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Effects of Siddh Mala or 14 Mukhi

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Dear Richardji/Phadkeji

What effects have you experienced of wearing a Siddh Mala or that of

wearing a 1 Mukhi or a 14 Mukhi? Pls spare time to write details...

Whenever I have worn a single bead be it 1 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi or a 6

Mukhi, the results are instant...I can feel the energy, there are

certain developments which I can relate to...But I have no such

experience to talk of regarding my Siddh Mala...It has a rather very

calming effect...Is it that the combined rudrakshas must be giving a

soothing effect like a medicine in combo? Of course, we all have our

individual experiences about the beads but what is your experience?

What results should one expect when one wears a complete high power

mala like this? Secondly, many people freely use the word highpower

rudrakshas..Any comments on these??

Richardji, what results did you get of wearing the 14 mukhi? and how

long did it take to show the results?? same for you phadkeji...

waiting in anticipation and many thanks in advance>>>aadi

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Dear Aadi,


Namaste!!! I got immediate results from wearing 14 face. It gave confidence, and


became better in spite of Sade Sati. It's better than any gem.


I never used Siddha Mala. I wear 14 face, 2 face (with natural pearl), 4 face,

and 13 face.

All set in gold and worn on a chain.


Siddha mala must be heavy!!! Power beads are Nepali (in my opinion).


Best rgds,



sacred-objects, "aadi291" <aadi291> wrote:


> Dear Richardji/Phadkeji

> What effects have you experienced of wearing a Siddh Mala or that of

> wearing a 1 Mukhi or a 14 Mukhi? Pls spare time to write details...

> Whenever I have worn a single bead be it 1 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi or a 6

> Mukhi, the results are instant...I can feel the energy, there are

> certain developments which I can relate to...But I have no such

> experience to talk of regarding my Siddh Mala...It has a rather very

> calming effect...Is it that the combined rudrakshas must be giving a

> soothing effect like a medicine in combo? Of course, we all have our

> individual experiences about the beads but what is your experience?

> What results should one expect when one wears a complete high power

> mala like this? Secondly, many people freely use the word highpower

> rudrakshas..Any comments on these??

> Richardji, what results did you get of wearing the 14 mukhi? and how

> long did it take to show the results?? same for you phadkeji...

> waiting in anticipation and many thanks in advance>>>aadi


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of regarding my Siddh Mala...It has a rather very calming effect...Is it that

the combined rudrakshas must be giving a soothing effect like a medicine in

combo? Of course, we all have our individual experiences about the beads but

what is your experience? What results should one expect when one wears a

complete high power mala like this? Secondly, many people freely use the word

highpower rudrakshas..Any comments on these??Richardji, what results did you

get of wearing the 14 mukhi? and how long did it take to show the results??

same for you phadkeji...waiting in anticipation and many thanks in


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