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entry in Andhra Pradesh. Saibanisa at that time neither knew typing nor has

computer knowledge. He put his entire weight on Baba and started with a web

site and brought it today’s position. Every one working for Saidarbar is very

much aware that all this not possible without blessings and Grace of Baba.

There are many obstacles and tough times faced by us and I am grateful to

Saibanisa for the full backing and unstinted support provided in my day-to-day

work. His directions are very valuable and made work pleasurable by his wit and

humor. I take this as an opportune time to rededicate my services to the Lotus

feet of Lord Sainath. Lastly I pray to Baba to shower HIS blessings on all

HIS devotees and look forward for Saidarbar to celebrate many more

anniversaries in the future to come under the able

guidance of SAIBANISA. I hereby acknowledge gratefully all those responsible

for the success story of Saidarbar. SaiRam. SaiSevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi









------------------------------- 1. FOUNDATION STONES FOR THE SPIRITUAL LIFE:

>From the Satsanghs of Saibanisaji

http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500055.htm SaiSevak Smt.

Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar –

11pt;">Hyderabad 140. Adding oil to flames will aggravate the fire; similarly

without contentment enjoying the desires will ruin the life. 141. For a happy

atmosphere in the house, the understanding between the wife and husband is a

must. 142. After marriage, ladies should lead a new and a happy life with

in-laws. At the same time, they should not forget the past life and give the

due respect to their parents. 143. Ladies are soft by nature. It does not

mean they should be timid in self protection and protecting their family.

144. To maintain happiness in the family, house wife should behave at

appropriate times like a Mother, Servant and Minister. 145. A husband will

get real happiness in the family only when he has a faithful wife, good

children and proper returns for the hard work. 146. Accepting or giving the

dowry in the marriage is nothing but trading the children. 147. Maintaining

the illegal contacts between men and women is nothing but destroying the

society with diseases. 148. You should treat your wife’s mother, brother’s

wife and your teacher’s wife on par with your own mother. 149. For a better

married life of your children, before marriage check their education, health,

age, character, wealth and family traditions. To be Continued…


25th December, 1910: Lala Lakshmichand of Santacruz came to Shirdi. December,

1911: Kashinath Upasani composed the famous "Shri Sainath Mahima Sthostra" in

Sanskrit. December, 1911: Bubonic plague raged in Shirdi. (Lasted up to March

15 next year). 5th December, 1911: Dadasaheb Khaparde of Amraoti arrived at

Shirdi again with family and stayed there for three months in Shirdi.

---------------------------- 3. FOOT STEPS OF

THE HOLY FEET –19 http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/other_books.htm

EXPERIENCES OF SAI.BA.NI.SA WITH SHIRDI SAI I am sure that all Sai devotees

can recall how Bhimaji Patil got cured of his ailment (Tuberculosis) and

escaped from the clutches of death due to the divine grace of SAI. It is well

depicted in the 13th chapter of Sai Satcharitra. I would like to narrate how

Sai saved me from a most feared disease. It was on 20th April 1996, the

Sunday morning hours while engaged in watering of plants in our Kitchen garden,

and I felt terrible pain in my chest with lot of perspiration. I approached our

family Doctor Dr.R.A.Rao who immediately diagnosed it as Heart attack,

administered sorbitral to be kept under my tongue and advised me to be

immediately moved to CDR Hospitals for specialized care. As arrangements wore

being made to shift me to the Hospital, I prayed and opened up a page in Sai

Satcharitra. The message given was from the 15th chapter and read as follows:

“He who respectfully reads this chapter or studies it daily will get all his

miseries removed by the grace of Sadhguru Sai Baba". I gathered courage that

Lord Sainath will definitely save me and vowed to continue parayan of 15th

chapter regularly on my returning home

after full recovery. I was moved to Hospital with the help of my friends in an

Auto and I was feeling discomfort in breathing as I was being shifted on to a

stretcher. Even in that stage my attention was drawn to the Medical hall

opposite to the main entrance - "SAI SHAKTI MEDICAL HALL" with photograph of

Sai in blessing. My faith and confidence level in positive recovery increased.

A costly injection was given to me after I was made to rest in ICCU. On

28-04-1996 I was taken for ANJIO GRAM TEST and the test confirmed that three of

my Arteries were blocked to 90% and two more Arteries to the extent of 30%.

Decision to perform bypass surgery was taken by a team of attending

experts. As usual I prayed upon Sai on the night of 01-05-1996 and sought his

advice as it involves a considerable expenditure, time taking and with success

not 100% guaranteed. Sai appeared to me in my dream and uttered -" thieves have

joined in your street; you better call the Police in day time and get them

driven out ". This type of message may appear strange to the readers but I

could decode correctly as it meant to me, that three of my Arteries are,

blocked and I must undergo Surgery only during day time and overcome the

present crisis. 1 have talked to the team of Specialists and I was posted to

get operated on 16-05-1996 (Thursday) at

11pt;">14:00 hrs. However on 16 May 1996, till 17:00hrs the team of Doctors

has not turned up. At 18:00hrs a group of Assistants started making

preparations for the Surgery anticipating taking place. The inner thinking

process of mine was cautioning me that surgery performed in the night Hours may

not be 100 % successful. I requested Sai to save from the present predicament.

Before entering the Operation Theatre I wrote the following words. "I am going

to fight with death and if I return alive the success goes to Sai. I was being

readied for the, surgery with all the gadgets and equipment attached properly

as per their procedure.

In the heart of hearts I was praying that this night's surgery should not take

place and was resting helplessly lying on the operation table. Mean while the

Telephone in the Operation Theatre gave a ring. One of the assisting Doctors

attended the call and Theatre Nurse announced the information that chief

Surgeon Dr.Prasada Rao will not be available this evening due to unforeseen

circumstances. Accordingly the Surgery stands cancelled and patient is posted

to be operated the next day morning i.e. 17-05-1996. My joy knew no bounds and

was sure that Sai alone has performed this miraculous act of organizing the

postponement. Operation commenced at 09:00 AM on the next day and completed by

16:00hrs in the evening.

