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Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence :

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Dear Davidji


Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont offend anyone

here however could you tell me why we should read an article on continence


Thanks and Take Care




In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

rudra writes:



> Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence :

> Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> <A HREF="rudra">rudra</A>

> Reply-to:<A



> To:<A



> Sent from the Internet








> I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

> group ,


> or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

> below ,


> and any info in this Message


> if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

> your brain insted :



> STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




> ----------Your last Chance--------







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I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

group ,


or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

below ,


and any info in this Message


if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

your brain insted :



STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




----------Your last Chance--------


WARNING : if you continoue you are on your own , and only you will be

responsible for any negative energy rising inside you or any dislike



---------Your Feelings may get hurt after passing this line --- :



----- ------- ------- ------ ------ -------




The view of some psychologists

To give a more loose rein to sex

Is poison, and one must resist

Excess, ere it the system wrecks


- Gopi Krishna



- Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence


By Dr. Raymond W. Bernard , A.B., M.A., Ph.D :



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I look forward to reading this. Thank you for the post.



Saturday, November 22, 2003 6:25 AM

RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence :







I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

group ,


or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

below ,


and any info in this Message


if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

your brain insted :



STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




----------Your last Chance--------


WARNING : if you continoue you are on your own , and only you will be

responsible for any negative energy rising inside you or any dislike



---------Your Feelings may get hurt after passing this line --- :



----- ------- ------- ------ ------ -------




The view of some psychologists

To give a more loose rein to sex

Is poison, and one must resist

Excess, ere it the system wrecks


- Gopi Krishna



- Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence


By Dr. Raymond W. Bernard , A.B., M.A., Ph.D :














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WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several Days ,Anger ,

Disstrust , etc



Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



DharmaDev ,



Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


"...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."



Because :


If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that self

controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the brain

by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

greate Importance


To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

this energy ,


If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental problems.



I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

the group members ,



Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on this

Subject :



- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy, present

in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage or

unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can have

far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for the

momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

of one libidinous ancestor.


The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual disciplines,

why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ? 

Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

without detriment to the latter.... 


The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital issue

can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

its growth....


There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

rudiments of the knowlege....


The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The same

organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

becomes clearly perceptible....


By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

reproductive mechanism.......


There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

than is used by average human beings....


There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the reproductive

organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti with

Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of the

reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with a

supersensory channel of cognition...


Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

winter by spring.....



What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

years on end....


For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those traditions,

and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

crises :


The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation by

awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as in

capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of this

mental rust......


The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

awareness in all human beings.....


I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm of

knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

confusion about the purpose of human life.....


The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf in

their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life of

individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

what I say..... - END




Now DharmaDev ,



Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any other

member of this group ????


Please Members , Speak Up !!!


I am ready to take the Heat !








AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> Dear Davidji


> Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

offend anyone

> here however could you tell me why we should read an article on



> Thanks and Take Care


> DharmaDev


> In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> rudra@g... writes:



> > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :

> > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > Reply-to:<A



> > To:<A



> > Sent from the Internet

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

> > group ,

> >

> > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

> > below ,

> >

> > and any info in this Message

> >

> > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

> > your brain insted :

> >

> >

> > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> >

> >

> >

> > ----------Your last Chance--------

> >

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What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean that they

do not evolve spiritually?






"zarembadavid" <rudra


Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence





WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several Days ,Anger ,

Disstrust , etc



Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



DharmaDev ,



Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


"...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."



Because :


If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that self

controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the brain

by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

greate Importance


To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

this energy ,


If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental problems.



I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

the group members ,



Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on this

Subject :



- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy, present

in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage or

unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can have

far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for the

momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

of one libidinous ancestor.


The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual disciplines,

why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

without detriment to the latter....


The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital issue

can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

its growth....


There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

rudiments of the knowlege....


The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The same

organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

becomes clearly perceptible....


By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

reproductive mechanism.......


There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

than is used by average human beings....


There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the reproductive

organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti with

Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of the

reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with a

supersensory channel of cognition...


Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

winter by spring.....



What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

years on end....


For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those traditions,

and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

crises :


The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation by

awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as in

capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of this

mental rust......


The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

awareness in all human beings.....


I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm of

knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

confusion about the purpose of human life.....


The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf in

their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life of

individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

what I say..... - END




Now DharmaDev ,



Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any other

member of this group ????


Please Members , Speak Up !!!


I am ready to take the Heat !








AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> Dear Davidji


> Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

offend anyone

> here however could you tell me why we should read an article on



> Thanks and Take Care


> DharmaDev


> In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> rudra@g... writes:



> > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :

> > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > Reply-to:<A



> > To:<A



> > Sent from the Internet

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

> > group ,

> >

> > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

> > below ,

> >

> > and any info in this Message

> >

> > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

> > your brain insted :

> >

> >

> > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> >

> >

> >

> > ----------Your last Chance--------

> >




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Dear Davidji


Dear Friend....thank you explaining.........yes understand and agree

with your intent to have others read this.....anything you write is

certainly OK with me so you really dont have to put warnings for

others on your messages.....your reports on the intense research you

do certainly has not upset anyone in the past and certainly wont

upset anyone in the future


your reasoning for reading this article is good and I agree with you

as this is more or less standard teaching for Devotees to always

consider on all levels....is not comfortable or good to deplete

ourselves in any action or to over do because it reduces the energy

we have to Accomplish and Evolve


Sometimes what is not said is that different people perform different

practices that actually work with Sexual Energy on a daily basis and

they have different levels of stamina and depletion....... because

they are constantly working with this energy as a normal part of

their day to day life....what is depletion to one person is normal

daily functioning to a person who practices certain forms of Tantra

so each person has to decide what is depletion and what is normal

functioning and this is a good thing to think about so that we always

maintain optimal functioning


Sri Gopi Krishna summed this all up when he said......Unless Sexual

Energy is needed for some Spiritual Disciplines........unless the

energy is used what is the need for conserveing it


We maintain a Family Group site here so if some one is reading this

and is offended by comments on Tantric Sexual Practices then please

read no further because this will be an adult discussion


The next paragraph is really for adults only


Tantric Practice shows a person can actually use the Sexual Energy if

they are able to control the Energy at certain levels that do not

allow depletion


Certain Tantric Practice useing sexual energy are not subject to

depletion when bodily fluids are released. In addition in these

practice the bodily fluids....if released.......have nothing to do

with energy level depletion


In fact there is a level of Tantric Accomplishment that presents

itself naturally after a great deal of practice where a person is

energized by the culmination of the Phhysical Union of Siva and

Shakti and experiences no depletion.....There is only continual

Blissful Physical and Blissful Spiritual Orgasm for as long as one

wishes...... without the release of Bodily Fluids........ and the

Energy exchange between the Siva and the Shakti actually re energizes

the Practicioners who are together in this Physical and Spiritual

Embrace....In this case at this level of Accomplishment there are no

boundaries and depletion does not exist if the person continues their

normal daily functions of eating and sleeping and meditating


In these special practices it is Known that in this age it is almost

impossible to go through Life Successfully unless Siva can find His

Shakti and Accomplish Union without depletion...is a task each of us

needs to Accomplish in this Lifetime to be Fulfilled.....to find our

soul mate and to never experience depletion on any level ever again


In the Tradition of a True Teacher Sri Gopi Krishna is actually

asking people to think about these facts of life in relation to their

personal life so they can understand the world we live in and can

accelerate their lives at a faster pace to Accomplishment


His discourse encourage people to consider all the factors of what

they wish to Accomplish in Life......their needs..... and how they

wish to intentionally approach their needs and wants....... and this

is perfect as many do not think about these things


People with Spiritual Path seem to gravitate to this process of

trying to understand and Know everything they can about themselves

and the world they are born into each lifetime and it is the greatest

adventure we can be involved in because this type of investigation

and discovery leads to total Freedom


Thank you for presenting this information to the group site as it is

most valuable as are all the messages you place here


Thank You for you dedicted Service the Mankind and Womankind


Aum NamaSivaya Sivaya Nama Aum


Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Seva Mitra






, "zarembadavid"

<rudra@g...> wrote:


> WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


> High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several

Days ,Anger ,

> Disstrust , etc



> Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


> If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



> DharmaDev ,



> Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


> "...could you tell me why we should read an article on




> Because :


> If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures


> sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that


> controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the


> by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> greate Importance


> To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


> if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain

the "inner

> balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


> we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


> But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

> our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


> Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

> religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not


> this energy ,


> If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

> opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental




> I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

> the group members ,



> Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on


> Subject :



> - The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,


> in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

> also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


> By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage


> unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which


> adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


> Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can


> far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for


> momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

> limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled


> of one libidinous ancestor.


> The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

> very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most


> is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


> Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual


> why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ? 

> Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


> Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> without detriment to the latter.... 


> The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital


> can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

> marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

> there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of


> energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> its growth....


> There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> rudiments of the knowlege....


> The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

> but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The


> organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> becomes clearly perceptible....


> By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of

the reproductive

> system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> reproductive mechanism.......


> There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

> be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this


> than is used by average human beings....


> There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

> to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

> through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> consciousness....


> Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the


> organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

> the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the


> in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


> The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti


> Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

> the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

> up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs


> the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

> new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



> I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of


> reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with


> supersensory channel of cognition...


> Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

> relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

> during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

> ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

> as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn


> winter by spring.....



> What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> years on end....


> For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those


> and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> 80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to


> crises :


> The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

> evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

> and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation


> awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

> that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> disaster. 


> I am writing more for the future than for the present

generations of

> humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean


> rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as


> capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of


> mental rust......


> The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> awareness in all human beings.....


> I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science


> will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will


> only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm


> knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


> I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state


> confusion about the purpose of human life.....


> The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical


> because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf


> their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


> A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

> about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they


> no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life


> individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> what I say..... - END




> Now DharmaDev ,



> Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any


> member of this group ????


> Please Members , Speak Up !!!


> I am ready to take the Heat !



