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Kuntuzangpo's Prayer

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Hi Kirkji !


This was really wonderful and very powerful way to counteract George W :-)

I forwarded it to Dharma Friends.

Haven't had the chance to see you new cyber creation yet :-)

Take Care.





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Ho! Everything - appearance and existence, samsara and

nirvana, has a single ground, yet two paths and two fruitions,

and magically displays as awareness or unawareness.


Through Kuntuzangpo's Prayer, may all beings become

Buddhas, completely perfected in the abode of the dharmadhatu.

The ground of all is uncompounded, and the self-arising great

expanse, beyond expression, has neither the name sansara nor

nirvana. Realizing just this you are a Buddha; not realizing this

you are a being wandering in samsara.


I pray that all you beings of the three realms may realize the

true meaning of the inexpressible ground.


I, Kuntuzangpo, have realized the truth of this ground, free

from cause and condition, which is just this self-arising

awareness. It is unstained by outer expression and inner thought,

affirmation or denial and is not defiled by the darkness of

unmindfulness. Thus this self-manifesting display is free from



I, Kuntuzangpo, abide as intrinsic awareness. Even though

the three realms were to be destroyed, there is no fear. There

is no attachment to the five desirable qualities of sense

objects. In self-arising consciousness, free of thoughts, there

is neither solid form nor the five poisons.


In the unceasing clarity of awareness, singular in essence,

there yet arises the display of the five wisdoms.


>From the ripening of these five wisdoms, the five original

Buddha families emerge, and through the expanse of their

wisdom, the 42 peaceful Buddhas appear. Through the arising

power of the five wisdoms, the 60 wrathful Herukas manifest.

Thus the ground awareness is never mistaken or wrong.


I, Kuntuzangpo, am the original Buddha of all, and through

this prayer of mine, may all you beings who wander in the

three realms of samsara realize this self-arising awareness, and

may your great wisdom spontaneously increase.


My emanations will continuously manifest in billions of

unimaginable ways, appearing in forms to help you beings who

can be trained. From the beginning you beings are deluded

because you do not recognize the awareness of the ground.


Being thus unmindful of what occurs is delusion - the very

state of unawareness and the cause of going astray. From this

delusive state comes a sudden fainting away and then a subtle

consciousness of wavering fear.


>From that wavering there arises a separation of self and the

perception of others as enemies. Gradually the tendency of

separation strengthens, and from this the circle of samsara



Then the emotions of the five poisons develop - the actions of

these emotions are endless. You beings lack awareness because

you are unmindful, and this is the basis of your going astray.


Through my prayer, may all you beings recognize your

intrinsic awareness! Innate unawareness means unmindfulness

and distraction. Imputing unawareness means dualistic thoughts

towards self and others.


Both kinds of unawareness are the basis for the delusion of all



Through Kuntuzangpo's prayer, may all you beings

wandering in samsara clear away the dark fog of

unmindfulness, clear away the clinging thoughts of duality!


May you recognize your own intrinsic awareness! Dualistic

thoughts create doubt, from subtle attachment to this dualistic

turn of mind dualistic tendencies become stronger and

thicker. Food, wealth, clothes, home and friends, the five

objects of the senses and your beloved family -

all these things cause torment by creating longing and desire.


These are all worldly delusions; the activities of grasping and

clinging are endless. When the fruition of attachment ripens,

you are born as a hungry ghost, tormented by coveting and

desiring, miserable, starving and thirsty.


Through Kuntuzangpo's prayer, may all you desirous and

lustful beings who have attachments, neither reject longing

desire, nor accept attachment to desires. Let your

consciousness relax in its own natural state, then your

awareness will be able to hold its own. May you achieve the

wisdom of perfect discernment!


When external objects appear, the subtle consciousness of fear

will arise. From this fear, the habit of anger becomes stronger

and stronger. Finally, hostility comes, causing violence and

murder. When the fruition of this anger ripens, you will suffer

in hell by boiling and burning.


Through Kuntuzanpo's prayer, you beings of the six realms,

when strong anger arises for you, neither reject nor accept it.

Instead relax in the natural state and acheive the wisdom of



When your mind becomes full of pride there will arise

thoughts of competition and humiliation. As this pride

becomes stronger and stronger, you will experience the

suffering of quarrels and abuse. When the fruition of this

karma ripens, you will be reborn in the god realms and

experience the suffering of change and falling to the lower



Through Kuntuzanpo's prayer, may you beings who

developed pride let your consciousness relax in the natural

state. Then your awareness will be able to hold its own.


My you achieve the wisdom of equanimity! By increasing the

habit of duality, by praising yourself and denigrating others, your

competitive mind will lead you to jealousy and fighting, and you

will be reborn in the jealous god realm, where there is much

killing and injury. From the result of that killing, you will fall into

the hell realm.


Through Kuntuzangpo's prayer, when jealousy and competitive

thoughts arise, do not grasp them as enemies. Just relax in ease,

then consciousness can hold its natural state. May you achieve

the wisdom of unobstructed action!


By being distracted, careless and unmindful, you beings will

become dull, foggy and forgetful.


By being unconscious and lazy, you will increase your

ignorance and the fruition of this ignorance will be to wander

helplessly in the animal realm.


Through Kuntuzangpo's prayer, may you beings who have fallen

into the dark pit of ignorance shine the light of mindfulness and

thereby achieve wisdom free from thought.


All you beings of the three realms are actually identical to

Buddhas, the ground of all. But your misunderstanding of the

ground causes you to go astray, so you act without aim.


The six karmic actions are delusion like a dream. I am the

primordial Buddha here to train the six classes of beings

through all my manifestations.


Through Kuntuzangpo's prayer may all you beings without

exception attain enlightenment in the state of dharmadhatu.


And Ho! Hereafter whenever a very powerful yogin with his

or her awareness radiant and free from delusion recites this

very powerful prayer, then all who hear it will achieve

enlightenment within three lifetimes. During a solar or lunar

eclipse, during an earthquake or when the earth rumbles, at

the solstices or the New Year you should visualize



And if you pray loudly so all can hear, then beings of the

three realms will be gradually liberated from suffering,

through the prayer of the yogin and will finally achieve



-Kunsang Dechen Lingpa



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