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As a general rule, not an absolute, smaller beads are considered more powerful

for full malas and japa, while larger beads for single wearing. Not all agree

though. Not all like to do japa with very small beads. All rudraksha is Lord

Shiva, so all are truly auspicious! I like them all and use them all.



Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:53 AM

RBSC : rudraksha



On the website some where I read that small beads are more auspicious

and on the same site it is written somewhere that Bigger

beads have more magnetic properties and hence more useful.

Can any one tell me which is actually better smaller beads or bigger



Despite India and Nepal being the origin of Rudraksh why the

rudraksha are more found in Indonesia.


Rudraksha of which country is considered to be more auspicious and of

better quality.


Is it correct that all genuine Rudraksha beads have natural holes on

them and they should only be worn as they are the most auspicious and

best quality ?Which country produces the variety of rudraksha having

natural hole in them






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  • 1 month later...

Dear Diepak Mehtani ji,


As already said, i am not sure about the method being adopted by rudra-centre

for consecrating the beads. number of times a beeja mantra should be chanted is

minimum 9 whether in the morning or at night. After morning bath, before

chanting the beeja mantras, pl chant the 'suddhi' mantra and sprinkle gangajal

on yourself and the mala. its like this-

Hold gangajal in your right hand and chant--

Om Apavitra pavitrova

Sarva astanga Topiva,

Yesmarayte Pundarikaaksham

Sabha yabyantara suchihi, Pundarikaaksham Pundarikaaksham Pundarikaaksham.


now sprinkle this water on yourself and all around the altar. now again hold

water and chant the mantra and sprinle on the mala.

By doing this, we are making the ourselves and the beads pure and holy. Try to

do this everyday, chanting the suddhi mantra will become easy after 3-4 days.


while doing the blessing puja/consecration of the beads, it is correct if you

chant the mantra yourself or you get it done through a pandit. CD or cassette

cannot replace a pandit. even when the pandit does it for you, he chants the

mantra and asks you to say 'mama' which means he is chanting on your behalf and

when u say 'mama' it means as if you have actually chanted the mantra for

yourself. Moreover the mantra mantras during blessing puja are not very

difficult if you try in the absence of a pandit. pl go thro' the mantras in the

'rudraksha book' .


Offerings are to be practically made. in case you dont have say Asanam then -

after you say the mantra put 'acchinta' (raw rice mixed with turmeric powder and

little water).on the beads. While offering ghandam, showing incense stick etc

-Yes each of the loose rudraksha beads has to be applied with the sandal paste;

incense stick can be shown to all beads at once. In case of mala this can be

applied to the mala as a whole.


regarding the difference in mantra- in book and CD for 7 mukhi. the complete




the mantra should be recited correctly. dont worry about notes. or else the

very meaning of mantra is lost.


As for oil to be used you can use olive oil as you said or even mustard oil. add

few drops of sandal wood oil if you dont like the smell.


you said that it is only 25th Day of wearing the Rudraksh mala. normally it

takes 40 days for the results to appear. ''belief gives relief, Fith can move

mountains'' . so lets the beads work their way, someday you will see the result.

your 'mala' consists of

13 Beads you said. as far as i know if it is a mala then 27beads+1 should be

there or 54+1 or 108+1. plus the order in which the beads are strung also may

perhaps make difference. i would like Dharmadev ji and/or Syzenith ji to

enlighten on this aspect.


you heard that chanting mantras one gets energy. thats right. i am not aware of

the aspect of reduction in sleeping time- the experiencces on wearing rudrakshas

differs widely from person to person depending on the number and mukhis of



Lord Shiva bless you.


with warm regards,



Diepak Mehtani <diepakm wrote:

Thanks for your beautiful writing.

I got a "Rudraksha Puja and Dharan" Cd along with the

mala from Rudra Center. As Rudra Centre told that they

bless the mala prior to sending to their clients, I

did nothing but chanted the beej Mantras thrice for

each mukhi and wore it on sunday for the first time.

Now after reading your mail I have started chanting

beej mantras for each mukhi thrice in the morning and

then "Om Namaha Shivaya" minimum 5 times while wearing

and in the night chant beej mantras for each mukhi 9

times and minimum 5 times "Om Namaha Shivaya" while

removing the mala.