I was shifted to the, critical postoperative care unit for observation and

none was allowed to see me. Later I understood that my wife, children and

well-wishers were eagerly waiting to see me. I regained consciousness the next

day morning by 08:00 AM and the first person I saw was DR.BRAHMAIAH, the

Anesthetist. I could see SAI in him and greeted him traditionally with folded

hands. He bent over me while asking me as to whom I would like to see first. I

expressed that 1 wanted to see SAI first and a little later I saw my wife

showing me a photograph of Sai in gentle smile, with tearful eyes. The typical

gentle smile of Sai alone has given me the strength and courage, to be in front

of you

and granted me an opportunity to serve you all and read the 15 th chapter

regularly. BOW TO SAI - PEACE TO ALL.

--------- 4. SAI IN DREAMS:

http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/ These are the dream sequences and

messages as received by SAIBANISA From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF

SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth

are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. 25-02-1994 Today I

completed Translation of “The Incredible Sai” authored by Arthur Osborne from

English in to Telugu language and submitted to the Lotus feet of Sainath to

seek HIS blessings. Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person and gave

me a glass full of sweet buttermilk. I happily consumed it. He said “No need to

go to Pandarpur, install the Lord in your heart and worship from here itself”.

God is universal and omni present. 26-02-1994 I prayed Lord Sainath to grant

permission to write new articles on SAI. HE advised me to concentrate and

solve the problems being faced in the Tube manufacturing process before

venturing to write books. Indirectly HE forewarned me about the future -heart

problems. Subsequently I had to undergo Bypass surgery during the year 1996.

The master knows what is best for HIS devotee. 28-02-1994 I

prayed Lord Sainath to talk to me on some good things. Sai appeared in the

form of cine actor Kanta Rao of yester years and said- I entered the cine

field faced difficult times and earned well, but lost all the money due to

carelessness and negligence. Today I am rendered immobile and some one’s help

is needed even to go out. Life as it appeared to me is incomplete with out

facing ups and downs”. Discipline and character building are essentially

required besides maintaining mental balance under all odds.

Ups and downs are the ways of life. Learn to stay balanced To be continued…..


PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) "Shashi": shashi_31

20. On Humanity We entertain all sorts of egoistic and illusory differences

in our day to day life. To overcome this Maya is to be destroyed. Our mental

barriers make us to

identify ourselves with our body. There are no differences from one human to

another once we realize that we are Chaitanya and not the body itself as these

distinctions pertain to the body only. We should never discriminate based on

the origin. The differences are illusory and just like a mirage. Try to

habituate to live without such feelings. It is wrong to feel proud that we

belong to a particular class. According to customary practice (Sanatana

Dharma). We should not engage in spiritual practices for pomp and show. Even if

our mind is involved in the worldly affairs, we should not keep them in our mind

for ever. Serve God and get rid of passion for the body. A man whose heart is

full of Universal love with tender care of a mother, such a man will not feel

the difference. We are all God’s kith and kin and we all are entitled to share

God’s love. The entire humanity appears to God as His children. His love

extends to all. By love, earth will be transformed into heaven

of blissful peace. Leave of the vindicative attitude to others. Then we are sure

to win all by friendly attitude. Don’t hate anybody because he belongs to

another class, but give him due respectful position. Sri Sai Baba always used

to condemn such differences being observed based on one’s origin. Once A

mamalatdar along with a doctor from South Africa came to see Sri Sai Baba. The

doctor told the Mamlatdar ‘I am a Sri Rama upasaka and I will not bow to any

others’. The Mamalatdar told him –‘Never

mind. You need not bow to any others’. When they came near to Sri Sai Baba,

the Doctor while standing at a distance from the Aarati proceedings, suddenly

fell at Baba’s feet. Mamalatdar asked him – ‘Why did you change your mind and

bow?’ Doctor said –‘Sri Sai Baba showed Himself to me as the beautiful Sri Rama

so I bowed.’ When Moolay Sastry of Nasik came to Shirdi, Baba asked one of His

devotees to get some Ochre color cloth. Later Baba asked Booty to go and get

some Dakshina from Moolay Sastry. Moolay Sastry came to Baba and stood at a

distance before HIM. Sastry suddenly saw his Guru Sri Jay Gholap Maharaja in

place of Baba and he

fell at Baba’s feet. Moolay Sastry found that the ochre cloth robed Brahmin Guru

was Sri Sai Baba. To be continued…..

-------------- 6. SANATANA DHARMA & SRI



In Ramayan: By Sri SAIBANISA Gopal Rao Ravada Guru Vakya Paripalana -

Ordeal of Guru Bhakti In Ramayan in the Balakand, Viswamitra takes Ram and

Lakshman to the forest to defeat and kill the raakshasas who were obstructing

his yaaga. When Thaataka approached fiercely to kill Ram and Lakshman and to

destroy the yaaga, Viswamitra asked Rama to kill Thaataki immediately. Though

it was against Kshatriya Dharma to kill a woman, Ram did not hesitate a minute.

He said, “it is my duty to obey my Guru without asking any question,” and so

saying He strung His bow and the arrow pierced her chest and Thaataki fell down

lifeless. Ram

proved here that “guru Vakya” i.e. order of the guru is very important.

Similarly in chapter XXIII of Sai Sat Charita, Sai tested his disciples. While

the cholera ordinance was in force, someone brought a goat to the Dwarakamai to

be killed. Sai put some of his closest devotees to test. He first asked Bade

Baba to behead it, who flatly refused. Then Baba asked Shama to kill the goat

and he also went to fetch a knife but did not return. Baba finally asked

Kakasaheb Dixit, a man of strong principles, who never in his life knew

killing, to behead the goat. Though quite averse to do any act of violence,

Kakasahib Dixit tightened his dhotar and raising the knife waited for Baba’s

permission. When Baba said “strike”, the knife was about to come down on the

goat. But Baba said, “Stop. How cruel you are. Being a Brahmin you are killing

a goat”. Kakasahib Dixit said, “Baba, Your nectar like word is

law to me. I do not know whether it is right or wrong to kill, but I know

implicit and prompt compliance with Guru’s orders is my duty and Dharma”. Here

Kakasaheb Dixit has taken the words of Baba as law. Parasthri Vyamoham: In

Ramayan, Ahalya, the wife of Gautama Muni was turned to a stone by her husband

when she yielded to the unholy desire of Indra. Ramayan teaches a lesson that

Parasthri Vyamoham i.e. yearning for another man’s woman is very bad offence.

