Guest guest Posted February 22, 2006 Report Share Posted February 22, 2006 Dear Richardsir, I have been following this debate..but I am surprised why the other person is thinking that Ole (whom I don't know) is a 'broker' for some other site...why these personal insinuations?? tomorrow, it will be against me, chandrashekharji, or someone else also..see, phadkeji (again, i dont know him personally), feels the beads could be genuine one mukhi round and that is his opinion! i remember, somebody had cast similar aspersions on phadkeji on this group..nobody, not me, not you, not ole, can dispute phadkeji's insight into rudra beads..and as he says, he could be wrong need humility to say that...we all can have our opinions and we may differ...despite your profound knowledge and expertise (it shows, one need not go to your weblinks) you are so polite, gentle, courteous...and i am not being liberal with adjectives..i know that even you might be cheated or duped by some tradesite... but these qualities seem missing in the present debate..let me remind you that this is happening for the first time on this group...i, like many, would desire pure exchange of knowledge without an egowarfare-- Only I am Right attitude--even if somebody is saying the truth, he or she should say it and move away...Ole has already made it clear that he has nothing to do with the said webite...the debate rests there although the knowledge exchange continues...warm regards>>aadi sacred-objects, Ole Alstrup <alstrup wrote: > > My comments in BOLD GREEN below this time: > > Siddharth Mishra <sidhmis wrote: PL read my comments below. > > In case this is Siddarth Mishra's followup reply, it is quite obvious that he is not able to refute ANY of the arguments I presented. So to my other fellow members, although I think this mail speaks for itself - please do not be mislead by such empty word jugglery, please read very carefully each of my points to Siddharth Mishra in my previous reply and you will see that I have completely exposed his imaginary claims which he promotes as the absolute truth. > RUBBISH. > > I just received a mail from Chandrahsekharji informing me of some server problems he had yesterday to access the group, but he will try again tomorrow. > > LETS WAIT. > > Thanks, > ~Ole > > You appear to be a broker of this particular site. > I AM NOT > Just learn to accept truth. > OF COURSE, I WILL READILY ACKNOWLEDGE SUCH TRUTH IF I ENCOUNTER IT, SO FAR HAVE NOT SEEN IT, THAT IS WHY AM PRESSING YOU TO ANSWER > Dont get frustrated if you are unable to prove your point. > WHY SHOULD I GET FRUSTRATED IF I ENCOUNTER TRUTH, THIS IS NOT A PERSONAL THING > I want to discontinue this discussion because my purpose of informing the devotees has been acheived and this was unnecessarily creating negativity in the fine group. > WE HAVE TO MAKE A STAND IF SOMEONE IS MISLEADING, OTHERWISE WE ARE ALSO CHEATING, SO THAT IS ALLRIGHT > You pl buy these type of 1 mukhi and let other devotees also take their own decision of buying this or not. > OF COURSE, EVERYONE IS FREE TO DO WHAT THEY WANT IN LIFE, I NEVER OBJECT TO THIS AT ALL, BUT WHY SHOULD I BUY THIS BEAD, I AM DISCUSSING AN IMPORTANT SUBJECT > Try to increase your knowledge. Laxmi will come to you automatically. You need not do publicity for any product on some one else behalf. > I HAVE TO SAY I RESENT YOUR INSINUATIONS IN THIS REGARD > I have again answered your querries. Pl go thro. > > I would request the club owner to stop further mails on this subject. We have put allegations and counter allegations enough. Lets make this platform a healthier