1. Is the above method correct?

2. If I want to do Rudraksha Puja and blessings myself

now then is it necessary to chant mantras myself or

the CD can be played and the mantra chanted by the

priest in the Cd will do. Moreover in the CD Puja

method many holy items are offered like asanam,

vastra(cloths and Holy thread).Whether while chanting

the mantra these holy items has to be physically

offered by placing them on the plate placed in front

of me near the Rudraksha or it is Just a gesture that

is made of ffering the items.

3. While offering ghandam, showing incense stick etc

whether each of the loose rudraksha beads has to be

showed incense stick and applied with the sandal paste

or just randomly apply it to any one of the bead and

in case of mala whether this should be applied to the

mala as a whole or each bead of the mala has to be

applied seperately.


4. In the website they have mentioned to chant beej

mantra 9 time during blessing process where as in the

CD the priest has chanted them only once.Also some

beej Mantra on the CD have different pronounciation

like instead of "OM HUM NAMHA" for 7 MUKHI which I

chant as per the Rudra centre website , the beej

mantra on CD is "OM RHUM NAMHA" . Is there any

difference ? Will it cause any harm if I am chanting

as per Rudra Center website and during the puja the

chanting by the Priest on the CD while it is being

played is different.


5. Since Sandalwood Oil is very expensive I will use

"FIGARO" Brand Olive Oil. What should be done with the

remaining oil?


I also want to point out that today i.e. 21/01/04 is

my 25th Day of wearing the Rudraksh mala consisting of

1 10Mukhi, 3 6Mukhi, 3 5Mukhi, 4 3Mukhi, 2 7Mukhi

Beads ie. total 13 Beads. But I haven't felt any

changes in my life? Can you pls say what the reason

may be. Moreover I didnot feel any difference while

wearing it except on two consequtive Mondays only when

I felt a peculiar type of Headache .I would also like

to point that daily night just before going to sleep I

chant "OM NAMAHA SHIVAY" 108 times while

meditating.Still I am not getting any noteable

differences because i have heard from others that

chanting mantras one gets energy and their sleeping

time reduces and even after sleeping for Just 2-3 hrs

a day they feel fresh among other beneficial results.


Can you pls guide me.




D. Mehtani





rajeswara rao wrote:

dear Sundeep ji,


was busy so could not reply immediately. any way,.

After you complete 40 days of wearing your mala

immerse the Rudraksha in oil (mustard or sandalwood)

overnight . regarding puja procedure you may like go

to the link on rudra-centre


.. the procedure is correct and can be followed easily.



May Shiva shower his Blessings on you.


om namah shivaya.


rajeswara rao


sundeep_babbar wrote:

Dear Rajeswara Jee,


Thanks for the reply. Actually rudra centre says that

"All Malas are

blessed before sending, so the wearer can just wear it

by saying Om

Namha Shivaya for few times". That's what exactly I

did(little more

then that though). Well! Never mind, as you said that


can be done after 40 days of wearing also, and it

shall be done by

wearer himself. If you can please tell me the

"simplest procedure

for concecration" then I can do it by myself?


Once again thanks for everything.


Best Reagards,





rajeswara rao


> dear Sundeep ji,


> No regrets for spelling my

name wrongly.

just wanted to let you know the difference between


and 'Rajeswari'. Raja Rajeswari is one of hindu


> i am not sure about the method being adopted by

rudra-centre for

consecrating the beads. so no comments on that. but

since you are

wearing them it is appropriate if you consecrate the

beads for

youself by yourself before actually wearing them

initially. Since

you have already started wearing them and also got the


abhisheka done through a pandit, theres no worry. you

can as well do

the consecration after your 40 days of wearing.


> regards


> rajeswara rao



> sundeep_babbar wrote:

> Dear Rajeswara Jee,


> Accept my apologies for spelling your name wrongly.

This time I


> done it carefully.


> Many thanks for replying to my questions. From

tomorrow onwards I

> will be doing it the way you told me to.


> I believe Rudra-Centre did the blessing ceremony for

My mala


> sending it to me, if that is what you mean by

"consecration of

> beads". I haven't done anything else from my side



> Shivjee everday and beeja mantra repetitions for all

the 8


> mukhis I am wearing in One mala. From tomorrow I

will be doing


> individually 9 times before I start my daily puja,

till I complete

> my 45 days i.e. till 21st Jan. I hope I won't do any

more mistakes

> now.


> Once again thanks a million for the guidence and

help. I really

> appreciate.


> Best Regards,

> Sundeep



> ,

rajeswara rao

> wrote:

> > dear Sundeep ji

> > first of all u have made

me a female


> addressing me 'Rajeshwari' Rajeswar is male form.

