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What are the Effects of Chanting the Holy Name?

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Hare Krishna,


I think this translation of "Sri Bhakti Chandrika", 7th Patala, lists the effects of chanting the maha-mantra quite nicely and concisely:


"This maha-mantra is endowed with thirty-two syllables and can destroy all sins. Just as fire destroys, this maha-mantra can destroy all evil habits and bestow dharma (duty or religious duty according to one's qualities and position, one of the four goals of human life), artha (economic development, one of the four goals of human life), kama (material enjoyment, one of the four goals of human life) and moksha(liberation, one of the four goals of human life). It's beautiful form is capable of stealing all of one's foolish, ignorant mentality,and it is the giver of suddha-sattvika(pure goodness) intelligence. It bestows the symptoms of prema-bhakti. It is worshipable and is worty of being served by all. Sri nama fulfills everyone's desires. All are qualified to serve this maha-mantra, meaning all are qualified to perform sankirtana of the maha-mantra. This maha-mantra is the well-wisher of everyone and is endowed with the potency to attract all. It is the destroyer of all afflictions. It does not consider the rules of diksha, and is not restricted by time. The maha-mantra is worshiped just by saying it. No external paraphernalia is required. It is capable of giving results simply by it's contact with the tongue, without considering the rules pertaining to time, place and circumstance."


I hope this was of help to you,



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Shri Shri Guru Gaurangau Jayatah !!!


"The Holy Names are purely transcendental, eternal, unchanging, full of infinite transcendental Rasa (mellow), bestower of all good blessings and identical with the forms, qualities, pastimes and associates of Them who are addressed i.e. Shri Shri Radha Gopinath. The Transcendental Names cannot be served by material senses. By their own mercy they awaken in the heart of a humble faithful devotee performing loving devotional service of Shri Hari Gurudeva and Vaishnavas and Their Holy Names".

Shrila Rupa Goswami in Shri Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu

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