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Dear Miss Kari


Thank you for totally intelligent article on the internal uses of the Rudraksa


Will forward this to Miss Neeta as we have been looking for these kind of

references for a long time


Thank you for your attention to detail and for finding this for us


Thanks and Take Care My Friend



karisprowl <karisprowl <karisprowl


Saturday, December 14, 2002 4:38 PM

From Heritage Healing w/s





A Therapeutic Approach

large genus (Elaeocarpus. Linn.) of trees belonging to the family

Eleocarpaceae distributed from South and East Asia through Malaysia to

Australia and Pacific Islands. About 25 species occur in India. This

medium sized tree also occurs in Nepal, Bihar, Bengal, Assam, Madhya

Pradesh and Maharashtra. But the author has noticed its presence in

the Nicobars, especially in Great Nicobar Island. Morphologically,

leaves are oblong-lanceolate, subentire, nearly glabrous. Flowers are

white in dense racemes, arising mostly from old leaf aisles. Drupe,

deep or Bluish purple, globose or obovoid (0.5 - 1.0 in diameter)

enclosing a hard, longitudinally grooved, tubercled normally

five-celled stone. In which five seeds are embedded. The stones are

cleaned and polished, some times stained and used as beads for

rosaries, bracelets and other ornamental objects. They are frequently

set in gold and stones with fewer or more than five cells, fetching

high prices. Rudraksha beads have mukhas or 'faces' that differ in

number and this is what distinguishes them from each other. Almost all

beads are five-faced, with a very small percentage being more or less.

The therapeutic and spiritual attributes of Rudraksha beads is

dependent on the number of 'faces' it exhibits. Beads having a single

face to about twenty one faces have been found. The Rudraksha

treasured by the followers of the God of the hindu trinity, Siva the

Destroyer. According to the Siva Purana, It is impossible to describe

adequately, the benefits of wearing a Rudraksha even in a 100 years.

In Ayurveda, Rudraksha is useful in the treatment of high blood

pressure, allergies, neurological diseases, asthma, diabetes, cancer

and many other Raktavaha Srotadhikara (blood circulatory disorders)

and Manas Rogas (mental disorders), due to its Guru (heaviness),

Snigdha Guna (greasy nature) Madhura Rasa, Madhura Vapaka and Sita

Virya (cooling properties) and Vata Pitta samaka pharmacodynamic

action. On the basis of above mentioned pharmacodynamic properties and

actions the significance of various types of beads of Rudraksha.

(Actually it is a phalasthi (fruit) which is the used part of this

tree) can be considered as follows. External use-External therapeutic

uses of Rudraksha can be performed by Darsana (By looking like tratak

in Yoga) and Sparsana (By wearing, and pressing the beads). The

application of lepa of Pancha mukhi beads leads to pacification of

Pitta or Dahasamana as like as chandana and apply on Masurika

eruption. - Wearing of Eka Mukhi (one faced) beads fulfils desire. -

Wearing of Dwi Mukhi (Two faced) ensures control of desires. - Rubbing

of Tri Mukhi (three faced) in milk and applied to the eye in eye

ailments. - Wearing of Chatur Mukhi (four faced) can increase grasping

power and intelligence. - Wearing of Pancha Mukhi (five faced)

increases mental peace, normalizes blood circulation. This type is

also used as an ornament. - Wearing of Shasta Mukhi (six faced) beads

increases memory retention. -Wearing of Sapta Mukhi (seven faced)

increases will power. -Wearing of Ashta Mukhi (Eight faced) beads

increases concentration, develops knowledge and removes obstacles in

proposed plans and works. - Wearing of Dasa Mukhi (Ten faced) useful

in spiritual enlightenment and reduces mental stress and strain.

Rudraksha is also known as Bhuta Nasana (literally, destroying ghosts)