Anyway its

> alright. no regrets...

> >

> > 1st-- For doing any puja, be it Gayatri or any

other, Sankalp is

> must. Sankalp is saying details about yourself ie

name, gotra,

> details of place from where u r doing the puja,

date, name of


> season, month, star ...and the puja you r going to

do i.e gayatri


> rudrabhisheka or any other.

> >

> > 2nd-- i would suggest that, --while chanting the

beeja mantra of

> rudraksha, hold the particular bead with two fingers

i.e., thumb n

> index. suppose u are chanting beeja mantra for

3mukhi bead, then

> hold that bead and chant the mantra 9 times min. i.e

Om Kleem


> similarly for other mukhi beads too. BEFORE


> >

> > The idea behind 3rd question is great but i dont

understand how

> you are going to do it? MY lucid answer is 'NO'.

Just because all

> beads r in a mala, it is not appropriate chant all

beeja mantras


> a single mantra.. SORRY.

> >

> > 4th - you performed rudrabhisheka after 2 weeks of

wearing your

> mala.. nothing wrong very well done. i believe you

consecrated the

> beads before initially wearing them.

> >

> > rest is fine..

> >

> > regards

> > rajeswar

> >

> > _babbar wrote:

> > Dear Rajeshwari Jee,

> >

> > It is excellent description of Rudra Abhishekh.

Thanks for


> > your knowledge with us. I will be thankful If you

can answer few

> > questions:

> >

> > 1. When you do gayatri mantra you said you have to

do "Sankalpa"

> > before starting even Dasa Gayatri. What is the


> of "Sankalpa"?

> > 2. I reciete beeja mantra for all the mukhis I am

wearing, 3


> > each, after I finish all my prayers,though I wear

them as soon I

> sit

> > in front of my Altar. Is it something wrong? I

wanted to do this

> > till I complete 45 days of my wearing rudraksha. I



> on

> > this site, that it is recommended to reciete beeja



> > for 1st 40-45 days to make the rudraksha mala get

the maximum

> > stregth.

> > 3. Can We Join all the beja mantras of the

different mukhi

> > rudrakshas and say it as "One Mantra" repeated 9


> > 4. When I started wearing my rudraksha mala 38

days back, I was

> > knowing nothing about rudra abhisheka. After

wearing it for 2

> weeks,

> > I coincidently came accross a Pandit jee of a

mandir and out of

> the

> > blue I asked him how do we do Rudra Abhishekha,

Since it was a

> > Monday, He just said come after 2 hr's to mandir I

will help you

> do

> > it. And I was helped completing it as a complete

ceremony of

> atleast

> > 1 hour. My question is that, was it alright to do

it after a 2

> weeks

> > of wearing rudraksha not before wearing it for 1st


> >

> > Please correct me if their is anything I am doing

wrong or If

> their

> > is something I shouldn't have done then let me

know how can I

> > correct it now.

> >

> > I will really appreciate your help on this.

> >

> > Thanks & Regards,

> > Sundeep Babbar




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  • 6 months later...

Dear Kishoreji


Namaskar Mitra and thank you for your message.........there are 14 Mukhi

Rudraksha with prices on our India based Rudra Center Website if you would like


check these........... www.rudraksha-ratna.com


hope this helps


Wishing you and Family the Best of Health Happiness Success and Prosperity


Thanks and Take Care




In a message dated 8/20/2004 7:48:30 AM Pacific Standard Time,

kishore_peri writes:


> Subj: RBSC : rudraksha

> 8/20/2004 7:48:30 AM Pacific Standard Time

> kishore_peri

> Reply-to:


> Sent from the Internet




> Hi,

> its nice to see good discussions going on here. I am

> siletly enjoying the fruits of this discussion board.

> I would like to know how much the 14 mukhi rudraksha

> costs tome.

> Please help me in finding that.



> Regards,

> Kishore


> =====

> P.N.V.Krishna Kishore

> Systems Analyst,

> Satyam Computer Services,

> Omaha, Nebraska, USA.

> PH:513-238-5448






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  • 5 months later...

Dear Reghu


Namaskar and thanks for message.........if you like you can contact Mrs Neeta

at home office Rudra Center in Mumbai and ask her when next exhibition is in



Her emai is RudraCentreIndia and our website is



Many times the exhibitions are held at the Chinmaya Mission in New Delhi


hope this helps






In a message dated 2/11/2005 9:03:08 AM Pacific Standard Time,

reghudevaraj writes:






> Dear all,


> Where to get genuine rudraksha in Delhi?

