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Speak Sanskrit VIII DAY

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When will the post office be opened?

Kada trapulalayah udghatyate?


When will the post office be closed?

Kada trapulalayah pidhiyate?


Where is the telegraph office?

Kutra asti tantukaryalayah?


I want to give a telegram.

Aham icchami datum ekam tantuvartakam.


Please give me one telegram-form.

Krpaya yacchatu mahyam ekam patrakam tantuvartakasya.


Which is the counter for telegram?

Kim asti ayatanam tantuvartakasya?


Which is the counter for stamps?

Kim asti ayatanam trapula-mudrakebhyah?


Give me fifty one-rupee stamps.

Yacchatu mahyam pancasat




Since I got (masculine) twenty postal envelopes hence I (masculine)

paid twenty rupees.

Yatah aham labdhavan vimsatih trapula-patra-kosan, atah aham

pradattavan vimsatih rupyakani.


When the stock of post-cards is there, then I will purchse 50 post


Yada sancayah trapula-phalakanam asti tada aham kresyami pancasat



Where is the chart for greeting telegrams?

Kutra asti pattika




Please give two money order forms.

Krpaya yacchatu dve nidhi presa patrake.


If you (masculine) have ten-rupees-postal-order,

Yadi bhavatah asti






Please send this by RPAD.

Krpaya presayatu etat panjikrta




Please accept this registered parcel.

Krpaya svikarotu etam panjikrta pottalim.


If you (masculine) give aerogram, then I will give the cost.

Yadi bhavan yacchati vimanapatrakam, tarhi aham dasyami mulyam.


Give me three inland letters out of this ten rupee note.

Yacchatu mahyam trini desiyapatrakani etasmat dasarupyakapatrat.


Please send by insured post.

Krpaya presayatu bhadrapresakena.


When will the night post office start working?

Kada ratri trapulalayah prarabhate karyani?


Is today holiday for the bank?

Asti va adya avakasah nidhi-gananalayasya (bankasya)?


Which is the receipt counter?

Kah civanapavarakah?


Which is the payments counter?

Kah pradanapavarakah?


Here is the SB withdrawal form.

Atra asti ayasesagananayah apakarsapatrakam.


Do you have current account in the bank?

Asti va bhavatah dainandina ganana nidhi gananalaye?


Do you (masculine) have cheque book?

Asti va bhavatah svapakarsapatrapustakam?


What is the interest for Term deposit?

Ka vrddhih nirdistakala niksepasya?


The interest is 7% for SB Account.

Vrddhih sapta prati satam ayasesa gananayah.


Where is the SB deposit form?

Kutra asti ayasesaganana yah niksepana-patrakam?


Please make entries in this Pass book.

Krpaya lekhanani likhatu etasmin ganana-pustake.


I go to market to purchase provisions.

Aham gacchami hattam kretum paka vastuni.


Where is the vegetable market?

Kutra asti saka hattah?


Tamarind shop is there.

Tintidikapanam asti tatra.


Green gram, yellow gram, black pepper, red chillies, green chillies,

rice, wheat, sugar, refined Oil, ghee, turmeric, cardamum, etc. are

available in the market.

Mudgah, canakah, maricam, rakta-usanani, harita-usanani, salih,

godhumah, sarkara, sodhita-tailam ghrtam, haridra, ela, adayah,

labhyante hatte.


In the fruit market, apples, grapes, etc., we get.

Phala-hatte ataphalani, draksah, adayah, vayam vindamah.


Wherever we see, in the market, the prices are high.

Yatra yatra vayam pasyamaha, hatte, mulyani adhikani santi.

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