> -----


> ----


> ,

> AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> > Dear Davidji

> >

> > Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

> offend anyone

> > here however could you tell me why we should read an article on

> continence

> >

> > Thanks and Take Care

> >

> > DharmaDev

> >

> > In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > rudra@g... writes:

> >

> >

> > > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> Continence :

> > > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > > Reply-to:<A



> societiesclub</A>

> > > To:<A



> societiesclub</A>

> > > Sent from the Internet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > >

> > > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of


> > > group ,

> > >

> > > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the


> > > below ,

> > >

> > > and any info in this Message

> > >

> > > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can


> > > your brain insted :

> > >

> > >

> > > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----------Your last Chance--------

> > >

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DharmaDev ,


I Perfectly agree



( the "warnings" was also for making you smile ,as some peaple ,me,

take things sometimes a bit further. And it was just an exemple )


I do ,however, miss you explaining things more clearly ?

especialy on the things that have happened regarding some other








, "Siva Rudra

DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus@c...> wrote:

> Dear Davidji


> Dear Friend....thank you explaining.........yes understand and


> with your intent to have others read this.....anything you write is

> certainly OK with me so you really dont have to put warnings for

> others on your messages.....your reports on the intense research


> do certainly has not upset anyone in the past and certainly wont

> upset anyone in the future


> your reasoning for reading this article is good and I agree with


> as this is more or less standard teaching for Devotees to always

> consider on all levels....is not comfortable or good to deplete

> ourselves in any action or to over do because it reduces the energy

> we have to Accomplish and Evolve


> Sometimes what is not said is that different people perform


> practices that actually work with Sexual Energy on a daily basis


> they have different levels of stamina and depletion....... because

> they are constantly working with this energy as a normal part of

> their day to day life....what is depletion to one person is normal

> daily functioning to a person who practices certain forms of Tantra

> so each person has to decide what is depletion and what is normal

> functioning and this is a good thing to think about so that we


> maintain optimal functioning


> Sri Gopi Krishna summed this all up when he said......Unless Sexual

> Energy is needed for some Spiritual Disciplines........unless the

> energy is used what is the need for conserveing it


> We maintain a Family Group site here so if some one is reading this

> and is offended by comments on Tantric Sexual Practices then please

> read no further because this will be an adult discussion


> The next paragraph is really for adults only


> Tantric Practice shows a person can actually use the Sexual Energy


> they are able to control the Energy at certain levels that do not

> allow depletion


> Certain Tantric Practice useing sexual energy are not subject to

> depletion when bodily fluids are released. In addition in these

> practice the bodily fluids....if released.......have nothing to do

> with energy level depletion


> In fact there is a level of Tantric Accomplishment that presents

> itself naturally after a great deal of practice where a person is

> energized by the culmination of the Phhysical Union of Siva and

> Shakti and experiences no depletion.....There is only continual

> Blissful Physical and Blissful Spiritual Orgasm for as long as one

> wishes...... without the release of Bodily Fluids........ and the

> Energy exchange between the Siva and the Shakti actually re


> the Practicioners who are together in this Physical and Spiritual

> Embrace....In this case at this level of Accomplishment there are


> boundaries and depletion does not exist if the person continues


> normal daily functions of eating and sleeping and meditating


> In these special practices it is Known that in this age it is


> impossible to go through Life Successfully unless Siva can find His

> Shakti and Accomplish Union without depletion...is a task each of


> needs to Accomplish in this Lifetime to be Fulfilled.....to find


> soul mate and to never experience depletion on any level ever again


> In the Tradition of a True Teacher Sri Gopi Krishna is actually

> asking people to think about these facts of life in relation to


> personal life so they can understand the world we live in and can

> accelerate their lives at a faster pace to Accomplishment


> His discourse encourage people to consider all the factors of what

> they wish to Accomplish in Life......their needs..... and how they

> wish to intentionally approach their needs and wants....... and


> is perfect as many do not think about these things


> People with Spiritual Path seem to gravitate to this process of

> trying to understand and Know everything they can about themselves

> and the world they are born into each lifetime and it is the


> adventure we can be involved in because this type of investigation

> and discovery leads to total Freedom


> Thank you for presenting this information to the group site as it


> most valuable as are all the messages you place here


> Thank You for you dedicted Service the Mankind and Womankind


> Aum NamaSivaya Sivaya Nama Aum


> Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Seva Mitra


> DharmaDev


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Barbara ,


No , but I belive other bodily fluids are used. Gopi krishna has also

mentioned it in his books





, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

that they

> do not evolve spiritually?


> Barbara


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What other bodily fluids?






"zarembadavid" <rudra


Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:24 AM

RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence




> Barbara ,


> No , but I belive other bodily fluids are used. Gopi krishna has also

> mentioned it in his books



> ----


> , "Barbara J.

> Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> > What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

> that they

> > do not evolve spiritually?

> >

> > Barbara

> >





> To send an email to:





> Your use of is subject to



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Dearest Barbaraji


Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing in

this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men in

most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

more.....really odd


totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are actualy

responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by



Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

different forms


Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His Shakti

and this says it all


Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of telling

women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that it

is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

body........This is one reason why people who say women can only wear

part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected Brahman

Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy



So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by someone

who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra




, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

that they

> do not evolve spiritually?


> Barbara



> -

> "zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>

> <>

> Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

> RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of


> :




> WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


> High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several

Days ,Anger ,

> Disstrust , etc



> Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


> If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



> DharmaDev ,



> Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


> "...could you tell me why we should read an article on




> Because :


> If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

> sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that


> controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the


> by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> greate Importance


> To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


> if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

> balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


> we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


> But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

> our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


> Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

> religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

> this energy ,


> If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

> opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental




> I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

> the group members ,



> Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on


> Subject :



> - The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,


> in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

> also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


> By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage


> unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

> adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


> Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can


> far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for


> momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

> limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

> of one libidinous ancestor.


> The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

> very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

> is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


> Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual


> why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

> Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


> Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> without detriment to the latter....


> The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital


> can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

> marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

> there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

> energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> its growth....


> There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> rudiments of the knowlege....


> The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

> but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The


> organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> becomes clearly perceptible....


> By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

> system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> reproductive mechanism.......


> There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

> be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

> than is used by average human beings....


> There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

> to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

> through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> consciousness....


> Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the


> organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

> the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

> in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


> The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti


> Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

> the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

> up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

> the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

> new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



> I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of


> reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with


> supersensory channel of cognition...


> Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

> relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

> during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

> ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

> as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

> winter by spring.....



> What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> years on end....


> For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those


> and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> 80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

> crises :


> The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

> evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

> and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation


> awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

> that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> disaster.


> I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

> humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

> rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as


> capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of


> mental rust......


> The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> awareness in all human beings.....


> I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

> will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

> only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm


> knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


> I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

> confusion about the purpose of human life.....


> The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

> because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf


> their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


> A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

> about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

> no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life


> individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> what I say..... - END




> Now DharmaDev ,



> Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any


> member of this group ????


> Please Members , Speak Up !!!


> I am ready to take the Heat !



> -----


> ----


> ,

> AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> > Dear Davidji

> >

> > Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

> offend anyone

> > here however could you tell me why we should read an article on

> continence

> >

> > Thanks and Take Care

> >

> > DharmaDev

> >

> > In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > rudra@g... writes:

> >

> >

> > > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> Continence :

> > > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > > Reply-to:<A



> societiesclub</A>

> > > To:<A



> societiesclub</A>

> > > Sent from the Internet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > >

> > > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

> > > group ,

> > >

> > > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the


> > > below ,

> > >

> > > and any info in this Message

> > >

> > > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can


> > > your brain insted :

> > >

> > >

> > > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----------Your last Chance--------

> > >




> To send an email to:





> Your use of is subject to


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I do not know exactly ,read Gk books to find more info on this or

search the internet , but the rules regarding self control are the

same for women and men





, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> What other bodily fluids?


> Barbara



> -

> "zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>

> <>

> Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:24 AM

> RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of


> :



> > Barbara ,

> >

> > No , but I belive other bodily fluids are used. Gopi krishna has


> > mentioned it in his books

> >

> >

> > ----

> >

> > , "Barbara J.

> > Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> > > What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

> > that they

> > > do not evolve spiritually?

> > >

> > > Barbara

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To send an email to:


> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

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Share on other sites

Dear DharmaDeva,


Thank you for explaining this.


I think all men hate women and want to destroy them. Even Lord Shiva fell

into this and He decided to destroy all the feminine creatures in the

universe. He was only prevented when Devi appeared before Him as a child.


I wear rudraksha almost all of the time. I wear a 14 on my forehead, a nine

on my right arm, 6s on my right wrist, a mala of 108 7s, a mala of 108 8s

plus 5s, 4s and one 2 and one 3 and some with no markings which I am not

sure are rudraksha but which I found in a Roman Catholic thrift store and

which look like rudraksha and which I really like.


Lots of people tell me that they like my rudraksha, but they do not want to

become my friends. I only become friends now with people who seek me out as

a friend, not those whom I must seek out.


I am not looking for liberation; I only want to do Lord Shiva's will. If

women have no bodily fluids leading to liberation, that is all right with

me--whatever makes Lord Shiva happy.






"Siva Rudra DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus


Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:52 AM

RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence




Dearest Barbaraji


Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing in

this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men in

most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

more.....really odd


totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are actualy

responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by



Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

different forms


Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His Shakti

and this says it all


Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of telling

women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that it

is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

body........This is one reason why people who say women can only wear

part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected Brahman

Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy



So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by someone

who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra




, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

that they

> do not evolve spiritually?


> Barbara



> -

> "zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>

> <>

> Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

> RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of


> :




> WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


> High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several

Days ,Anger ,

> Disstrust , etc



> Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


> If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



> DharmaDev ,



> Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


> "...could you tell me why we should read an article on




> Because :


> If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

> sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that


> controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the


> by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> greate Importance


> To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


> if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

> balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


> we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


> But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

> our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


> Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

> religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

> this energy ,


> If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

> opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental




> I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

> the group members ,



> Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on


> Subject :



> - The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,


> in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

> also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


> By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage


> unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

> adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


> Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can


> far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for


> momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

> limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

> of one libidinous ancestor.


> The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

> very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

> is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


> Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual


> why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

> Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


> Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> without detriment to the latter....


> The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital


> can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

> marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

> there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

> energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> its growth....


> There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> rudiments of the knowlege....


> The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

> but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The


> organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> becomes clearly perceptible....


> By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

> system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> reproductive mechanism.......


> There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

> be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

> than is used by average human beings....


> There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

> to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

> through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> consciousness....


> Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the


> organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

> the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

> in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


> The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti


> Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

> the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

> up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

> the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

> new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



> I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of


> reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with


> supersensory channel of cognition...


> Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

> relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

> during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

> ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

> as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

> winter by spring.....



> What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> years on end....


> For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those


> and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> 80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

> crises :


> The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

> evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

> and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation


> awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

> that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> disaster.


> I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

> humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

> rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as


> capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of


> mental rust......


> The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> awareness in all human beings.....


> I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

> will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

> only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm


> knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


> I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

> confusion about the purpose of human life.....


> The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

> because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf


> their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


> A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

> about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

> no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life


> individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> what I say..... - END




> Now DharmaDev ,



> Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any


> member of this group ????


> Please Members , Speak Up !!!


> I am ready to take the Heat !



> -----


> ----


> ,

> AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> > Dear Davidji

> >

> > Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

> offend anyone

> > here however could you tell me why we should read an article on

> continence

> >

> > Thanks and Take Care

> >

> > DharmaDev

> >

> > In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > rudra@g... writes:

> >

> >

> > > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> Continence :

> > > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > > Reply-to:<A



> societiesclub</A>

> > > To:<A



> societiesclub</A>

> > > Sent from the Internet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > >

> > > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

> > > group ,

> > >

> > > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the


> > > below ,

> > >

> > > and any info in this Message

> > >

> > > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can


> > > your brain insted :

> > >

> > >

> > > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----------Your last Chance--------

> > >




> To send an email to:





> Your use of is subject to





To send an email to:





Your use of is subject to

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Dear DharmaDeva,


Some believe that Devi is born of Lord Shiva, but in reality, this does not

make sense. Lord Shiva is the first child of the Devi, and He is very weak

and needs tender loving care.


All men need tender loving care and if they don't get it they fly into

violent rages. All women know this and try to provide tender loving care to

their men, but sometimes women become frustrated because the men never seem

to grow up.


Freud accused women of penis envy, but the real problem is womb envy.


I will shut up now. Hope that you do not bar me from this site for saying

this. If you do, it is Lord Shiva's will.






"Siva Rudra DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus


Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:52 AM

RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence




Dearest Barbaraji


Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing in

this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men in

most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

more.....really odd


totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are actualy

responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by



Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

different forms


Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His Shakti

and this says it all


Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of telling

women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that it

is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

body........This is one reason why people who say women can only wear

part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected Brahman

Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy



So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by someone

who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra




, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

that they

> do not evolve spiritually?