> Thanks

> Reghu







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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dear Friend


Namaskar and thanks for this most generous offer.........had some questions

for you


1 do you have a website where we can see the beads


2 do you have email pictures of beads so we might be able to see them


3 are you able to take pictures of the trees so and send email pictures so we

can see


4 your email address is from Singapore and have never heard of Rudraksha

Trees in Singapore so could you please give our group some history on the trees


Singapore and what species they are


5 Their is Rudraksha Forest on the Island of Kuai however these are not the

Nepal Rudraksa species so was wondering what species of tree you were

collecting from


6 How is shipping cost paid for these Beads you are sending


Thanking you for your generous offer to our group site members


Wishing you and Family the Best of Health Happiness Success and Prosperity


Thanks and Take Care


Rudra Center America


DharmaDev Arya

In a message dated 3/27/2005 9:28:17 AM Pacific Standard Time,

pillai_george writes:






> Om Namashivaya.

> Hello everyone,

> I'm a new member to this group.

> I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha tied in red string free

> of charge to many people after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone

> to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few people who are still scared

> to wear a rudraksha. How do i make them understand. Pse help.


> On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge. I have

> located few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> For me it's a service to mankind.


> Om Namashivaya.



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Please could you send me some. Please bless them with

love before you do so.


--- pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


> Om Namashivaya.

> Hello everyone,

> I'm a new member to this group.

> I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha

> tied in red string free of charge to many people

> after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone

> to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few

> people who are still scared to wear a rudraksha. How

> do i make them understand. Pse help.


> On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.

> I have located

> few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> For me it's a service to mankind.


> Om Namashivaya.



> Mobile

> - Download the latest ringtones, games, and more!


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]













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Good Morning.

I feel very happy to hear that you are giving 5 face rudraksa to anybody

wanted.I am looking forward such a gift.


Please send to me as follows:


Kunjunni sankaran




40400 SHAH ALAM,



pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


Om Namashivaya.

Hello everyone,

I'm a new member to this group.

I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha tied in red string free of

charge to many people after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone to be

blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few people who are still scared to wear a

rudraksha. How do i make them understand. Pse help.


On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.

I have located few Rudraksha trees in my country.

Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

For me it's a service to mankind.


Om Namashivaya.




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Dear Cyra Ji


If you hear from Mr George could you please let other group members know what

his gift giveing is all about.......how much he charges for shipping to all

the people who will request from him or if he is a Rudraksha Dealer in

Singapore who is useing this as a promotion


reason for thinking this is if he is giveing away the Rudraksha for free this

is a great service however unless Mr George is fairly wealthy the shipping

costs will have to be paid for by someone else


Thanks and Take Care




In a message dated 3/28/2005 7:07:00 AM Pacific Standard Time,

crkanga writes:


> Subj: Re: RBSC : Rudraksha

> 3/28/2005 7:07:00 AM Pacific Standard Time

> crkanga

> Reply-to:


> Sent from the Internet






> Dear Mr Pillai,

> Please send me some Rudraksha to the following

> address.

> Mrs Cyra Kanga

> 1923 Woodlawn Terrace Court

> Sugarland

> TX 77479


> Many thanks and may boutiful blessings of Lord Shiva

> be upon you for serving fellow humans.

> If there is a cost for postage please let me know.

> Sincerely,

> Cyra Kanga

> --- Cyra Kanga <crkanga wrote:

> >

> >Please could you send me some. Please bless them

> >with

> >love before you do so.

> >Cyra

> >--- pillai george <pillai_george

> >wrote:

> >>

> >>Om Namashivaya.

> >>Hello everyone,

> >>I'm a new member to this group.

> >>I'm giving away and have given away 5face

> >rudraksha

> >>tied in red string free of charge to many people

> >>after doing the proper puja's. i just want

> >everyone

> >>to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few

> >>people who are still scared to wear a rudraksha.

> >How

> >>do i make them understand. Pse help.

> >>

> >>On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.

> >

> >> I have located

> >>few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> >>Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> >>For me it's a service to mankind.

> >>

> >>Om Namashivaya.

> >>

> >>

> >> Mobile

> >>- Download the latest ringtones, games, and more!

