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Saade Sati - small child

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Dear Rohiniji,


Mahabharatha epic is a body , where Bhagavadgeetha and vishnusahasra naama are

eyes of Mahabharatha, which is having complete meaning of 4 vedas.


It is the ultimate powerful mantra, which can solve anything in life.Thats why

we use to chant for 100 times on the hindu new year day , which is coming in

this month 26th.Next samvathsara is called Tarana, where we do chant to pray

lord to save humanity and to keep peace and hormony.So if you can send your

children date of birth and birth place we do chant on behalf of your children .



Jayasimha Chaturvedi


Rohini W <rohininj wrote:

Dear Jayasimhaji,


What is the Sri Vishnu saharanama? Wht is the procedure to chant it?

Om Namah Shivaye Shivaye Namah Om




>jaya simha <jayasimhachaturvedi



>Re: RBSC : Saade Sati - small child

>Wed, 3 Mar 2004 18:22:41 -0800 (PST)


>Dear Rohiniji,


>Sade sathi will not effect your children , if you chant Sri Vishnu

>sahasranama everday.Its easy to chant, or just send your children birth

>details or birthstar, anyway we are performing sahasra vishnusahasra naama

>at our holy place on hindu new year day called yugadi that is on march



>You can see my post in RBSC in last week for more details:



>jayasimha Chaturvedi

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