In Sai Sat Charitam XLIX chapter, Sai also preaches that Parasthri Vyamoham is

bad. Once when

Nanasaheb Chandorkar was sitting in the Dwarakamai with Baba, a gentleman came

with his family. When the lady removed her veil to salute Baba, Nana was

smitten by her beauty and was tempted to see her face once again. Baba knowing

Nana’s restlessness said to Nana, “Our mind is fickle by nature; it should not

be allowed to get wild. You can enjoy beauty, but you should not aspire for it.

Beauty is the object of sight, but we should never entertain evil thoughts in

our mind.” Kamadhenu Viswamitra comes to the ashram of Vasista with his

followers and, he sees Kamadhenu the divine cow of Heaven, which grants all the

wishes and desires of

Vasista. When Viswamitra asked Vasista about the importance of Kamadhenu,

Vasista praises the Holy cow and says that she emerged from the ocean and was

created by Brahma to serve mankind. Sai speaks about Kamadhenu in Chapter

XXVII in Sai Sat Charita. Smt Lakshmi Bai Khaparde was the wife of a very rich

and famous advocate but she was very humble like her husband. Both the

Khapardes were faithful devotees of Sai. While she stayed at Shirdi, every noon

she brought naivedya for Sai, One day when she brought the Naivedya, Baba ran to

her and snatching the plate began to partake the dish zealously. Shama asked

Baba, “Why this partiality? You throw away dishes of others, but you are eating

this lady’s food. Why is the dish of this woman so sweet?” Baba then explained,

“this food is really extraordinary. In

her former birth (five janma’s back) she was a cow yielding much milk. I have

tasted that milk. She has come back to me after her five janmas. I saw her

after a very long time. Let me take some sweet morsels of food from her dish.”

Baba as Ram would have tasted the milk of Kamadhenu. As Baba has said, “I will

follow my baktha birth after birth”, He still remembers her. If an animal or

creature does something good to the society, they will be born as a human being

in the next birth. This is the moral, which Sai indicates to us.

------------------------------- --------------------- SANATANA DHARMA FIVE

MAJOR DOCTRINES Truth is one, Sages call it by different names* Rig Veda,

1.164.46 All Mankind is One Family* Hitopadesha, Subhashita Ratna

Bhandagare Law of Karma - As you sow, so shall you reap* Mahabharata,

Shantiparva 299.42; BG 18.60 That mode of living which is founded upon

total harmlessness towards all creatures or [in case of genuine necessity] upon

a minimum of such harm, is the highest morality* Mahabharata, Shantiparva

262.5-6 Whenever there is a decline of virtue, God incarnates Himself on

earth to uphold righteousnes* BG 4.7, 4.8 CONCEPT OF GOD The truth

(Ultimate Reality) is one, Sages call it by different names - there is one God,

(Supreme Reality) perceived differently. Supreme Reality - Brahman has two

aspects, transcendent (impersonal) and immanent (personal). In the

impersonal aspect Brahman is without attributes (nirguna Brahman). In

personal aspect (saguna Brahman) the God is creator, preserver and controller

of the universe. Saguna Brahman is worshipped in male and female form.

Hindu Deities represent various perceptions of a one God. Hindus

believe in monotheistic polytheism, rather than polytheism. HINDU TRINITY

Represents three manifestations of the Supreme Reality. These are: Brahma:

Creation Vishnu: Preservation Shiva: Destruction Hindu Trinity

(Trimurti)* Three Faces of Divin* Three Cosmic Functions of the Supreme Lord

* Creation + Preservation+ Dissolution* Generator + Operator + Destroyer =

GOD -------------------- SANATANA


Malaysia Temple Reconsecrated www.nst.com.my MALACCA, MALAYSIA, December

12, 2005: Magical. This aptly describes the two-century-old Sri Subramanian

Thuropathai Amman temple in Gajah Berang, Malacca. Rebuilt recently, the

consecration ceremony was held before dawn yesterday, accompanied by a

fireworks display. More than 10,000 devotees gathered for the 6.45am ceremony

which saw priests conducting prayers on the gopuram (the tower over the

entrance to the temple) which is adorned with more than 1,500 stone sculptures.

“The temple, which was built in the 17th century, is believed to be the largest

Hindu temple in Malaysia and has been

rebuilt in the likeness of the Madurai Meenachi Amman temple in Tamil Nadu,

India. http://www.indo.com/indonesia/news86.html Indonesia--

11pt;">Besakih Temple to be included into World Cultural Heritage List

DENPASAR (indo.com): Besakih Temple in Karang Asem regency, Bali, has been

proposed as a member of the World Cultural Heritage List. The temple

constitutes a powerful religious icon that unifies thousands of Hindu followers

from different

castes throughout Bali and beyond. Sutaba, a representative of the Bali

Archeology Board, explained to indo.com recently that Besakih Temple is part of

the island's ancient Hindu heritage, with a long history. This includes evidence

of pre-Hindu belief systems found in the large ancient stones from the

megalithic era. Also present is evidence of the worship of deities, such as

those who are

believed to reside on Mount Agung, the holy dragon known as Basuki, and also

ancestor worship. Besakih, often referred to as the "mother temple", consists

of five temple compounds around the main temple. These represent the five holy

directions, and there are also tens clan temples which are used for ancestor

worship on different days. Other compounds honor the founding father of Besakih

temple, Rsi Markandya, and Basuki - the holy guardian dragon believed to dwell

in a cave on Mount Agung. As the mother temple, Bekasi is the site of Bali's

largest and most elaborate purification ritual - Eka Dasa Rudra - held once a

century. To date, Indonesia has three national cultural conservation

structures that have been included on the "World heritage List", namely

Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple and Sangiran Archaeological Site. Besakih

Temple will be the fourth. Compiled by SaiSevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi

