana. All people cannot > >

understand this Truth. Those devoid of Maya can know this

secret. > > After knowing this, the Atman does not move towards any place at

> any > > time. It becomes one with the Absolute, just like Ghatakasa with >

> Paramakasa. Just as Akasa does not move anywhere, similarly this > > Atman

does not have any movement. It becomes one with OM. > > > > One who knows

this great secret Truth is the real Muni. He becomes > > the Para-Brahman

Itself. He becomes Satchidananda. He attains > > permanent peace. > > > >

Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both > > together; >

> > > May we work conjointly with great energy, > > > > May our study be

vigorous and effective; > > > > May we not mutually dispute (or may we not

hate any). > > > > Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! > > > > Let there be

Peace in my environment ! > > > > Let there be Peace in the forces

that act on me ! > > > > > > > > Here ends the Rudra-Hridayopanishad

belonging to the Krishna- Yajur- > > Veda. > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > Visit your group "" on the web. > > > >

> >

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of is subject to the Terms of > Service. > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > >

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dear shivbhaks

om namo bhagawate rudraya


for procuring rudraksha from me, kindly contact on my personal ID



am based at delhi and my mobile number is 9899860935.


in praise of lord shiva and with best wishes




, srinucnu maly

<srinucnumaly wrote:


> om namo bhagawathe rudraya

> hara om

> Dear panditji thankyou

> for your good suggestion , iam staying at hyderabad, ap.

> so please tell me the place where i can buy the Sevenmukh



> srinu




> anju777 wrote:


> Respected Pandit Ji,

> I live in USA,and am intrested in buying seven mukh

rudraksha,please guide me.

> Thanking You.


> anju




> panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004


> Mon, 13 Mar 2006 11:01:23 -0000

> Re: request for rudraksha


> .AOLPlainTextBody { margin: 0px; font-family:

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> dear shiv bhakt srinucnu maly om namo bhagawate rudraya from

the description of problems faced by you, i suggest you to wear a

single bead of seven mukh rudraksha after due purification,

sanctification, energisation and programming. this rudraksha

shall not cost you more than rupees one hundred. please advise in

which city or country you are currently in so that we can suggest

the nearest local source of rudraksha. keep chanting "om namah

shivaya" within your heart as much as possible. in praise of

lord shiva and with best wishes and blessings arjun --- In

, "prasanna kumar"

<groupowner.prasanna@> wrote: > > Dear Srinivas ji > Thank you

for the message,we welcome you to our group.Our moderator > Sh

Arjun Pandit ji and our esteem members will guide you and show you

right path don`t worry. > With best wishes > Prasanna Kumar >

> > > > > ,


> maly > <srinucnumaly@> wrote: > > > > Dear all > > om

namah shivaya > > hara om > > iam suffering from

some sort of badluck, which made me > economically very dull, >

> when i concerned a person who is a great shiva bhaktha ,

he > told me about this group and also he suggested me to wear a

> rudraksha, so any body can send me a rudrakdha , hope which

makes me > free from all the bad luck of mine >

> so please requestin every shiva bhaktha if you

> have a chance try to send that to me > >

thanking u for going through entire this letter >

> >

srinivas > > > > > > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna@>

wrote: > > Dear All, > > > > Rudra-Hridaya Upanishad > >

> > > > > > > > Om ! May He protect us both together; may He

nourish us both > > together; > > > > May we work conjointly

with great energy, > > >

> > May our study be vigorous and effective; > > > > May we not

mutually dispute (or may we not hate any). > > > > Om ! Let

there be Peace in me ! > > > > Let there be Peace in my

environment ! > > > > Let there be Peace in the forces that act

on me ! > > > > > > > > Now, at this moment, I take refuge in

that Pure State of the > Supreme > > Absolute which can be known

by the Vidya, called the Rudra Hridaya > > Upanishad. > > > >

After prostrating before the celebrated form of Sri Mahadeva-

Rudra > in > > his heart, adoring the sacred Bhasma and Rudraksha

and mentally > > reciting the great Mahavakya-Mantra, Tarasara,

Sri Suka asked his > > father Sri Vyasa Maharshi, thus: > > > >

Who is the real God of gods? In whom are all these existences > >

established? By worshipping whom, can I please the Devas in

whole? > > > > Hearing these words, Sri Veda Vyasa replied

thus: > > > > Rudra is the embodiment of all Devas. All devas are


> different > > manifestations of Sri Rudra Himself. On the right

side of Rudra, > > there is the sun, then the four-headed Brahma,

and then three Agnis > > (fires). On the left side, there exist

Sri Umadevi, and also Vishnu > > and Soma (moon). > > > > Uma

Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of the

> > moon. Therefore, those who worship Lord Vishnu, worship Siva >

Himself. > > And those who worship Siva, worship Lord Vishnu in

reality. Those > who > > envy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually

hating Sri Vishnu. Those who > > decry Lord Siva, decry Vishnu

Himself. > > > > Rudra is the generator of the seed. Vishnu is

the embryo of the > seed. > > Siva Himself is Brahma and Brahma

Himself is Agni. Rudra is full of > > Brahma and Vishnu. The

whole world is full of Agni and Soma. The > > masculine gender is

Lord Siva. The feminine gender is Sri Bhavani > > Devi. All the

mobile and immobile creation of this universe, is > > filled

> up with Uma and Rudra. The Vyakta is Sri Uma, and the Avyakta

> > is Lord Siva. The combination of Uma and Sankara is Vishnu. >

> > > Hence everybody should prostrate to Sri Maha Vishnu with

great > > devotion. He is the Atman. He is the Paramatman. He is

the > > Antaratman. Brahma is the Antaratman. Siva is the

Paramatman. Vishnu > > is the Eternal Atman of all this universe.