> Barbara



> -

> "zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>

> <>

> Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

> RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of


> :




> WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


> High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several

Days ,Anger ,

> Disstrust , etc



> Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


> If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



> DharmaDev ,



> Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


> "...could you tell me why we should read an article on




> Because :


> If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

> sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that


> controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the


> by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> greate Importance


> To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


> if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

> balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


> we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


> But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

> our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


> Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

> religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

> this energy ,


> If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

> opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental




> I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

> the group members ,



> Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on


> Subject :



> - The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,


> in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

> also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


> By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage


> unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

> adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


> Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can


> far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for


> momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

> limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

> of one libidinous ancestor.


> The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

> very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

> is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


> Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual


> why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

> Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


> Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> without detriment to the latter....


> The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital


> can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

> marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

> there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

> energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> its growth....


> There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> rudiments of the knowlege....


> The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

> but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The


> organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> becomes clearly perceptible....


> By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

> system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> reproductive mechanism.......


> There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

> be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

> than is used by average human beings....


> There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

> to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

> through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> consciousness....


> Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the


> organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

> the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

> in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


> The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti


> Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

> the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

> up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

> the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

> new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



> I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of


> reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with


> supersensory channel of cognition...


> Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

> relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

> during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

> ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

> as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

> winter by spring.....



> What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> years on end....


> For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those


> and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> 80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

> crises :


> The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

> evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

> and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation


> awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

> that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> disaster.


> I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

> humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

> rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as


> capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of


> mental rust......


> The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> awareness in all human beings.....


> I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

> will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

> only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm


> knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


> I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

> confusion about the purpose of human life.....


> The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

> because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf


> their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


> A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

> about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

> no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life


> individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> what I say..... - END




> Now DharmaDev ,



> Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any


> member of this group ????


> Please Members , Speak Up !!!


> I am ready to take the Heat !



> -----


> ----


> ,

> AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> > Dear Davidji

> >

> > Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

> offend anyone

> > here however could you tell me why we should read an article on

> continence

> >

> > Thanks and Take Care

> >

> > DharmaDev

> >

> > In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > rudra@g... writes:

> >

> >

> > > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> Continence :

> > > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > > Reply-to:<A



> societiesclub</A>

> > > To:<A



> societiesclub</A>

> > > Sent from the Internet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > >

> > > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

> > > group ,

> > >

> > > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the


> > > below ,

> > >

> > > and any info in this Message

> > >

> > > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can


> > > your brain insted :

> > >

> > >

> > > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----------Your last Chance--------

> > >




> To send an email to:





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Dear Barbaraji:


Feel it is a gross injustice to make a sweeping declaration that all

men hate women as much as it is to say that all women are inferior by

virtue of their gender.


That has not been my experience or observation in the least.


Am totally unfamiliar with the Scriptural references you are making

pertaining to Lord Shiva wanting to destroy all women.


Where does that come from ???????






, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> Dear DharmaDeva,


> Thank you for explaining this.


> I think all men hate women and want to destroy them. Even Lord

Shiva fell

> into this and He decided to destroy all the feminine creatures in


> universe. He was only prevented when Devi appeared before Him as a



> I wear rudraksha almost all of the time. I wear a 14 on my

forehead, a nine

> on my right arm, 6s on my right wrist, a mala of 108 7s, a mala of

108 8s

> plus 5s, 4s and one 2 and one 3 and some with no markings which I

am not

> sure are rudraksha but which I found in a Roman Catholic thrift

store and

> which look like rudraksha and which I really like.


> Lots of people tell me that they like my rudraksha, but they do not

want to

> become my friends. I only become friends now with people who seek

me out as

> a friend, not those whom I must seek out.


> I am not looking for liberation; I only want to do Lord Shiva's

will. If

> women have no bodily fluids leading to liberation, that is all

right with

> me--whatever makes Lord Shiva happy.


> Barbara



> -

> "Siva Rudra DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus@c...>

> <>

> Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:52 AM

> RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of


> :



> Dearest Barbaraji


> Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

> Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

> equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing


> this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

> able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

> equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men


> most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

> evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

> more.....really odd


> totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

> always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

> Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

> socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

> how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

> if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are


> responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


> Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

> lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

> Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


> In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

> and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

> like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

> disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

> planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

> population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

> themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

> this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

> Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by

> humans


> Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

> Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

> centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

> however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

> different forms


> Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His


> and this says it all


> Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of


> women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

> manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

> deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that


> is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

> are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

> always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

> body........This is one reason why people who say women can only


> part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

> all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected


> Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


> When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

> the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

> door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy

> time


> So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

> diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

> read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by


> who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


> Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


> Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra


> DharmaDev


> , "Barbara J.

> Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> > What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

> that they

> > do not evolve spiritually?

> >

> > Barbara

> >

> >

> > -

> > "zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>

> > <>

> > Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

> > RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> Continence

> > :

> >

> >

> >

> > WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :

> >

> > High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several

> Days ,Anger ,

> > Disstrust , etc

> >

> >

> > Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??

> >

> > If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> > go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !

> >

> >

> > DharmaDev ,

> >

> >

> > Your ,suprising to me , Question was :

> >

> > "...could you tell me why we should read an article on

> continence...."

> >

> >

> > Because :

> >

> > If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures


> > sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> > brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that

> self

> > controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the

> brain

> > by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> > greate Importance

> >

> > To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> > dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system

> >

> > if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain

the "inner

> > balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.

> >

> > we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> > Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> > accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> > we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or

Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.

> >

> > But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it


> > our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution

> >

> > Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> > a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> > is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every


> > religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not


> > this energy ,

> >

> > If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> > awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the

brain "suddenly"

> > opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> > development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental

> problems.

> >

> >

> > I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to


> > the group members ,

> >

> >

> > Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on

> this

> > Subject :

> >

> >

> > - The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,

> present

> > in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure,


> > also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> > nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......

> >

> > By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> > transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> > energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> > kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> > spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> > disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage

> or

> > unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> > the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which


> > adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible

> >

> > Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can

> have

> > far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> > unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for

> the

> > momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a


> > limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled


> > of one libidinous ancestor.

> >

> > The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> > prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India


> > very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> > consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> > The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most


> > is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> > after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> > imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....

> >

> > Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual

> disciplines,

> > why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> > recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

> > Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?

> >

> > Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> > mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> > that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> > without detriment to the latter....

> >

> > The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital

> issue

> > can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books


> > marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of


> > there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of


> > energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> > its growth....

> >

> > There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> > psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> > dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> > rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> > that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> > side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> > same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> > verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> > rudiments of the knowlege....

> >

> > The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> > system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative


> > but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The

> same

> > organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> > also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> > integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> > doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> > reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> > becomes clearly perceptible....

> >

> > By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the


> > system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> > reproductive mechanism.......

> >

> > There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain


> > be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> > alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this


> > than is used by average human beings....

> >

> > There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain,


> > to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> > of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive


> > through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> > highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> > consciousness....

> >

> > Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the

> reproductive

> > organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate,


> > the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the


> > in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> > rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....

> >

> > The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> > Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti

> with

> > Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> > secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal


> > the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then


> > up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> > lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> > the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> > This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> > which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs


> > the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to


> > new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....

> >

> >

> > I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> > extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of

> the

> > reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> > definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> > develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness


> a

> > supersensory channel of cognition...

> >

> > Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> > myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional


> > relating to this esoteric science that have been known and


> > during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the


> > ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this


> > as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn


> > winter by spring.....

> >

> >

> > What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> > through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> > years on end....

> >

> > For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> > experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> > corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those

> traditions,

> > and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> > ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> > 80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to


> > crises :

> >

> > The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> > how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see


> > evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only


> > and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation

> by

> > awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> > able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows


> > that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> > consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> > disaster.

> >

> > I am writing more for the future than for the present generations


> > humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> > race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean


> > rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> > pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> > ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as

> in

> > capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> > dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> > the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> > powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of

> this

> > mental rust......

> >

> > The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> > awareness in all human beings.....

> >

> > I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> > likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science


> > will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will


> > only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm

> of

> > knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........

> >

> > I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state


> > confusion about the purpose of human life.....

> >

> > The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical


> > because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf

> in

> > their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> > begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....

> >

> > A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to


> > about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> > radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> > surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they


> > no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life

> of

> > individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> > what I say..... - END

> >

> >

> >

> > Now DharmaDev ,

> >

> >

> > Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any

> other

> > member of this group ????

> >

> > Please Members , Speak Up !!!

> >

> > I am ready to take the Heat !

> >

> >

> > -----

> >

> > ----

> >

> > ,

> > AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> > > Dear Davidji

> > >

> > > Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

> > offend anyone

> > > here however could you tell me why we should read an article on

> > continence

> > >

> > > Thanks and Take Care

> > >

> > > DharmaDev

> > >

> > > In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > > rudra@g... writes:

> > >

> > >

> > > > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> > Continence :

> > > > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > > > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > > > Reply-to:<A

> >



> > societiesclub</A>

> > > > To:<A

> >



> > societiesclub</A>

> > > > Sent from the Internet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of


> > > > group ,

> > > >

> > > > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the

> link

> > > > below ,

> > > >

> > > > and any info in this Message

> > > >

> > > > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > > > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can

> develop

> > > > your brain insted :

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ----------Your last Chance--------

> > > >

> >

> >

> >

> > To send an email to:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to





> To send an email to:





> Your use of is subject to


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Dear Babrbarji:


What about Shiva and Shakti are equal???


Jnaneshwar Maharaj expressed this so beautifully in "Amrit Bhav"...


"She is His form, but Her Beauty comes from Him.

By their intermingling, they are together enjoying the same feast.


Shiva and Shakti are the same, like air and its motion and gold and

its lustre."


Still scratching my head over the story you mentioned about Lord

Shiva destroying women because what keeps popping in my head is the

story of Lord Shiva being so grief sticken over the death of Parvati

that the devas had to hold council on how to stop him because all of

Creation was threatened due to his heart break of losing his beloved.


All people..men and women need tender loving care and if it is not

provided they get off balance..


A healthy relationship implies that there is mutual nuturing and

giving and support.


This Site is and always will be a Discussion Group and this implies

and open forum for civilized and polite respectful discussion of

differences of opinion and the privledge to introduce to the Group

various discoveries and findings such as Davidji has done so today

and we are all sharing..


The recent activities by a few individuals were anything but that and

I don't see the need to elaborate as any one who has sensitivity to

feel the energy of rudraksha can easily perceive the energetic

density that was running amuck here awhile back and had to be stopped.


With great respect and love,


Kanti Devi


, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> Dear DharmaDeva,


> Some believe that Devi is born of Lord Shiva, but in reality, this

does not

> make sense. Lord Shiva is the first child of the Devi, and He is

very weak

> and needs tender loving care.


> All men need tender loving care and if they don't get it they fly


> violent rages. All women know this and try to provide tender loving

care to

> their men, but sometimes women become frustrated because the men

never seem

> to grow up.


> Freud accused women of penis envy, but the real problem is womb



> I will shut up now. Hope that you do not bar me from this site for


> this. If you do, it is Lord Shiva's will.


> Barbara



> -

> "Siva Rudra DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus@c...>

> <>

> Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:52 AM

> RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of


> :



> Dearest Barbaraji


> Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

> Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

> equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing


> this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

> able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

> equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men


> most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

> evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

> more.....really odd


> totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

> always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

> Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

> socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

> how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

> if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are


> responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


> Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

> lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

> Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


> In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

> and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

> like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

> disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

> planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

> population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

> themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

> this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

> Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by

> humans


> Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

> Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

> centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

> however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

> different forms


> Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His


> and this says it all


> Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of


> women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

> manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

> deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that


> is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

> are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

> always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

> body........This is one reason why people who say women can only


> part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

> all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected


> Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


> When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

> the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

> door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy

> time


> So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

> diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

> read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by


> who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


> Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


> Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra


> DharmaDev


> , "Barbara J.

> Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> > What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

> that they

> > do not evolve spiritually?

> >

> > Barbara

> >

> >

> > -

> > "zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>

> > <>

> > Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

> > RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> Continence

> > :

> >

> >

> >

> > WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :

> >

> > High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several

> Days ,Anger ,

> > Disstrust , etc

> >

> >

> > Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??

> >

> > If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> > go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !

> >

> >

> > DharmaDev ,

> >

> >

> > Your ,suprising to me , Question was :

> >

> > "...could you tell me why we should read an article on

> continence...."

> >

> >

> > Because :

> >

> > If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures


> > sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> > brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that

> self

> > controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the

> brain

> > by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> > greate Importance

> >

> > To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> > dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system

> >

> > if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain

the "inner

> > balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.

> >

> > we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> > Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> > accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> > we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or

Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.

> >

> > But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it


> > our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution

> >

> > Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> > a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> > is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every


> > religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not


> > this energy ,

> >

> > If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> > awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the

brain "suddenly"

> > opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> > development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental

> problems.

> >

> >

> > I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to


> > the group members ,

> >

> >

> > Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on

> this

> > Subject :

> >

> >

> > - The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,

> present

> > in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure,


> > also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> > nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......

> >

> > By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> > transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> > energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> > kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> > spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> > disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage

> or

> > unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> > the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which


> > adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible

> >

> > Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can

> have

> > far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> > unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for

> the

> > momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a


> > limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled


> > of one libidinous ancestor.

> >

> > The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> > prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India


> > very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> > consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> > The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most


> > is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> > after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> > imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....

> >

> > Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual

> disciplines,

> > why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> > recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

> > Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?

> >

> > Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> > mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> > that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> > without detriment to the latter....

> >

> > The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital

> issue

> > can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books


> > marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of


> > there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of


> > energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> > its growth....

> >

> > There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> > psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> > dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> > rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> > that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> > side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> > same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> > verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> > rudiments of the knowlege....

> >

> > The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> > system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative


> > but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The

> same

> > organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> > also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> > integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> > doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> > reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> > becomes clearly perceptible....

> >

> > By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the


> > system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> > reproductive mechanism.......

> >

> > There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain


> > be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> > alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this


> > than is used by average human beings....

> >

> > There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain,


> > to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> > of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive


> > through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> > highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> > consciousness....

> >

> > Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the

> reproductive

> > organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate,


> > the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the


> > in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> > rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....

> >

> > The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> > Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti

> with

> > Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> > secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal


> > the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then


> > up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> > lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> > the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> > This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> > which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs


> > the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to


> > new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....

> >

> >

> > I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> > extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of

> the

> > reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> > definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> > develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness


> a

> > supersensory channel of cognition...

> >

> > Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> > myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional


> > relating to this esoteric science that have been known and


> > during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the


> > ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this


> > as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn


> > winter by spring.....

> >

> >

> > What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> > through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> > years on end....

> >

> > For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> > experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> > corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those

> traditions,

> > and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> > ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> > 80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to


> > crises :

> >

> > The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> > how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see


> > evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only


> > and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation

> by

> > awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> > able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows


> > that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> > consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> > disaster.

> >

> > I am writing more for the future than for the present generations


> > humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> > race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean


> > rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> > pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> > ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as

> in

> > capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> > dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> > the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> > powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of

> this

> > mental rust......

> >

> > The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> > awareness in all human beings.....

> >

> > I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> > likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science


> > will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will


> > only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm

> of

> > knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........

> >

> > I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state


> > confusion about the purpose of human life.....

> >

> > The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical


> > because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf

> in

> > their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> > begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....

> >

> > A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to


> > about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> > radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> > surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they


> > no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life

> of

> > individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> > what I say..... - END

> >

> >

> >

> > Now DharmaDev ,

> >

> >

> > Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any

> other

> > member of this group ????

> >

> > Please Members , Speak Up !!!

> >

> > I am ready to take the Heat !

> >

> >

> > -----

> >

> > ----

> >

> > ,

> > AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> > > Dear Davidji

> > >

> > > Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

> > offend anyone

> > > here however could you tell me why we should read an article on

> > continence

> > >

> > > Thanks and Take Care

> > >

> > > DharmaDev

> > >

> > > In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > > rudra@g... writes:

> > >

> > >

> > > > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> > Continence :

> > > > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > > > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > > > Reply-to:<A

> >



> > societiesclub</A>

> > > > To:<A

> >



> > societiesclub</A>

> > > > Sent from the Internet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of


> > > > group ,

> > > >

> > > > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the

> link

> > > > below ,

> > > >

> > > > and any info in this Message

> > > >

> > > > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > > > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can

> develop

> > > > your brain insted :

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ----------Your last Chance--------

> > > >

> >

> >

> >

> > To send an email to:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to





> To send an email to:





> Your use of is subject to


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Dear Davidji


Actually I said your infromation was great....thanks for posting My Friend


Thanks and Take Care Mitra




In a message dated 11/23/2003 4:31:45 AM Pacific Standard Time,

rudra writes:



> Subj:RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence :

> Date:11/23/2003 4:31:45 AM Pacific Standard Time

> <A HREF="rudra">rudra</A>

> Reply-to:<A



> To:<A



> Sent from the Internet





> WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


> High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several Days ,Anger ,

> Disstrust , etc



> Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


> If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



> DharmaDev ,



> Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


> "...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."



> Because :


> If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

> sex





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Do you really believe that?

Just ask what your heart of heart says.




Barbara J. Spencer wrote:


>What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean that they

>do not evolve spiritually?






>"zarembadavid" <rudra


>Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence





>WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


>High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several Days ,Anger ,

>Disstrust , etc



>Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


>If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

>go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



>DharmaDev ,



>Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


>"...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."



>Because :


>If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

>sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

>brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that self

>controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the brain

>by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

>greate Importance


>To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

>dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


>if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

>balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


>we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

>Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

>accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

>we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


>But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

>our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


>Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

>a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

>is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

>religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

>this energy ,


>If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

>awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

>opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

>development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental problems.



>I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

>the group members ,



>Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on this

>Subject :



>- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy, present

>in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

>also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

>nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


>By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

>transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

>energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

>kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

>spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

>disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage or

>unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

>the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

>adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


>Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can have

>far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

>unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for the

>momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

>limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

>of one libidinous ancestor.


>The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

>prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

>very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

>consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

>The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

>is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

>after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

>imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


>Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual disciplines,

>why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

>recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

>Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


>Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

>mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

>that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

>without detriment to the latter....


>The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital issue

>can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

>marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

>there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

>energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

>its growth....


>There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

>psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

>dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

>rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

>that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

>side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

>same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

>verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

>rudiments of the knowlege....


>The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

>system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

>but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The same

>organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

>also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

>integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

>doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

>reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

>becomes clearly perceptible....


>By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

>system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

>reproductive mechanism.......


>There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

>be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

>alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

>than is used by average human beings....


>There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

>to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

>of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

>through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

>highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



>Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the reproductive

>organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

>the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

>in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

>rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


>The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

>Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti with

>Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

>secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

>the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

>up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

>lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

>the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

>This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

>which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

>the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

>new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



>I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

>extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of the

>reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

>definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

>develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with a

>supersensory channel of cognition...


>Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

>myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

>relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

>during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

>ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

>as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

>winter by spring.....



>What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

>through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

>years on end....


>For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

>experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

>corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those traditions,

>and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

>ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

>80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

>crises :


>The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

>how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

>evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

>and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation by

>awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

>able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

>that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

>consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



>I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

>humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

>race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

>rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

>pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

>ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as in

>capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

>dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

>the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

>powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of this

>mental rust......


>The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

>awareness in all human beings.....


>I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

>likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

>will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

>only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm of

>knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


>I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

>confusion about the purpose of human life.....


>The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

>because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf in

>their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

>begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


>A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

>about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

>radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

>surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

>no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life of

>individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

>what I say..... - END




>Now DharmaDev ,



>Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any other

>member of this group ????


>Please Members , Speak Up !!!


>I am ready to take the Heat !








>AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:



>>Dear Davidji


>>Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont



>offend anyone



>>here however could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>Thanks and Take Care




>>In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>>rudra@g... writes:





>>>Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of



>Continence :



>>>Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

>>><A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>















>>>Sent from the Internet








>>>I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

>>>group ,


>>>or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

>>>below ,


>>>and any info in this Message


>>>if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

>>>celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

>>>your brain insted :



>>>STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




>>>----------Your last Chance--------







>To send an email to:





>Your use of is subject to





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Dearest Barbara,

I agree with you, but some men /are/ adults. Those are the good

responsible ones. They do exist! Many!

Blessings to you and Happy Thanksgiving,



Barbara J. Spencer wrote:


>Dear DharmaDeva,


>Some believe that Devi is born of Lord Shiva, but in reality, this does not

>make sense. Lord Shiva is the first child of the Devi, and He is very weak

>and needs tender loving care.


>All men need tender loving care and if they don't get it they fly into

>violent rages. All women know this and try to provide tender loving care to

>their men, but sometimes women become frustrated because the men never seem

>to grow up.


>Freud accused women of penis envy, but the real problem is womb envy.


>I will shut up now. Hope that you do not bar me from this site for saying

>this. If you do, it is Lord Shiva's will.






>"Siva Rudra DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus


>Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:52 AM

>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence




>Dearest Barbaraji


>Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

>Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

>equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing in

>this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

>able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

>equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men in

>most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

>evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

>more.....really odd


>totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

>always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

>Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

>socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

>how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

>if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are actualy

>responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


>Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

>lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

>Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


>In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

>and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

>like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

>disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

>planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

>population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

>themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

>this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

>Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by



>Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

>Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

>centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

>however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

>different forms


>Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His Shakti

>and this says it all


>Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of telling

>women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

>manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

>deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that it

>is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

>are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

>always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

>body........This is one reason why people who say women can only wear

>part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

>all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected Brahman

>Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


>When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

>the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

>door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy



>So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

>diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

>read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by someone

>who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


>Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


>Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra




>, "Barbara J.

>Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:



>>What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean



>that they



>>do not evolve spiritually?






>>"zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>


>>Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

>>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of










>>WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


>>High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several



>Days ,Anger ,



>>Disstrust , etc



>>Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


>>If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

>>go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



>>DharmaDev ,



>>Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


>>"...could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>Because :


>>If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

>>sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

>>brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that






>>controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the






>>by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

>>greate Importance


>>To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

>>dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


>>if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

>>balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


>>we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

>>Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

>>accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

>>we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


>>But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

>>our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


>>Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

>>a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

>>is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

>>religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

>>this energy ,


>>If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

>>awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

>>opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

>>development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental






>>I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

>>the group members ,



>>Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on






>>Subject :



>>- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,






>>in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

>>also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

>>nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


>>By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

>>transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

>>energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

>>kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

>>spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

>>disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage






>>unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

>>the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

>>adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


>>Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can






>>far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

>>unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for






>>momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

>>limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

>>of one libidinous ancestor.


>>The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

>>prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

>>very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

>>consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

>>The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

>>is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

>>after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

>>imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


>>Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual






>>why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

>>recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

>>Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


>>Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

>>mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

>>that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

>>without detriment to the latter....


>>The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital






>>can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

>>marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

>>there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

>>energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

>>its growth....