> >>

> >>[Non-text portions of this message have been

> >>removed]

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >








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Dear Mr Pillai,

Please send me some Rudraksha to the following


Mrs Cyra Kanga

1923 Woodlawn Terrace Court


TX 77479


Many thanks and may boutiful blessings of Lord Shiva

be upon you for serving fellow humans.

If there is a cost for postage please let me know.


Cyra Kanga

--- Cyra Kanga <crkanga wrote:


> Please could you send me some. Please bless them

> with

> love before you do so.

> Cyra

> --- pillai george <pillai_george

> wrote:

> >

> > Om Namashivaya.

> > Hello everyone,

> > I'm a new member to this group.

> > I'm giving away and have given away 5face

> rudraksha

> > tied in red string free of charge to many people

> > after doing the proper puja's. i just want

> everyone

> > to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few

> > people who are still scared to wear a rudraksha.

> How

> > do i make them understand. Pse help.

> >

> > On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.


> > I have located

> > few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> > Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> > For me it's a service to mankind.

> >

> > Om Namashivaya.

> >

> >

> > Mobile

> > - Download the latest ringtones, games, and more!

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



















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om namahashivaya

can you send me the 5 face rudraksha

rishi baboolall

32-67 48 Street apt. 1R

astoria, NY 11103

thank you and you are doing a great deal for the

people who blieve in shiva

--- pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


> Om Namashivaya.

> Hello everyone,

> I'm a new member to this group.

> I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha

> tied in red string free of charge to many people

> after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone

> to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few

> people who are still scared to wear a rudraksha. How

> do i make them understand. Pse help.


> On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.

> I have located

> few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> For me it's a service to mankind.


> Om Namashivaya.



> Mobile

> - Download the latest ringtones, games, and more!


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]













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Sure will Dharmadevji. Will let you know what the deal

is here.


--- AumShiningLotus wrote:

> Dear Cyra Ji


> If you hear from Mr George could you please let

> other group members know what

> his gift giveing is all about.......how much he

> charges for shipping to all

> the people who will request from him or if he is a

> Rudraksha Dealer in

> Singapore who is useing this as a promotion


> reason for thinking this is if he is giveing away

> the Rudraksha for free this

> is a great service however unless Mr George is

> fairly wealthy the shipping

> costs will have to be paid for by someone else


> Thanks and Take Care


> DharmaDev


> In a message dated 3/28/2005 7:07:00 AM Pacific

> Standard Time,

> crkanga writes:


> > Subj: Re: RBSC : Rudraksha

> > 3/28/2005 7:07:00 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > crkanga

> > Reply-to:


> >

> > Sent from the Internet

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Mr Pillai,

> > Please send me some Rudraksha to the following

> > address.

> > Mrs Cyra Kanga

> > 1923 Woodlawn Terrace Court

> > Sugarland

> > TX 77479

> > USA

> > Many thanks and may boutiful blessings of Lord

> Shiva

> > be upon you for serving fellow humans.

> > If there is a cost for postage please let me know.

> > Sincerely,

> > Cyra Kanga

> > --- Cyra Kanga <crkanga wrote:

> > >

> > >Please could you send me some. Please bless them

> > >with

> > >love before you do so.

> > >Cyra

> > >--- pillai george <pillai_george

> > >wrote:

> > >>

> > >>Om Namashivaya.

> > >>Hello everyone,

> > >>I'm a new member to this group.

> > >>I'm giving away and have given away 5face

> > >rudraksha

> > >>tied in red string free of charge to many people

> > >>after doing the proper puja's. i just want

> > >everyone

> > >>to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few

> > >>people who are still scared to wear a rudraksha.

> > >How

> > >>do i make them understand. Pse help.

> > >>

> > >>On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.


> > >

> > >> I have located

> > >>few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> > >>Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me

> alone.

> > >>For me it's a service to mankind.

> > >>

> > >>Om Namashivaya.

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Mobile

> > >>- Download the latest ringtones, games, and

> more!

> > >>

> > >>[Non-text portions of this message have been

> > >>removed]

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Small Business - Try our new resources

> site!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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Dear Friend


I'm working on all the things you have asked. Let me get more info and will

get back to you.






