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What is a good edition, in your opinion, of the Mahabharata?

Some aren't very good at all, and I would really appreciate it if someone can help me, to tell me a good edition :)


thank you so much :)


P.s. I bought one that is a "summary", so I at least know some about the Mahabharata before I really study it :)



I just wanted also to say,

thank you to everyone here. You've really welcomed me,

and have done nothing but help me.

I really appreciate you guys, and I wish you all the blessing that Krishna can bestow upon you :)



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Radhe Krishna,


I had been to Haridwar and Rishikesh this weakend. Haridwar which was known as Mayapuri in Purana ithihasas is one among the saptha mokshapuris. Mahabharatham is the Ithihasam composed by veda vyasa and written by Ganesha, the elephant phased Devatha. For writing Mahabharatha, Shri Ganesha broke one of his Danthas - Teath. An elepant has two Danthas of which shri ganesha broke one dantha to write Mahabharatha. So he is called Ekadantha - meaning and elephant devatha with one dantha. There was a competition between shri veda vyasa and shri ganesha as to whether shri ganesha writes the scripture faster than being recited by veda vyasa or shri vyasa recites the scripture faster than being written by shri ganesha. There was another condition that while while writing the grantha, shri ganesh only after properly understanding the meaning of each shlok shall he write the grantha. In spite of vyasa's instruction ganesha wrote the shlokas very fastly after understanding them immediately on recited by vyasa. So at the end of every hundred shlokas shri vyasa recited one shloka which has more than one purport. At this juncture ganesha took a second to understand both the purports. In this gap shri vyasa mentally composed the forthcoming 100 shlokas and the recital and writing went on in this fashion. The entire itihasa of mahabharatha consists of one hundred thousand shlokas. mean one lakh shlokas. Among these one lakh shlokas, u would find great hindu works like Shrimad Bhagavath Geetha, Sanath Sujatheeyam, Vishnu Sahasranamam and many more great uttara meemamsa granthas. Mahabharatham is an ocean where if one dives would come out pearls like Bhagavath geetha. Even today u can get the entire mahabharatham with one lakh moola shlokas printed in Devanagari script from Geetha press, Gorakhpur.


Radhe krishna

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Also, one ISKCON swami told me that the Kishore Ganguli translation is good. This is said to be the only complete, unabridged version available in English. Subhramaniam Swami is a Mayavadi, which jndas knows about, but yet since there are few Vaisnava editions of this work out, his edition is sometimes read by ISKCON people.


The Ganguli edition used to be in 12 volumes, but is now being sold in 4. You can find it at such places as vedanta.com.


I also saw something in my search about there being an e-version of this book available, so you might want to check that out too.



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