platform for discussions and not for commercial gains. > OF COURSE I WOULD REQUEST THE CLUB OWNER TO LET THIS THREAD CONTINUE, WHY SHOULD YOU TELL HIM TO INTEFERE AND STOP THIS WHEN WE ARE DISCUSSING AND EXPOSING THE FINER POINTS OF OUR DIFFERENT VIEWS? YOU OBVIOUSLY THINK THIS IS ABOUT MONEY, TO ME IT IS NOT ABOUT MONEY, SO I FIND THIS DISCUSSION MOST ENLIGHTENING AND I AM ALSO LEARNING, CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU MAY THINK. > > My comments in black bold letters below: > > Hello Ole Alstrup. > Hello again > It would be interesting if you could share more info about your rudraksha business and your teaching.of therapy in Hyderabad. > I dont think that this is relevant in the present context. I am not asking about your background, and your knowledge about Rudraksha you think is correct but I dont think so. > I basically had an interest to know more in the context > of your claims, that was all... > > NO ANSWER FOR THIS > AS YOU WISH > I would like to state that it is an ESTABLISHED fact that the number of mukhis do not necessarily correspond to the number of seeds inside a bead, so I wonder how many beads you actually have examined? > Who say so? It is not an established fact that no. of beads do not necessarily correspond to the no. of seeds inside. Here itself you are wrong my dear friend. Pl confirm from your reputed site that what you are writing is correct or incorrect. > I ALREADY GAVE YOU THE LINK FOR THE SITE, BUT YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE > > Well, first of all you did not answer my question of how many beads you yourself have examined according to your own set standards... > > MORE THAN 1000 BEADS. WE TEACH OUR STUDENTS ABOUT EACH BEADS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. NOW DONT ASK WHAT IS THE NAME OF MY STUDENTS WHAT IS THE NAME OF MY INSTITUTE. > > THANK YOU FOR THAT INFORMATION. NOW IT WOULD BE HELPFUL IF YOU COULD PROVIDE EVIDENCE FOR THIS. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN THE NAME OF YOUR STUDENTS, BUT YOU SHOULD PROVIDE THE OTHER INFORMATION IF YOU WISH TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. > > Also pl confirm from your Botanist friend too that what you are saying is right or wrong. If they think that you are right then let them mail in the group and let other devotees also know about the same. > > YES, THAT IS ALREADY CONFIRMED, HE HAS WRITTEN ABOUT THIS BEFORE IN OPEN RUDRAKSHA GROUP AND RSBC GROUP AND INFORMED ME HE WILL DO SO HERE SHORTLY > > Of course, as you may know, Chandrashekharji is a frequent poster here and will no doubt supply his input very soon... > > HAVE YOU ASKED HIM THAT YOUR THEORY SPECIFICALLY THAT 'NO. OF SEEDS MAY NOT BE EQUAL TO NO. OF MUKHS' INSIDE THE RUDRAKSHA BEAD. PL MAKE HIM ASNWER THIS. > > YES THAT IS CONFIRMED. > BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF THE WORDS "NOT NECESSARILY" IN THIS CONTEXT, YOU PLEASE UNDERSTAND THE POINT I AM MAKING WITH THIS. > > Pl Mr. Ole come out of your mind set . What you are saying is absolutely incorrect. Let us not beat around the bush any more. Tell me how many 8 mukhis if you cut say 100 will have 7 seeds inside ? pl ponder on this. > > AGAIN, I DO NOT KNOW SINCE I HAVE NOT PERFORMED SUCH A TEST. > > I do not know as I have certainly not performed such a test, have you? > > I HAVE PERFORMED ON OVER 1000 BEADS OF NEPALI ORIGIN. > > WHICH MUKHIS DID YOU EXAMINE? > > THEN YOU SHOULD PROVIDE SOME EVIDENCE FOR THIS, THAT WOULD BE REQUIRED. > > Our botanist Chandrashekharji can supply much input in this field, as he has shared that at the