AumShiningLotus wrote:

Dear Friend


Namaskar and thanks for this most generous offer.........had some questions

for you


1 do you have a website where we can see the beads


2 do you have email pictures of beads so we might be able to see them


3 are you able to take pictures of the trees so and send email pictures so we

can see


4 your email address is from Singapore and have never heard of Rudraksha

Trees in Singapore so could you please give our group some history on the trees


Singapore and what species they are


5 Their is Rudraksha Forest on the Island of Kuai however these are not the

Nepal Rudraksa species so was wondering what species of tree you were

collecting from


6 How is shipping cost paid for these Beads you are sending


Thanking you for your generous offer to our group site members


Wishing you and Family the Best of Health Happiness Success and Prosperity


Thanks and Take Care


Rudra Center America


DharmaDev Arya

In a message dated 3/27/2005 9:28:17 AM Pacific Standard Time,

pillai_george writes:






> Om Namashivaya.

> Hello everyone,

> I'm a new member to this group.

> I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha tied in red string free

> of charge to many people after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone

> to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few people who are still scared

> to wear a rudraksha. How do i make them understand. Pse help.


> On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge. I have

> located few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> For me it's a service to mankind.


> Om Namashivaya.



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Om Namashivaya

Dear Friend


Pse send me your postal address.

Will be glad to send you some rudraksha.



Om Namashivaya


Cyra Kanga <crkanga wrote:


Please could you send me some. Please bless them with

love before you do so.


--- pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


> Om Namashivaya.

> Hello everyone,

> I'm a new member to this group.

> I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha

> tied in red string free of charge to many people

> after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone

> to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few

> people who are still scared to wear a rudraksha. How

> do i make them understand. Pse help.


> On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.

> I have located

> few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> For me it's a service to mankind.


> Om Namashivaya.



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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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gREETINGS mR Pillai,


Would appreciate if u could mail Three rudrashas to u/m address :


Kumaran M


Blk 242 Bukit Batok East Avenue 5




Singapore 650242


Appreciate it and your blessings. Thank You for your spiritual sharing..












Cyra Kanga

03/28/05 23:04:38


Re: RBSC : Rudraksha



Dear Mr Pillai,

Please send me some Rudraksha to the following


Mrs Cyra Kanga

1923 Woodlawn Terrace Court


TX 77479


Many thanks and may boutiful blessings of Lord Shiva

be upon you for serving fellow humans.

If there is a cost for postage please let me know.


Cyra Kanga

--- Cyra Kanga <crkanga wrote:


> Please could you send me some. Please bless them

> with

> love before you do so.

> Cyra

> --- pillai george <pillai_george

> wrote:

> >

> > Om Namashivaya.

> > Hello everyone,

> > I'm a new member to this group.

> > I'm giving away and have given away 5face

> rudraksha

> > tied in red string free of charge to many people

> > after doing the proper puja's. i just want

> everyone

> > to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few

> > people who are still scared to wear a rudraksha.

> How

> > do i make them understand. Pse help.

> >

> > On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.


> > I have located

> > few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> > Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> > For me it's a service to mankind.

> >

> > Om Namashivaya.

> >

> >

> > Mobile

> > - Download the latest ringtones, games, and more!

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >
























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Om Namashivaya


Dear friend


Will send you, pse give me sometime. For my working schedule is very tight.




kun sankaran <kinett89 wrote:


Good Morning.

I feel very happy to hear that you are giving 5 face rudraksa to anybody

wanted.I am looking forward such a gift.


Please send to me as follows:


Kunjunni sankaran




40400 SHAH ALAM,



pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


Om Namashivaya.

Hello everyone,

I'm a new member to this group.

I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha tied in red string free of

charge to many people after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone to be

blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few people who are still scared to wear a

rudraksha. How do i make them understand. Pse help.


On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.

I have located few Rudraksha trees in my country.

Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

For me it's a service to mankind.


Om Namashivaya.




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Dear members


hello where are lot of confusion about free rudraksha being issued from



if you doing for great cause then disclose your rudraksha in picture where

people can see them.


and also show the tree which grows them.



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Dear Mr George


Do you know what species of tree these Rudraksha Trees are..........are they

the small Punch Mukhi Rudraksha that comes from the Indonesian area.......to

identify the 5 Mukhis in the Indonesian beads they would at least have to be

about 6mm or 8mm to 10 mm in size






In a message dated 3/29/2005 5:41:32 AM Pacific Standard Time,

pillai_george writes:






> Om Namashivaya


> Dear Friends,


> Pse be informed that i'm not a distributer for any product or promoting

> anything here.


> There are Rudraksha trees in singapore. I got it free and wanted to give

> away free. That's all.


