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Navratna bracelet/Elizabeth

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Namaste Elizabeth,


May I mention that Rudra Centre does incorporate flawless superior

gems appropriate to an individual's budget, small or big. The

expensive Navratnas are not mentioned on the website. But they are

available from Rudra Centre if one sends an enquiry to Miss Neeta.

I've personally recommended several people to Rudra Centre for having

rings custom-made to the right sizes, designs and gem quality.


Om Namah Shivaya



, "e_mars1133"

<e_mars1133> wrote:

> Hi,


> Yes, you can get bangles made by Nick Hodgson of astrogems.com. He

> does use man-made emeralds and rubies as a rule, however. He


> they are more consistent, better quality, and less expensive than

> natural ones. He's the one who supplies most SRF people and

> monastics with bangles. You might look at Thaigem.com for unheated

> precious stones for a less expensive natural option than buying


> gems from a Vedic gemologist and have someone make you a bangle.


> sure the about the quality of what Rudraksha Centre offers--I


> others here have gotten them before though and could tell you.


> I have heard mixed comments on both kinds of bangles. My personal

> suspiscion is that you are best served by the dictum: navaratna


> only, flawless, 2 carats or more, which makes for an extremely

> expensive piece of jewelry. But there are people who have had top

> of the line gems with no effect who got great effects with

> rudraksha. (Kari here for instance, but I'm not sure that she had


> full navaratna, maybe ask her). And still others who get great

> effects with the navaratna malas sold by rudraksha centre

> whichdefinitely do not incorporate flawless superior gems. So,


> your fingers, pick something, and dive in!


> Best wishes for your search and journey,

> e




> , "kriyaban99"

> <kriyaban99> wrote:

> > Greetings,

> >

> > Can someone recommend someone who makes the larger (2 carat plus)

> > upper arm navratna bangles that Yukteswar recommended? Also does

> > anyone have any expereince with the gold, silver, and copper


> >

> > Thanks!

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Namaste Elizabeth,


Good morning to you from Australia and thanks for your message!

About advertising on the website, I guess when the busy Diwali season

is over, Rudra Centre may have time to gradually update the pages.


Please have faith, if you are a geophile and love gems (see them as

representing respective deities) much enough, they will "find" you.

It may well just happen out of the blue, you never know :-) It is

believed that rudraksha and ratna find their own homes, not the other

way round. (After experiencing what I did, with the very humble

Navratna mala in thread with knots and a tassle, I believe miracles

do happen..


Prior to that, it was like 10 long years of limbo, nothing moved,

nothing shifted. Then whenever a part of the mala snapped off,

something moved within days or a week. Always repaired it over and

over. It snapped 9 times and by the 9th, the cat's eye beads were

turning almost silky white with a chatoyence. That was when

something said "It is time to honor it on the altar". Each time it

snapped, something that was stuck, was catapulted into a new

dimension with multiple pathways open to choose from.

Previously, "chocie" was a luxury that eluded me for 10 years,

strange as it may sound.)


Despite what others on the high end of the market say about top

quality gems working and that lesser or flawed ones should not be

used, the combination of precious and semi-precious beads on my mala

worked just fine. The mala was simply worn and adored with love. It

was like having 9 deities round my neck :-) and loving each and every

one of them.


You are right, how many people can afford flawless gems? They are

small change to the wealthy but could equate as the cost of a house

for others. Quite similar to what has been said about gems, there

are many folks out there who say for example: One cannot do this or

that unless you have been initiated. One should not attempt the

pronounciation of this mantra or that mantra, etc. unless under the

guidance of a guru or priest. And one should not attempt what is

termed as "forbidden" rituals, etc. And all this could be injurious,

etc. etc..


If one dares to will, dare and try, nothing is impossible. Of course

one must be prepared to go through trials and tribulations (with eyes

wide open making this choice mindfully) but yet come off at the other

end, non-attached; seeing as life is but Maya.

Some say "All is Shiva", I take it to mean everything and everyone is

Shiva, both good and bad. The Divine Mother is also Shiva, or rather

Shiva's other half, His Shakti: There is no Shiva without Shakti.


Rounding off the above about gems and rituals, etc., if everything is

Shiva or the Divine Mother, than how can they as Universal Parents

hurt their children who are trying to connect to them? There are

always ups and downs trying to connect with anything but if we

persevere, we eventually reach a point where somehow God/dess smooths

out the rough bumps along the way. Once we get off at the other side

of the fence, we say "whew" but it isn't the outcome that matters.

