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Saade Sati - small child

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Dear Rohiniji

In India for saade sati for small children they perform what is called

"Thulabaram" Where one offers anything from bananas to coins equivalent to one's

weight to God.

Many Indian temples have a big balance where on one side a child could sit and

the offering is placed on the other side.

The beautiful logic in doing so is that "Now O God I am offering the child

completely to you,he is now in your hands and you will I am sure protect him

through this period."

The offering is then used for making prasad,Abisekam for god.

Om Namasivaya! Om namo Narayana!

Rohini W <rohininj wrote:

Dear Friends,


I have two children about 3 years old. Recently, I came to know that theey

will be undergoing Saade Sati dasha for the next 7 1/2 years. Can anyone

suggest how can small children undergoing Saade Sati do to minimize its



Om Namah Shivaye Shivaye Namah Om



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Dear Rohiniji

Many Hindu temples in the U.S.A too have "Thulabaram".I have seen one in




Rohini W <rohininj wrote:

Dear Friends,


I have two children about 3 years old. Recently, I came to know that theey

will be undergoing Saade Sati dasha for the next 7 1/2 years. Can anyone

suggest how can small children undergoing Saade Sati do to minimize its



Om Namah Shivaye Shivaye Namah Om





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How does one obtain this kit and how much is it for?


--- karisprowl <karisprowl wrote:


> Agree. Saturn can be auspicious, for some signs. In

> mine, it's yogakaraka--=

> very

> lucky.


> There is also something called a "Planetary

> Meditation Kit" designed by the=

> late Harish

> Johari. It includes audio tapes of mantram for each

> of the planets, recorde=

> d 108

> times, and one for all of the planets, in Mr.

> Johari's beautiful voice. The=

> re are also

> cards with Surya yantram in colors for each planet,

> for meditation, with in=

> structions

> for a simple puja to placate the planet. The kit is

> often available from am=

> azon.com

> and on eBay. Befriending Saturn might make you feel

> less anxious.


> Thanks, K.



> ,

> "compuhighryan"

> <ascendwv@a...> wrote:

> > You are correct that this "can" be difficult, but

> that often relies

> > on other factors in the astrological chart. My

> advice is to consult

> > an astrologer to see if this is really anything to

> worry about. You

> > never know, Saturn may be good in their chart. It

> all depends on the

> > planetary arrangement at birth as well as other

> transit factors and

> > how the planets will be manifesting in their life

> through time.

> > Saade Sati does have a bit of some superstition to

> it.

> >

> > One method may be to propitiate Saturn through

> mantra on their behalf

> > if it will be troubling. You may also try a yagya

> for them.

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> > Ryan

> > www.cosmicprana.com

> >

> > ,

> "Rohini W"

> > <rohininj@h...> wrote:

> > > Dear Friends,

> > >

> > > I have two children about 3 years old. Recently,

> I came to know

> > that theey

> > > will be undergoing Saade Sati dasha for the next

> 7 1/2 years. Can

> > anyone

> > > suggest how can small children undergoing Saade

> Sati do to minimize

> > its

> > > effects.

> > >

> > > Om Namah Shivaye Shivaye Namah Om

> > >

> > > Rohini

> > >

> > >



> > > Find things fast with the new MSN Toolbar –

> includes FREE pop-up

> > blocking!

> > >









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