>>There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

>>psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

>>dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

>>rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

>>that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

>>side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

>>same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

>>verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

>>rudiments of the knowlege....


>>The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

>>system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

>>but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The






>>organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

>>also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

>>integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

>>doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

>>reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

>>becomes clearly perceptible....


>>By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

>>system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

>>reproductive mechanism.......


>>There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

>>be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

>>alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

>>than is used by average human beings....


>>There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

>>to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

>>of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

>>through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

>>highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



>>Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the






>>organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

>>the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

>>in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

>>rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


>>The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

>>Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti






>>Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

>>secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

>>the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

>>up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

>>lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

>>the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

>>This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

>>which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

>>the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

>>new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



>>I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

>>extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of






>>reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

>>definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

>>develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with






>>supersensory channel of cognition...


>>Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

>>myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

>>relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

>>during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

>>ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

>>as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

>>winter by spring.....



>>What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

>>through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

>>years on end....


>>For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

>>experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

>>corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those






>>and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

>>ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

>>80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

>>crises :


>>The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

>>how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

>>evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

>>and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation






>>awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

>>able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

>>that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

>>consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



>>I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

>>humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

>>race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

>>rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

>>pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

>>ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as






>>capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

>>dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

>>the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

>>powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of






>>mental rust......


>>The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

>>awareness in all human beings.....


>>I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

>>likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

>>will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

>>only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm






>>knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


>>I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

>>confusion about the purpose of human life.....


>>The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

>>because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf






>>their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

>>begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


>>A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

>>about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

>>radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

>>surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

>>no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life






>>individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

>>what I say..... - END




>>Now DharmaDev ,



>>Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any






>>member of this group ????


>>Please Members , Speak Up !!!


>>I am ready to take the Heat !








>>AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:



>>>Dear Davidji


>>>Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont



>>offend anyone



>>>here however could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>>Thanks and Take Care




>>>In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>>>rudra@g... writes:





>>>>Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of



>>Continence :



>>>>Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

>>>><A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>



















>>>>Sent from the Internet








>>>>I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

>>>>group ,


>>>>or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the






>>>>below ,


>>>>and any info in this Message


>>>>if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

>>>>celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can






>>>>your brain insted :



>>>>STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




>>>>----------Your last Chance--------





>>To send an email to:





>>Your use of is subject to







>To send an email to:





>Your use of is subject to





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>Your use of is subject to









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Dear Kanti,


I can find it for you, but it will take some time.




"kantikakini" <thunderheals


Sunday, November 23, 2003 11:58 AM

RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence




Dear Barbaraji:


Feel it is a gross injustice to make a sweeping declaration that all

men hate women as much as it is to say that all women are inferior by

virtue of their gender.


That has not been my experience or observation in the least.


Am totally unfamiliar with the Scriptural references you are making

pertaining to Lord Shiva wanting to destroy all women.


Where does that come from ???????






, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> Dear DharmaDeva,


> Thank you for explaining this.


> I think all men hate women and want to destroy them. Even Lord

Shiva fell

> into this and He decided to destroy all the feminine creatures in


> universe. He was only prevented when Devi appeared before Him as a



> I wear rudraksha almost all of the time. I wear a 14 on my

forehead, a nine

> on my right arm, 6s on my right wrist, a mala of 108 7s, a mala of

108 8s

> plus 5s, 4s and one 2 and one 3 and some with no markings which I

am not

> sure are rudraksha but which I found in a Roman Catholic thrift

store and

> which look like rudraksha and which I really like.


> Lots of people tell me that they like my rudraksha, but they do not

want to

> become my friends. I only become friends now with people who seek

me out as

> a friend, not those whom I must seek out.


> I am not looking for liberation; I only want to do Lord Shiva's

will. If

> women have no bodily fluids leading to liberation, that is all

right with

> me--whatever makes Lord Shiva happy.


> Barbara



> -

> "Siva Rudra DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus@c...>

> <>

> Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:52 AM

> RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of


> :



> Dearest Barbaraji


> Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

> Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

> equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing


> this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

> able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

> equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men


> most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

> evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

> more.....really odd


> totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

> always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

> Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

> socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

> how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

> if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are


> responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


> Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

> lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

> Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


> In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

> and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

> like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

> disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

> planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

> population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

> themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

> this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

> Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by

> humans


> Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

> Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

> centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

> however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

> different forms


> Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His


> and this says it all


> Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of


> women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

> manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

> deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that


> is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

> are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

> always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

> body........This is one reason why people who say women can only


> part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

> all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected


> Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


> When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

> the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

> door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy

> time


> So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

> diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

> read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by


> who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


> Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


> Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra


> DharmaDev


> , "Barbara J.

> Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> > What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

> that they

> > do not evolve spiritually?

> >

> > Barbara

> >

> >

> > -

> > "zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>

> > <>

> > Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

> > RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> Continence

> > :

> >

> >

> >

> > WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :

> >

> > High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several

> Days ,Anger ,

> > Disstrust , etc

> >

> >

> > Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??

> >

> > If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> > go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !

> >

> >

> > DharmaDev ,

> >

> >

> > Your ,suprising to me , Question was :

> >

> > "...could you tell me why we should read an article on

> continence...."

> >

> >

> > Because :

> >

> > If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures


> > sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> > brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that

> self

> > controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the

> brain

> > by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> > greate Importance

> >

> > To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> > dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system

> >

> > if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain

the "inner

> > balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.

> >

> > we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> > Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> > accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> > we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or

Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.

> >

> > But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it


> > our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution

> >

> > Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> > a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> > is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every


> > religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not


> > this energy ,

> >

> > If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> > awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the

brain "suddenly"

> > opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> > development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental

> problems.

> >

> >

> > I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to


> > the group members ,

> >

> >

> > Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on

> this

> > Subject :

> >

> >

> > - The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,

> present

> > in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure,


> > also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> > nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......

> >

> > By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> > transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> > energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> > kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> > spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> > disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage

> or

> > unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> > the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which


> > adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible

> >

> > Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can

> have

> > far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> > unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for

> the

> > momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a


> > limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled


> > of one libidinous ancestor.

> >

> > The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> > prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India


> > very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> > consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> > The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most


> > is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> > after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> > imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....

> >

> > Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual

> disciplines,

> > why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> > recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

> > Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?

> >

> > Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> > mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> > that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> > without detriment to the latter....

> >

> > The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital

> issue

> > can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books


> > marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of


> > there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of


> > energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> > its growth....

> >

> > There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> > psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> > dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> > rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> > that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> > side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> > same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> > verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> > rudiments of the knowlege....

> >

> > The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> > system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative


> > but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The

> same

> > organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> > also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> > integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> > doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> > reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> > becomes clearly perceptible....

> >

> > By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the


> > system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> > reproductive mechanism.......

> >

> > There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain


> > be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> > alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this


> > than is used by average human beings....

> >

> > There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain,


> > to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> > of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive


> > through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> > highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> > consciousness....

> >

> > Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the

> reproductive

> > organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate,


> > the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the


> > in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> > rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....

> >

> > The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> > Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti

> with

> > Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> > secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal


> > the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then


> > up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> > lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> > the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> > This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> > which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs


> > the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to


> > new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....

> >

> >

> > I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> > extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of

> the

> > reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> > definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> > develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness


> a

> > supersensory channel of cognition...

> >

> > Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> > myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional


> > relating to this esoteric science that have been known and


> > during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the


> > ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this


> > as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn


> > winter by spring.....

> >

> >

> > What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> > through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> > years on end....

> >

> > For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> > experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> > corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those

> traditions,

> > and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> > ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> > 80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to


> > crises :

> >

> > The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> > how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see


> > evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only


> > and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation

> by

> > awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> > able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows


> > that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> > consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> > disaster.

> >

> > I am writing more for the future than for the present generations


> > humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> > race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean


> > rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> > pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> > ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as

> in

> > capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> > dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> > the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> > powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of

> this

> > mental rust......

> >

> > The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> > awareness in all human beings.....

> >

> > I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> > likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science


> > will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will


> > only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm

> of

> > knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........

> >

> > I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state


> > confusion about the purpose of human life.....

> >

> > The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical


> > because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf

> in

> > their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> > begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....

> >

> > A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to


> > about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> > radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> > surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they


> > no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life

> of

> > individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> > what I say..... - END

> >

> >

> >

> > Now DharmaDev ,

> >

> >

> > Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any

> other

> > member of this group ????

> >

> > Please Members , Speak Up !!!

> >

> > I am ready to take the Heat !

> >

> >

> > -----

> >

> > ----

> >

> > ,

> > AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> > > Dear Davidji

> > >

> > > Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

> > offend anyone

> > > here however could you tell me why we should read an article on

> > continence

> > >

> > > Thanks and Take Care

> > >

> > > DharmaDev

> > >

> > > In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > > rudra@g... writes:

> > >

> > >

> > > > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> > Continence :

> > > > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > > > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > > > Reply-to:<A

> >



> > societiesclub</A>

> > > > To:<A

> >



> > societiesclub</A>

> > > > Sent from the Internet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of


> > > > group ,

> > > >

> > > > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the

> link

> > > > below ,

> > > >

> > > > and any info in this Message

> > > >

> > > > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > > > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can

> develop

> > > > your brain insted :

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ----------Your last Chance--------

> > > >

> >

> >

> >

> > To send an email to:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to





> To send an email to:





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Dear Kanti,


The story you relate about Shiva being grief sticken over the death of

Parvati is also true, but I think Shiva and Parvati are the only true lovers

in the world. Most worldly "love" is fake. Sorry I feel this way. I would

like to believe otherwise.






"kantikakini" <thunderheals


Sunday, November 23, 2003 12:16 PM

RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence




Dear Babrbarji:


What about Shiva and Shakti are equal???


Jnaneshwar Maharaj expressed this so beautifully in "Amrit Bhav"...


"She is His form, but Her Beauty comes from Him.

By their intermingling, they are together enjoying the same feast.


Shiva and Shakti are the same, like air and its motion and gold and

its lustre."


Still scratching my head over the story you mentioned about Lord

Shiva destroying women because what keeps popping in my head is the

story of Lord Shiva being so grief sticken over the death of Parvati

that the devas had to hold council on how to stop him because all of

Creation was threatened due to his heart break of losing his beloved.


All people..men and women need tender loving care and if it is not

provided they get off balance..


A healthy relationship implies that there is mutual nuturing and

giving and support.


This Site is and always will be a Discussion Group and this implies

and open forum for civilized and polite respectful discussion of

differences of opinion and the privledge to introduce to the Group

various discoveries and findings such as Davidji has done so today

and we are all sharing..


The recent activities by a few individuals were anything but that and

I don't see the need to elaborate as any one who has sensitivity to

feel the energy of rudraksha can easily perceive the energetic

density that was running amuck here awhile back and had to be stopped.


With great respect and love,


Kanti Devi


, "Barbara J.

Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> Dear DharmaDeva,


> Some believe that Devi is born of Lord Shiva, but in reality, this

does not

> make sense. Lord Shiva is the first child of the Devi, and He is

very weak

> and needs tender loving care.


> All men need tender loving care and if they don't get it they fly


> violent rages. All women know this and try to provide tender loving

care to

> their men, but sometimes women become frustrated because the men

never seem

> to grow up.


> Freud accused women of penis envy, but the real problem is womb



> I will shut up now. Hope that you do not bar me from this site for


> this. If you do, it is Lord Shiva's will.