RSBC group earlier on and also at the open rudraksha forum. > I want to hear from Mr. Chandrashekar that how many 8 mukhi will have 7 seeds inside or 9 seeds inside if he cuts 100 eight Mukhi beads. Pl answer Mr. Shekhar. > > Well, I dont think that is any relevant test in the context of our discussion, and not fair to Chandrahshekharji, I have supplied you information which refute your theory and you refuse to acknowledge it, so what can I do? > > NO AS OF NOW HE HAS NOT ANSWERED. LETS WAIT FOR HIS ANSWER . SO PL DONT COMMENT THAT I REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE. > > I HAVE PROVIDED THE INFO FROM THE ZAREMBA WEBSITE. HE HAS EMAILED ME AND WILL PUT UP MORE INFO SHORTLY. > > I would refer anyone to look at David Zaremba's site at and click on inside rudraksha pictures. You will find an examination of two 5 mukhis beads, which clearly prove this point. > This is not true. > > WHAT IS NOT TRUE? > > Yes, it is, you can see it if you will just look... > > YOU ARE BEATING AROUND THE BUSH. IF A BEAD IS HAVING MORE MUKHS THAN THE SEEDS INSIDE THAN IT IS A DISEASED BEAD. IT HAS NOT GROWN FULLY. IT IS JUST LIKE AN RETATRDED CHILD WHO HAS ALL THE BODY PARTS BUT HIS BRAIN DOES NOT WORK LIKE A NORMAL CHILD. IT IS THE SEED INSIDE WHICH IS THE ENERGY SOURCE. THE MUKHS ARE MERELY THE OUTLETS FROM WHERE THE ENERGY GOES OUT ENERGY. > > THAT IS CERTAINLY NOT THE VERDICT OF THE RUDRAKSHA TRADITION, YOU ARE PRESENTING YOUR OWN BOTANICAL SPECULATION. BEADS ARE EXAMINED ACCORDING TO THEIR OUTSIDE AUTHENTIC NATURAL MUKHIS, NOT INNER SEEDS. I CHALLENGE YOU TO GIVE ME ONE EXAMPLE FROM HOLY RUDRAKSHA SCRIPTURES WHERE YOUR CLAIM IS MENTIONED. > > MAN CAN MAKE MUKHS ARTIFICIALLY ON THE BEED BUT HE CANNOT PLANT SEED INSIDE IT CORRESPONDINGLY. > > OF COURSE > > > Yes some times it happens that two seeds are so close that they appear to be one. > > YES, WHY NOT > > That is not what this RANDOM test showed... > > I HAVE ANSWERED IT. > > WELL, YOU VAGUELY STATED IT WAS NOT TRUE, SO WHAT IS NOT TRUE; ZAREMBAS EXAMINATION? > > > But definitely it will not happen for all the 5 Mukhi beads. > And we cannot generalise that a 5 mukhi will have 4 seeds or 6 seeds. > > No one claimed this, the result is still the same, seeds inside do not necessarily correspond to number of outside mukhis.. > > AGAIN BEATING AROUND THE BUSH. YOU YOUR SELF TAKE 5 NEPALI BEADS AND CUT THEM LATERLLY AND SEE THE RESULTS YOUR SELF. > I CHALLENGE IF I AM WRONG. ALL 5 BEADS WILL HAVE 5 SEEDS INSIDE. PL CHECK IT YOURSELF DONT GO BY OTHER SITES AND PICTURES PEOPLE HAVE SENT EARLIER. DO IT YOURSELF AND THEN TALK TO ME. > > AGAIN, YOU MISS MY POINT ENTIRELY, I AM STATING AS A GENERAL RULE THAT WE CANNOT SAY THAT IE. ALL 5 MUKHI BEADS WILL NECESSARILY HAVE 5 SEEDS INSIDE, THE TESTS BY ZAREMBA AND CHANDRASHEKHAR HAVE ALREADY PROVEN THAT, AND YOUR YOURSELF ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, BUT YOU STATE IN SUCH A CASE A BEAD IS DISEASED. YES, ACCORDING TO BOTANICAL KNOWLEDGE IT MAY BE "DISEASED", BUT ACCORDING TO HOLY RUDRAKSHA TRADITION IT IS STILL A HOLY 5 MUKHI BEAD AND AGAIN WE FIND NOTHING IN TRADITION WHICH SAY YOU EXAMINE BEADS ACCORDING TO SEEDS. > > This could be due to their abnormal growth. This is more of a diseased bead. It happens in the little ones of animals and human being as well that they are born with some abnormality. So they are treated to remove this abnormality. Not that they become super human. > > A 5 mukhi bead with 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc seeds inside is still a 5 mukhi bead. Your comparison has absolutely no bearing