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Rudraksha Therapy Book I Chapter I

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Chapter I


The power and effects of the Tears of Lord Siva have always been a solution

to the pain and suffering the Mankind and Womankind may experience during

uncertain times in their life


Wearing the Sacred Ruduraksha Beads brings one to a state of present moment

liveing that most all Spiritual Teachings support. Wearing specific Mukhi

Rudraksa or Rudraksa with a specific number of faces or lines as single beads or


recommended combinations create different positive changes in the wearers



Wearing specific Rudraksha in combination also pacifies all the 9 Planets 24

hours a day as the planets continue to shift their positions in the heavens.

This gives Vedic Jyotish Astrologers additional support methods for remedial

and corrective measures to obstacles of pain and suffering so the wearer can

experience Self Empowerment, and Fearless Life on the Path to Enlightenment


For thousands of years the merits and powers of the Holy Rudraksa Beads have

been recognized by Saints and Holy Men of India, Nepal and Tibet resulting in

their documentation in the Shiva Purana, Padma Purana, SriMadDeviBhagavat,

RudrakshaJabaloPanishad, AngniMahaPuranam and other inspired literature


The ancient discipline of Rudraksa Therapy is as simple as it is complicated

meaning it is complicated because the values and merits are listed in so many

different books by different authors and simple because when a person sees the

Knowledge in an organized manner in one place they pick it up immediately.


Traditionally the Vedic Knowledge of recommendation and application of

Rudraksha and their appropriate Mantras has been the responsilbility of the many

Saints and Holy Men and Priests in the Temples and Forests of India, Nepal and



Today there are many Rudraksha Therapy Facilities in India that recommend

Rudraksha Beads by combineing ancient Vedic Knowledge with modern scientific

proof and confirmed experiences continually proving the effectiveness of wearing

the Holy Rudraksha Bead


Modern science has shown that the electromagnetic nature of Rudraksha Beads

affect our Neurophysiology in a specific positive manner allowing control of

heart beat, blood pressure, stress levels, hypertension and at the same time

relieves anxiety, depression and neurotic conditions. Anti ageing properties


also been discovered based on the natural electromagnetism of Rudraksha Beads


The intent and purpose of teaching the principals of Rudraksha Therapy from

the Shiva Purana and other Holy Books and literature is to clarify the true

nature of Rudraksha and to provide an introduction to the ancient discipline of

Rudraksha Recommendation and Application for the good of all concerned


Rudra Centre teaches this course with respect to the Highly Auspicious

Compassionate Nature of Lord Shiva that removes pain and suffering. The Shiva


shows this Compassionate Nature in the origin and description of effects that

the Holy Rudraksa have on the Mankind and the Womankind. We will always

return to the Shiva Purana to clarify issues that are shown to be contradictory


some of the other Holy Literature that was written at different times in the

history of India




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