> Barbara



> -

> "Siva Rudra DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus@c...>

> <>

> Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:52 AM

> RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of


> :



> Dearest Barbaraji


> Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

> Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

> equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing


> this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

> able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

> equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men


> most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

> evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

> more.....really odd


> totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

> always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

> Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

> socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

> how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

> if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are


> responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


> Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

> lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

> Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


> In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

> and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

> like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

> disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

> planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

> population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

> themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

> this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

> Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by

> humans


> Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

> Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

> centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

> however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

> different forms


> Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His


> and this says it all


> Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of


> women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

> manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

> deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that


> is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

> are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

> always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

> body........This is one reason why people who say women can only


> part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

> all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected


> Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


> When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

> the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

> door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy

> time


> So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

> diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

> read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by


> who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


> Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


> Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra


> DharmaDev


> , "Barbara J.

> Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:

> > What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean

> that they

> > do not evolve spiritually?

> >

> > Barbara

> >

> >

> > -

> > "zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>

> > <>

> > Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

> > RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> Continence

> > :

> >

> >

> >

> > WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :

> >

> > High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several

> Days ,Anger ,

> > Disstrust , etc

> >

> >

> > Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??

> >

> > If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

> > go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !

> >

> >

> > DharmaDev ,

> >

> >

> > Your ,suprising to me , Question was :

> >

> > "...could you tell me why we should read an article on

> continence...."

> >

> >

> > Because :

> >

> > If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures


> > sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> > brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that

> self

> > controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the

> brain

> > by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> > greate Importance

> >

> > To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> > dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system

> >

> > if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain

the "inner

> > balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.

> >

> > we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> > Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> > accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> > we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or

Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.

> >

> > But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it


> > our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution

> >

> > Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> > a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> > is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every


> > religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not


> > this energy ,

> >

> > If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> > awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the

brain "suddenly"

> > opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> > development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental

> problems.

> >

> >

> > I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to


> > the group members ,

> >

> >

> > Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on

> this

> > Subject :

> >

> >

> > - The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,

> present

> > in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure,


> > also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> > nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......

> >

> > By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> > transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> > energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> > kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> > spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> > disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage

> or

> > unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> > the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which


> > adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible

> >

> > Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can

> have

> > far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> > unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for

> the

> > momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a


> > limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled


> > of one libidinous ancestor.

> >

> > The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> > prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India


> > very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> > consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> > The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most


> > is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> > after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> > imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....

> >

> > Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual

> disciplines,

> > why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> > recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

> > Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?

> >

> > Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> > mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> > that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> > without detriment to the latter....

> >

> > The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital

> issue

> > can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books


> > marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of


> > there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of


> > energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> > its growth....

> >

> > There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> > psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> > dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> > rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> > that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> > side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> > same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> > verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> > rudiments of the knowlege....

> >

> > The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> > system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative


> > but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The

> same

> > organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> > also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> > integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> > doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> > reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> > becomes clearly perceptible....

> >

> > By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the


> > system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> > reproductive mechanism.......

> >

> > There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain


> > be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> > alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this


> > than is used by average human beings....

> >

> > There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain,


> > to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> > of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive


> > through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> > highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> > consciousness....

> >

> > Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the

> reproductive

> > organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate,


> > the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the


> > in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> > rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....

> >

> > The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> > Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti

> with

> > Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> > secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal


> > the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then


> > up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> > lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> > the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> > This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> > which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs


> > the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to


> > new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....

> >

> >

> > I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> > extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of

> the

> > reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> > definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> > develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness


> a

> > supersensory channel of cognition...

> >

> > Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> > myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional


> > relating to this esoteric science that have been known and


> > during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the


> > ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this


> > as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn


> > winter by spring.....

> >

> >

> > What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> > through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> > years on end....

> >

> > For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> > experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> > corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those

> traditions,

> > and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> > ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> > 80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to


> > crises :

> >

> > The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> > how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see


> > evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only


> > and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation

> by

> > awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> > able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows


> > that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> > consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> > disaster.

> >

> > I am writing more for the future than for the present generations


> > humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> > race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean


> > rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> > pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> > ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as

> in

> > capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> > dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> > the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> > powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of

> this

> > mental rust......

> >

> > The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> > awareness in all human beings.....

> >

> > I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> > likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science


> > will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will


> > only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm

> of

> > knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........

> >

> > I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state


> > confusion about the purpose of human life.....

> >

> > The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical


> > because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf

> in

> > their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> > begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....

> >

> > A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to


> > about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> > radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> > surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they


> > no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life

> of

> > individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> > what I say..... - END

> >

> >

> >

> > Now DharmaDev ,

> >

> >

> > Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any

> other

> > member of this group ????

> >

> > Please Members , Speak Up !!!

> >

> > I am ready to take the Heat !

> >

> >

> > -----

> >

> > ----

> >

> > ,

> > AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:

> > > Dear Davidji

> > >

> > > Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont

> > offend anyone

> > > here however could you tell me why we should read an article on

> > continence

> > >

> > > Thanks and Take Care

> > >

> > > DharmaDev

> > >

> > > In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > > rudra@g... writes:

> > >

> > >

> > > > Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

> > Continence :

> > > > Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

> > > > <A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>

> > > > Reply-to:<A

> >



> > societiesclub</A>

> > > > To:<A

> >



> > societiesclub</A>

> > > > Sent from the Internet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of


> > > > group ,

> > > >

> > > > or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the

> link

> > > > below ,

> > > >

> > > > and any info in this Message

> > > >

> > > > if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

> > > > celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can

> develop

> > > > your brain insted :

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ----------Your last Chance--------

> > > >

> >

> >

> >

> > To send an email to:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to





> To send an email to:





> Your use of is subject to





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Dear Cindy,


I really do not know whether I have or am evolving spiritually. I think,

sometimes, I would have evolved spiritually more if I had remained a

Christian. My best friend is a Christian, and she is always doing things for

people. I was a born again Christian at one time, and the problem with

Hinduism as I see it is that people are always asking God for wealth, etc.,

and it sort of turns me off; also, I never know what caste I am, and I sort

of think that I am always an outcaste even though I do Hindu devotions, and

that sort of bothers me, also. For a long time in history, men said that

women did not have souls. I'm sorry, but I really do think that men hate

women, and I don't think that Shiva and Shakti are equal--I think that

Shakti is more than Shiva. No man loves his equal--they only love more than

their equals. Because Shiva loves Shakti, this shows that She is more than

equal to Him. I am His devotee though, but I do not trust His male devotees.

Guess I am just paranoid, and there is no need to listen to me. I'm a bit






"Cindy Sullivan" <ganeshee


Sunday, November 23, 2003 1:54 PM

Re: RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :



Do you really believe that?

Just ask what your heart of heart says.




Barbara J. Spencer wrote:


>What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean that they

>do not evolve spiritually?






>"zarembadavid" <rudra


>Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence





>WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


>High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several Days ,Anger ,

>Disstrust , etc



>Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


>If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

>go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



>DharmaDev ,



>Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


>"...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."



>Because :


>If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

>sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

>brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that self

>controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the brain

>by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

>greate Importance


>To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

>dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


>if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

>balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


>we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

>Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

>accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

>we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


>But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

>our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


>Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

>a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

>is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

>religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

>this energy ,


>If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

>awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

>opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

>development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental problems.



>I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

>the group members ,



>Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on this

>Subject :



>- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy, present

>in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

>also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

>nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


>By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

>transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

>energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

>kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

>spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

>disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage or

>unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

>the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

>adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


>Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can have

>far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

>unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for the

>momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

>limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

>of one libidinous ancestor.


>The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

>prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

>very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

>consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

>The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

>is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

>after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

>imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


>Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual disciplines,

>why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

>recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

>Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


>Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

>mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

>that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

>without detriment to the latter....


>The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital issue

>can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

>marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

>there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

>energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

>its growth....


>There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

>psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

>dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

>rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

>that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

>side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

>same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

>verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

>rudiments of the knowlege....


>The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

>system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

>but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The same

>organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

>also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

>integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

>doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

>reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

>becomes clearly perceptible....


>By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

>system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

>reproductive mechanism.......


>There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

>be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

>alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

>than is used by average human beings....


>There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

>to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

>of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

>through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

>highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



>Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the reproductive

>organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

>the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

>in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

>rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


>The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

>Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti with

>Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

>secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

>the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

>up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

>lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

>the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

>This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

>which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

>the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

>new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



>I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

>extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of the

>reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

>definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

>develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with a

>supersensory channel of cognition...


>Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

>myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

>relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

>during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

>ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

>as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

>winter by spring.....



>What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

>through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

>years on end....


>For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

>experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

>corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those traditions,

>and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

>ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

>80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

>crises :


>The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

>how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

>evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

>and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation by

>awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

>able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

>that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

>consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



>I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

>humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

>race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

>rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

>pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

>ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as in

>capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

>dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

>the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

>powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of this

>mental rust......


>The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

>awareness in all human beings.....


>I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

>likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

>will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

>only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm of

>knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


>I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

>confusion about the purpose of human life.....


>The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

>because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf in

>their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

>begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


>A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

>about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

>radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

>surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

>no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life of

>individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

>what I say..... - END




>Now DharmaDev ,



>Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any other

>member of this group ????


>Please Members , Speak Up !!!


>I am ready to take the Heat !








>AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:



>>Dear Davidji


>>Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont



>offend anyone



>>here however could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>Thanks and Take Care




>>In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>>rudra@g... writes:





>>>Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of



>Continence :



>>>Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

>>><A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>















>>>Sent from the Internet








>>>I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

>>>group ,


>>>or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

>>>below ,


>>>and any info in this Message


>>>if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

>>>celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

>>>your brain insted :



>>>STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




>>>----------Your last Chance--------







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Dear Cindy,


I guess that some men may become adults, but that is only because they have

been around women for a long time and have gradually picked up their values

(I think--again, I am nuts, so no need to listen to me.) If it were not for

Devi, there would not have been Shiva. Devi is the only ruler. Men try to

screw women up over this by pretending that God is only male, or that the

main God is male--men are nuts too.






"Cindy Sullivan" <ganeshee


Sunday, November 23, 2003 2:06 PM

Re: RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :



Dearest Barbara,

I agree with you, but some men /are/ adults. Those are the good

responsible ones. They do exist! Many!

Blessings to you and Happy Thanksgiving,



Barbara J. Spencer wrote:


>Dear DharmaDeva,


>Some believe that Devi is born of Lord Shiva, but in reality, this does not

>make sense. Lord Shiva is the first child of the Devi, and He is very weak

>and needs tender loving care.


>All men need tender loving care and if they don't get it they fly into

>violent rages. All women know this and try to provide tender loving care to

>their men, but sometimes women become frustrated because the men never seem

>to grow up.


>Freud accused women of penis envy, but the real problem is womb envy.


>I will shut up now. Hope that you do not bar me from this site for saying

>this. If you do, it is Lord Shiva's will.






