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Rudraksha Puja

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Begin with benediction:


Place spoonfull of water on head, repeat:


Apavitrah Pavitro Va Sarva Vastan Gatopi Va Yah

Smaret Pundari Kaksham Sa Bahya Bhyantarah Shuchih


(In parenthesis=translation=do not repeat)


(May all things unholy become holy,

may all lower tendencies depart,

just as soon as we transcend

may within and without be purified!)


Om Sri Gurubhyo Namaha (I bow to guru)

Om Sri Ganeshaya Namaha (I bow to Ganesha)

Om Sri Kula Devatabhyo Namaha (I bow to the family deity)

Om Sri Ishta Devatabhyo Namaha (I bow to my personal deity)

Om Sri Mata Pitribhyam Namaha (I bow to my parents)


Sip water after each mantra:


Om Sri Keshavaya Swaha

Om Sri Narayana Swaha

Om Sri Madhavaya Swaha


Pour one spoon of water on ground:


Om Sri Govindaya Namaha




Om Pranavasya Parabrahma Rishihi Paramatma Devata Daivi Gayatri Chandaha

Pranayamae Viniyogaha


Do three short rounds of pranayama breaths.


Chant 3x: (Gayatri)


Om Bhu Om Bhuvaha Om Swaha Om Maha Om Janaha Om Tapaha Om Satyam

Om Tat Savitur Varenyum Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat


Repeat and touch each after each next mantra, right eye, left eye, forehead:


Om Apo Jyothi

Raso Amtritam

Brahma Bhu Bhuvaha Swarom


Chant these 5x each and offer uncooked rice to a plate before Rudraksha each



(Mahamritunjaya Mantra with Bijam)


Om Hoom Joom Sah

Om Bhu Bhuvaha Swaha

Om Triambakam Yajamahey

Sungandhim Pushti Vardanam

Urvar Ukamiva Bandhanan

Mrityor Muksheeya Mamritat

Swaha Bhuvaha Bhu Om

Sah Joom Hoom Om


(Aghora Mantra)


Om Home Aghoray Ghoray Whom Ghortaray Whom


(Vamadeva Mantra)


Om Hreem Shreem Sarvatah Sarwangay Namastay Rudra Roopay Whom


Have soapy water in one container and clear water in another container,

place hands over both and say:


Gangecha Yamunachaiva Godavari Saraswatihi Narmadei Sindhu Kaveri Jalesmin

Sunnidhim Kuru




Om Namo Narayana (12x)




Om Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Snanam Samarpayami


Then pour soapy water onto Rudraksha (They should be in a large bowl or Tub)

and with new soft bristled toothbrush brush beads lightly until satisfied

all the while chanting:


Om Namah Shivaya


Pour water off, then rinse until clean. Place beads on plate and read aloud


(Purusha Suktam, Rig Veda, Sukta 90)


The Rishi is Narayana, Devata Purusha, Chhandas Anushtub, Last Verse



Purusha who has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet, invests

the Earth in all directions, and exceeds it by the space of ten fingers


Purusha is all this visible world, all that is, and all that will be.

Purusha also is the Immortal Lord for It mounts beyond Its own condition as

the very food of Life.


Purusha is even greater yet as all beings are just one fourth of It, and

still even the other three fourths abide in heaven.


Three fourths ascended to heaven, the other fourth that remains in the world

proceeds repeatedly diversifying in various forms and is all animate and

inanimate creation.


>From It was born Viraj, and from Viraj, Purusha; as soon as It was born It

manifested,and then created the world and everything else.


When the Gods performed the sacrifice Purusha was the offering, spring was

the ghee, summer the fuel, autumn the oblation.


The Gods immolated Uncreated Purusha upon the sacred grass. With Purusha the

Sadhyas and Rishis sacrificed.


>From That Offering in whom the universe was also offered, the curds and

butter were produced; from them were made the animals over whom Vayu

presides, both the wild and the tame.


