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Why so much interest in tattoos in Hindi/Sanskrit?

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There are so many posts in this thread asking for help in writing names in Hindi/Sanskrit for tattoing. I am really curious to know how so many people (many of whom may not have met each other) are interested in knowing how their names or the names of some of their near and dear ones look in Sanskrit.
Could you please throw some light on how you got interested in seeing names in Sanskrit?
Please note. I am asking this only out of curiosity.

(The thread 'Do you want to write in Hindi/Sanskrit' should help you create tattoos in Hindi/Sanskrit.)

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  • 1 month later...

The name victoria is properly written. It is not misspelt.

Sanskrit, Hindi & Marathi are the 3 languages which use the samr devanagari script. Hence the name translations appear same in these languages.

Also, these languages are phonetic i.e. they are written as they are spoken ( no silent letters, different pronounciations, etc.)

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Here is what one scholar has commented on the misspelled tattoo:


Padmesh Gupta, president of the United Kingdom Hindi committee and editor of Purvai, a Hindi language magazine said: "Whoever wrote this tattoo is clearly not a Hindi expert. There is no H in Victoria when it is written in Hindi."

A spokesman for the Hindi department at the Indian High Commission in central London said: "Victoria is a name that we are used to writing in Hindi because of Queen Victoria. I can assure you that there is no H in Victoria.

Complete article:


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Yes, 'H' sound is not required in Victoria. But, when I first came to know that 'Victoria' was written in Hindi wrongly, I thought that the tattoo shows something, which is not a Hindi word at all.


However, in reality, the tattoo does show a Hindi word though not what should be expected.


May be some Hindi speaking person made wrong suggestion to Beckham.

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After making the previous post, I went to the page that contains article on this issue.

The statement by David Beckham's spokeswoman is amusing. :) She says as if Hindu and Hindi were two different languages. According to her, the tattoo is spelt correctly as per Hindu language.

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After making the previous post, I went to the page that contains article on this issue.

The statement by David Beckham's spokeswoman is amusing. :) She says as if Hindu and Hindi were two different languages. According to her, the tattoo is spelt correctly as per Hindu language.


She must have meant Sanskrit.


He should have went to India to get it, and got it from someone who actually knows Hindi.

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  • 3 months later...

Some common Sanskrit tattoos and their meanings:



ईश्वरः मम न्यायदाता


God is my judge

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


कुटुंबकं जीवनं मम


Family is my life

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


माता मत्सकाशं सदा


Mom is with me forever

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


अस्माकं कार्याणि अस्मान्सावधीकरिष्यंति


Only action will define us

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


न कदापि खंडितः


Never broken

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


तव हृदयं रक्ष


Protect your heart

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


एम् एन् सत्यं प्रेम


My true love

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


अहमस्मि योधः


I am a fighter



एतदपि गमिष्यति


This, too, will pass

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


शाश्वतं जीवनम् , अमरं प्रेम


Eternal Life, Undying Passion

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति


Strength comes from an indomitable will.

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


सदैव देवत्वं दर्शयामि


I always manifest divinity

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


स्वतःची चांगली काळजी घ्या


Take good care of your self

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प्रेम शांतिः आनंदश्च


Love,peace and happiness

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


“अनुगृहिता” अस्म्यहम्


I am blessed

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एकं जीवनम्, एकः अवसरः


One life one chance

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


स्वात्मानं जानीहि


Know thyself

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सदैव मम प्रेम


Forever my lofe

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दिव्यः प्रकाशः


Divine light

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हस श्वसिहि मंदं गच्छ च


Smile, breathe and go slowly

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यात्रायां सखा जीवने करुणा


In travel, a companion, in life, compassion.

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


प्रेम सत्यमस्ति


Love is truth

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प्रतिकूलतायाः शक्तिः


strength through adversity

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


मा कस्मिंश्चित् विश्वसिहि


Trust nobody

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


मृत्युः न कदाप्यस्मान्पृथक्करिष्यति


Death will never separate us

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सः रक्षतु मयानुरक्तां सर्वान्


May he protect everyone i love

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शक्तिः कृपायुक्तं जीवनमस्ति


Strength is having a graceful life

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मम जीवनस्य प्रेम


Love of my live

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


यदाहं जीवामि , अहमाशंसे


while I live, I hope

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


जीसस मम शक्तिः


Jesus is my power

sanskrit tattoos and meanings


स्वात्मानं बोध


Awaken to your true nature

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मम षष्ठमेंद्रियम्


My sixth sense

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न कदापि स्वप्नदर्शनात्विरमिष्यामि


I will never stop dreaming

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भविष्यकालं मा कथय


Do not predict the future

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सहैश्वरेण ममैकात्मता


I am one with god

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सर्वं ज्ञानं मयि विद्यते


All that I have to learn is within me

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अहमस्मि पवित्रता ईश्वरः इच्छति


I am the purity god desires

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प्रतिकारतमः मार्गः


The path of most resistance

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जीव प्रणश्य च पश्चात्तापेन विना


Live and die without regret

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अस्मासु प्रत्येकः तस्य नियतेः अधिपतिः


Each of us is master of his destiny

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प्रेम कुरु यदा शक्नोसि, श्वः न विश्वस्तः


Love when you can, tomorow isn’t promised.