>"Siva Rudra DharmaDeva Arya" <shininglotus


>Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:52 AM

>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence




>Dearest Barbaraji


>Sri Sri Sri Hairakhan Babaji is a direct incarnation of the youthful

>Babaji of the Himalayas and has a great deal to say about the

>equality of the Mankind and Womankind and the advantage of liveing in

>this world in this age as a Householder....of the householder being

>able to Accomplish more than the Ascetic......Men and Women being

>equal on all levels and the Womankind actually being more than men in

>most instances.....majority of Women seem to naturally be more

>evolved than men and men write most of the books and talk

>more.....really odd


>totally understand where you are comeing from......problem we have

>always had with some of what has been written..... is that the Holy

>Books were written by men....many of whom were not allowed to

>socialize with women....was like a cultural phenomenon....no matter

>how learned or enlightened a person is they cannot comment on women

>if they were not able to learn how to live with women who are actualy

>responsible for the existence of Humankind in this entire world


>Finding out that in Vedic Society the women were mostly treated as

>lower than men and culturally this found its way into some of the

>Holy Books...in some Holy Books this did not happen


>In the books that some men have written they always use he and him

>and semen and mostly leave out the ladies except for comments

>like.....yes even ladies can wear....Major problem with this type of

>disrespect is that Womankind are responsible for human life on this

>planet........there is really only one way for the majority of the

>population to get here to this life and sometimes men get so full of

>themselves they forget that without women there would be no men on

>this earth........and for that matter there would be no Mankind or

>Womankind and no worship would be takeing place on this planet by



>Before God was considered to be a man by the male part of

>Humankind.....God was a Woman.....some men got together many

>centuries ago and decided to take the power away from the Goddess

>however the Goddess still rules Supreme in this Age in her many

>different forms


>Have said this before however Siva is not complete without His Shakti

>and this says it all


>Something else we ran into in India is the common practice of telling

>women they are impure at times of the month and this again is

>manipulated thinking to control Womankind...... so men can

>deliberately control women....if issues are seperated we find that it

>is the fluids leaveing the body that are impure and that is why they

>are leaveing the body in a purification process....The Woman is

>always pure as She holds the survival of the Planet in her

>body........This is one reason why people who say women can only wear

>part of month are totally wrong... women can wear the Holy Rudraksa

>all days of the month or year or century and a most Respected Brahman

>Woman and Wife and Mother has confirmed this Knowledge


>When I told this to people in India the reaction seemed to be that

>the Ladies wanted to know more and the men started heading for the

>door to escape what was going to happen next.....really a fun Happy



>So statements in some Holy Books or from some Teachers regarding the

>diffrences of Mankind and Womankind on some levels simply need to be

>read and ignored and replaced with practical understanding by someone

>who has experience in the area of life they are speaking about


>Thanks for bringing this point up as it is very important


>Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra




>, "Barbara J.

>Spencer" <barbjs@s...> wrote:



>>What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean



>that they



>>do not evolve spiritually?






>>"zarembadavid" <rudra@g...>


>>Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

>>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of










>>WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


>>High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several



>Days ,Anger ,



>>Disstrust , etc



>>Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


>>If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

>>go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



>>DharmaDev ,



>>Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


>>"...could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>Because :


>>If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

>>sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

>>brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that






>>controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the






>>by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

>>greate Importance


>>To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

>>dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


>>if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

>>balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


>>we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

>>Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

>>accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

>>we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


>>But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

>>our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


>>Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

>>a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

>>is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

>>religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

>>this energy ,


>>If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

>>awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

>>opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

>>development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental






>>I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

>>the group members ,



>>Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on






>>Subject :



>>- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy,






>>in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

>>also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

>>nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


>>By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

>>transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

>>energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

>>kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

>>spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

>>disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage






>>unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

>>the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

>>adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


>>Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can






>>far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

>>unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for






>>momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

>>limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

>>of one libidinous ancestor.


>>The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

>>prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

>>very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

>>consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

>>The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

>>is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

>>after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

>>imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


>>Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual






>>why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

>>recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

>>Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


>>Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

>>mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

>>that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

>>without detriment to the latter....


>>The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital






>>can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

>>marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

>>there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

>>energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

>>its growth....


>>There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

>>psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

>>dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

>>rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

>>that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

>>side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

>>same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

>>verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

>>rudiments of the knowlege....


>>The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

>>system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

>>but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The






>>organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

>>also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

>>integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

>>doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

>>reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

>>becomes clearly perceptible....


>>By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

>>system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

>>reproductive mechanism.......


>>There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

>>be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

>>alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

>>than is used by average human beings....


>>There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

>>to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

>>of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

>>through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

>>highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



>>Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the






>>organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

>>the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

>>in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

>>rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


>>The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

>>Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti






>>Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

>>secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

>>the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

>>up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

>>lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

>>the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

>>This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

>>which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

>>the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

>>new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



>>I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

>>extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of






>>reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

>>definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

>>develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with






>>supersensory channel of cognition...


>>Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

>>myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

>>relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

>>during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

>>ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

>>as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

>>winter by spring.....



>>What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

>>through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

>>years on end....


>>For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

>>experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

>>corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those






>>and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

>>ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

>>80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

>>crises :


>>The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

>>how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

>>evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

>>and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation






>>awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

>>able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

>>that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

>>consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



>>I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

>>humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

>>race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

>>rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

>>pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

>>ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as






>>capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

>>dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

>>the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

>>powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of






>>mental rust......


>>The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

>>awareness in all human beings.....


>>I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

>>likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

>>will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

>>only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm






>>knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


>>I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

>>confusion about the purpose of human life.....


>>The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

>>because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf






>>their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

>>begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


>>A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

>>about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

>>radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

>>surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

>>no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life






>>individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

>>what I say..... - END




>>Now DharmaDev ,



>>Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any






>>member of this group ????


>>Please Members , Speak Up !!!


>>I am ready to take the Heat !








>>AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:



>>>Dear Davidji


>>>Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont



>>offend anyone



>>>here however could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>>Thanks and Take Care




>>>In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>>>rudra@g... writes:





>>>>Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of



>>Continence :



>>>>Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

>>>><A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>



















>>>>Sent from the Internet








>>>>I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

>>>>group ,


>>>>or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the






>>>>below ,


>>>>and any info in this Message


>>>>if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

>>>>celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can






>>>>your brain insted :



>>>>STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




>>>>----------Your last Chance--------





>>To send an email to:





>>Your use of is subject to







>To send an email to:





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Dear Barbara

Just chanced to read your mail and am taking the liberty to write something to


Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life it covers every aspect of the

physical and the etheric life.If you have chanced to interact with so called

hindus who are just asking god for money all the time it is strictly theirs and

your problem.

You could be practicing any religion and still be practising the various

aspects of Hinduism,a little problem would only arise if you eat beef and

pork,for no other reason but that they are a heavy energy and certain advanced

etheric sadhnas are not conducive to this kind of food.


I really dont blame you for your thoughts as what travels to your part of the

world travels in search of money mostly to evolve spiritually you do not need

to go anywhere.

As for Shiva and Shakti they are both a part of each other,in the word SHIVA if

you remove the I[EE]it signifies a corpse[sHVA]pronounced shava.The I is the

shakti and is used in the sahkti mantras;AIM<HRIM<KLIM<SHRIM ETC.

Similarly the Shakti needs a vehicle to act out and that is Shiva.


Yogi Ashwini


"Barbara J. Spencer" <barbjs wrote:

Dear Cindy,


I really do not know whether I have or am evolving spiritually. I think,

sometimes, I would have evolved spiritually more if I had remained a

Christian. My best friend is a Christian, and she is always doing things for

people. I was a born again Christian at one time, and the problem with

Hinduism as I see it is that people are always asking God for wealth, etc.,

and it sort of turns me off; also, I never know what caste I am, and I sort

of think that I am always an outcaste even though I do Hindu devotions, and

that sort of bothers me, also. For a long time in history, men said that

women did not have souls. I'm sorry, but I really do think that men hate

women, and I don't think that Shiva and Shakti are equal--I think that

Shakti is more than Shiva. No man loves his equal--they only love more than

their equals. Because Shiva loves Shakti, this shows that She is more than

equal to Him. I am His devotee though, but I do not trust His male devotees.

Guess I am just paranoid, and there is no need to listen to me. I'm a bit






"Cindy Sullivan" <ganeshee


Sunday, November 23, 2003 1:54 PM

Re: RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :



Do you really believe that?

Just ask what your heart of heart says.




Barbara J. Spencer wrote:


>What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean that they

>do not evolve spiritually?






>"zarembadavid" <rudra


>Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence





>WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


>High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several Days ,Anger ,

>Disstrust , etc



>Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


>If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

>go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



>DharmaDev ,



>Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


>"...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."



>Because :


>If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

>sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

>brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that self

>controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the brain

>by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

>greate Importance


>To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

>dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


>if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

>balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


>we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

>Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

>accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

>we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


>But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

>our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


>Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

>a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

>is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

>religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

>this energy ,


>If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

>awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

>opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

>development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental problems.



>I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

>the group members ,



>Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on this

>Subject :



>- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy, present

>in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

>also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

>nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


>By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

>transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

>energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

>kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

>spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

>disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage or

>unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

>the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

>adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


>Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can have

>far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

>unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for the

>momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

>limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

>of one libidinous ancestor.


>The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

>prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

>very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

>consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

>The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

>is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

>after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

>imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


>Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual disciplines,

>why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

>recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

>Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


>Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

>mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

>that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

>without detriment to the latter....


>The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital issue

>can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

>marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

>there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

>energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

>its growth....


>There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

>psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

>dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

>rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

>that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

>side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

>same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

>verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

>rudiments of the knowlege....


>The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

>system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

>but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The same

>organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

>also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

>integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

>doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

>reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

>becomes clearly perceptible....


>By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

>system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

>reproductive mechanism.......


>There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

>be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

>alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

>than is used by average human beings....


>There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

>to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

>of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

>through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

>highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



>Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the reproductive

>organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

>the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

>in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

>rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


>The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

>Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti with

>Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

>secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

>the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

>up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

>lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

>the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

>This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

>which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

>the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

>new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



>I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

>extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of the

>reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

>definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

>develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with a

>supersensory channel of cognition...


>Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

>myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

>relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

>during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

>ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

>as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

>winter by spring.....



>What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

>through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

>years on end....


>For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

>experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

>corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those traditions,

>and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

>ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

>80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

>crises :


>The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

>how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

>evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

>and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation by

>awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

>able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

>that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

>consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



>I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

>humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

>race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

>rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

>pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

>ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as in

>capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

>dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

>the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

>powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of this

>mental rust......


>The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

>awareness in all human beings.....


>I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

>likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

>will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

>only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm of

>knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


>I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

>confusion about the purpose of human life.....


>The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

>because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf in

>their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

>begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


>A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

>about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

>radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

>surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

>no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life of

>individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

>what I say..... - END




>Now DharmaDev ,



>Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any other

>member of this group ????


>Please Members , Speak Up !!!


>I am ready to take the Heat !








>AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:



>>Dear Davidji


>>Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont



>offend anyone



>>here however could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>Thanks and Take Care




>>In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>>rudra@g... writes:





>>>Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of



>Continence :



>>>Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

>>><A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>















>>>Sent from the Internet








>>>I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

>>>group ,


>>>or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

>>>below ,


>>>and any info in this Message


>>>if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

>>>celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

>>>your brain insted :



>>>STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




>>>----------Your last Chance--------







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>Your use of is subject to





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>Your use of is subject to












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Dear Yogi Ashwini,


I believe that there is no Shiva without Shakti, but I do not believe that

there is no Shakti without Shiva. Shakti is independent, and Shiva is Her

child. You may ask how can Shakti marry Her child, as that is morally not

ethical, but I asked a Roman Catholic once, "Who did the first children of

Adam and Eve marry"? and she said, "Their brothers and sisters." So I think

that what is unethical now was not necessarily so at one time.


Only Shakti exists eternally. Shiva may exist in Shakti as a child, but

Shiva can't exist without Shakti.