on the result. Now you are claiming that any bead with different number of seeds is diseased, but the FACT remains that if you cut a bead, the number of seeds inside will not NECESSARILY be the same as the outside mukhis. You may view it as diseased, I do not. A rudraksha with NATURAL number of mukhis is certainly that bead, because THIS IS HOW A BEAD IS EXAMINED IN THE FIRST PLACE, NOT THE SEEDS, WE FIND NOTHING ABOUT THAT FROM RUDRAKSHA TRADITION; SO THAT IS YOUR THEORY ONLY... > > HA HA ITS RUBBISH. ITS WHAT YOU THINK. DO THE TEST YOURSELF AND FIND OUT THE TRUTH. > > PLEASE DO NOT BE OFFENSIVE AND LAUGH AT THE KNOWLEDGE OF HOLY RUDRAKSHA KNOWLEDGE GIVEN BY LORD SHIVA AND HIS SADHAKS, THEN YOU ARE RUINED. PLEASE SHOW RESPECT TO THE DESCRIPTIONS GIVEN BY THE SADHUS AND RISHIS, WE FIND NOTHING IN RUDRAKSHA TRADITION OF WHAT YOU ARE SPEAKING ABOUT CONCERNING THE SEEDS, DO WE? YOU PLEASE ANSWER THIS POINT VERY CLEARLY. > > So your theory that the number of seeds inside is the source of the power in a bead is therefore proven wrong. > My theory is unchallengable. Because I know what I am writing is true to the core. I am not taking anybody's names to prove my point. I challenge any knowledgable person of Rudraksha will say the same thing what I have been saying. You ask any one. > > You may claim as you like, but there is no value to your claim. > > I HAVE ENOUGH FOLLOWERES AND STUDENTS. I DONT WANT MORE. I AGAIN REITREATE THAT ANY KNOWLEDABLE PERSON WILL SAY WHAT I AM SAYING. > > > > Infact Lateral cutting is the only test by which you can ascertain that the Rudraksha is actually how many mukhis. Again I am sure your site person and Mr. Chandrashekhar will agree with me. I want to read their comments and I am sure all group members would like to read. > > Lateral cutting will show the number of seeds, not mukhis, thats all. > > NO. YOU ARE WRONG. YOU HAVE TO DIVIDE THE BEAD IN TWO PARTS. YOU CAN SEE THE SEEDS AS WELL AS MUKHS. YOU CAN TURN THE BEAD SLIGHTLY AND SEE THE CORRESPONDING MUKH AS WELL . IT IS VERY EASY. > > AHA, OKAY. > > I cannot comment about the "Nirakar" bead, but I know that its name is not derived from any scripture, I guess it means "no mukhi". > Yes it is good that you are not commenting for some thing you do not know. Pl go to BISHAL BAZAR in Kathmandu and you will see no. of shops in ground and first floor inside this complex, pl ask them whether they can give 'zero' mukhi bead and you will get atleast 5 TO 10 from them which will either have no mukh or will have one mukh and believe me that they are genuine ones. > > So what do you mean by genuine ones? > > FROM OUTSIDE THEY ARE NOT TEMPERED. BUT ACTUALLY THERE GROWTH IS NOT COMPLETE. > > OKAY > > The cost would be Rs. 500 to Rs. 1000 NC(NEPALI CURRENCY). > Now here the difference is that on the site they are a bit refined one, more good to look at. Thats all , but if cut laterally they will have 3 seeds or 4 seeds or 5 seeds. Believe me I am right because I have done it myself so I dont need any credantials for any one. > > HA HA NO COMMENTS ON THIS ???? > > THERE WAS NO REASON TO COMMENT THIS AS YOU ARE STATING THIS, BUT I AM GLAD IF I AMUSED YOU > > It seems you are confusing the two beads shown at the Nepa rudraksha site. > My logic and conviction is beyond doubt. Pl be rest assured. I have done my homework thoroughly before writing in this group. > > ??? > > WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? > > Some more pics of the two bead will shortly be uploaded at the Open Rudraksha Forum, courtesy by the owner and moderator of that forum. > I am sure with all this