>From That Offering in whom the universe was also offered, the Richas and

Samans were produced; from them the meters were born; from It the Yajush was



>From It was born horses and all animals with two rows of teeth; yea, cows

were born from It, and goats and sheep.


When They immolated Purusha, into how many portions did they divide It?

What was Its mouth called, what Its arms, Its thighs, Its feet?


Its mouth became the priest, Its arms became the warrior, Its thighs became

the boss, Its feet became the workers.


Chandra was born from Its mind, Surya from Its eye, Indra and Agni from Its

mouth, Vayu from Its breath.


>From Its navel came the sky, from Its head was produced the heavens, from

Its feet came the Earth, the four directions from Its ear. They made up the



Seven were the containers of the sacrifice, twenty one logs of fuel were

used, when the Gods celebrating the yajna bound Purusha as the victim.


By sacrifice the Gods worshipped It who is also the sacrifice. Those were

the first duties. Those Great Ones became partakers of the heaven where the

ancient Sadhyas abide.



Take a few minutes for silence or to meditate or pray. Then chant:


Om Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Pujam Samarpayami


Chant these next mantras and give the offerings or give rice to the plate in

front of Rudrakshas:


(Offering ____ to the lotus feet of Shiva Maha Devaya, I bow)


(Invocation) Avahanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo


(Seat) Asanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Cloth) Vastram Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Sandalwood or scent) Chandanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Rice) Akshatan Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Flower) Pushpam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Incense) Dhupam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Candle or ghee lamp - one wick) Deepam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya

Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Water drink) Achamaniyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Fruit) Naivedyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo


(Water Drink) Achamaniyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Betel nut - Paan) Tambulam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

Kamalebhyo Namaha

(Coconut) Shri Phalam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo



Burn Camphor and circle it clockwise 3x in front of plate and chant:


Karpura Shivam Karuna Vataram Samsara Saram Bhujagendraharam Sada Vasantam

Hridaya Ravinde Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami


(White as camphor and kindness incarnate, the very form of Brahman

consciousness, you Shiva ever dwell in my heart. I bow to you.)


Bow or supplicate, then chant this last prayer for peace on Earth:


Pritivim Shantir Antariksham Shantir Dyau Shantir Apaha, Shantir Oshadayaha,

Shantihi Vanaspatayaha, Shantir Vishve Me Devaha, Shantihi Sarva Me Devaha,

Shantir Brahma, Shantirapaha, Shanti Sarvam, Shantiredhi, Santihi, Shantihi,

Sarva Shanti, Sa Ma Shanti, Shantibhihi


(Let the Earth be at peace, let the atmosphere be at peace, the Heavens be

filled with peace. Ever further may peace extend, peace to all vegetation,

peace to all the Gods of the Universe, peace to all the Gods within me,

peace to the Creator, peace to Brilliant light, peace to All, peace to

Everything, peace, peace, altogether peace, peacefulness, through peaceful



Thank Rudraksha for dissolving your samskaras.


Jaya Rudraya







Shiva Puja Beginners

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Second Edition 2001, Devi Mandir Publications

Napa, CA


Rig Veda - 10th Mandala

Age of Enlightenment Press


TM Holy Tradition

Courtesy of Trancenet


Gems and Rudraksha

Rudra Centre

Maharashtra, India


The Ancient Power of Mantra and Ceremony

Thomas Ashley-Farrand

Saraswati Publications, LLC, 2002

Pasadena, CA






Not Quite Copywrite - Kirk Bernhardt 2002

Free For Distribution

Jaya Rudraya

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I know Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati. I chant their books

daily. If you wish help in chanting properly they offer it free at

their web site, to download and lessons to boot.




there is a wealth of knowledge here


Jai Maa


Love baba






In , "Kirk" <kirk_bernhardt@c...>


> Begin with benediction:


> Place spoonfull of water on head, repeat:


> Apavitrah Pavitro Va Sarva Vastan Gatopi Va Yah

> Smaret Pundari Kaksham Sa Bahya Bhyantarah Shuchih


> (In parenthesis=translation=do not repeat)


> (May all things unholy become holy,

> may all lower tendencies depart,

> just as soon as we transcend

> may within and without be purified!)