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ईश्वरः मां रक्षति


God protects me

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आनंदः अस्ति स्वीकृतिः


Happiness Is Acceptance

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सत्यप्रेम शाश्वतमस्ति


Real love is forever

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स्वपिष्यामि यदा म्रिये


I will sleep when i die

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सारल्यं शक्तिं पक्षौ यच्छति


Sincerity gives wings to stength

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अंतः अस्ति प्रारंभः


The End is the Beginning

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कालः सर्वं विरोपयति


Time heals everything

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सदैव सौंदर्यं पश्य


Always see beauty

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एतदपि गमिष्यति


This Too Shall Pass

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विश्वासः तवात्मनि एव


trust in only yourself

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स्वात्मानं प्रति सत्येन वर्ते


I am true to myself

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पुनर्जन्मने म्रियामहे


We die to be reborn

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तत्परिवर्तनं भव


Be the change

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स्वाभाविका भव


Be yourself

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सदैव त्वया सह


Always with you

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सत्यानंदः अंतरतः विद्यते


True happiness lies within

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स्पर्शः विरोपकः अस्ति


To touch is to heal

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परिवर्तनमेव स्थिरमस्ति


The only constant is change

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मम सर्वमसि


You Are My Everything

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कारुण्येन सह विरोपय


Heal with compassion

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मुक्तिः त्वत्तः आगच्छति


freedom comes within yourself

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प्रेम सर्वान्‌ जयति


Love conquers all

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मा कदापि त्यज


Never give up

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यशप्राप्तिः अस्ति नियतिः


Being successful is destined

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प्रत्येकश्वासः पारितोषिकमस्ति


each breath is a gift

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प्रेम ईश्वरस्य महत्तमपारितोषिकमस्ति


Love is Gods greatest gift

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सदैव स्वात्मानं प्रति सत्येन वर्तस्व


Be true to yourself always

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प्रेमास्ति मम शक्तिः


Love is my strength

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मम नियतिं नियच्छामि


I control my destiny

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सर्ववस्तूनि कारणोद्भवानि


Everything happens for a reason

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सत्यमस्ति क्रांतिकारि कर्म


truth is a revolutionary act

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सत्यानंदः अंतरतः विद्यते


True happiness lies within

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ईश्वरः मया सहास्तु


God be with me

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केवलमीश्वरः मां विज्ञातुं शक्नोति


Only god can judge me

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ते मम हृदयं यच्छामि


I give you my heart

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तव गुणान्मा त्यज


Do not leave your values

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एतदपि परिवर्तिष्यते


This too will change

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सर्ववस्तूनि कारणोद्भवानि


everything happens for a reason

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ईश्वरे विश्वासं करोमि


in god i trust

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परिवर्तितुं शक्तिः


Power to change

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मा कदापि वद म्रियस्वेति


Never say die

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आत्मानं जानीहि


Know yourself

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जीवनं महार्हमस्ति


Life is precious

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अनुभवः वास्तविकतास्ति


Perception is Reality

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मम शक्तिः त्वत्तः आगच्छति


my strength comes from you

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तव परमानंदं मृगयस्व


Find your bliss

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तव कर्म नियच्छ


control your karma

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जीवनं जीवितुं पश्चात्तापेन विना


To live life without regrets

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शांत्यां विरम


Rest in peace

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पश्चात्तापः न, भयं न


No regrets,no fear

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निरामयमनः निरामयशरीरे


sound mind in sound body

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सत्यं प्रशस्यतरं श्रद्धायाः


truth over faith

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जीवनमनुरज, दृढं जीव


love life, live hard

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सकारणजीवनं जीव


Live a life of purpose

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कुटुंबं कीर्त्याः प्राक्‌


Family Before Fame

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भयमेवास्ति शत्रुः


Fear is the only enemy

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यावच्छ्वासोच्छ्वासं करोमि, आशां करोमि


while i breathe, i hope

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क्षमां कर्तुं शक्तिः


Strength to forgive

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म्रियंतां जीवतः सर्वे


everything that lives must die

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अपयशः नास्ति विकल्पः


Failure is not an option

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सदैव मम हृदये


Forever in my heart

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ईश्वरः अस्ति मम शक्तिः



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शक्तिः श्रद्धायाः आगच्छति


Strength comes from faith

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सदैव शाश्वतं च


Always and forever

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सत्यं किमस्ति?


What is truth?