due to its action in relieving mental disorders. Wearing the Rudraksha

benefits in various ways depending upon the number of faces. On the

basis of pharmacological experiements by experts, it has been proven

that Rudraksha is beneficial in the treatment of neurological and

mental disorders. It has been found that, smaller or medium sized

Rudraksha are most effective for wearing and japam. Moreover, when in

japam (meditation with chanting) using the rudraksa mala keeping the

beads a little pressed develops a pressure in the thumb and middle

finger, improving blood circulation in the eye and brain (Acupressure

Theory). They can be worn on the wrist, forearms, neck, chest, head,

forehead, earlobes and around the midrib. A Rudraksha mala can be made

of 108, 54, 36, 27 or 18 beads. But one must use only the strong, well

formed and grooved Rudraksha. The natural central holed ones are the

best. Internal use of Rudraksha Apart from the external uses,

Rudraksha is also administered in powdered form in dosage of 3-5 gm or

mixed with other Ayurvedic herbs. The internal administration improves

their effectiveness and shortens the treatment period. The systemic

action of Rudraksha is as follows:- It acts as an anticonvulsant and

analgesic on the nervous system. The six-faced beads are particularly

effective in the treatment of epilepsy and hysteria, whereas the

ten-faced beads are used in reducing mental stress and strain. It is

hepatotonic on the gastrointestinal system and is useful in the

treatment of jaundice and other hepatic disorders. Three faced beads

are useful in curing indigestion. Three faced and five faced beads are

effective in the treatment of circulatory system disorders like

hypertension. It affects the respiratory system by acting as a

bronchodilator and is useful in the treatment of dynsnoea. Three-faced

beads are effective in the treatment of asthma, whereas ten-faced

beads controls whopping cough. Nine-faced beads are effective in the

treatment of urino-genital disorders, and aid in the prevention of

miscarriages. Moreover, these beads are also useful in lowering the

body temperature and act as an antipyretic agent during fever.

Three-faced beads are effective in treating malaria. Ten-faced beads

are effective in treating temperature regulation related disorders.

Four-faced Rudraksha beads are effective in treating skin disorders.

Form of Uses The Rudraksha beads are taken orally and externally in

the form of Him (frozen), Kvatham, Milk, Bhasma (ash), Vibhuti, Tailam

(oil), Kalkam, Mandap, Kirtanan, Mala etc. Precautions 1. To maintain

its potency Rudraksha beads must be kept off the ground and wrapped in

wool or silk when not in use. Cleaning the beads with sandal wood oil

once a month is also recommended. 2. The bigger Rudrakshas are the

best for both medicinal purposes and worshipping whereas for wearing

and japam, smaller sized Rudraksha are more potent. 3. Only the

strong, well formed and grooved Rudrakshas are recommended. The

natural, central holed ones are the most effective. 4. It is found

that Rudraksha must be used for more than 40 days, to achieve the

desired results. 5. Before using Rudraksha, one must test its

genuineness by the following ways: - The central hole of the rudraksa

should be natural - When an original Rudraksha is kept between two

clean copper coins, it will move slightly due to the magnetic effect -

When a Rudraksha is kept in water, a little heat is discharged after a

few hours and the color of water changes - Rudraksha sinks when put in

water. As a Rudraksha ages, it loses weight. Only a genuine Rudraksha

must be selected as it has great medicinal and spiritual attributes.

It is recommended for physical and mental ailments. To verify this

recommendation in scientific explanation it is felt by the author to

research on evaluation of Rudraksha. References : The wealth of India,

Raw Materials, Vol. III, D.E. CSIR New Delhi 1952 Dictionary of

Economic Products, DEP - III, 205, Commercial Products (CP) 511

Hooker's Flora of British India (F1. Br. Ind.) I, 400 Kirt & Basu I,

404 Shruti Sharma in Indian Express S.K. Bhattacharya et at.

Pharmacological Investigations on Elaeocarpus ganitrus, Plant Media,

October 1775 Dravya Guna Vigyan by Priyavrat Sharma Chaukhambha Bharti

Academy, 1983. Dr. Raakhee Mehra,










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Guest guest

The article says, I believe, that the beads are "cooling" for

Vata-Pittas. I can now testify that that is true, of my one



I can also now agree, again, of my own experience, that the 5mukhi

pacify fire. Actually, they feel as if they are "sucking the fire up."

One would think that the 3s would do that?



Sister Sy-- maybe you can use some fives?


, "ShiningLotus"

<shininglotus@c...> wrote:

> Dear Miss Kari


> Thank you for totally intelligent article on the internal uses of

the Rudraksa


> Will forward this to Miss Neeta as we have been looking for these

kind of references for a long time


> Thank you for your attention to detail and for finding this for us


> Thanks and Take Care My Friend


> DharmaDev


> karisprowl <karisprowl@e...> <karisprowl@e...>



> Saturday, December 14, 2002 4:38 PM

> From Heritage Healing





> Rudraksha

> A Therapeutic Approach

> large genus (Elaeocarpus. Linn.) of trees belonging to the


> Eleocarpaceae distributed from South and East Asia through

Malaysia to

> Australia and Pacific Islands. About 25 species occur in India.


