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Tachyonized Rudraksha - Follow-up

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Here is the follow-up letter sent to Dr. Ramesh concerning his Tachyonized



Dear Dr. Ramesh!


Thank you so much for these answers. This is very exciting to be able to know

more about this. I have some follow-up questions/comments to your answers to

clarify certain points. I would be very grateful if you would consider to

comment/answer these, if you have the time. I have put them below in blue text

after your answers. See below. Thank you very much.

Love, Ole


PS. My source of knowledge on Rudraksha comes primarily from Rudra Centre at



Dear Ole,


The answers are below each question.


> 1. When did you learn of Rudraksha and its medical/energetic/spiritual

> effects?


Since Childhood


> 2. What kind of personal experience and research have you done on the

> effects of Rudraksha?


It is an excellent stress reliever. Due to the constituents it was decided to

Tachyonize, to potentiate the effects.



How did you know beforehand that it would potentiate the effects, was it nott a

question of first doing research to find out exactly how the tachyonization

would affect the Rudraksha? What kind of research did you do to verify these



> 3. What is your own view of the causative factor responsible for the

> healing effects of Rudraksha?


It has its own constituen ts which have thier frequencies. If a certain

frequency is useful to us, then it would help. Sometimes the frequencies of the

rudhraksh may not suit an individual. Then the individual feels restless and

sick and rejects it. It is just like gem-therapy.


So you view the effects of Rudraksha to be limited only to frequency effects

based on research into different electrical and magnetic properties?



> 4. How did you come up with the idea to Tachyonize Rudraksha beads?


When we knew the effects of the rudhraksha based on the facets, although they

have similar constituents, each facet had a different potential. The

significance why each facet had a different potential was based on symbols.


I dont follow - can you be more specific what you mean by symbols?


The rarity of the single facet made it very expensive to obtain. The

multi-faceted one which was easily available was cheaper, thus I came up on the

idea to Tachyonize and seek all the potentials of the different facets as




According to the reliable Rudraksha suppliers in India ; One Mukhi Rudraksa is

found in two shapes round and the half moon shape. Round Rudraksa is highly

praised but it is very rare and more of a myth . One mukhi Half moon is easily

available and found in a family tree of Rudraksha from India and Srilanka.


> 5. What happens to a Rudraksha bead when it is Tachyonized?


The rudhraksha bead when tachyonized becomes an antenna and then lets the bo dy

sources whatever it needs for its balance and at the same time use the useful

effects of its frequency.

Do you here refer to the word balance as coming from the supplied tachyon

energy only, since the frequency spectrum has not changed? Or has something




> 6. How is a Tachyonized Rudraksha bead used?


It can be used as an antenna like a pendant, ear-top, wrist bands, rings,

wherver it is needed, based on different energetic systems of treatment. eg.

Accupressure, Reflexology etc etc. Easiest is to wear it as a pendant and its

amazing what happens to any age group.



What usually happens to people wearing it?



> 7. What is the difference between a normal Rudraksha and a Tachyonized

> Rudraksha bead?


A normal rudhraksha only imparts its frequency, potential and its facet

potential. However when Tachyonized it becomes an antenna to see all the

potentials needed for the individuals balance. The chances of rejection are

almost nil because now the body decides what to take, when to take and when to

stop, unlike the normal rudhraksh deciding what effect it should create.

As far as I understand what you are saying here; through tachyonization, the

bead gains an intelligence(?) it did not have prior to tachyonization, which now

enables it to "see" and send out a mixture of frequencies; 1. it did not possess

before, 2. matching the need of the SOEFs of the person wearing it?


> Note: I have been informed that when a particular Mukhi Rudraksha bead

> is Tachyonized, usually a

> 5- or 6-mukhi, the Tachyonization process will make that

> particular bead

> take on the

> energetic characteristics of all the different Rudraksha mukhis.

> If so,

> how does this happen?

> In other words, how does the tachyonization alter the energetic

> effectsof a particular mukhi and make it

> contain all the potencies of all the various mukhis? If so, how

> did you

> discover and verify this?



> 8. What is your source of Rudraksha beads for tachyonization? (source

> quality)



>From India and Nepal


Can you disclose the source of your supplier(s)?



> 9. Where can people order the Tachyonized Rudraksha and what is the

> price for each bead?


The pendant can be ordered from


Tel: 06 5570458, Fax: 06 5570419,

Email: attme


Cost: USD 50.00



> 10. How many Tachyonized beads is necessary to wear for optimal

> effect?

Just one single pendant.


The bead is sold as a pendant in a string?



> 11. Can all people wear a Tachyonized Rudraksha bead or can it

> create a "detox" in the neurophysiology similar

> to that of wearing a siddha Rudraksha mala?


When one bead helps, why do you need a mala?


So any tachyonized bead regardless of its facet number will have the same

effect as a mala combination of all facets which are not tachyonized, actually

beyond, since you regard natural beads as frequency devices without

intelligence? Is it true that you yourself wear a powerful necklace mala of

different Rudraksha mukhis which are not tachyonized?


Just to state we have worn a 108 bead(1cm each) Tachyonized Rudhraksh Mala, the

effect is amazing and total connection happens. All those who wore had a similar

experience. Some have worn it for 3 - 4 days and have remained in balance.



Is this 108 bead mala you mention comprised of a single kind of bead facet

(which) or a combination of beads with different facets? (which) So there

actually IS an increased effect when more tachyonized beads are worn - what do

you mean by total connection here - verticality? Can a tachyonized bead/necklace

of beads verticalize the chakra system? Or does this effect go beyond




> Thanks.


> Love, Ole







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