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I feel like im tired of everything in life...

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Hi everyone


I am a new devotee and I have been going through a lot. I just found out my soon to be husband cheated on me and we just broke it off. I feel so down and sad. I really dont know what to do. I feel like breaking down and crying all the time. What advice you u all have for me? I would gladly appreciate it please. I really need to come to a solution i'm hurting very bad and I reALly need krsnas help.What can I do so I can feel better knowing krsna is by myside.

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I have undergone that phase too; not exactly like that but also about personal relationship problem.


My advice would be practical but spiritual as well. If you have a devotee girlfriend who is a confidant, talk to her; let it out. Cry if you have to. Releasing that emotional pressure is good for the body. Pray to Krishna. Chant on your japa, by meditating on the names of Krishna you will at least be transported to another realm even for some period. You very well know that meditating soothes our minds. Read devotional books especially Krishna lilas, maybe not the madhurya lila stories but the Damodar lilas, eg. Krishna as a little boy. It will make you smile. Listen to kirtan on your Cd or on the internet .


Have a break ; get some fresh air; have a walk to the park or beach. Do some cooking—try new recipes. In short let your mind be occupied after you have done your sadhana for the day. If you are a student or a worker; go on as normal.


But of course you will still be faced about your decision regarding that person. Maybe it’s a good thing that you know this early that he is not reliable or sincere. On the other hand, we all make mistakes and maybe this is just a lapsed in his judgement. Maybe your relationship with him is still repairable. You should try to assess the situation. Or maybe at this stage it is better to let time takes its course; time will tell.


Remember that in everything on this planet there are always challenges. As the Gita said; we should be equiposed in the dualities of this material world. If you feel so down and feel there is no one there for you , you can talk to me at email address : jivattatva(at)(dot)co(dot)uk


It is funny that when someone needs help on this forum everyone turns quiet; but we do spend lots of time debating things that we know will not change the position/understanding of the other person. I believe persons trying to be Vaishnavas are not zombies and they can show caring feelings too. Or is it because male devotee are not meant to talk to women devotee. Come on , the poor girl might be in a really desperate situation !!


Cheer up

Radhe Radhe




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I think you'll find good advice in both jndas' and Myrla's replies. Be grateful that you found out more about this fellow's character before you married. Understand that all these things are temporary; heck, the cosmos is really just a blip! That puts some perspective on these things, which always, always seem all-consuming when we're in their midst. I have some problems, but when I think of my sister's struggle with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), or my next-door neighbor's plight (he just had a stroke while recovering from open-heart surgery, with two valve replacements and a double bypass), it helps me get a little perspective on my little problems.


At the same time, you do have to deal with the emotional toll this experience has on your mind and body. Deeper sadhana, more intense hearing and chanting, good prasadam and good sleep, getting outside and getting some exercise will all help you get through the throes of this crisis. Good devotees for friends will help, too. Myrla has some experience with life, so I think writing her may be a good move.

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Hi everyone


I am a new devotee and I have been going through a lot. I just found out my soon to be husband cheated on me and we just broke it off. I feel so down and sad. I really dont know what to do. I feel like breaking down and crying all the time. What advice you u all have for me? I would gladly appreciate it please. I really need to come to a solution i'm hurting very bad and I reALly need krsnas help.What can I do so I can feel better knowing krsna is by myside.


Do you see what you have written? Reminds me of Arjuna when he saw the material situation before him on the battlefield. Relatives friends teachers and well wishers all arrayed on the battlefield ready to fight him. This great warrior became bewildered and dropped his bow and asked Krsna to instruct him and guide him because no one else was to found who could help him. He surrendered to Krsna.


I agree with what has been said before by others so no need to repeat it. Krsna is claiming you as His own. This is a difficult time for you. I would worry that you might become disillusioned by the whole thing and throw Krsna out with the rascal you almost married. But thankfully in the last two paragraphs of your post you revealed wisdom in your natural inclination to draw close to Krsna and take His shelter. That inclination is Supersoul as Caitya guru giving you direction as to what to do next.


"What to do now" is to respond to His prompting as Arjuna did by falling down before Him and reveal you heart to Him.:pray: Even though He knows it already by talking to Him you establish and firm up that connection.


Stay close those those that inspire you.


Please accept my respects Vaisnavi.

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SB 1.8.26: My Lord, Your Lordship can easily be approached, but only by those who are materially exhausted. One who is on the path of [material] progress, trying to improve himself with respectable parentage, great opulence, high education and bodily beauty, cannot approach You with sincere feeling.



Click link on verse numbers to go to purport

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