> Om Sri Gurubhyo Namaha (I bow to guru)

> Om Sri Ganeshaya Namaha (I bow to Ganesha)

> Om Sri Kula Devatabhyo Namaha (I bow to the family deity)

> Om Sri Ishta Devatabhyo Namaha (I bow to my personal deity)

> Om Sri Mata Pitribhyam Namaha (I bow to my parents)


> Sip water after each mantra:


> Om Sri Keshavaya Swaha

> Om Sri Narayana Swaha

> Om Sri Madhavaya Swaha


> Pour one spoon of water on ground:


> Om Sri Govindaya Namaha


> Repeat:


> Om Pranavasya Parabrahma Rishihi Paramatma Devata Daivi Gayatri


> Pranayamae Viniyogaha


> Do three short rounds of pranayama breaths.


> Chant 3x: (Gayatri)


> Om Bhu Om Bhuvaha Om Swaha Om Maha Om Janaha Om Tapaha Om Satyam

> Om Tat Savitur Varenyum Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonaha



> Repeat and touch each after each next mantra, right eye, left eye,



> Om Apo Jyothi

> Raso Amtritam

> Brahma Bhu Bhuvaha Swarom


> Chant these 5x each and offer uncooked rice to a plate before

Rudraksha each

> time:


> (Mahamritunjaya Mantra with Bijam)


> Om Hoom Joom Sah

> Om Bhu Bhuvaha Swaha

> Om Triambakam Yajamahey

> Sungandhim Pushti Vardanam

> Urvar Ukamiva Bandhanan

> Mrityor Muksheeya Mamritat

> Swaha Bhuvaha Bhu Om

> Sah Joom Hoom Om


> (Aghora Mantra)


> Om Home Aghoray Ghoray Whom Ghortaray Whom


> (Vamadeva Mantra)


> Om Hreem Shreem Sarvatah Sarwangay Namastay Rudra Roopay Whom


> Have soapy water in one container and clear water in another


> place hands over both and say:


> Gangecha Yamunachaiva Godavari Saraswatihi Narmadei Sindhu Kaveri


> Sunnidhim Kuru


> and


> Om Namo Narayana (12x)


> Chant:


> Om Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Snanam Samarpayami


> Then pour soapy water onto Rudraksha (They should be in a large

bowl or Tub)

> and with new soft bristled toothbrush brush beads lightly until


> all the while chanting:


> Om Namah Shivaya


> Pour water off, then rinse until clean. Place beads on plate and

read aloud


> (Purusha Suktam, Rig Veda, Sukta 90)


> The Rishi is Narayana, Devata Purusha, Chhandas Anushtub, Last


> Trishtub


> Purusha who has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand

feet, invests

> the Earth in all directions, and exceeds it by the space of ten



> Purusha is all this visible world, all that is, and all that will


> Purusha also is the Immortal Lord for It mounts beyond Its own

condition as

> the very food of Life.


> Purusha is even greater yet as all beings are just one fourth of

It, and

> still even the other three fourths abide in heaven.


> Three fourths ascended to heaven, the other fourth that remains in

the world

> proceeds repeatedly diversifying in various forms and is all

animate and

> inanimate creation.


> From It was born Viraj, and from Viraj, Purusha; as soon as It was

born It

> manifested,and then created the world and everything else.


> When the Gods performed the sacrifice Purusha was the offering,

spring was

> the ghee, summer the fuel, autumn the oblation.


> The Gods immolated Uncreated Purusha upon the sacred grass. With

Purusha the

> Sadhyas and Rishis sacrificed.


