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I definitely want to die thinking of Sri Krsna! Don't you???

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Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 9,


"The Passing Away of Bhismadeva," Text 29:


dharmam pravadatas tasya

sa kalah pratyupasthitah

yo yoginas chanda-mrtyor

vanchitas tuttarayanah



While Bhismadeva was describing occupational duties, the sun's course ran into the northern hemisphere. This period is described by mystics who die at their will.




by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada

The perfect yogis or mystics can leave the material body at their own sweet will at a suitable time and go to a suitable planet desired by them. In the Bhagavad-gita (8.24) it is said that self-realized souls who have exactly identified themselves with the interest of the Supreme Lord can generally leave the material body during the time of the fire-god's influence and when the sun is in the northern horizon, and thus achieve the transcendental sky.


In the Vedas these times are considered auspicious for quitting the body, and they are taken advantage of by the expert mystics who have perfected the system. [bhismadeva] was just waiting for the suitable moment to quit his material body, and the golden opportunity arrived when he was instructing his noble grandsons, the Pandavas. Thus he prepared himself to quit his body before the exalted Lord Sri Krsna, the pious Pandavas and the great sages headed by Bhagavan Vyasa, etc., all great souls.

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