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Rudraksha Therapy Book I Chapter II

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Chapter II


To know the Holy Rudraksha one must know the story of its origin and the

people who wear the Sacred Beads as a protection and aid on their heroic


Path to Self Empowerment, Fearless Life and Final Liberation


Since there are different accounts in different books of the origin of the

Holy Rudraksa then one must by good reason return to the Shiva Purana for the

most accurate account


In addition since there are a number of different Shaivite Paths that refer

to the same Vedas, Shiva Agamas and Puranas for their Teachings, Vira Shaivism

has been chosen as a liveing example to show how the Holy Rudraksha Beads are

used as a protection or aid in one major Shaivite Path. Chapter III will

explain more about Vira Shaivism and why the Vira Shaivites wear the Holy




The origin of the Holy Rudraksa are based in the Power of Lord Shivas

Pennance, Compassion and Desire to help the Mankind and Womankind destroy the


and suffering He observed to be affecting the worlds


There are statements found in the Shiva Purana to support this


Shiva Purana Vidyesvarasamhita Chapter 25 Parts 1 to 95


Part 2


Rudraksha is favourite bead of Shiva. It is highly sanctifying. It removes

all sins.....meaning suffering.......... by sight contact and Japas


Part 3


O sage formerly the greatness of Rudaksha was declared to the Goddess by

Shiva the Supreme Soul for rendering help to the worlds


Part 4


O Shivaa Maheshaani be pleased to hear the greatness of Rudraksha. I speak

out of love for the benefit of the devotees of Shiva


Part 5 to 7 O Maheshaani formerly I had been performing penance for thousands

of divine years. Although I had performed it rigorously, my mind was in a

flutter. Out of sport I being self possesed just opened my eyes O Goddess from a

desire of helping the worlds. Drops of tears fell from my beautiful half

closed eyes. From those tears there cropped up the Rudraksa plants


Part 19 The wearing of the Rudraksha is recommended for the sake of

destroying sins.........meaning pain and suffering


This is where we have to stop for a moment and contemplate the origin of the

Holy Rudraksa. What brought them into existence ? How were they to be used ?

Why were they to be used ?


The Compassionate Lord Shiva with eyes closed in deep Silence performing

penance was interrupted by the pain and suffering of the worlds. Acknowledgeing

the cause of his interrupted State of Consciousness His immediate Desire was to

help the worlds.


To accomplish this task Lord Siva used the Power of Compassion and Love from

thousands of divine years of Penance. He spoke out of Love for the devotees of

Shiva. He was so aware of the pain and suffering of the Mankind and Womankind

that drops of tears fell from his beautiful half closed eyes. His tears

produced the Rudraksha plants that create the Rudraksa Beads for the worlds to


as protective aids to destroy pain and suffering on the path to final

Liberation and Salvation


The Power and psychology behind this thinking and action is perfect. If you

take away a humans pain and suffering then Happiness floods the

lifetime........as Happiness and Bliss work on the Jiva or human soul then the

experience of

Dharma Karma Artha and Moksa are brought into balance on a consistant basis.

An example of what takes place due to this new found Freedom in Life is an

acceleration of Spiritual Path in one lifetime that might normally take 10



The origin of the Holy Rudraksha Beads are based in the Power of Pennance,

Compassion and Desire of Lord Siva and this is how they need to be represented

and used by the Mankind and Womankind in this world


The Padma Purana and SriMadDeviBhagavat were written at different times in

the history of India and their interpretation of the origin of the Holy Rudraka

is incorrect and contradicting each other. A person has to be aware of this.

Lets take a look at the differences and then return to the Shiva Purana for the

complete Truth


In the book by Mr Subas Rai that is Rudraksha Properties and Biomedical

Implications it states that in the Padma Purana Chapter 57 Parts 23 to 25


Vyasa said


O Brahmanas formerly in the Kritayuga a demon named Tripura having killed the

gods and after the destruction of all the worlds remained firm in a city in

the intermediate region between the heaven and the earth due to the boon of

Brahma. Lord Siva heard the terrible representation of (ie. made by ) the gods


Then he strung his bow with an arrow resenbling death and holding it killed

the demon who was seen ( by Him ) with ( His ) divine eye


Fallen from heaven like a giant meteor he dropped on the earth. Drops of

perspiration fell down from ( the body of ) Rudra ( i. e. Shiva ) who was tired

with exertion


There on the earth a great Rudraksha was produced from the drops of Sivas

perspiration. The beings do not know its fruit for it is very secret


The SriMadDeviBhagavat 11th Skand Chapter IV states in parts 1 to 7


On making further query from Narayana about Rudraksha He replied what He

heard from Lord Rudra is as follows


God said O Kartikeya listen to me. In ancient time there was a daitya named

Tripura who used to win others by treachery


He killed all the deities. On complaint of Brahma and Vishnu about it I

thought of him


I contemplated the Aghora one of the most powerful missles to kill Tripura

and to quell all kinids of obstacles


In the process my eyes remained open for one thousand divine years and a few

drops of tear fell down


>From these eye drops there sprang a tree of MahaRudraksa


If you read these two accounts found in these two different books they are

totally contradictory to the Shiva Purana and to themselves. These accounts of

the origin of the Holy Rudraksa found in the Padma Purana and the

SriMadDeviBhagavat are not based in the Compassionate Nature of Lord Shiva and

dont even

agree with one another


As one main example the Padma Purana states that tripura had destroyed

everything and killed all the gods and was successful in all this destruction

because he was protected by a boon of Lord Brahma


In SriMadDeviBhagavat it states that Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma made a

complaint to Lord Siva regarding the destruction that tripura was responsible



Both accounts are based in death and destruction and contradictory to each

other with one account actually maligning Lord Brahma for giveing a protective

boon to a destructive force


Therefore both the accounts of the origin of the Holy Rudraksa found in the

Padma Purana and the SriMadDeviBhagavat are false and diluted Knowledge


The true account of the origin of the Holy Rudraksha is found in the Shiva





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