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A dried up stump...

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Hari Om



Namaskar advaitin,


I am just wondering if others may read the Chhandogya Upanishad and

have an opinion of this knowledge?  I am blessed to read the

discourses  of Swami Krishnananda, TV. Kapali Sastry, and Sri

Aurobindo to assist in my understandings.  From this great knowledge

I have a greater appreciation of Santana Dharma that I practice, and

understand Christianity better also...how so?  let me, if I may

explain a view point if you care to listen.



There is a sutra (or stitch) in the Chhandogya Upanishad that says,


".... if one were to tell this (Truth) to a dried-up stump for sure,

branches would shoot forth and leaves would spring from it".

So, says Satyakama, the rishi,  in the Chhandogya Upanishad


What could be so powerful as to cause this?  The metaphor is that of

one being able to talk the Truth ( therefore an enlightened being

doing the instructing)  and giving  this knowledge to another

sisya,  sadhu, etc.


This  vidya , or insight, is a practice or sadhana the rishi is

asking the sadhaka to consider.


What is interesting is this vidya is called the prana vidya... some

know prana as air, life force, etc etc. but as you can expect it is

much more profound then air.   This prana is a vital limb ( prarika)

of a key tenet of Brahman, or this Fullness (plenum) we discuss on

this forum.


Brahman as we know it is Satchitananda - or Truth (Sat) of Being ,

Consciousness (chit) and Bliss-delight (ananda). This 3-in-1

relationship? reminds me of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

found in Christianity.


Brahman as akasha -  all encompassing  ether (akasha) and is the

substance of delight of SELF-being ( Sat-Truth); Brahman as prana is

this active consciousness that is inherent in Brahman as Life-force,

and is verily consciousness - it is undecaying and it's immortal -

it is the power of the Spirit. Some call this the active force of

consciousness that is breathed into all ( into the individual , the

jiva, or soul) - I can see this as the Holy Spirit, the holy

Consciousness - Prana.


So we as mere small divine beings can appreciate Brahman as aksasa,

and consciousness and can experience this Braham somewhat

from looking/contemplating and meditations and transcending to get a

feel of Brahman, yet still so vast and huge for us to really 'get

it'  until we live and breathe Brahman once enlightened.


So how does the Son fit in to this discussion? It is said in this

Chhandogya Upanishad, there is a special being called

Sanatkumara.  This name is of great interest - Sana comes

from "sanatana" or eternal   +  "kumara: or divine child.

There is a special function of the Son of the Creator (Sanatkumara)

to dispel the darkness of humans and bring the light.


As we have noted from the bible(John 14:6-21) Jesus points out, "No

one comes to the Father except through me"  is so profound;

this is the concept of  Sanatkumara.


Jesus is declaring he understands this principle and is teaching it

thus, as Sanatkumara.  That , in the final episode of your

development there is a helper,  a deliverer. Jesus was one. The

principle of Sanatkumara has been here for eon's before and after

Jesus, yet Jesus is Sanatkumara in the living flesh that recognized

this and could act on it . 


The final deliverer is there by HIS Grace, and is HIS Grace, that

delivers one's self to the SELF  to enlightenment and he does

Brahma's ( Brahman's name as Creator)  work.


It is said that the SELF reveals itSELF to  itSELF... we just

prepare the land to get it ready with our prayers, meditations and

good works... as Jesus said,   (John 6:44-45) "No one can come to me

unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at

the last day".

What is this last day? For me, its the last day of IGNORANCE of not

personally and intimately knowing the SELF (Atman), Brahman, and 

the day Sanatkuma completes the task of deliverer for the  sadhaka.


Pranams,and All GLory to HIM who breathes out the Ved.










Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman.

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  Namaskar Yajvan,


   That is a beautiful commentary. Thanks for posting.

   I was raised as a Catholic Christian and studied for 9 years in

the Catholic school maintained by a Benetian Monastery here in Rio

de Janeiro. So I lived my youth among the priests (as this school is

run by priests and many of them are teachers) and obviously learned

a lot about Christianity.

   This relation of 3 is seen everywhere in the Universe. There are

the 3 Divine Manifestations variously called Brahma, Vishnu and

Shiva; Holy Ghost, Son and Father and even in Buddhism the

Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya. There is also the 3 states

we as jivas experience, which are being discussed on the list at

present: waking, dreaming and deep sleep.

   In this case it is interesting to do the relationships. In my

view Brahma is the Son, Vishnu is the Holy Ghost and Shiva is the

Father of Christianity but it may be altered depending on which of

the Hindu deities one takes to be the Father. In Buddhism the

Dharmakaya is the Father, Sambhogakaya the Holy Ghost and Nirmana

Kaya the Son. In the 3 states, Dharmakaya is the Sushupti (Father),

Sambhogakaya the Svapna (Holy Ghost) and Nirmanakaya the Jagrat


   It is said in Christianity that the Holy Ghost is the medium of

communication between Father and Son, or Spirit and Matter. So it is

that in dreams, visions and Samadhis one may have this communication

from the Spirit to the Person. I have had some very interesting

dreams about things which I should stop doing or should do for my











Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman.

Advaitin Homepage at: Terms of Service.




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