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Attitude Towards Women

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Attitude Towards Women


Autobiography of Swami Sivananda



My silent adorations and prostrations to all women, who are

manifestations of the Divine Mother, Sakti or Kaali. They are the

backbone of society and upholders of religion. If they are inspired,

the whole world will be inspired. There is a peculiar religious

instinct in them. They have natural, inborn divine qualities. In

olden days, Hindu ladies also led the life of celibacy, served the

Rishis, meditated on the Atman and obtained Brahma Jnana. In ancient

days there were many Siddhas, Brahma Jnanis, Vairagis, Bhaktas and

advanced Yogis among women. By their purity and perfection they could

do miraculous things when there were occasions for utilising their

spiritual power. There are instances of their giving life to the

dead, stopping the rising of the sun in the morning and of

controlling the elements also. Even today you can find many women in

Rishikesh, Haridwar, Brindavan. Banaras and other holy places in

India, who have renounced the world and taken to the path of Yoga.


I do not detest anybody. I revere a woman as my own self. I regard

women as Mother Durga or Divine Mother. Women are dynamic forces on

earth. Religion is sustained through their piety. To passionate

youths, I have written a lot about the perishable nature of the

physical body of women. It is just to develop in them a strong

Vairagya and help control of their senses and mind. Though for the

sake of inducing Vairagya in men I have given a negative description

of women, I have great reverence for them. I serve them. I have done

Kirtans with them in various Sankirtan Sammelans in the Punjab and

the U.P. Many ladies come to the Ashram from Delhi and other places

even if they get two or three days' holidays. They come in groups

and join the daily Satsanga and enjoy the peace and bliss, and stay

within the Ashram for days and weeks.


Should Women Renounce the World


No doubt it is difficult for young women to get on in the Sannyasa

line. They do not have the same liberty and freedom as men. Men can

live and move about in any way and sleep anywhere. They can go from

door to door for alms and maintain themselves. But women are greatly

at a disadvantage and suffer thereby. It is a pity that there are not

many ideal institutions in India exclusively for women where they can

live peacefully, serve the world and evolve. Ideal institutions with

all comforts and conveniences for women, who are spiritually-

inclined, are a great need of the hour. For ages, this important work

has been neglected.


I get letters from some sincere cultured ladies expressing a desire

to tread the path of renunciation. In 1936, I gave a reply to a

devotee giving my helpful suggestions:


"I cannot safely suggest any Ashram where you can live peacefully

and evolve. You should get a decent amount from your parents. Invest

it in a Bank. You can lead a simple life with the interest you get

from the deposit. This is the best way. Even then, live in an Ashram

where you have advanced souls, Mahatmas, or live with some elderly

ladies of a religious temperament. Devote all your time to the study

of the Upanishads, the Gita and to Sadhana. Specialise in Kirtan and

Bhajan. When you advance on the spiritual path, you can go from

village to village and elevate the masses and develop Bhakti in them.

The world will worship you if you do so. If this is not possible, you

can get a monthly allowance from your brother. This will make you

dependent on him and you will develop a leaning mentality. You must

be expecting his sympathy every month. This is not safe.


"If you are bent upon treading the path of renunciation but

cannot manage independent means for your maintenance, you can give

private tuition to some girls. Their parents will support you in

return. I do not mean that you should become a qualified mistress of

a school or a nurse. That is worldly. That will take away all your

time and you cannot have strength or energy to do intense, regular

Sadhana. The temptations of the world will affect you in the long

run, Vairagya will slowly vanish. Luxury and comforts will creep in.

You will miss the Goal. You will not be able to keep up the same mind

and Bhav as now if you lead a comfortable life and freely mix with

worldly persons. Be adamant. Never change your mind. Have perfect

trust in God."


Service to Women


"This mission of service to sincere women is very dear to my

heart. I do not have money. I have no knack to collect money from the

public, from Rajahs and Zamindars and businessmen. I do not go out

for collecting money in the name of service. Occasionally I receive a

little money from devotees. I spend this voluntary donation for the

spiritual uplift of those who are around me and those who keep

themselves in close touch with me from various centres. My books are

sold in large numbers in many parts of the world, but I do not earn

anything from the publications. I lavishly give away my books free. I

do not know business. For starting an institution purely for ladies,

I do not have resources or facilities at present."


Some orthodox people and Sannyasis say that women are not fit for the

path of renunciation. My view is different. They too are eligible to

tread the path of Yoga and renunciation. Several times I have thought

of concentrating more on rendering a real service to mankind by

starting an Ashram exclusively for ladies. That will be a boon to the

world. In the absence of proper support from the world for an ideal

institution exclusively for women, I have permitted many educated and

cultured ladies to live in this Ashram. I personally attend to their

needs and train them in all branches of Yoga, Bhajans and Kirtans.

Many have learnt Yoga exercises and derived incalculable benefits.


Among them, there are many from foreign countries also. I give them

initiation into the Order of Sannyasa. After some training in the

Ashram they go back to various centres and they continue their

Sadhana and service to the world. The Divine Life Society Branches

have Ladies' sections in all parts of the world, where they have

ample scope not only for their own evolution but also for serving

womankind. The ladies who stay in the Ashram have all comforts and

conveniences. They have all facilities, liberty and freedom. In the

absence of a separate Ashram exclusively for women, this Institution

has become an ideal centre for their spiritual evolution. May they

all prosper and enjoy peace and Divine Glory and Splendour.

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