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law of karma

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Om Kling Kalikayei Namaha!

Hello, I am new to this group....

Great article. I find that Japa is VERY important for me to avoid projecting negativity. I had

a very painful 1st half of my life and I have been working hard to heal. But, I have also

learned that it is important to reprogram myself. Mantra has helped me tremendously in

that regard.

It is somewhat of a dance to determine what memories need to be brought to light and

when it's simply time to stop focusing on the negative and project positivity. As has been

said in earlier posts, sometimes not integrating old negative memories can really be denial

and then the memories and their negative effects come back with a vengeance.

My expperience of people who don't deal with their negative memories and feelings end

up being destructive to those around them and they seem to have no idea that they are

doing it.


So, I guess for me, I need to integrate old painful emotions, not dwell on negative

attitudes and seek to project positivity. I think these aspects can all work together in a

synergisitc fashion,



, "prasanna kumar"

<groupowner.prasanna> wrote:


> *Dear Members*


> I wish to share with you this wonderful article with you all. I request

> other members of this group who are silent members to come forward and join

> in our discussion we are undertaking in this forum.






> *                                         Law of Karma*


> **


> Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning action. However it embraces the whole

> meaning of living. Thus according to Indian philosophy we are because of our

> Karma. Thus our Karma or actions or deeds (both good and bad) decide our

> future in this or the next life. Law of karma occupies a central position in

> Indian philosophy.


> According to some commentators the law of karma is very deterministic. They

> claim that you are born according to your Karma, things happen to you in

> your present birth because of your past Karmas etc. According to them

> because of past Karmas it is not possible for one to change the present

> life. This however negates the whole basis of Yoga which claims that one can

> change the *Sanskaras* (memories) and hence ones life. All the four systems

> of Yoga - Jnana, Raja, Bhakti and Karma teach us to live positively in

> thought, words and deeds. This helps us in producing positive memories and

> hence good Karma.


> I therefore believe that each one of us has the power to change our destiny

> and our memories by our actions in this life. Our actions change the neural

> pathways in the brain and hence the mind, which guides us to our future

> course of action. Thus we can change our memories or *Sanskaras* through

> Yogic process and cultivation of deep thought. This can subsequently change

> our Karma. Deep thought on any subject for a long time is the essence of

> Yoga and is referred to as *Sanyam* in Patanjali Yoga. *Sanyam* allows

> memory removal or sublimation of existing memories into new ones. Thinking

> deeply about a subject for a long time requires tremendous processing

> capability of the brain and it can only be achieved if the mind gets rid of

> some of the existing memories. This is the genesis of removing *Sanskaras*.


> Modern brain researches do show that brain is pliable and is capable of

> developing new neurons, neural pathways and hence memories. The intensity of

> an experience dictates the quality of memory formation. Deep thought allows

> a very intense experience. When we think continuously and deeply about a

> particular thought tremendous processing takes place in the mind, since the

> brain is evaluating millions of alternatives. This processing can be thought

> of as a cyclonic activity, which embraces other thoughts in its wake to

> produce the energy to focus on a single item. This process when continued

> for a long time helps in memory sublimation.


> Why are we interested in getting rid of our memories ? Our lives are full of

> happy and sad events. They produce happy and sad memories. Unhappy memories

> in individuals lead to violence, hatred and general unhappiness in the

> world. If we can willfully remove our unhappy memories, it will help us live

> a more fruitful and happy life. Besides it will also help us in liberating

> ourselves from the cycle of birth and death.


> Sometimes people feel that the the old unhappy or unpleasant memories which

> do not surface may have been removed or sublimated. However they surface

> again when we start thinking about some unpleasant events. Somehow the brain

> has the capability of bringing out certain type of memories as if they are

> stored in a certain section of the brain. Thus if one thinks of unpleasant

> thoughts all the unhappy memories start coming out. Similar is the case with

> pleasant and positive thoughts.


> How can we remove the unhappy memories ? Besides the yogic process another

> way is to think continuously about happy events so that this process reduces

> the intensity of unhappy memories. Sometimes they can also be removed

> completely. Initially it is difficult to do so but with practice and

> patience it can be achieved. This process is much superior to that of

> suppressing the unhappy memories. This is also the way nature evolves where

> it makes the negative things irrelevant rather than suppressing them. If we

> try to suppress the negative feelings and memories they come back with much

> greater force.


> Thus by positive thoughts, words and deeds or Karma we can change our

> memories and can become happy.




> Regards


> *Prasanna Kumar***











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