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clarification required

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Hello everyone


I have been a r for couple of weeks to this group now and must say that

I thoroughly enjoy the discussions.


However I have a question that is not necessarily related to rudraksha.


I have always thought and very often read that the shiv mantra is "Aum Namah

Shivaya". However when I recently started reading the Shiv Maha Purana again, I

noticed that in the beginning where the prayers for Lord shiva were written, it

had "Aum Shivaya Namah".


Being able to read only a little bit if Sanskrit and not being fluent in it, I

am not certain as to which one is a more accurate mantra. Can someone please



i. what is the difference between the two


ii. Which one is the more accurate representation of the mantra.


Kind regards




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Dear Anandji


Namaskar Mitra and thanks for the message............need to know a little

more......what is full title of book and is it in one volume


then who is the author and is it in devanagari print only or is there an

english translation


Can you give the full sentence or prayer itself that incorporates this form

of words


In Siva Purana with four volumes by Shastri the five sylabled Mantra the Siva

Panchakshari is Namaha Sivaya as it is also listed in the Sri Rudram and

Chamakam by T R Rajagopala Aiyar


there is also an EkaDasa Mantra and and a Gayaatri for Lord Siva


There is also southern Indian Aum Namah Sivaya Sivaya Nama Aum that is taught

there today


are you able to provide a little more clarification


Thanks and Take Care


DharmaDe Arya


In a message dated 10/29/2004 7:50:32 PM Pacific Standard Time,

anand_nortel writes:






> Hello everyone


> I have been a r for couple of weeks to this group now and must say

> that I thoroughly enjoy the discussions.


> However I have a question that is not necessarily related to rudraksha.


> I have always thought and very often read that the shiv mantra is "Aum Namah

> Shivaya". However when I recently started reading the Shiv Maha Purana

> again, I noticed that in the beginning where the prayers for Lord shiva were

> written, it had "Aum Shivaya Namah".


> Being able to read only a little bit if Sanskrit and not being fluent in it,

> I am not certain as to which one is a more accurate mantra. Can someone

> please explain:


> i. what is the difference between the two


> ii. Which one is the more accurate representation of the mantra.


> Kind regards


> Anand


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Dear Anandji


Namaskar Mitra and thanks for the clarification...........yes this is the

first Mantra found in the Siva Astotara...teh 108 Names of Lord Siva


Om Shivaya Namaha


ending is OM Sri Shiva astotara Santanama Valli Samapti


The first Mantra might be compared with the a slightly different facet of

same diamond


You are doing really good at transliteration........as you go forward the

words that are run together in Devanagari will stand out to you so you can

seperate them


a good website to help with this is www.sanskritmantra.com and the American

Sanskrit Institute on the internet


The Siva Astotara is listed in Thomas Ashley Farrands books found in english

on the webiste


hope this helps


Thanks and Take Care




In a message dated 11/2/2004 8:58:09 AM Pacific Standard Time,

anand_nortel writes:






> Dear friend


> Thank you for your kind words. The book in question is labelled "Sampurna

> Shiv Mahapran". The publishing company named on this book is some Amit Pocket

> books based in Jalandhar, Punjab. The book is in one volume.


> The book is in Hindi language.


> Right in the beginning of the book, there is "shivashtottarshata Namwali" (I

> am finding it difficult to spell exactly the words from hindi to english).

> I believe the meaning of the word above is 0ne hundred and eight ways of

> addressing to Lord Shiva.


> Hope this helps.


> Kind regards


> Anand


> AumShiningLotus wrote:

> Dear Anandji


> Namaskar Mitra and thanks for the message............need to know a little

> more......what is full title of book and is it in one volume


> then who is the author and is it in devanagari print only or is there an

> english translation


> Can you give the full sentence or prayer itself that incorporates this form

> of words


> In Siva Purana with four volumes by Shastri the five sylabled Mantra the

> Siva

> Panchakshari is Namaha Sivaya as it is also listed in the Sri Rudram and

> Chamakam by T R Rajagopala Aiyar


> there is also an EkaDasa Mantra and and a Gayaatri for Lord Siva


> There is also southern Indian Aum Namah Sivaya Sivaya Nama Aum that is

> taught

> there today


> are you able to provide a little more clarification


> Thanks and Take Care


> DharmaDe Arya


> In a message dated 10/29/2004 7:50:32 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> anand_nortel writes:


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Hello everyone

> >

> >I have been a r for couple of weeks to this group now and must say


> >that I thoroughly enjoy the discussions.

> >

> >However I have a question that is not necessarily related to rudraksha.

> >

> >I have always thought and very often read that the shiv mantra is "Aum

> Namah

> >Shivaya". However when I recently started reading the Shiv Maha Purana

> >again, I noticed that in the beginning where the prayers for Lord shiva

> were

> >written, it had "Aum Shivaya Namah".

> >

> >Being able to read only a little bit if Sanskrit and not being fluent in

> it,

> > I am not certain as to which one is a more accurate mantra. Can someone

> >please explain:

> >

> >i. what is the difference between the two

> >

> >ii. Which one is the more accurate representation of the mantra.

> >

> >Kind regards

> >

> >Anand

> >

> >Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >To send an email to:

> >

> >

> >

> > Links

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >








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Dear friend


Thank you for your kind words. The book in question is labelled "Sampurna Shiv

Mahapran". The publishing company named on this book is some Amit Pocket books

based in Jalandhar, Punjab. The book is in one volume.


The book is in Hindi language.


Right in the beginning of the book, there is "shivashtottarshata Namwali" (I am

finding it difficult to spell exactly the words from hindi to english). I

believe the meaning of the word above is 0ne hundred and eight ways of

addressing to Lord Shiva.


Hope this helps.


Kind regards




AumShiningLotus wrote:

Dear Anandji


Namaskar Mitra and thanks for the message............need to know a little

more......what is full title of book and is it in one volume


then who is the author and is it in devanagari print only or is there an

english translation


Can you give the full sentence or prayer itself that incorporates this form

of words


In Siva Purana with four volumes by Shastri the five sylabled Mantra the Siva

Panchakshari is Namaha Sivaya as it is also listed in the Sri Rudram and

Chamakam by T R Rajagopala Aiyar


there is also an EkaDasa Mantra and and a Gayaatri for Lord Siva


There is also southern Indian Aum Namah Sivaya Sivaya Nama Aum that is taught

there today


are you able to provide a little more clarification


Thanks and Take Care


DharmaDe Arya


In a message dated 10/29/2004 7:50:32 PM Pacific Standard Time,

anand_nortel writes:






> Hello everyone


> I have been a r for couple of weeks to this group now and must say

> that I thoroughly enjoy the discussions.


> However I have a question that is not necessarily related to rudraksha.


> I have always thought and very often read that the shiv mantra is "Aum Namah

> Shivaya". However when I recently started reading the Shiv Maha Purana

> again, I noticed that in the beginning where the prayers for Lord shiva were

> written, it had "Aum Shivaya Namah".


> Being able to read only a little bit if Sanskrit and not being fluent in it,

> I am not certain as to which one is a more accurate mantra. Can someone

> please explain:


> i. what is the difference between the two


> ii. Which one is the more accurate representation of the mantra.


> Kind regards


> Anand


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