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यथार्थपरिपूर्णता अपरिपूर्णा भवतु


true perfection has to be imperfect

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सत्यं प्रेम अमरम्


The love never dies

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न कंचित् शाश्वतम्


Nothing is permanent

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विश्वासघातः तवात्मानं रक्षितुं न शक्नोति


Deceit can’t save your soul

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नान्येन तूत्तमेनैवालम्


Nothing but the best is good enough

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असतो मा सद्गमय


lead me from the unreal to the real

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मुंच तव मनः


Free your mind

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आत्मदीपः भव


Be your own light

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शक्त्याः धैर्यमायाति


From strength comes courage

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स्वप्नां द्रष्टुं धैर्यं करवाम


we must dare to dream

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सारज्ञः भव


Be realistic

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अशक्यस्य पृच्छां कुरु


Demand the Impossible

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स्वस्वप्नेषु श्रद्धां कुरु


Believe in ones dreams

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स्वात्मानं मुंच


Liberate yourself

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नवारंभः अन्यारंभस्यांतादायाति।


Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.

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ईश्वरः मम रक्षणकर्ता


God is watching my back

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सत्यं दुःसह्यतमं दुःखम्


Truth is the Most Exquisite Pain

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मातृ देवो भव

पितृ देवो भव


Honour thy mother as God.

Honour thy father as God.

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क्रोधात् भवति संमोह:

संमोहात् स्मृतिविभ्रम:

स्मृतिभ्रंशात् बुद्धिनाशो

बुद्धिनाशात् प्रणश्यति


From Anger comes Delusion,

From Delusion loss of Memory,

From loss of Memory the destruction of Discrimination,

From the destruction of Discrimination, one Perishes

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I didn't even know David Beckham had a tattoo in sanskrit. The reason i am interested in getting a sanskrit tattoo is because I don't think the english language has a word equivalent to Dhriti. Plus, as an artist, I personally love the way sanskrit looks, which I think thats why many people like getting tattoos in it and then theres its whole history which is also very interesting. For most people, i don't think it has anything to do with David. But the more research i have done on sanskrit tattoos, i have discovered many celebrities have them including Jessica Alba who has Lotus on wrist and Alyssa Milano who has one on her neck, i forget what it is though. I don't think David influenced them either.... Many people get it for the religious aspect also. Also, this is the only website that i have found, after a lot of searching, that had a forum like this and therefore, everyones coming here.

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The name is absolutely misspelled. There is no need to put H into the devanagari. It is pronounced Viktoria, without any stress; not VHIKTORIA. The H has no place in it.

It depends entirely on pronunciation of the name.

Same name could be said differently by diferent people.

Charlotte has different pronunciation in English & French.

If Davd Beckham wants it Vhiktoria then that is the correct word.

This problem arises because Hindi is a phonetic language & words

are written as they are spoken. So the is written the way one wants to say it the actual way.

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  • 1 month later...

Some of us are Hindu - like my self.....the OM symbol has been overdone & over used to such a commerical cliche....it was something i did not want permeant on my skin for the rest of my life....


But my name however, was given to me by my mother - who took care & thought into my name...it is something that is personal to me....it is something that will never change in my life....and means something a great deal....


a person's body may be a canvas....but...what one chooses to put on that is inhertly self expression - who they are...and what they like to say about themsleves....about who they are...


but that's just my feeling on it...

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm sop glad to know that more and more people are becoming interested in Sanskirt, yoga, and Vedic tradition in general. I was born in Peru (Latin America) and I'm a devotee of Lord Krishna.


I witness everyday how lots of people are connected with Vedic tradition by practicing yoga, eating vegetarian food, using ayur-vedic medicine, and even choosing spiritual names for their children.


God's names are so sacred and powerful that even if the people are not so interested or don't have a strict sadhana, the Holy Names work. I just wanna say THANK YOU to all the merciful Indian devotees who share with us the miracles of Vedic spirituality.


(I have Vedic tattoos and would love to share them with all of you.)


Yours sincerely,


Mr. Carlos. A. Cavero.

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  • 2 years later...


There are so many posts in this thread asking for help in writing names in Hindi/Sanskrit for tattoing. I am really curious to know how so many people (many of whom may not have met each other) are interested in knowing how their names or the names of some of their near and dear ones look in Sanskrit.

Could you please throw some light on how you got interested in seeing names in Sanskrit?

Please note. I am asking this only out of curiosity.


(The thread 'Do you want to write in Hindi/Sanskrit' should help you create tattoos in Hindi/Sanskrit.)


Sanskrit is way cool!!! Thats why. :)

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I'm sop glad to know that more and more people are becoming interested in Sanskirt, yoga, and Vedic tradition in general. I was born in Peru (Latin America) and I'm a devotee of Lord Krishna.


I witness everyday how lots of people are connected with Vedic tradition by practicing yoga, eating vegetarian food, using ayur-vedic medicine, and even choosing spiritual names for their children.


God's names are so sacred and powerful that even if the people are not so interested or don't have a strict sadhana, the Holy Names work. I just wanna say THANK YOU to all the merciful Indian devotees who share with us the miracles of Vedic spirituality.


(I have Vedic tattoos and would love to share them with all of you.)


Yours sincerely,


Mr. Carlos. A. Cavero.

Great Idea! Perhaps start a new thread.
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