> I'm doing this as a service with no intention or bindings.


> All praises goes to the almighty himself.


> Tks

> George pillai

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MahaDev Dear John Tan


Good to hear you are still there in Singapore........could these rudraksha

beads be the Paunch Mukhi Rudraksa from the Indonesian trees that are in a

botanical garden somewhere in the park system of Singapore


Thanks and Take Care Mitra




In a message dated 3/29/2005 6:48:49 AM Pacific Standard Time,

bejohn46 writes:





> Dear George Pillai


> John from East side of Singapore, this is news. I never thought of seeing a

> live rudraksha tree here in Singapore. Could you contact me at 90722781, I

> would like to pay homage.


> Best wishes.

> John



> pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


> Om Namashivaya






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Dear Mr Pillai,

I had asked you to please send me some Rudraksha and

had given you my address. Please confirm you will be

doing so and when can I expect these beads? I

appreciate your kindness.


--- pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


> Om Namashivaya


> Dear Friends,


> Pse be informed that i'm not a distributer for any

> product or promoting anything here.


> There are Rudraksha trees in singapore. I got it

> free and wanted to give away free. That's all.


> I'm doing this as a service with no intention or

> bindings.


> All praises goes to the almighty himself.


> Tks

> George pillai












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Dear George Pillai


John from East side of Singapore, this is news. I never thought of seeing a live

rudraksha tree here in Singapore. Could you contact me at 90722781, I would like

to pay homage.


Best wishes.




pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


Om Namashivaya


Dear Friends,


Pse be informed that i'm not a distributer for any product or promoting anything



There are Rudraksha trees in singapore. I got it free and wanted to give away

free. That's all.


I'm doing this as a service with no intention or bindings.


All praises goes to the almighty himself.



George pillai






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Om Namashivaya

Dear George



Can you pls send me a few rudraksha,


Hear is my Add

Paraninathan s/o Asok Kumar

No 15, Jalan SS25/34,

Taman Mayang,

47301 Kelana Jaya,

Petaling Jaya,

Selangor D.E





--- pillai george <pillai_george wrote:




Om Namashivaya


Dear Friends,


Pse be informed that i'm not a distributer for any

product or promoting anything here.


There are Rudraksha trees in singapore. I got it free

and wanted to give away free. That's all.


I'm doing this as a service with no intention or



All praises goes to the almighty himself.



George pillai






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namaskar pillai_george,


my name is jeremy and I'm from singapore. I'm impressed with your

generousity and hope you could oblige me. I'm very curious about

these rudraksha trees in singapore. could you be so kind as to bring

me there? if it is not too troublesome for you. we could contact

each other and make some arrangements.


thank you,




On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:11:34 +0800 (CST), pillai george

<pillai_george wrote:



> Om Namashivaya

> Dear Friend


> Pse send me your postal address.

> Will be glad to send you some rudraksha.


> Tks

> Om Namashivaya


> Cyra Kanga <crkanga wrote:


> Please could you send me some. Please bless them with

> love before you do so.

> Cyra

> --- pillai george <pillai_george wrote:

> >

> > Om Namashivaya.

> > Hello everyone,

> > I'm a new member to this group.

> > I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha

> > tied in red string free of charge to many people

> > after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone

> > to be blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few

> > people who are still scared to wear a rudraksha. How

> > do i make them understand. Pse help.

> >

> > On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge.

> > I have located

> > few Rudraksha trees in my country.

> > Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

> > For me it's a service to mankind.

> >

> > Om Namashivaya.

> >

> >

> > Mobile

> > - Download the latest ringtones, games, and more!