Saidarbar – Hyderabad. ------------------ 7. SAIBANISA OFFERS PRANAMS TO

“BRAHMARISHI VASHISHTA” Brahmarishi Vashishta was the manasputra of Lord

Brahma of the first Yuga of the creation. His wife was Arundhati. When Lord

Brahma asked him to become the priest of the 'Surya-Vansha' (descendants of the

Sun god), Vashishta declined. Since, he was free from greed for wealth; hence he

disliked the idea of doing a mean job like that of a priest. But when Lord

Brahma said that Lord Vishnu would take an incarnation in this very

'Surya-Vansha', Vashishta agreed to accept this designation. Initially,

Vashishta acted as the priest for whole of the Suryavansha, but often he had

altercation with 'Nimi', he quit all the other branches of the Suryavansha and

he made his hermitage near Ayodhya and acted as a priest only for 'Raghuvansha'

(descendant of Raghu). Whenever a famine occurred or there was no rainfall in

Ayodhya, he came to the rescue of the subjects by the powers achieved from

penance. He also saved the people of Ayodhya from any danger. When sage

Bhagiratha was unsuccessful in his attempts to bring the

11pt;">Ganges from heaven to earth, Sage Vashishta was the one who gave him a

mantra with which he succeeded. When king Dileep wanted a son for a long time,

Vashishta asked him to serve the 'Nandini' cow as a result of which he became a

father. Vashishta considered him self the most fortunate after having Lord

Rama as his disciple. He gave discourses on the 'Yogavashishtha' which he had

written. The importance of Karma (action) and right conduct had been described

in detail in 'Yogavashishtha'. Maharshi Vashishta was omniscient. If he wanted

he could have stopped Shri Rama from going into exile. But he knew very well

that Rama's going into exile would be fruitful to mankind. Maharshi Vashishta

with his wife Arundhati are also known as 'Saptarishis' even

today. ----------------- 8. DEVOTEES

EXPERIENCES: From the files of Saidarbar: Prem Desai, Surat, India I

would like to inform

you about how my wife SANNIDHI saved from critical delivery. As we are working

couple & devotee of Shree SAIBABA & with his blessing we had a baby boy born on

11/11/96 named RISHI. When she was pregnant, jaundice was detected on 7/11/96 &

on the same day, I took her to Valsad, about 85 Kms. towards south, her

hometown as she can be treated well. As it was peak Dipavali time, there were

very few Doctors present in town & others were on holiday. However we took her

to a maternity home where her name was registered for delivery & we came to

know that the lady doctor was also on holiday. However she had made alternate

arrangement then she was taken to one doctor & he started treatments.

I would like to inform you that probability of delivery was in mid of

December. On 10/11/96 she had a little pain at midnight. Next day morning I

drove to Surat for some work, moment I reached to my house at Surat I got a

telephone from Valsad saying that Sannidhi is admitted. Moment I reached to

Valsad hospital, present doctors had

warned me about critical situation & also told me that if baby comes in normal

delivery then O.K. but if we have to operate her then we don't give any

guarantee about mother or child. I always read one ADHYAY (part) of Shree Sai

Satcharitra, I started reading book & told my mother & mother in law to put

some UDI (bhasma) in her mouth & apply some on her stomach. At about 4.55 baby

boy was born & best part was it was a normal delivery and only nurse was

present. Moment she gave this news, I rushed to the nearest temple of SAI BABA

at Tithal (Tithal is a beach about 3-4 Kms. from Valsad

Town & this temple is right on beach, beautiful place to visit). After visiting

temple, I saw my wife & baby boy. This was the real CHAMTKAR of SHREE BABA. Now

my son, he is about two years, he is very healthy. For Other Devotees

Information, Valsad is about 200 kms. from Mumbai (Bombay) towards north, well

connected by Train on Western Railway. Valsad is a Dist. Head Quarter. From

Valsad transport is available to TITHAL, SAI BABA TAMPLE, There is a good guest

house near to temple, managed by Sai BaBa Temple Organization. (This experience

was received by Saidarbar during the year 1998)-Editor.

--------------------- 9. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM

SAI SATCHARITRA swamymain Fri, 16 Dec 2005 21:00:18 IST Sai Ram. Let

us continue with the spiritual gems from Chapters 18 and 19 of Sai Satcharita.

Before proceeding further, I want to share with the readers an incident which

shows that Sadguru Sai is with us all the time, if only we care to remember

Him. In the previous issue of Glory of Shirdi Sai dated 8/12/2005, a

recommendation was given to all Sai devotees to do a parayana of Sri Guru

Charitra before Datta Jayanti. This recommendation was not seen by me when I

got the e-magazine in the mail, but nevertheless Sai inspired me to do a saptah

of Sri Guru Charitra from 8/12/2005 Thursday to 14/12/2005 (Wednesday) leading

up to Sri Datta Jayanti which coincided with Thursday, this time, making it

doubly auspicious. I was really happy when I saw that I followed Sai's

recommendation. I keep getting such Anubhutis regularly, thus keeping my

Sraddha and Saburi going strong. Sai Ram. Let us now proceed with the Spiritual

Gems. "Like a loving mother forcing bitter but wholesome medicines down

the throats of her children for the sake of their health, Sai Baba imparted

spiritual instructions to His devotees." Sai Ram. Baba taught through words and

actions, some of which were not to the liking of the egoistic part of the

devotee's mind. He knew the right medicine for our disease of materialism and

attachment to the senses. As we develop faith in Sadguru Sai, we realize that

Baba always gives us exactly what we need, not necessarily what we want. Sai

Ram. "His method was not veiled or secret, but quite open. The devotees who

followed His instructions got their object. Sad-gurus like Sai Baba open our

(eyes of the) intellect and show us the divine beauties of the Self, and

fulfill our tender longings of devotion. When this is done, our desire for

sense-objects vanishes, twin fruits of Viveka (discrimination) and Vairagya

(dispassion or non-attachment) come to our hands; and knowledge sprouts up even

in the sleep. All this we get,

when we come in contact with Saints (Sad-guru), serve them and secure their

love. The Lord, who fulfills the desires of His devotees, comes to our aid,

removes our troubles and sufferings, and makes us happy. This progress or

development is entirely due to the help of the Sadguru, who is regarded as the

Lord Himself. Therefore, we should always be after the Sad-guru, hear His

stories, fall at His Feet and serve Him. Now we come to our main story." Sai

Ram. Listening to stories of saints is one form of satsang. Falling at His feet

is vandanam. Serving Him is paadasevanam and daasyam. Thus we get the benefit of

the bhakti in various forms. God's grace is due to our poorva janma punya and

that in turn brings us into contact with Sadguru (it is not necessary that the

Sadguru should be in a physical form, Sai repeatedly made it clear that He was

not to be confused with His physical form, though seeing Him, listening to Him

and touching Him was certainly helpful in the early stages of devotion), which

in turn brings us close to our own divine nature by removing the many layers of

ignorance. Sai Ram. "There was a gentleman named Mr. Sathe, who had attained

some publicity many years ago during Crowford Regime, which was put down by

Lord Reay, the then Governor of Bombay. He suffered severe losses in trade.