It's the "journey" that is more important.


Your friend is correct to a certain degree about wealth being the

result of good karma from previous births but material wealth often

comes with strings attached. Look at the super-rich, how many are

not paranoid, how many can claim their entire families for

generations were free from hereditary ailments, how many do not have

wayward kids and relatives, how many are subject to public gaze and

lose their privacy, how many do not have hangers-on, now many are

truly secure in the soul and how many can truly live with peace of

mind, etc.? Of course with wealth, people can buy the best of

everything and get the best remedials or medical care; material

wealth eases only a slight fraction of discomfort and helps the

person ride out the journey in the best cars or homes, but take all

that away, what is there left? Emptiness of some sort, a void that

needs constant filling (usually with the wrong things). Why would

they need so many "toys" otherwise?


Tend to also agree with your friend to a certain degree,

about "inability" to get help being "karmic unfoldment". For those

whose finances are not sufficient for seeking of help from the best

or expensive practitioners, one can only resign to "karmic

unfoldment". On one hand its karmic unfoldment while on the other,

there is nothing to prevent us from trying other methods. Sometimes

costly remedies and things aren't necessarily the best. It is better

to look for "what is right" and "what feels right" or "what works".

God/dess has put the plant and mineral kingdom on earth for all. We

just have to find the right thing according to our budgets at any

given time.


Philosophically he is absolutely correct as in "Whose's will is it?

Its God's will so free-will for mortals is zilch. But I would stray

from the fatalistics and say "Aren't you God's Child? In this case,

aren't you God too? Then isn't it Your Will to let free-will flow or

curb it? It's your choice, the will is within you to look at this

however way you will :-) Some say "why"? Why don't we say "why



God is the Mother/Father of the rich and the poor, the initiate as

well as the non-initiate, the wise man as well as the fool. For every

expensive mineral, there are innumerable substitutes for it, located

in different parts of the world for different peoples. When we try

to reach out to God/dess, Mother/Father in all sincerity, how can

they deny us?


I'd better go dip my head in water before you give it a good whack :-

) Btw, please indulge my humble foolishness to think that I may well

be able to turn ordinary water into Ganga Jal when worshipping

Mother/Father. But within the heart and soul, I feel it to be Ganges

Water and sincerely offer it, as is.


Om Namah Shivaya

With a lot of love





, "e_mars1133"

<e_mars1133> wrote:


> Dear Sy,


> Thanks for letting me know. AS I was reading the recent thread,


> became apparent. Very exciting! They should advertise something to

> that effect on the website--perhaps they do and I missed it. No

> intentions or ability to get more gems myself now, but as a


> the idea of navaratnas is dear to my rock-adoring heart. I am also

> glad that so many people are having luck with the lower quality


> malas. I was actually first introduced to Hinduism, the Vedas,


> through researching gem remedials and was at first very put off by

> the non-egalitarian claims that you had to have the best gems and

> lesser or slightly flawed gems would hurt you. But how many can

> afford this? I even had one friend say that wealth and the ability

> to gain a quality remedial are effects of good karma, so inability


> get help is just more karmic unfoldment (this person is very


> in his belief that free will is next to nil; as in whose will is it

> that's free). While I am inclined to believe that the absolute


> effects are delivered by the purest materials, I am happy to know

> that the less affluent do have hope of getting help and not harm


> the mineral kingdom's more modest members.


> love,

> e




> , "syzenith"

> <syzenith> wrote:

> > Namaste Elizabeth,

> >

> > May I mention that Rudra Centre does incorporate flawless


> > gems appropriate to an individual's budget, small or big. The

> > expensive Navratnas are not mentioned on the website. But they


> > available from Rudra Centre if one sends an enquiry to Miss


> > I've personally recommended several people to Rudra Centre for

> having

> > rings custom-made to the right sizes, designs and gem quality.

> >

> > Om Namah Shivaya

> > Sy

> >

> > , "e_mars1133"

> > <e_mars1133> wrote:

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > Yes, you can get bangles made by Nick Hodgson of


> He

> > > does use man-made emeralds and rubies as a rule, however. He

> > swears

> > > they are more consistent, better quality, and less expensive


> > > natural ones. He's the one who supplies most SRF people and

> > > monastics with bangles. You might look at Thaigem.com for

> unheated

> > > precious stones for a less expensive natural option than buying

> > these

> > > gems from a Vedic gemologist and have someone make you a


> > Not

> > > sure the about the quality of what Rudraksha Centre offers--I

> > think

> > > others here have gotten them before though and could tell you.