> medium sized tree also occurs in Nepal, Bihar, Bengal, Assam,


> Pradesh and Maharashtra. But the author has noticed its presence


> the Nicobars, especially in Great Nicobar Island.


> leaves are oblong-lanceolate, subentire, nearly glabrous.

Flowers are

> white in dense racemes, arising mostly from old leaf aisles.


> deep or Bluish purple, globose or obovoid (0.5 - 1.0 in


> enclosing a hard, longitudinally grooved, tubercled normally

> five-celled stone. In which five seeds are embedded. The stones


> cleaned and polished, some times stained and used as beads for

> rosaries, bracelets and other ornamental objects. They are


> set in gold and stones with fewer or more than five cells,


> high prices. Rudraksha beads have mukhas or 'faces' that differ


> number and this is what distinguishes them from each other.

Almost all

> beads are five-faced, with a very small percentage being more or


> The therapeutic and spiritual attributes of Rudraksha beads is

> dependent on the number of 'faces' it exhibits. Beads having a


> face to about twenty one faces have been found. The Rudraksha

> treasured by the followers of the God of the hindu trinity, Siva


> Destroyer. According to the Siva Purana, It is impossible to


> adequately, the benefits of wearing a Rudraksha even in a 100


> In Ayurveda, Rudraksha is useful in the treatment of high blood

> pressure, allergies, neurological diseases, asthma, diabetes,


> and many other Raktavaha Srotadhikara (blood circulatory


> and Manas Rogas (mental disorders), due to its Guru (heaviness),

> Snigdha Guna (greasy nature) Madhura Rasa, Madhura Vapaka and


> Virya (cooling properties) and Vata Pitta samaka pharmacodynamic

> action. On the basis of above mentioned pharmacodynamic

properties and

> actions the significance of various types of beads of Rudraksha.

> (Actually it is a phalasthi (fruit) which is the used part of


> tree) can be considered as follows. External use-External


> uses of Rudraksha can be performed by Darsana (By looking like


> in Yoga) and Sparsana (By wearing, and pressing the beads). The

> application of lepa of Pancha mukhi beads leads to pacification


> Pitta or Dahasamana as like as chandana and apply on Masurika

> eruption. - Wearing of Eka Mukhi (one faced) beads fulfils

desire. -

> Wearing of Dwi Mukhi (Two faced) ensures control of desires. -


> of Tri Mukhi (three faced) in milk and applied to the eye in eye

> ailments. - Wearing of Chatur Mukhi (four faced) can increase


> power and intelligence. - Wearing of Pancha Mukhi (five faced)

> increases mental peace, normalizes blood circulation. This type


> also used as an ornament. - Wearing of Shasta Mukhi (six faced)


> increases memory retention. -Wearing of Sapta Mukhi (seven


> increases will power. -Wearing of Ashta Mukhi (Eight faced)


> increases concentration, develops knowledge and removes

obstacles in

> proposed plans and works. - Wearing of Dasa Mukhi (Ten faced)


> in spiritual enlightenment and reduces mental stress and strain.

> Rudraksha is also known as Bhuta Nasana (literally, destroying


> due to its action in relieving mental disorders. Wearing the


> benefits in various ways depending upon the number of faces. On


> basis of pharmacological experiements by experts, it has been


> that Rudraksha is beneficial in the treatment of neurological


> mental disorders. It has been found that, smaller or medium


> Rudraksha are most effective for wearing and japam. Moreover,

when in

> japam (meditation with chanting) using the rudraksa mala keeping


> beads a little pressed develops a pressure in the thumb and


> finger, improving blood circulation in the eye and brain


> Theory). They can be worn on the wrist, forearms, neck, chest,


> forehead, earlobes and around the midrib. A Rudraksha mala can

be made

> of 108, 54, 36, 27 or 18 beads. But one must use only the

strong, well

> formed and grooved Rudraksha. The natural central holed ones are


> best. Internal use of Rudraksha Apart from the external uses,

> Rudraksha is also administered in powdered form in dosage of 3-5

gm or

> mixed with other Ayurvedic herbs. The internal administration


> their effectiveness and shortens the treatment period. The


> action of Rudraksha is as follows:- It acts as an anticonvulsant


> analgesic on the nervous system. The six-faced beads are


> effective in the treatment of epilepsy and hysteria, whereas the

> ten-faced beads are used in reducing mental stress and strain.