Other adverse circumstances gave him much trouble, and made him sad and

dejected. Being restless, he thought of leaving home; and going out to a


place. Man does not generally think of God, but when difficulties and calamities

overtake him, he turns to Him and prays for relief." Sai Ram. Thus it is seen

many a time that troubles are actually our friends in disguise. So, when

troubles come, instead of cursing our fate and blaming God for our troubles, we

should indeed be grateful that an opportunity for further spiritual progress has

come our way! Sai Ram. However, this happens only if, "If his evil actions

have come to an end, God arranges his meeting with a Saint, who gives him

proper directions regarding his welfare. Mr. Sathe had similar experience. His

friends advised him to go to Shirdi, where so many people were flocking to get


Baba's darshan, for getting peace of mind and the satisfaction of their wants."

On the other hand, if the person is paying for his past actions and is not yet

ready for further progress, he doesn't get such a good opportunity. It may take

days, weeks, months or years to finish off that karmic debt, before God/Guru

comes to help him. The story of Sri Gopal Ambadekar is an example (See Chapter

26). "He liked the idea, and at once came to Shirdi in 1917. Seeing Baba's

Form, which was like Eternal Brahma, Self-luminous, Spotless and Pure, his mind

lost its restlessness and became calm and composed." Sai Ram. Indeed this is a

good sign. Where the mind loses its restlessness, there is the Guru Sthan! So,

indeed Mr.Sathe has come to his Guru! Or rather, the Guru called him to His

feet through this leela! The stories of Kakaji Vaidya, the priest of Goddess

Saptasrungi and Sri Somadeva Swamy also testify to the fact that when one meets

one's Guru, all vrittis get subsided and a great calm and peace settles on the

mind. The jeevatma, the individual soul realises that it has reached its true

home. The restlessness, the anguish, the sense of loneliness and fears (typical

of a lost child) disappear. Sai Ram. "He thought that it was the accumulation

of merits in his former births that brought him to the Holy Feet of Baba. He

was a man of strong will. He at once started to make a parayana (study) of

Guru-charitra. When the reading was finished in the saptaha (seven days), Baba

gave him a vision that night. It was to this effect: Baba with Guru-charitra in

His hand was

explaining its contents to Mr. Sathe, who was sitting in front and listening

carefully. When he woke up, he remembered the dream and felt very happy." Sai

Ram. Seeing Guru in dream is another auspicious sign of Guru's grace! Thus

indeed Sathe was blessed by Sri Sai. Sai Ram. “He thought that it was

extremely kind of Baba. Who awakens souls like his that are snoring in

ignorance, and makes them taste the nectar of Guru-charitra. Next day, he

informed Kakasaheb Dixit of this vision, and requested him to consult Sai Baba

regarding its meaning or significance -- whether one saptah (week's) reading

was sufficient or whether he should begin again. Kakasaheb Dixit, when got a

suitable Opportunity, asked Baba - "Deva (Oh God), what did you suggest to Mr.

Sathe by this vision? Whether he should stop or continue the saptaha? He is a

simple devotee, his desire should be fulfilled and the vision explained to him,

and he should be blessed." Then Baba replied - "He should make one more saptah

of the book; if the work be studied carefully, the devotee will become pure and

will be benefited, the Lord will be pleased and will rescue him from the bondage

of the mundane existence." Sai Ram. Two readings and he will be freed from the

bondage of mundane existence! What great punya has Sri Sathe accumulated in his


11pt;">births! We should indeed bow to Sri Sathe. A good disciple is indeed

worthy of respect and the Guru too will be pleased, just as God will be pleased

by our service to His devotees! Sai Ram. We will continue with this great

chapter in the coming issues. Sai Ram. S.V.Swamy Author, Editor, Proof-Reader

and Book Reviewer www.freewebs.com/swamyreviews To be continued…..

------------------------------- 10. SAI

WITH CHILDREN: http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpg Smt. Madhu Gopal

Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know

Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt

children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. For the

last 2 years I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story.

Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood. THE TIGER AND THE

GOLD BANGLE: One day a rich merchant was passing through a dense forest. As he

walked down the path his solid gold bangle shone on his wrist. A tiger was

hiding in the tall grass by the path. As the merchant came near enough, the

tiger pounced and killed him. After feasting on the merchant’s flesh, the tiger

did not know what to do with the gold bangle. He kept it with himself any way.

After few years, the tiger grew old and weak. He could no longer chase a prey.

He started thinking of some way to get his food. He remembered the gold bangle

he had. He thought, “I have heard that human beings are very fond of gold. I

must test and confirm this. May be I can lure some passers – by with this gold

bangle and then kill them. This way, I will have enough to eat to survive the

rest of the days of my life.” So the tiger took the gold bangle and sat by

the path that ran across the forest. As he had thought, he lured many people

with the gold bangle and ate them up. Now he had found a good idea to eat the

tasty flesh of human beings. He made it a routine. In this way, he began to

live a happy life. One day a clever but poor man named Krishna was walking down

the forest path. As he walked on, he heard a voice from the tall grass by the

path, “My Dear man, will you stop for a while and hear me out?” Krishna looked

around, but could see no one near the trees or bushes. Then his eyes were

blinded by a flash in the grass. He stealthily walked a

step nearer. To his surprise, he saw a tiger in the tall grass. He held a gold

bangle in his paw. Then fear gripped Krishna’s heart and he stepped back. The

tiger said, “Don’t fear my friend. Come here and take this gold bangle.”