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >







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Dear Kartikeyan Ji


Namaskar Mitra and thank you for your message to Mr George.....he and I have

been talking about the Holy Rudraksa Tree at the Botanical Garden in Singapore

and the one that has been discovered in another area........he is working on

identifying the exact species of both as he will be asking the Botanist there

to identify


To answer your question about doubt in this age..........Reason there is some

doubt when an adventure like this is brought to our attention is as follows


1 there has been no proof presented that there is a tree in the botanical

gardens....yet...so is not proven that there is a tree there........need

verification from more than one person in Singapore


2 maybe I have missed a message however at this time I have seen no email

picture of the any of the Beads mentioned or of the tree in the Botanical

Garden.........yet......Mr George is working on this


3 there has not been any mention of anyone actually recieveing

Beads........yet.......Mr George is working on this


4 Any doubts will be dissolved if there is follow through on what Mr George

has offered.....problem is he offered to a club that has about 500 members and

the cost of postage will have to be covered by each person who would like him

to send beads to them...........this would only be fair


5 In the past we have had people like Suresh Basnet of Rudaksha Nepal come

on to our group site with all kinds of con games and we are little touchy

whenever a person offers a group of 500 people free Rudraksa.........Mr George


already said in one of his messages to wait as his schedule is tight so we

already have a hesitation at the demand from our group alone


To comment on your mention of Indonesian Beads...........they are certainly

the least expensive however they are not the most suitable.........the most

suitable as stated in the Shiva Purana are the Beads from Gauda Land


Thanks for your message........hope this helps explain some things you might

have missed..........as I know of no one who has recieved beads from Mr George

to date nor have I seen any kind of proof that there is a Holy Rudraksha Tree

or Beads naturally in Singapore


Would be neat to see if there was though.........am fairly certain there will

be some type of proof offered in the future of one of our other members in

Singapore will be able to see this tree also to confirm it is there


Again Indonesian Beads are not.......the most suitable......however they are

a good substitute if you cannot obtain the 5 Mukhi Nepal Beads that cost US $1

each at the retail level from Rudra Center and about US $100 each the last

time I looked at www.astrologymantra.com


hope this helps explain what we are dealing with.........we need a report of

some type form first person who recieves Rudraksa Beads from Mr George so we

can document the beads further and see what kind they are and if they are

similar to the Beads grown in the Rudraksha Forest on Kauaii Island in Hawaii




In a message dated 4/1/2005 7:54:56 AM Pacific Standard Time,

kartikeyaniyyengar writes:






> Dear George Pillai,


> You are a wonderful person. You are offering beads (though 5 mukhi) free of

> cost with your postage. It is a eyewash to those who are exploiting common

> man by taking exorbitant cost of rudraksha beads. God will always bless you.



> I do not know why people doubt about the occurrence of rudraksha trees in

> Singapore, when climatic conditions of Singapore and of Indonesia are same.

> Indonesian beads are the most suitable and cheapest source of beads for

> everyone.


> God may bless you and your family members and well wishers.


> Kartikeyan


> pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


> Om namashivaya

> Dear Friend


> No problem. i can always show you the Rudraksha tree in Botanical gardens.


> 7dragon <7dragon wrote:

> namaskar pillai_george,


> my name is jeremy and I'm from singapore. I'm impressed





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Dear George Pillai,


You are a wonderful person. You are offering beads (though 5 mukhi) free of

cost with your postage. It is a eyewash to those who are exploiting common man

by taking exorbitant cost of rudraksha beads. God will always bless you.


I do not know why people doubt about the occurrence of rudraksha trees in

Singapore, when climatic conditions of Singapore and of Indonesia are same.

Indonesian beads are the most suitable and cheapest source of beads for



God may bless you and your family members and well wishers.




pillai george <pillai_george wrote:


Om namashivaya

Dear Friend


No problem. i can always show you the Rudraksha tree in Botanical gardens.


7dragon <7dragon wrote:

namaskar pillai_george,


my name is jeremy and I'm from singapore. I'm impressed with your

generousity and hope you could oblige me. I'm very curious about

these rudraksha trees in singapore. could you be so kind as to bring

me there? if it is not too troublesome for you. we could contact

each other and make some arrangements.


thank you,







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Dear Shri Pillai George,


Its nice to know that you are into helping out fellow members.


It would be kind of you to send me 3-4 beads of 5 mukhi at my following address.


Sachin Pande

c/o Aaditya Infotech,

Level 4, DSK Bhaghirathi,

Model Colony, Near Telephone Exchange,



tel: 020- 56265823


Would look forward to a suitable reply from your end.


Thanking you in advance,


Sachin Pande

Pune, India



pillai george <pillai_george wrote:



Om Namashivaya.

Hello everyone,

I'm a new member to this group.

I'm giving away and have given away 5face rudraksha tied in red string free of

charge to many people after doing the proper puja's. i just want everyone to be

blessed by Lord Siva. But i still have few people who are still scared to wear a

rudraksha. How do i make them understand. Pse help.


On how i'm giving away Rudraksha free of charge. I have located few Rudraksha

trees in my country.

Pick fruits,clean and puja's all done by me alone.

For me it's a service to mankind.


Om Namashivaya.




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