It is

> hepatotonic on the gastrointestinal system and is useful in the

> treatment of jaundice and other hepatic disorders. Three faced


> are useful in curing indigestion. Three faced and five faced

beads are

> effective in the treatment of circulatory system disorders like

> hypertension. It affects the respiratory system by acting as a

> bronchodilator and is useful in the treatment of dynsnoea.


> beads are effective in the treatment of asthma, whereas


> beads controls whopping cough. Nine-faced beads are effective in


> treatment of urino-genital disorders, and aid in the prevention


> miscarriages. Moreover, these beads are also useful in lowering


> body temperature and act as an antipyretic agent during fever.

> Three-faced beads are effective in treating malaria. Ten-faced


> are effective in treating temperature regulation related


> Four-faced Rudraksha beads are effective in treating skin


> Form of Uses The Rudraksha beads are taken orally and externally


> the form of Him (frozen), Kvatham, Milk, Bhasma (ash), Vibhuti,


> (oil), Kalkam, Mandap, Kirtanan, Mala etc. Precautions 1. To


> its potency Rudraksha beads must be kept off the ground and

wrapped in

> wool or silk when not in use. Cleaning the beads with sandal

wood oil

> once a month is also recommended. 2. The bigger Rudrakshas are


> best for both medicinal purposes and worshipping whereas for


> and japam, smaller sized Rudraksha are more potent. 3. Only the

> strong, well formed and grooved Rudrakshas are recommended. The

> natural, central holed ones are the most effective. 4. It is


> that Rudraksha must be used for more than 40 days, to achieve


> desired results. 5. Before using Rudraksha, one must test its

> genuineness by the following ways: - The central hole of the


> should be natural - When an original Rudraksha is kept between


> clean copper coins, it will move slightly due to the magnetic

effect -

> When a Rudraksha is kept in water, a little heat is discharged

after a

> few hours and the color of water changes - Rudraksha sinks when

put in

> water. As a Rudraksha ages, it loses weight. Only a genuine


> must be selected as it has great medicinal and spiritual


> It is recommended for physical and mental ailments. To verify


> recommendation in scientific explanation it is felt by the

author to

> research on evaluation of Rudraksha. References : The wealth of


> Raw Materials, Vol. III, D.E. CSIR New Delhi 1952 Dictionary of

> Economic Products, DEP - III, 205, Commercial Products (CP) 511

> Hooker's Flora of British India (F1. Br. Ind.) I, 400 Kirt &

Basu I,

> 404 Shruti Sharma in Indian Express S.K. Bhattacharya et at.

> Pharmacological Investigations on Elaeocarpus ganitrus, Plant


> October 1775 Dravya Guna Vigyan by Priyavrat Sharma Chaukhambha


> Academy, 1983. Dr. Raakhee Mehra,








> Your use of is subject t

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Bright greetings Sis Kari,


Thanks for your suggestion and you must be a gifted psychic too!

Couple of days ago, a parcel arrived from Neetaji. I am setting up

to be an "Australian distributor" very slowly and gradually and have

much to learn from everyone here.


Could not sleep at all with the 5 mukhi near me or on the person. But

when I put it on in the morning, could feel it working subtle cooling

currents through the system. The sphatik mala helped too. Being

prone to heat rashes (its skewering Hot summer in Ozland), the

sphatik removed the condition when it was round my neck along with 5

mukhi beads on a string.


Prior to this, I'd used all the creams, lotions and potions one could

think of and nothing helped the heat rashes. Its amazing how the 5

mukhi and sphatik mala combined, have almost cured the ailment in two

days! I'm stunned and awed. Btw, the sphatik also enhanced clarity

of mind.


Om Namah Shivaya,




, "karisprowl

<karisprowl@e...>" <karisprowl@e...> wrote:

> The article says, I believe, that the beads are "cooling" for

> Vata-Pittas. I can now testify that that is true, of my one

> experience.


> I can also now agree, again, of my own experience, that the 5mukhi

> pacify fire. Actually, they feel as if they are "sucking the fire


> One would think that the 3s would do that?



> Sister Sy-- maybe you can use some fives?


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Namaste Syji:


What a wonderful story ..