Krishna said, “Do you take me for a fool? You are a well known ferocious

animal. I can not come near you to lose my life.” But the tiger insisted,

“Your thoughts are true because every one knows that tigers are violent

animals. But look at me now. I am not strong any more and my paws have lost the

sharp nails too. I have killed many people and animals in my life. Now I am old,

I want to

die without any burden of sin. I gave up my violent nature. As repentance I want

to give this gold bangle to any man. You are lucky to have come down this forest

path today.” At the tiger’s honest sounding lecture, Krishna grew thoughtful. He

thought, “If this tiger has given up his violent nature then there seems to be

no danger in approaching him. Further more, I am a poor man. The gold bangle

which the tiger is offering can help me a lot.” So overcome by greed and

losing his ability to think, Krishna went to the tiger. The wicked tiger waited

till Krishna came near and then pounced on him. Krishna died instantly and once

again the tiger was able to fool a man due to his greed for gold.

-------------- 11. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES:


Sri K J Bhisma in the noon Aarathi prays to Baba "You attract even atheists

and transform them into theists.."(Naasthika nahi .....nijabhajani).We can

understand from the following narration that his statement is cent percent

correct. We know that Keshav Rao Pradhan of Bhivapuri (near Mumbai) a declared

atheist was made to build Sai Mandir in the year 1916 itself i.e., during

Baba's presence. In fact Baba did not allow Pradhan to visit Shirdi after 1916

as He was always present at Bhivapuri Sai Mandir. We have read in Chap 9 of

Sri Sai Satcharitra that Rama Chandra Atmaram Tarkhad

alias Baba Saheb Tarkhad was a prardhana samajist. Let us see how Baba pulled

him towards Him. The miraculous cure of Mrs Tarkhad's chronic headache by mere

touch of Healing Hand of Sainath was the main reason for remarkable change in

the hearts of Tarkhad family and also in their firm faith in Baba's spiritual

powers. Baba Saheb consulted his close friends Kaka Mahajani, Jaykar and

Purandhare who were Sai devotees before giving consent to his wife who insisted

on his visit to Shirdi with them. Atlast father, mother and son travelled to

Shirdi by train. On the way gents were playing cards to kill the time. A fakir

approached Baba Saheb for alms; he gave him a silver coin with the stamp of

George V embossed on it. After they reached Shirdi Baba asked Mr Tarkhad

whether he could recognize Him. He showed the same silver coin given last night

and asked "Do you atleast recognize this which you had given me last night?”

Tarkhad was trying to recollect but Baba told him" Hay,

That fakir and myself were the same ".Then he bowed to Baba as this incident

transformed him to a good devotee. He visited Shirdi several times and supplied

petromax lights to Dwarakamai and rolls of cloth for Baba's kufni. He had lot of

experiences and was the first treasurer of Sai Samsthan. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA

JAYA SAI D.Sankaraiah. -------------------------------- 12. LETTERS FROM

SAIDEVOTEES: N.R.Venkateswaran (AT) gsk (DOT) com Thu, 8 Dec 2005 11:13:11 +0530 Sairam,


interesting and also the quotes impressed me which I have forwarded to some of

my collegues. I feel people should put into practice and ensure that they

feed the poor people atleast on

every saturday. Sairam Venkateswaran N.R. -------------------------------

asha_ravi2004may21 9 Dec 2005 12:34:02 +0000 (GMT) Sri Satchidananda

Sainatha Maharaj Ki Jai! Thank you so much for this most valuable info and

articles in “The Glory of Shirdi Sai”. Asha kumar. ---------------------

5luckyshamrocks (AT) verizon (DOT) net Thu, 08 Dec 2005

11pt;"> 08:36:23 -0500 Thank you for this wonderful share. I really enjoyed

reading “The Glory of Shirdi Sai”. Naomi

---------- 13. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: Please visit

for Sai Aartis in Telugu:

http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/PDFS/pdfs.htm Please visit for Sai

Aaratis Audio:


11pt;"> ------------------------------- FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT

SIDE INDIA: Please contact: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org & saidarbar


‘Satsanga’ is the combination of the two words ‘Sat’ and ‘Sangh.’ ‘Sat’ means

existence absolute, which is Brahman. ‘Sangh’ literally means company or union.

To be always in the company of the Lord, or to be established in Brahman, is the

literal meaning of the word ‘Satsangh.’ Satsangh is association with the wise.

Live in the company of sages, saints, Sadhus, Yogis and Sannyasins; hear their

valuable Upadesa or instructions and follow them implicitly. This is Satsanga.

God and Saint Sainath: * God is the great purifier. A saint SAI also is a

great purifier. * God incarnates as saints and sages when their need is felt

most. * God works through sages and saints. * God reveals Himself in a

saint in His full glory, infinite power, wisdom and bliss. * The saints are

the heart of the Lord and the Lord is the heart of the saint. * It is

extremely difficult to come in contact with a saint and to be benefited by his

company. It is through divine grace only one will get his Darshan and Satsangah

* Divine grace works through saints. * Saints are the living symbols of

religion and are the true benefactors of humanity. * The sage or saint or

Yogi is a magnet. He is a centre of power and wisdom. * A sage is a

sustainer of the world. He is a source of

perpetual inspiration. He is an instrument through which divine grace is

transmitted to the un- regenerated men. * A sage is the salt which

preserves the society from decay and degeneration. * A saint is a

beacon-light in the stormy sea of this Samsara. He prevents many ship-wrecks in

the lives of many human beings. * A realized sage or saint is a fountain of

delight, joy and illumination. Seek his company and evolve. Serve him with

faith and devotion. * A sage is a fountain of spiritual

wisdom. Approach him with all humility and reverence. He will impart to you

divine wisdom. * Learn wisdom from saints. They are your saviors. Know them

to be saints who possess godly qualities. The Benefits of Satsangh: *

Satsangh with Mahatmas, Sadhus and the Guru plays a tremendous part in the

attainment of quick spiritual progress. * Satsanga is the

easiest and quickest means to change the minds of worldly persons towards the

spiritual path and to thoroughly overhaul the vicious, wrong Samskaras. *

Satsangh elevates the mind and fills it with Sattva or purity. It eradicates

the vicious thoughts in the mind and leads to the attainment of wisdom or

Brahma-jnana. * Without Satsanga, this mind which is filled with worldly

impurities cannot be turned towards God. * Satsanga with sages is the

surest Viveka-inspiring agent. Vairagya or dispassion cannot be attained

without Satsangh.