"ashwini yogi" <ashwiniyogi


Monday, November 24, 2003 11:58 AM

Re: RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :



Dear Barbara

Just chanced to read your mail and am taking the liberty to write something

to you.

Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life it covers every aspect of the

physical and the etheric life.If you have chanced to interact with so

called hindus who are just asking god for money all the time it is strictly

theirs and your problem.

You could be practicing any religion and still be practising the various

aspects of Hinduism,a little problem would only arise if you eat beef and

pork,for no other reason but that they are a heavy energy and certain

advanced etheric sadhnas are not conducive to this kind of food.


I really dont blame you for your thoughts as what travels to your part of

the world travels in search of money mostly to evolve spiritually you do

not need to go anywhere.

As for Shiva and Shakti they are both a part of each other,in the word SHIVA

if you remove the I[EE]it signifies a corpse[sHVA]pronounced shava.The I is

the shakti and is used in the sahkti mantras;AIM<HRIM<KLIM<SHRIM ETC.

Similarly the Shakti needs a vehicle to act out and that is Shiva.


Yogi Ashwini


"Barbara J. Spencer" <barbjs wrote:

Dear Cindy,


I really do not know whether I have or am evolving spiritually. I think,

sometimes, I would have evolved spiritually more if I had remained a

Christian. My best friend is a Christian, and she is always doing things for

people. I was a born again Christian at one time, and the problem with

Hinduism as I see it is that people are always asking God for wealth, etc.,

and it sort of turns me off; also, I never know what caste I am, and I sort

of think that I am always an outcaste even though I do Hindu devotions, and

that sort of bothers me, also. For a long time in history, men said that

women did not have souls. I'm sorry, but I really do think that men hate

women, and I don't think that Shiva and Shakti are equal--I think that

Shakti is more than Shiva. No man loves his equal--they only love more than

their equals. Because Shiva loves Shakti, this shows that She is more than

equal to Him. I am His devotee though, but I do not trust His male devotees.

Guess I am just paranoid, and there is no need to listen to me. I'm a bit






"Cindy Sullivan" <ganeshee


Sunday, November 23, 2003 1:54 PM

Re: RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :



Do you really believe that?

Just ask what your heart of heart says.




Barbara J. Spencer wrote:


>What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean that they

>do not evolve spiritually?






>"zarembadavid" <rudra


>Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence





>WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


>High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several Days ,Anger ,

>Disstrust , etc



>Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


>If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

>go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



>DharmaDev ,



>Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


>"...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."



>Because :


>If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

>sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

>brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that self

>controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the brain

>by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

>greate Importance


>To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

>dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


>if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

>balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


>we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

>Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

>accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

>we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


>But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

>our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


>Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

>a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

>is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

>religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

>this energy ,


>If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

>awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

>opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

>development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental problems.



>I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

>the group members ,



>Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on this

>Subject :



>- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy, present

>in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

>also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

>nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


>By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

>transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

>energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

>kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

>spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

>disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage or

>unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

>the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

>adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


>Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can have

>far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

>unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for the

>momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

>limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

>of one libidinous ancestor.


>The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

>prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

>very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

>consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

>The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

>is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

>after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

>imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


>Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual disciplines,

>why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

>recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

>Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


>Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

>mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

>that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

>without detriment to the latter....


>The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital issue

>can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

>marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

>there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

>energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

>its growth....


>There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

>psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

>dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

>rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

>that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

>side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

>same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

>verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

>rudiments of the knowlege....


>The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

>system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

>but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The same

>organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

>also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

>integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

>doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

>reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

>becomes clearly perceptible....


>By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

>system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

>reproductive mechanism.......


>There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

>be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

>alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

>than is used by average human beings....


>There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

>to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

>of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

>through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

>highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



>Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the reproductive

>organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

>the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

>in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

>rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


>The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

>Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti with

>Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

>secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

>the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

>up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

>lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

>the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

>This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

>which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

>the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

>new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



>I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

>extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of the

>reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

>definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

>develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with a

>supersensory channel of cognition...


>Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

>myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

>relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

>during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

>ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

>as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

>winter by spring.....



>What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

>through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

>years on end....


>For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

>experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

>corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those traditions,

>and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

>ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

>80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

>crises :


>The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

>how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

>evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

>and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation by

>awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

>able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

>that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

>consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



>I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

>humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

>race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

>rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

>pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

>ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as in

>capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

>dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

>the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

>powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of this

>mental rust......


>The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

>awareness in all human beings.....


>I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

>likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

>will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

>only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm of

>knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


>I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

>confusion about the purpose of human life.....


>The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

>because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf in

>their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

>begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


>A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

>about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

>radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

>surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

>no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life of

>individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

>what I say..... - END




>Now DharmaDev ,



>Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any other

>member of this group ????


>Please Members , Speak Up !!!


>I am ready to take the Heat !








>AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:



>>Dear Davidji


>>Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont



>offend anyone



>>here however could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>Thanks and Take Care




>>In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>>rudra@g... writes:





>>>Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of



>Continence :



>>>Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

>>><A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>















>>>Sent from the Internet








>>>I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

>>>group ,


>>>or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

>>>below ,


>>>and any info in this Message


>>>if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

>>>celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

>>>your brain insted :



>>>STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




>>>----------Your last Chance--------







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Shakti can create without Lord Shiva, and Lord Shiva is Her child. Sexual

intercourse was a gift of Shakti to Lord Shiva to enable Him to participate

in the act of creation--it was not a gift of Lord Shiva to Shakti.




"ashwini yogi" <ashwiniyogi


Monday, November 24, 2003 11:58 AM

Re: RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :



Dear Barbara

Just chanced to read your mail and am taking the liberty to write something

to you.

Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life it covers every aspect of the

physical and the etheric life.If you have chanced to interact with so

called hindus who are just asking god for money all the time it is strictly

theirs and your problem.

You could be practicing any religion and still be practising the various

aspects of Hinduism,a little problem would only arise if you eat beef and

pork,for no other reason but that they are a heavy energy and certain

advanced etheric sadhnas are not conducive to this kind of food.


I really dont blame you for your thoughts as what travels to your part of

the world travels in search of money mostly to evolve spiritually you do

not need to go anywhere.

As for Shiva and Shakti they are both a part of each other,in the word SHIVA

if you remove the I[EE]it signifies a corpse[sHVA]pronounced shava.The I is

the shakti and is used in the sahkti mantras;AIM<HRIM<KLIM<SHRIM ETC.

Similarly the Shakti needs a vehicle to act out and that is Shiva.


Yogi Ashwini


"Barbara J. Spencer" <barbjs wrote:

Dear Cindy,


I really do not know whether I have or am evolving spiritually. I think,

sometimes, I would have evolved spiritually more if I had remained a

Christian. My best friend is a Christian, and she is always doing things for

people. I was a born again Christian at one time, and the problem with

Hinduism as I see it is that people are always asking God for wealth, etc.,

and it sort of turns me off; also, I never know what caste I am, and I sort

of think that I am always an outcaste even though I do Hindu devotions, and

that sort of bothers me, also. For a long time in history, men said that

women did not have souls. I'm sorry, but I really do think that men hate

women, and I don't think that Shiva and Shakti are equal--I think that

Shakti is more than Shiva. No man loves his equal--they only love more than

their equals. Because Shiva loves Shakti, this shows that She is more than

equal to Him. I am His devotee though, but I do not trust His male devotees.

Guess I am just paranoid, and there is no need to listen to me. I'm a bit






"Cindy Sullivan" <ganeshee


Sunday, November 23, 2003 1:54 PM

Re: RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of

Continence :



Do you really believe that?

Just ask what your heart of heart says.




Barbara J. Spencer wrote:


>What happens to women who do not have semen then? Does that mean that they

>do not evolve spiritually?






>"zarembadavid" <rudra


>Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:29 AM

>RBSC : Re: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence





>WARNING : Reading my reply to DharmaDev can ,At Worst, lead to :


>High Blood Pressure ,Nightmares, Low Energy for Several Days ,Anger ,

>Disstrust , etc



>Are You Ready to Take That Risk ??


>If not ,if you feel sensitive to day , Please STOP READING NOW ,

>go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !



>DharmaDev ,



>Your ,suprising to me , Question was :


>"...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."



>Because :


>If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

>sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

>brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that self

>controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the brain

>by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

>greate Importance


>To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

>dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system


>if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

>balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.


>we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

>Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

>accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

>we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.


>But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

>our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution


>Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

>a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

>is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

>religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

>this energy ,


>If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

>awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

>opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

>development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental problems.



>I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

>the group members ,



>Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on this

>Subject :



>- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy, present

>in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

>also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

>nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......


>By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

>transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

>energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

>kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

>spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

>disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage or

>unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

>the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

>adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible


>Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can have

>far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

>unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for the

>momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

>limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

>of one libidinous ancestor.


>The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

>prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

>very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

>consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

>The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

>is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

>after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

>imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....


>Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual disciplines,

>why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

>recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

>Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?


>Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

>mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

>that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

>without detriment to the latter....


>The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital issue

>can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

>marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

>there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

>energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

>its growth....


>There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

>psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

>dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

>rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

>that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

>side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

>same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

>verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

>rudiments of the knowlege....


>The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

>system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

>but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The same

>organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

>also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

>integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

>doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

>reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

>becomes clearly perceptible....


>By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

>system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

>reproductive mechanism.......


>There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

>be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

>alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

>than is used by average human beings....


>There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

>to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

>of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

>through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

>highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of



>Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the reproductive

>organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

>the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

>in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

>rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....


>The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

>Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti with

>Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

>secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

>the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

>up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

>lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

>the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

>This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

>which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

>the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

>new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....



>I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

>extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of the

>reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

>definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

>develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with a

>supersensory channel of cognition...


>Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

>myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

>relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

>during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

>ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

>as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

>winter by spring.....



>What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

>through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

>years on end....


>For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

>experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

>corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those traditions,

>and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

>ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

>80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

>crises :


>The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

>how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

>evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

>and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation by

>awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

>able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

>that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

>consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or



>I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

>humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

>race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

>rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

>pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

>ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as in

>capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

>dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

>the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

>powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of this

>mental rust......


>The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

>awareness in all human beings.....


>I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

>likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

>will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

>only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm of

>knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........


>I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

>confusion about the purpose of human life.....


>The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

>because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf in

>their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

>begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....


>A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

>about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

>radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

>surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

>no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life of

>individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

>what I say..... - END




>Now DharmaDev ,



>Can you realy say that my info has no Imoprtance for you or any other

>member of this group ????


>Please Members , Speak Up !!!


>I am ready to take the Heat !








>AumShiningLotus@a... wrote:



>>Dear Davidji


>>Namaskar My Friend and thank you for posting.....certainly wont



>offend anyone



>>here however could you tell me why we should read an article on






>>Thanks and Take Care




>>In a message dated 11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>>rudra@g... writes:





>>>Subj:RBSC : Science Discovers the Physiological Value of



>Continence :



>>>Date:11/22/2003 6:27:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

>>><A HREF="rudra@g...">rudra@g...</A>















>>>Sent from the Internet








>>>I hope I will not offend anyone or bring the energy down of this

>>>group ,


>>>or be responsible for any negative energy resulting from the link

>>>below ,


>>>and any info in this Message


>>>if you think that sex is the best on earth and you are against

>>>celibacy or at least some moderation of it so that it can develop

>>>your brain insted :



>>>STOP READING NOW ,go to another Message or Sign Out NOW !!!




>>>----------Your last Chance--------







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