To be able to experience the healing power of the rudraksha and

sphatik so quickly and in such a tangible way :-)


Thank you ever so much for sharing.


Sphatik is also useful if you have insomnia .

Rudraksha induced insomnia

will disappear once you get used to the energy.


Welcome to the Rudra Center family ! :-)

Rudra Center Ozland..has a nice ring to it :-)


Be prepared for some wonder, magical, incredible experiences.

When one has "a calling" to work with the rudrakshas professionally

it seems as if the acceleration that occurs from having rudraksha in

one's life..accelerates that much more.


Have fun !


Om Namah Shivaya


, "Syzenith

<syzenith>" <syzenith> wrote:

> Bright greetings Sis Kari,


> Thanks for your suggestion and you must be a gifted psychic too!

> Couple of days ago, a parcel arrived from Neetaji. I am setting up

> to be an "Australian distributor" very slowly and gradually and


> much to learn from everyone here.


> Could not sleep at all with the 5 mukhi near me or on the person.


> when I put it on in the morning, could feel it working subtle


> currents through the system. The sphatik mala helped too. Being

> prone to heat rashes (its skewering Hot summer in Ozland), the

> sphatik removed the condition when it was round my neck along with


> mukhi beads on a string.


> Prior to this, I'd used all the creams, lotions and potions one


> think of and nothing helped the heat rashes. Its amazing how the 5

> mukhi and sphatik mala combined, have almost cured the ailment in


> days! I'm stunned and awed. Btw, the sphatik also enhanced clarity

> of mind.


> Om Namah Shivaya,

> Sy



> , "karisprowl

> <karisprowl@e...>" <karisprowl@e...> wrote:

> > The article says, I believe, that the beads are "cooling" for

> > Vata-Pittas. I can now testify that that is true, of my one

> > experience.

> >

> > I can also now agree, again, of my own experience, that the


> > pacify fire. Actually, they feel as if they are "sucking the fire

> up."

> > One would think that the 3s would do that?

> >

> >

> > Sister Sy-- maybe you can use some fives?

> >

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Namaskar Kantiji,


Might sound too good to be true to sceptics but it is True in my

case. As I write you now, the heat rashes have vanished. Only the

scratch marks remain (been clawing the skin) and they too, seem to be

stitching up well. Must be all these great Darshans I'm being exposed

to on this Group too. Feels like heaven every time I log in...!!


Shall keep in mind your advice about sphatik rudraksha. Hugs and

thanks for the warm reception re joining the "Rudra Centre Family",

you are most kind. Wouldn't dare name it Rudra Centre "Ozland"

(them Aussies will think I'm a clown and run the other way :-)


You're right, there's this "calling" happening within the psyche.

Feeling very blessed by yours (and Kari's) advice and kind words.

Much honored…..


Om Namah Shivaya,




"kantikakini <thunderheals@a...>" <thunderheals@a...> wrote:

> Namaste Syji:


> What a wonderful story ..

> To be able to experience the healing power of the rudraksha and

> sphatik so quickly and in such a tangible way :-)


> Thank you ever so much for sharing.


> Sphatik is also useful if you have insomnia .

> Rudraksha induced insomnia

> will disappear once you get used to the energy.


> Welcome to the Rudra Center family ! :-)

> Rudra Center Ozland..has a nice ring to it :-)


> Be prepared for some wonder, magical, incredible experiences.

> When one has "a calling" to work with the rudrakshas professionally

> it seems as if the acceleration that occurs from having rudraksha


> one's life..accelerates that much more.


> Have fun !

> Kanti

> Om Namah Shivaya





, "kantikakini

<thunderheals@a...>" <thunderheals@a...> wrote:

> Namaste Syji:


> What a wonderful story ..

> To be able to experience the healing power of the rudraksha and

> sphatik so quickly and in such a tangible way :-)


> Thank you ever so much for sharing.


> Sphatik is also useful if you have insomnia .

> Rudraksha induced insomnia

> will disappear once you get used to the energy.


> Welcome to the Rudra Center family ! :-)

> Rudra Center Ozland..has a nice ring to it :-)


> Be prepared for some wonder, magical, incredible experiences.

> When one has "a calling" to work with the rudrakshas professionally

> it seems as if the acceleration that occurs from having rudraksha


> one's life..accelerates that much more.


> Have fun !

> Kanti

> Om Namah Shivaya

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