11pt;"> * Satsangh removes the darkness of ignorance and fills your mind with

Vairagya or non-attachment or dispassion for worldly enjoyments. Satsanga is the

sun that dispels the cloud of ignorance. It forces you to lead the life divine

and have strong conviction in the existence of God. * The company of a

saint remarkably hastens the growth of Sattvic virtues in the aspirant, and

gives him strength to awaken the dormant powers, and to eradicate undesirable

negative qualities and various defects. * Satsanga helps a great deal in

the attainment of Moksha. There is no other way. It removes and destroys the

threefold afflictions. It is an unfailing means to conquer Maya

and this dire mind. * Satsanga is a formidable and impregnable fortress to

protect the young aspirants from the temptations and the attacks of Maya. *

Just as a boat is the greatest shelter to a drowning man, so also, a saint or a

sage is the only shelter to the persons who are being drowned in the ocean of

worldliness. * Satsangh is a sentinel at the door of Moksha. If you make

friendship with him, he will introduce you to his other friends, viz., Vichara

(enquiry), Santi (peace) and Santosha (contentment) and you will attain

Self-realisation quickly and easily. * Satsangh is unfailing in its

results. * Satsangh or association with the wise is the one panacea for all

the ills of life. * There is nothing so inspiring, elevating, solacing and

delightful as Satsanga. * Satsangh is the greatest of all purifiers and

illuminators of man. * Satsangh with a sage even for a minute is much

better than rulership of a kingdom. * Have the company of saints who will

heal your sores, infuse new life into you, rejuvenate you, and show you the way

to peace and happiness. * Follow the teachings of saints and sages, the

perfected beings, the seers of Truth. Attune yourself with their Spirit. *

Life, fame, happiness, power and knowledge will increase in that man who

respects elders and saints, and with faith and devotion prostrates before them.

--------------- 14. FROM SAI ORGANISATIONS:

For Activities of Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA: Contact

murali_krishnamurthy2003 Report: Dec 16, 2005 Satsangh Saidarbar

Laurel, MD USA Inbox Jai Sai Ram. December 16th, 2005 Shirdi Sai Satsangh

for Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA was conducted little differently to bring children

into the concept of bhakthi and discipline.Some of the kids are extremely

talented. After Ganesha pooja, we read Sai Satcharithra Chapter 3 and it was

time for the kids to participate. Sai Nama Japa ( Om sai sri sai jai jai sai)

was started by 4 year old Vishnu ( son of Shri Murali and Sharmila

Krishnamurthy) which went on for 10

minutes. Then Adyut (Son of Shri Kamal and Paroo Chauhan) recited the holy

Hanuman Chalisa. It was bliss all the time. We encouraged the kids to prepare

for the next satsangh to present something spiritual/devotional. Arathi was

performed and Shirdi Sai was all in his glory. The arathi proceeds will be

donated to an orphanage in Chennai. More devotees are joining also. Murali

Krishnamurthy, Laurel, MD USA

11pt;">---- Saidarbar Chennai:

saidarbarchennai (AT) (DOT) co.in For Activities of Saidarbar Chennai Contact

saidarbarchennai (AT) (DOT) co.in Chennai Saidarbar Team.

"Ramesh and Anitha" kandra (AT) iprimus (DOT) com.au

Sat, 3 Dec 2005 21:28:35 +1100 Saidarbar-Canberra For Further details visit:

http://angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra ---

Shirdi Sai Baba" technical (AT) saidarbarusa (DOT) org Saidarbar Wallingford-PA- USA: For

further details please visit www.saidarbarusa.org

------------------- "Shanthi Ramakrishnan”:

shanthi (AT) sigmacgi (DOT) com Sai Darbar Portland OR USA please contact

shanthi (AT) sigmacgi (DOT) com Shanthi ------------ A.S.Rao, - raoas (AT) zamnet (DOT) zm For

Activities of Sai

Darbar Kitwe, Zambia Please contact: raoas (AT) zamnet (DOT) zm -------------------- Anil

Zutshi: zutshi_anil_k (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net For activities of Saidarbar

Danbaru-Canitcut-USA Please contact: zutshi (AT) msn (DOT) com,zutshi (AT) magnai (DOT) com

------------------- Satish Achanta: vskachanta (AT) hotmail (DOT) com For activities of

Saidarbar Woodland Hills-CA-USA- Please contact: vskachanta (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

----------------- Ravi Subramanyam: sai_ravi (AT) hotmail (DOT) com For activities of

Saidarbar Livermore-CA-USA Please contact: sai_ravi (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

---------- Suresh Vaghela:

suresh (AT) vaghela (DOT) net,suresh (AT) somtek (DOT) com For activities of Saidarbar-London Please

contact: suresh (AT) vaghela (DOT) net,suresh (AT) somtek (DOT) com

-------------------- "Raja"

rajamm (AT) starhub (DOT) net.sg 12/1/2005 12:35:25 +0800 Sai Sansthan, Singapore Weekly

Satsanghs on all Saturdays Venue: Sri Vadapathira Kaliamman Temple, 555

Serangoon Road

11pt;"> Singapore 218174 Time Program 6.30 pm Start of the

Bhajan Session. Playing of Sai Baba's mantra CD 7.00 pm Reading of Sai

Satcharitra 7.30 pm Sai Baba Bhajan - Singing / CD 8.00 pm Sai Baba's

Aarti 8.15 pm Distribution of prasadam More details on www.saisansthana.com

---------------- "The Shirdi Sai Mandir,

Toronto": events (AT) theshirdisaimandir (DOT) com 11/24/2005

11pt;">08:40:27 -0500 The Shirdi SAI Mandir, Scarborough, Toronto, Canada The

Shirdi Sai Mandir located at 2721 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON

M1X 1L5 (Intersection of Markham and Nashdene) is open Monday to Friday from

6.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m and Saturday to Sunday from 10.30 a.m to 8.30 p.m. Dhoop

aarti - 7.30 p.m everyday. Bhajans - Saturday, from

11pt;">5.00 p.m onwards. For other temple activities and information please

visit www.theshirdisaimandir.com or send an email to

info (AT) theshirdisaimandir (DOT) com Sincerely, Suhas Godkhindi

------------------------- "Atlanta Sai Temple News":

webmaster (AT) templeofpeace (DOT) org Mon, 5 Dec 2005 17:26:45 -0800 Dear Devotees,

Continuing our tradition of celebrating Sai Vrath on every second Saturday.

