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Science Discovers the Physiological Value ofContinence :

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> >"...could you tell me why we should read an article on continence...."

> >Because :

> >If the same energy that is used for momentory amature pleasures like

> >sex ,is also the same energy that is used for the development of

> >brain and Higher States of Consciousness ,it makes it clear that self

> >controll and not wasting of semen ,that is used as food for the brain

> >by Kundalini mechanism in Higher States of Consciousness , is of

> >greate Importance

> >

> >To always have High Moral and self controll is ,to some extent,

> >dependent of the energy that is avalable to the body system

> >

> >if one wastes to much energy ,not much is left to mantain the "inner

> >balance " of moral ,self control,brain power, etc.

> >

> >we are here in the Rudraksha group for self development , using

> >Rudraksha as a help ,but the real goal ,that many do not like to

> >accept , is that the tru goal for us and the brain itself is what

> >we call " Higher States of Consciousness " or Turiya ,Samadhi ,etc.

> >

> >But Rudraksha itself may not always be enouth ,to protect us ,it is

> >our responsibility to follow DHARMA of the plan of evolution

> >

> >Since the more our nervous system and brain develops ,it will need

> >a better and more powerful energy to feed it self ,and that energy

> >is best available in semen ,that is one of the reason why every tru

> >religion and spiritual path stresses the importance for not waisting

> >this energy ,

> >

> >If under ,Sadhana - Intense Spiritual Practice , we succed in the

> >awakening of Kundalini or if the new center in the brain "suddenly"

> >opens and there is not enouth energy , to feed the new

> >development ,it can lead to Insanity and all possible mental problems.

> >I feelt it was of much importance to make this onfo avalable to all

> >the group members ,

> >

> >Now will follow some Quotes from Gopi Krishna from my website on this

> >Subject :

> >

> >- The precious organic substance and the concentrated energy, present

> >in the seed, instead of being ejected for a momentary pleasure, can

> >also be used, when the rejuvenation process is at work, as a tonic

> >nourishment for thé nerves and the brain cells......

> >

> >By no other external feeding known to science can this wonderful

> >transformation be brought about.A depleted store of reproductive

> >energy in an individual can prove seriously detrimental when

> >kundalini is suddenly aroused.In fact, one of the reasons why a

> >spontaneous activation of the Serpent power often ends in mental

> >disorder is the fact that, in addidon to a faulty genetic heritage or

> >unhealthy organic structure of the body, the excess expenditure of

> >the reproductive essences can cause ravages in the system which make

> >adaptation to the new activity of the brain impossible

> >

> >Immoderation in erotic pleasure is a sin against Nature that can have

> >far-reaching consequences.It is a colossal blunder to yield

> >unrestrainedly to the demands of sexual desire. The cost paid for the

> >momentary thrill of the erotic sensation, when it exceeds a healthy

> >limit, is so high that generations can suffer for the unbridled lust

> >of one libidinous ancestor.

> >

> >The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a

> >prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recögnized in India from

> >very early days.The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste,

> >consecrated life stems from the same necessity....

> >The emphasis on chastity, or Brahmacharya, common to most religions,

> >is clearly rooted in the fact that, in the case of earnest seekers

> >after illumination, the need for the preservation of seed is

> >imperative to meet the exigencies of the awakening.....

> >

> >Unless sexual energy is needed in some way for spiritual disciplines,

> >why should any prophet or any saint or any spiritual teacher

> >recommend celibacy as a method of reaching God ?

> >Unless the energy is used, what is the need of conserving it ?

> >

> >Since part of the life energy, produced by the reproductory

> >mechanism, is needed for the evolutionary buildup, it is obvious

> >that this part cannot be utilized for amatory purposes

> >without detriment to the latter....

> >

> >The ignorance prevailing at the present moment about this vital issue

> >can be gauged from the fact that in the thousands of modem books on

> >marital happiness, conjugal relationship and the psychology of sex,

> >there is rarely if ever, any hint about the fact that a part of this

> >energy goes to nourish the brain and is essentially needed for

> >its growth....

> >

> >There is not even a hint in any of the thousand of books on

> >psychology or other sciences or philosophy to show that a higher

> >dimension of consciousness is possible or has been experienced at

> >rare intervals by some fortunate members of the race.....The fact

> >that the evolutionary and the reproductive processes work side by

> >side in human bodies, and the main reservoir öf the energy is the

> >same, it is of utmost importance that this position should be

> >verified empirically to educate the rank and file in the essential

> >rudiments of the knowlege....

> >

> >The source behind the evolution of the brain is the reproductive

> >system....Normally the sex energy is used for procreative purposes,

> >but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes also....The same

> >organic device which serves for generation acts for evolution

> >also.The reproductive apparatus has its own set of nerves which

> >integrate with the entire nervous system of the body.There is no

> >doubt that a direct link exists between the brain and the

> >reproductive organs.On the arousal of Kundalini this connection

> >becomes clearly perceptible....