> From That Offering in whom the universe was also offered, the

curds and

> butter were produced; from them were made the animals over whom


> presides, both the wild and the tame.


> From That Offering in whom the universe was also offered, the

Richas and

> Samans were produced; from them the meters were born; from It the

Yajush was

> born.


> From It was born horses and all animals with two rows of teeth;

yea, cows

> were born from It, and goats and sheep.


> When They immolated Purusha, into how many portions did they

divide It?

> What was Its mouth called, what Its arms, Its thighs, Its feet?


> Its mouth became the priest, Its arms became the warrior, Its

thighs became

> the boss, Its feet became the workers.


> Chandra was born from Its mind, Surya from Its eye, Indra and Agni

from Its

> mouth, Vayu from Its breath.


> From Its navel came the sky, from Its head was produced the

heavens, from

> Its feet came the Earth, the four directions from Its ear. They

made up the

> World.


> Seven were the containers of the sacrifice, twenty one logs of

fuel were

> used, when the Gods celebrating the yajna bound Purusha as the



> By sacrifice the Gods worshipped It who is also the sacrifice.

Those were

> the first duties. Those Great Ones became partakers of the heaven

where the

> ancient Sadhyas abide.



> Take a few minutes for silence or to meditate or pray. Then chant:


> Om Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Pujam Samarpayami


> Chant these next mantras and give the offerings or give rice to

the plate in

> front of Rudrakshas:


> (Offering ____ to the lotus feet of Shiva Maha Devaya, I bow)


> (Invocation) Avahanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana


> Namaha

> (Seat) Asanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo


> (Cloth) Vastram Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Sandalwood or scent) Chandanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya


> Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Rice) Akshatan Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Flower) Pushpam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Incense) Dhupam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Candle or ghee lamp - one wick) Deepam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha


> Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Water drink) Achamaniyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

> Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Fruit) Naivedyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana


> Namaha

> (Water Drink) Achamaniyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana

> Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Betel nut - Paan) Tambulam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya


> Kamalebhyo Namaha

> (Coconut) Shri Phalam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana


> Namaha


> Burn Camphor and circle it clockwise 3x in front of plate and



> Karpura Shivam Karuna Vataram Samsara Saram Bhujagendraharam Sada


> Hridaya Ravinde Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami


> (White as camphor and kindness incarnate, the very form of Brahman

> consciousness, you Shiva ever dwell in my heart. I bow to you.)


> Bow or supplicate, then chant this last prayer for peace on Earth:


> Pritivim Shantir Antariksham Shantir Dyau Shantir Apaha, Shantir


> Shantihi Vanaspatayaha, Shantir Vishve Me Devaha, Shantihi Sarva

Me Devaha,

> Shantir Brahma, Shantirapaha, Shanti Sarvam, Shantiredhi, Santihi,


> Sarva Shanti, Sa Ma Shanti, Shantibhihi


> (Let the Earth be at peace, let the atmosphere be at peace, the

Heavens be

> filled with peace. Ever further may peace extend, peace to all


> peace to all the Gods of the Universe, peace to all the Gods

within me,

> peace to the Creator, peace to Brilliant light, peace to All,

peace to

> Everything, peace, peace, altogether peace, peacefulness, through


> means.)


> Thank Rudraksha for dissolving your samskaras.


> Jaya Rudraya





> Bibliography:


> Shiva Puja Beginners

> Swami Satyananda Saraswati

> Second Edition 2001, Devi Mandir Publications

> Napa, CA


> Rig Veda - 10th Mandala

> Age of Enlightenment Press


> TM Holy Tradition

> Courtesy of Trancenet


> Gems and Rudraksha

> Rudra Centre

> Maharashtra, India


> The Ancient Power of Mantra and Ceremony

> Thomas Ashley-Farrand

> Saraswati Publications, LLC, 2002

> Pasadena, CA






> Not Quite Copywrite - Kirk Bernhardt 2002

> Free For Distribution

> Jaya Rudraya

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