Pooja will be performed from 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Please bring your friends

and family to witness this pooja and receive Baba's blessings! North America

Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta invites everyone to come and celebrate the New

Years Day celebration with family and friends on Sunday January 1, 2006; from

12 noon to 9 pm. Archanas will be done throughout the day. Atlanta

11pt;">Sai Temple 700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024

------ "Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center":

sai (AT) hamaresai (DOT) org For Further details Visit: Web Page:

http://www.hamaresai.org/ Email: hamaresai

-------------------------------- "Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA:

shirdisaidallas Baba Pada Puja & Abhishekam This event repeats on the

first Saturday of every month. Event Location: 2109 W. Parker Road,

11pt;">Plano, Texas It will be followed by Vishnu Sahasranamam at 11:00am.

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web site to:

admin (AT) shirdisaidallas (DOT) org http://www.shirdisaidallas.org

---- "Om Sai Mandir"

saisandesh (AT) omsaimandir (DOT) org Sai Sandesh's present issue and archives can be read

at: http://www.omsaimandir.org/newsletter1.cfm

------------------- "S Chopra"

saileela99 SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN, CANADA invites all to join

every Thursday for Satsang at 6:30PM - Sai Dwarkamai, 147 Winston Castle Dr.

Markham ON L6C 2N4 Ph: 905-887-1752 or email: saileela99 Shammi

Chopra ------------- babamandir (AT) babamandir (DOT) org

Om Sairam! Mandir Pathrika is now in its third Year of publication. We request

all devotees to contribute articles to Mandir Pathrika. Articles can be any

information on Saibaba, Jalaram bapa or devotee Experiences, suggestions etc.

Please email your articles to babamandir (AT) babamandir (DOT) org You can view all

previous issues by opening the following link.

http://www.babamandir.org/mandir/OnlineResources.html Vijay

------ info (AT) dwarakamaishirdi (DOT) org SHRI SHIRDI


11pt;">TEMPLE, 46-16 ROBINSON ST, FLUSHING, NY The following is the schedule

for December 2005 12/25/2005 Sunday Sai Satya Vritha Katha

11pt;"> 12/28/2005 Wednesday Pradosham (Shiva Abhishek) Temple Management

---------------- voora srinivas :

voora Mon, 05 Dec 2005 15:18:24 -0000 Sri Shirdi Sai Florida Center

4707 S. Pleasant Grove Road Inverness, FL 34452 For further details contact

voora "saibandhu" <saibandhu > Wed, 21 Dec 2005

01:46:53 -0000 Dear Shirdi Sai

devotees, This week's Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans are at the Prayer Hall in

Cupertino, CA . We would like to invite you and your family for the Bhajans.

Thursday- December 22nd Time: 7:30 to 8:25

p.m – Sai Mahima and Bhajans 8.25 to 8.30 p.m – Mangalam & Naivedyam

8.30 to 8.50 p.m – Shej Arathi

11pt;">Address: Odd Fellows Temple 20589 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA 95014

Saibandhus http://www.shirdisaiparivaar.org

---------------- 15. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Books

in English: 1. OUR GURU – GOD SHIRDI SAIBABA Author: SAI ANANDA Published


Price : Rs. 50/- 2. THE ETERNAL SAI Author: S. MANEEY Published by : SRI SAI


028 Price: Rs. 25/- Books in Telugu: 1. SRI SAI STUTI MALA Author: KANAPARTI



11pt;"> 2. SAMPOORNA SRI GURU CHARITRA (Daily parayana grandham) Author:

Sri. ALURU GOPALA RAO Published by : Mohan publications Kota Gummam, opposite

Ajanta Hotel, Rajahmundry - A.P. India. Pin: 533 101 Price: Rs. 63/-

-------------------------------- Please Note: Those desirous of using this

facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE

new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact:

webmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org , saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org & saidarbar (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent

to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned.

-------- E- Books from Saidarbar: 1. SAI A

BEACON FOR HUMANITY: You can obtain your copy at

http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/other_books.htm 2. SAI IN DREAMS You can

obtain your copy at http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/ Contact for further

details: Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal: vijishvanya


http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500041.htm We will be

happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side Hyderabad, India on prior

intimation. For further details please contact saidarbar

--------- 16. EDITORIAL. Things impressed

me from this Magazine: Truth is one; Sages call it by different names All

Mankind is One Family That mode of living which is founded upon total

harmlessness towards all creatures or [in case of genuine necessity] upon a

minimum of such harm is the highest morality. A sage is a sustainer of the

world. He is a source of perpetual inspiration. He is an instrument through

which divine grace is transmitted to the un- regenerated

men. A sage is a fountain of spiritual wisdom. Approach him with all humility

and reverence. He will impart to you divine wisdom. Life, fame, happiness,

power and knowledge will increase in that man who respects elders and saints

and with faith and devotion prostrates before them. Sai devotees may write

about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai

to "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" – they may be address their contributions to E-mail

id: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org with a copy marked to webmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org We

shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shiridi Sai- the

bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to

publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine

practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org Also read

the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm If you are

subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we request that the

person concerned may be notified about receiving the same. Editor does not

accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This

e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Submitted by Sai Sevak:

Srinivasa Rao Kasturi P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of

Shirdi Sai ", Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action. Send instant

messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.

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