discussion the site person will not try to befool devotees any more. > That particular bead is still subject to investigation, contrary to your premature conclusions. > > HE HAS TO TAKE IT OUT SOONER OR LATER. WATCH IT YOURSELF.... > > TAKE IT OUT WHERE? > > I am informed that the One Mukhi round shown at the site has its shape like three mukhi round nepali with only one mukhi, the other mukhi is seen to be covered so it has to be considered as one mukhi as well. > It does not happen the way you think. The energy source in any bead is the seed inside. So even if the mukhs are covered naturally the bead continues to be equivalent to the number of seeds inside. Its affect will be same as the no. of seeds inside. > What you are stating here is again not stated in ANY authentic rudraksha scripture and this is of course NOT the proper way of identifying a bead, except for a botanical investigation, so we can dismiss it. > > THIS WHAT YOU THINK. I AM WRITE I KNOW. > > HMM, YOU ARE RIGHT, ALL THE RUDRAKSHA SCRIPTURES AND ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE IS MISLEADING? > > Botanically it is not possible to have 1 mukhi round bead. I again reitreate that it has to be flat one and half moon shaped. > Well, of course, according to your own BOTANICAL logic, IF you ever encountered a TRUE 1 mukhi round bead, you would either label it as a fake, diseased or a freak of nature, but it would still be a TRUE 1 mukhi. > > IT IS NOT POSSIBLE. IT CANNOT BE ROUND. I AM NOT DENYING THAT 1 MUKHI DOES NOT EXIST, BUT WHAT I AM TELLING IS THAT I MUKHI CANNOT BE ROUND IT WILL BE FLATTENED AND MORE LIKE A HALF MOON SHAPED BEAD. > BUT YOU PL PURCHASE ROUND ONE MUKHI OIF YOU EVER FIND FROM THE REPUTED SITE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT BECAUSE FOR YOU IT WILL BE A GENUINE ROUND 1 MUKHI. > It would be interesting to know how many Nepali suppliers are there and what are their names? > I dont think this will matter in any way. > I was merely interested in your insights in this area. > > ??? > > IT IS NOT CLEAR? > Also, what is the Katiyani Purana - an upa purana? Where is it available? > Write me a personal mail. I will tell the source where you can get this. My aim is not to take the shelter of any site or any person otherwise people will start linking my name with them. > > I dont see what the big fuss is about this, but as you wish. > > DO NOT BECOME A BROKER OF A SITE FOR PETTY GAINS. NEVER EVER LINK YOURSELF TO ANY PARTICULAR SITE. > > AGAIN, I CAN ASSURE YOU I AM NOT DOING THAT, I AM JUST A STUDENT OF RUDRAKSHA AND HAVE NO COMMERCIAL INTEREST, SO PLEASE DO NOT PROJECT THAT ON ME. THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE WHO KNOW ME FOR SEVERAL YEARS HERE AND ON OTHER RUDRAKSHA FORUMS. I WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED THE OPEN RUDRAKSHA FORUM TO BE TOTALLY FREE OF VESTED COMMERCIAL INTEREST. > > DONT MAKE EGO ISSUE JUST ACCEPT THAT KNOWLEDGE CAN BE GAINED FROM ANY BODY, AND YOU DO NOT KNOW EVERY THING ABOUT RUDRAKSHAS. > > OH YES, I READILY ACCEPT THAT, I NEVER CLAIMED I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT RUDRAKSHAS, SO PLEASE STOP THIS KIND OF PROJECTION. > > I CONSIDER MYSELF STILL A STUDENT OF THIS SUBJEST. THIS IS GREATNESS. OK. I HOPE YOU WILL TAKE CARE NEXT TIME. > > OF COURSE > > Thanks, > > Siddharthacharya > Ole > > BEST WISHES, > SIDDHARTH > > SAME TO YOU > > OLE > > > > > Cars NEW - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars online search now > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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