> > >

> > > I have heard mixed comments on both kinds of bangles. My

> personal

> > > suspiscion is that you are best served by the dictum: navaratna

> > gems

> > > only, flawless, 2 carats or more, which makes for an extremely

> > > expensive piece of jewelry. But there are people who have had

> top

> > > of the line gems with no effect who got great effects with

> > > rudraksha. (Kari here for instance, but I'm not sure that she

> had

> > a

> > > full navaratna, maybe ask her). And still others who get great

> > > effects with the navaratna malas sold by rudraksha centre

> > > whichdefinitely do not incorporate flawless superior gems. So,

> > cross

> > > your fingers, pick something, and dive in!

> > >

> > > Best wishes for your search and journey,

> > > e

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , "kriyaban99"

> > > <kriyaban99> wrote:

> > > > Greetings,

> > > >

> > > > Can someone recommend someone who makes the larger (2 carat

> plus)

> > > > upper arm navratna bangles that Yukteswar recommended? Also

> does

> > > > anyone have any expereince with the gold, silver, and copper

> > bangle?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks!

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Namaste Elizabeth,


O Devi, here's serving up my humble head (my ego, my all…) on a

platter, packed in a box and ready for the first flight to Seattle

for your pleasure. For ma Elizabeth, anything to please you. If its

kisses I get on the head, thank you immensely for the blessing. If

its whacking it receives, it is still a great blessing to have your

Darshan that teaches lessons that otherwise I won't learn.


Btw, I would rather die while trying, than not have tried at all.


Back to material wealth again: Material wealth is physical and

tangible, such fortunes can rise and fall, wax and wane, be stolen,

lost, squandered or wiped out in one nightmare. When taken for

granted, it becomes "material pollution".


Better to cultivate (find; build) inner wealth. Freedom is one form

of inner wealth. Nothing and no one can take this away. In

mentioning the above, I cannot but help feel that within ADD, there

are strokes of genius, beauty, talent, sense of humor and blessed

bliss. It just needs the right key to unlock the treasure chest.

But you will have to find that key along the way. With faith, it

could well be right under your snout but you probably haven't yet

noticed it :-)


I read your message but didn't quite know how to say the things I

wanted to. Now the words are gradually coming out..


Om Namah Shivaya

Much, much love



, "e_mars1133"

<e_mars1133> wrote:

> Dear Sy,


> Good morning to you from Sunny (today at least) Seattle.


> Why if your head were near me right now, I wouldn't give it a wack,

> I'd kiss it!


> I feel like a big fat balloon of joy reading your words of

> enthusiasm, love, good will, and faith.


> Consider yourself kissed on the head!


> love,

> elizabeth



> , "syzenith"

> <syzenith> wrote:

> > Namaste Elizabeth,

> >

> > Good morning to you from Australia and thanks for your message!

> >

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Namasste Elizabeth,


"Endlessly stupid and stuck" - this is a stage that all of us go

through every now and then. Please know that all states and stages

will come to pass, just as all rivers have to run dry some day. Have

every confidence you will discover your beautiful feet (when the

right time comes) standing steadily on solid gold, instead of what

seemed like a bottomless pit.


Humbly, I've been that way before so I know how exactly you must feel

sometimes and I went all wooshy while reading your message. It was

like me during the storm before the calm, the dark before the light,

the endless tunnel of no place to be, etc. Then the light came and

I've not had to look back since. If a silly ole batty wrinkly and

stooopid fruit loop like me can find the light, you Elizabeth will do

even much better when your turn comes!


Bless you a zillion-fold for such lovely words, multi-colored gerber

daisies! Gob-smacked.. Love these flowers very much! How on earth

did you pick that? Likewise, I would beam over truckloads of them to

you with warm hugs.


Om Namah Shivaya

All my love



, "e_mars1133"

<e_mars1133> wrote:

> Dear Sy,


> Again, moved to tears of gratitude and thanks. Feeling so


> stupid and stuck, this big waaa ego rolling in muck thanks you for

> your beautiful vision.


> For my bit of Ma, if I were ever somehow compelled to whack you,


> be with a big soft bouquet of multi-colored gerber daisies!


> kissing you again,

> much love,

> e



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