> >

> >By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the reproductive

> >system and its functioning more as an evolution ary than as a

> >reproductive mechanism.......

> >

> >There can be no doubt that an enhanced activity of the brain cannot

> >be possible without the consumption of more psychic energy or

> >alternately, without the action of a more potent form of this energy

> >than is used by average human beings....

> >

> >There is also no doubt that a new activity starts in the brain, due

> >to the opening of a normally closed chamber to the influence

> >of an fine biochemical essence, rising from the reproductive region

> >through the spinal cord.This extract serves as nourishment for the

> >highly enhanced activity leading to an expanded state of

> >consciousness....

> >

> >Subjectively, this flow of the essences, culled from the reproductive

> >organs, can be distinctly felt in the space behind the palate, from

> >the middle point to the root of the tongue.It pours into the cranium

> >in an ambrosial stream so exquisitely pleasurable that even the

> >rapture of love pales into insignificance when compared to it.....

> >

> >The descriptions contained in the Tantras and other treatises on

> >Hatha-Yoga, about " the dripping ambrosia on the union of Shakti with

> >Shiva " in actual fact denote the streaming of the reproductive

> >secretions into the brain, on the opening of the central canal with

> >the arousal of the kundalini power. These secretions are then drawn

> >up as if a powerful suction is applied from above to the nerves

> >lining the "kanda" (the triangular space below the navel) and

> >the "muladhara cakra" (the plexus close to the anal opening).

> >This marks the initiation of a new organic activity in the body in

> >which the brain, the nervous system, and the reproductive organs are

> >the main participants in an effort to fashion the whole system to a

> >new awareness beyond the normal limits of human consciousness....

> >

> >

> >I am making these statements from full personal experience of this

> >extraordinary psychophysiological development.This upward flow of the

> >reproductive essences into the cranium through the spinal canal is

> >definitely somatic in nature.The body of the awakened individual

> >develops a new biological function and a new form of awareness with a

> >supersensory channel of cognition...

> >

> >Everything about the disclosures I am making I have experienced

> >myself.I have confirmed my experience with the traditional concepts

> >relating to this esoteric science that have been known and verified

> >during the past thousands of years.Hence I am as sure of the authen

> >ticity of what I state and of the ultimate acceptance of this truth

> >as I am of the fact that summer is invariably followed by autumn and

> >winter by spring.....

> >

> >

> >What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained

> >through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for

> >years on end....

> >

> >For 30 years I said nothing because I wanted to confirm that my

> >experience was real experience, and not a delusion and that it is

> >corroborated by ancient tradition.I made a study of those traditions,

> >and I found that my experience is in conformity to the

> >ancient traditions.After that I wrote my first book, and now in my

> >80th year I solemnly say this and this alone is the answer to modern

> >crises :

> >

> >The brain is evolving and present science doesn't know

> >how.There is complete darkness about it because you cannot see this

> >evolution of the brain.By external observation can see only neurons

> >and their connections. It has to be seen from internal observation by

> >awakening this power.When this power is awakened, then you are

> >able to observe the eternal working of the brain and that shows you

> >that you are still evolving.There are devices in our brain, in

> >consciousness, which when we digress we invite a calamity or

> >disaster.

> >

> >I am writing more for the future than for the present generations of

> >humanity. Today, the overhanging threat to the survival of the

> >race is the result of mental rust which we are not able to clean the

> >rust of evil custom and habit, of conservatism, chauvinism, dogma,

> >pride, prejudice, and bias.This rust is as much in evidence in the

> >ranks of science as in those of religion, in communists as much as in

> >capitalists, in democracies as much as in monarchies or

> >dictatorships.It is this mental rust which is carrying humanity to

> >the brink of disaster, awake and alert to the danger, and yet

> >powerless to avert it. All our social customs are the customs of this

> >mental rust......

> >

> >The target of evolution is to create a highly extended state of

> >awareness in all human beings.....

> >

> >I stand alone in the disclosures that I am making.There is every

> >likelihood that both from the sides of religion and science eyebrows

> >will be raised and open doubts expressed at what I say. This will be

> >only a transitöry phase, as every important discovery in the realm of

> >knowledge almost invariably took the world by surprise.........

> >

> >I say this because, at this time, the learned world is in a state of

> >confusion about the purpose of human life.....

> >

> >The ideas I am expressing appear implausible to skeptical scientists

> >because they have become too accustomed to ignoring this wide gulf in

> >their own knowledge.They do not know that the territory of Yoga

> >begins where the boundary of modern psychology ends....

> >

> >A storm is brewing in the psychological depths of the race to bring

> >about radical changes in all spheres of human life.It will be so

> >radical and unthought-of that scholars will be taken completely by

> >surprise at the onslaught of superconscious forces of which they had

> >no knowledge at all. It is this approaching revolution in the life of

> >individuals and the nations that will bear clinching testimony to

> >what I say..... - END

> >

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