This whole creation of > > Svarga, Martya and Patala Lokas is a big

tree. Vishnu is the top > > portion (branches) of this tree. Brahma

is the stem. The root is > Lord > > Siva. > > > > The effect

is Vishnu. The action is Brahma. The cause is Siva. For > > the

benefit of the worlds. Rudra has taken these three forms. > > > >

Rudra is Dharma. Vishnu is the world. Brahma is Knowledge. >

Therefore, > > do Kirtan of His name, `Rudra', `Rudra'. By singing

like this, the > > hallowed name of this great Lord, all your

sins will be destroyed. > > > > Rudra is man. Uma is woman.

> Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is > > Brahma. Uma is

Sarasvati. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is > > Vishnu. Uma

is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Sun. > > Uma is

shadow. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is moon. Uma is > >

star. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is day. Uma is night. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Yajna. Uma is Vedi. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is Svaha. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Veda. Uma is Sastra. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is tree. Uma is creeper. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is scent. Uma is flower. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is meaning. Uma is word. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Linga. Uma is Pitha. > >

Prostrations to Him and Her. > > > > The devotee should worship

Sri Rudra and Uma with these Mantras > > referred to above. O my

son, Suka! With these hymns, you should > > meditate on the Eternal


> which is beyond the reach of > > the senses, which is pure

Existence, knowledge and Bliss and which > > cannot be understood

either by the speech or by the mind. After > > knowing this, there

is nothing more to be known, because everything > > is the form

of That, and there is nothing separate from That. > > > > There

are two Vidyas to be known. They are Para and Apara. Apara > >

Vidya is the embodiment of the four Vedas and their six Angas.

They > > do not deal with the Nature of the Atman. But the Para

Vidya is > > called the Moksha-Sastra. It deals with that supreme

philosophy of > > the Absolute Truth, ununderstandable,

impersonal, Nirguna, Nirakara, > > without ears, without eyes,

without hands, without feet, eternal, > > omnipresent,

imperishable, and knowable by the intelligent daring > > sages. >

> > > From that Lord Siva who performs a terrible penance in the

form of > > Supreme Jnana-Marga, this whole world is created

which is the

> food > of > > the mortals. This world is Maya. It seems to

appear just like a > > dream. It is superimposed on the Lord just

like a rope on a serpent. > > This is the eternal Truth. There is

no creation in reality. All is > > absolute. All is Truth.

Knowing this, one is liberated at once. > > > > Only through

Jnana, you can get rid of this Samsara. Only through > > Jnana, you

can understand this existence and never through Karma. > >

Understand this through the guidance of a Brahmanishtha-Srotriya >

> Guru. The Guru will give the disciple all the necessary

knowledge > of > > Brahman, the Absolute. By cutting off the

bondage of Ajnana or > > Avidya, one should take refuge in Lord

Sadasiva. This is the real > > wisdom to be understood by an

aspirant seeking after Truth. > > > > The Pranava is the bow. The

Atman is the arrow. The Para-Brahman is > > the target. Just

like the arrow, the Atman will become one with > > Brahman. > >

> > But all these

> three, the bow, the arrow and the target are not > > different

from that Sadasiva. There do not shine the bodies of the > > sun,

moon or the stars. There does not blow the wind, there do not > >

exist many Devatas. He, the One Lord only exists. He only, the >

Purity > > of purities, shines for ever and ever. > > > > There

are two birds in this body, the Jiva and the Paramatman. The > >

Jiva eats the fruit of his Karmas, but the Paramatman is

untouched > by > > anything. The Paramatman is only the Sakshi.

He does not do > anything. > > He only assumes the form of the

Jiva through His Maya, just as the > > Akasa inside a pot seems

to be different from the Akasa outside and > > assumes the form

of the pot. In reality all is Siva, Advaita, the > One > >

Absolute. There is no difference of whatever kind. > > > > When

all is understood to be One, Omkara, the Absolute, there is no >

> sorrow, there is no Maya. Then the attainment of the Advaita-

> > > Paramananda is very easy. Think that you are the basis of

all this > > universe, you are the One, Kevala, Sat-Chit-Ghana.

All people cannot > > understand this Truth. Those devoid of Maya

can know this secret. > > After knowing this, the Atman does not

move towards any place at > any > > time. It becomes one with

the Absolute, just like Ghatakasa with > > Paramakasa. Just as

Akasa does not move anywhere, similarly this > > Atman does not

have any movement. It becomes one with OM. > > > > One who knows

this great secret Truth is the real Muni. He becomes > > the

Para-Brahman Itself. He becomes Satchidananda. He attains > >

permanent peace. > > > > Om ! May He protect us both together;

may He nourish us both > > together; > > > > May we work

conjointly with great energy, > > > > May our study be vigorous

and effective; > > > > May we not mutually dispute (or may we not

hate any). > > > > Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! > > > >

Let there be

> Peace in my environment ! > > > > Let there be Peace in the

forces that act on me ! > > > > > > > > Here ends the Rudra-

Hridayopanishad belonging to the Krishna- Yajur- > > Veda. > >

> > > > > > ! GROUPS

LINKS > > > > > > Visit your

group "" on the web. > > > > To

from this group, send an email to: > >

> > >

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> Service. > > > > > >

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