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Is donating Shalagram Shila ??? (Attn Sri Pradeep)

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Respected Pradeep,


Yes, as paramatma, Ishwar resides indiviually in the heart of every

atom. ANU or atom being the smallest form of material body which a Jiva

can reside in. A Jivatma cannot live in paramanu (sub atomic particles)

as it takes a combination of two paramanus to create a unikt fit for

jivatma to habitate. So God is everywhere. Even the Muslims would smash

the archa-vigraha in many temples. If anyone protested, "But God is

everywhere, right?" And the muslims would reply, "Yes, Allah is

everywhere, EXCEPT in this murti, Allah is everywhere.


With Bhagavan in ever atom, and material nature Maya itself being a

material shakti of God, there fore God is inside and outside. If you

take a normal stone and stay that God is also here, and if you direct

your consciouness to God in that object He will reciprocate (ye yatha

mam prapadyanti tams-tatha-eva bhajami aham, B, Gita).


But Shastri, the Bhagavad Gita, the Brahmna Sutras, Upanishads,

Puranas, Ramayana, they specifically MENTION Shalagram Shila as

Saksad-Bhagavan. So we worship Shalagram rather than something not

mentioned in Shastra.


The issue of Manasa-sheva is the highest point of Bhajan, when one has

passed Anartha-nivritti, and is not possible for conditioned souls.

Suffice to say that if you close your eyes and imagine picking a flower

and offering it to Bhagavan, then that is even more SUBSTANTIAL than

seva done with the material body.


Soon we must lose the material body, so it is good to practice Manasa

smaran and bhajan-seva, so one will not miss the body when it is gone.


Regarding Shalagram puja, the standard is VERY EASY. In BGita Lord Hari

says that he wants, "Pushpam, (Tulasi) Patram, Phalam, Toyam." He wants

a flower (scented), a tulasti leaf, a bit of fruit, and water. That's

the minimum standard. Anything more is excess to please the worshipper.

God is described as "Atma-arama" or always self-satisfied. He is not

angry, happy, He is always Sat (eternal) Chit (consciouness) and Ananda

(happiness). And even if He is neglected still Sahalgram never feels

any form of unhappiness. He is atmaram"


I have never had more than ONE Shalagram Shila which was given to me by

late Kali Baba of Nepal. So I never worship more than one. Some people

keep many, and some even stick silly eyes onto the shila. They should

Know that God is always fully dressed and satisfied. The dualalities

are only for us, the worshippers. Shalagram, even in the river, is

always Self Satisfied.


Keep up the "manasa sheva" because it's practice of serving without a

material body. Something we should try to do BEFORE it's too late.


BTW: My son's legal name REALLY is "Jiva" - Jiva Suryavongse Brown.






--- Pradeep Balakrishnan <balakrishnanpradeep wrote:


> Hari Om! Hari Bolo!


> Dear Richardji and other Krishna's please accept adiyen's respectful

> pranams!


> My jiva would like to express this about saligrama sila. First of all

> "I" do not exist it is only Lord in your self exists. The Lord is

> seeking to see HIS real form. For the sake of the email my jiva will

> narrate with the word I denoting my jiva.


> I am not a born Vaishnava nor born Shaivaite nor a born brahmin. I am

> not a member of any organization like ISKCON nor Shaivism. Many years

> before I started to wear Rudra-ka-aaksh which I got from Matha

> Neetaji and Bhagvan Dharmadevji and still adore them to the core. My

> jiva thinks that it is a staunch worshipper of Bhagvan Rudra and did

> not like some of the followers of Lord Vishnu for they think others

> are wimps and useless.


