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Guru Vaani

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Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram

We want to draw your attention to certain queries


Can we get this from Gurudham to achieve that?

Does we get this siddhi from that sadhna?

Will that sadhna material provding this special

siddhi is available a gurudham?

and some similar queries like this.

We do not know what kind of answers they

expect from this group.

Do they want any kind of confirmed assurance?

Do they want some kind of deadline for getting special siddhis?

Do they think they will be wasting their time if some

kind of "proof" is not there about these sadhnas?

We really do not know, but sometimes it feels like that.

When we say that Guru is Shiva, does it sound like cliche

to some people?

Do they have developed a habit of taking this important

fact as granted?

Do they really believe in this?

If an importnat fact is reminded many times that does not

mean it is just for the sake of making statement.

We are just giving some phrases of "GURU VAANI" from

the March 2006 issue. These are words of Gurudev and they

answers many questions, if someone is really interested to

grasp these words deep into his heart and mind.

---If you want that precious eternal knowledge

from Guru, then you should be ready to tested for

each and every criteria laid down by Guru,Guru will

put you trying times and you will have to bear that.

Inspite of all this you will have to real smile on

your face, you will have to be completed devoted-

from your heart,mind,inner sense & soul.

---It is duty of Guru that he does not let you become

Paadpadam, no matter how much you request your Guru,

no matter how much deeply you desire, no matter how

much you pursuade, Guru should remain alert and keep you

putting in trying circumstances again and again to

test you.

[[[ Sadhaks might be knowing that Paadpadam was of desciple of

Adi Shankracharya and he killed his Guru so that he himslef could

become Sahnkracharya ]]]

---I have thousands of siddhis and giving you one siddhi will

hardly take few second for me. But as a Guru I should make sure first

that you will not misuse that siddhi.

---If somone gets something all of of a sudden without putting

complete hardwork, he niether understands it nor does he give much value to that thing.

His mind will be filled with false pride and can prove fatal for

his Guru, therefore it is duty of Guru that He first removes His disciple's Egoistic instincts.

---No matter how hard you plead before me,fold your hands in front of me,

I am able to judge where you really stand and how deserving you are.

Your real worth is always known to me . The moment I realise

that you are completely devoted now, it wont take me very long to

transform you into purified gold, will just take a moment for me to do so.

---Adi Shankracharya gave his complete knowledge to

Paadpadam without removing his egoistic instincts.

Becuase Paadpadam's ego was not eliminated ,he started thinking

that now I can become Shankracharya by killing my Guru.

This horrible crime was committed because the ego of Paadpadam

was not eliminated and his blood & senses remained tainted.

This was shortcoming of Adi Shankracharya,a grave mistake by Him and

Adi Shankracharya had to pay for it dearly.

---History is witness of the fact that Paadpadam never

achieved the ultimate greatness in his life. Adi

Shankracharya reamined great as ever. India followed

the path of knwoledge shown by Adi Shankracharya.

That is the raeson I keep on tasting my disciples again


---Therefore Guru should make sure that no one becomes a Paadpadam,

and disciple from his side should become like Vivekananda, should be serving and devoted.

---If you do not have faith and devotion towards your Guru

then everything is waste, if you do not have capacity to serve

your Guru then also everything is waste. Even if you are devoted

to your Guru and serving your guru, then also you are

not doing any kind of favour to your Guru, it is your duty to do so.

---If you give your service with devotion to your Guru then

Guru also does want not keep any kind of debt or burden on himself.

No Guru wants to keep any kind of obligation on Himself.

Guru is bound by ceratin constarints that be can not give completeness

to disciple until his egoistic instincts are wiped off completely.

Till that time Guru has to carry the debt of service offered by his disciple,

for the sake of benefit of disciple Guru has to carry this

debt burden evev against His personal wishes.

--- But the moment the egoistic tendencies of a disciple are gone

completely, Guru presents totality to disciple and becomes free

of debt.

Every book, every MTYV issue contains gems of gurudev's word which

carry meassge to us. If we care to read those and put those words into

our heart then we surely get answers to all the questions arising in

our mind.

May be that is the reason it is said that very few persons choose this

path of sadhna.

Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram



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