> Anyways the Rudraksha started to work in me and I started to realise

> what is all these Rudra, Vishnu and Brahma etc. During the course of

> my spiritual journey I came to know about Saligrama and

> Naramadeshwar. I went around begging with various "Dasas" to give me

> one sailigrama sila. I was throughly interviewed and was deemed unfit

> by these so called Saligrama worshippers. I was very sad and I felt

> that Lord Vishnu likes only certain people and why should Lord come

> to a lower being like me. Lo, Matha Neetaji from Rudra Centre was

> gracious enough to send me 4

> Saligrama silas free for my purchase with them.


> I worshipped them with Nitya Seva as advised in Sri Saligrama Gosha

> and it can be found in www.salagram.net web site which is maintained

> by Bhagvan Sri Sri Jaya Thirtha Charan Dasa in New Zealand. I kept

> his web site as my Guru and went on doing this seva, years passed on,

> and the silas started to increase in numbers. Some "learned" people

> suggested I am doing this wrongly and will land in hell etc. I

> consulted some Thantri's and Namboodri's in Lord Krishna temple in

> Guruvayoor, Kerala to do a Prashnam.


> I was told the Lord is very happy with what I do and the response was

> just do what you can do but do it sincerely with faith. I have

> donated some of the silas to many in this group and still the Lord

> Shri Hari has been merciful in sending me new sila forms. I have also

> noticed that the number of Saligramas and Shiva lingas are increasing

> constantly in my house and I try to do the seva to best of my jiva's

> ability.


> Our jivas do not have any control on the Lord's Silas or Shiva

> Lingas. The Lord Shri Krishna/Lord Rudra decide who will worship HIM

> and when HE has to abandon the silas. No jiva can judge another jiva

> only Lord Shri Krishna decides that.


> My jiva's lineage my son's jiva is also doing the seva along with me,

> but it is unto the Lord Shri Krishna to decide if my son will

> continue the seva. In the transcendal form of the Lord Shri Krishna,

> only HE exists in our jivas. The Lord in us is seeking HIS real

> undescribable magnificient form.


> A realised jiva will not need the outside form of worship (poojas,

> wearing tulsi, rudraksha which is outside the jiva), the jiva will

> continue to do maanasya pooja to realise the Lord. This is the

> powerful form of worship than the outside forms of worship.


> So donating a saligrama means the Lord has decided to leave from you

> to another jiva. If the receiver though might be the best of the

> brahmins and knows vedas, Lord Shri Hari needs to bless that jiva for

> seva else even the best of the brahmins will donate the sila to a

> temple or someone else.


> So hey jivas, we do not control anything nor its movement nor its

> stay nor its glory. The transcendal Lord Shri Krishna decides

> everything for it is HE who is the Saligrama, HE is the Conch, HE is

> the milk, HE is in you and HE is worshipping HIMSELF to realise HIM.


> SubhamDinamAstu! or Have a nice day!

> SarvamSriKrishnaArpanamastu!

> Om Tat Sat SarvamSriSatyaNarayanaArpanamastu!


> Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 wrote:

> PERFECT REPLY. I only have one Shalagram, and I hope my son will

> continue the puja when I'm too old. I'm 58 and my son, JIva, is only

> 8.

> Now we have Sri Lakshmi Shank together with Salagram it feels very

> auspicious.


> Sukriya,

> Richard


> --- yourstruelyprince <no_reply> wrote:


> > Hallo Master Richard Brown,

> > By not mentioning about the Shaligram atall, the giver should cross

> > question the person (to whom, the giver feels to give) by telling

> > only

> > the requirements that are necessary to keep Shaligram, to check to

> > know what he thinks about those Satvic thoughts and acts. If he

> seems

> > positive, then present him the Shaligram.

> > It is also possible that, if he shows some threads of connection,

> > then

> > the rest of work will be worked out by the Shaligram power effect.

> > mm?

> > see you.

> > Ketan.

> > >

> >

> > , "Richard Shaw

> > Brown" <rsbj66> wrote:


> > > Q: The giver of a Shalagram must be very selective who he donates

> > too,

> > > because the giver is implicated in any offenses by the receiver.

> > >

> > > Comments?






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