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Wake, Dream, Sleep: Kosa's may influence

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Hari Om



Namaste sadaka,


With regard to this subject,  there has been many discussions… we

have not had the privilage of one proclaiming as asmi sumedha, or

reriva vrikshasya I am with great wisdom, I am the remover of

samsara, and speak from thier own experinces.

Hence , our knowledge on this matter requires support by other

sages, rishi's and those that own Brahmavit because this knowledge

is savatasiddhi ( self proved, direct experience based).



That said, I stand on the shoulders of Swami Sivinanda, Sri

Aurobindo, Maharishi Mesh Yogi and other puditji for guidance on

this matter and their discussions given. I draw from that knowledge.


The human is considered to have 5 kosa's ( coverings, some say

sheaths) Annamaya Kosa is the physical body - operates in waking and

is the material part of our being Pranamaya, Manomaya and

Vijnanamaya Kosa's are the subtler or astral levels - functions

during dream state Ananadamaya Kosa is the casual body is there in

deep sleep.


In deep sleep one experiences a blissful state, but not absolute

bliss.  This bliss comes from anandamaya kosa.However pure this

anandamaya, it is filled with sattva, it still veils the SELF.  So

when we come back from sleep some say we slept well, yet we do not

remember any thing …this is the state of anandamaya level of being.


The senses as we go deeper in to the sleep/rest experience get

absorbed, as we go from a grosser levels of experience to finer

levels and closer to absolute bliss.  The experience of SELF  is

that beyond the field of the sense.


That is why some have said sleep is like( but not equal to) 

Liberation. This come from sense absorption, yet Unconscious of the

Fullness ( Bhuma) of Being; and Liberation is fully conscious of


This is the differces and similarity I was trying to Point out in

past posts which has stimulated multiple posts.


As we go closer to Atman from the grosser levels , the senses

retract accordingly. Start with Earth tattva that has smell,

taste, form, touch and sound then; Water tattva that has taste,

form, touch, sound, etc.

Air tattva ( vayu) as sound and touch principle, and finer then this

is akasha or space, then space is rooted in what?

Finer then Akasha is Atman, the foundation for all other tattvas.

One does not 'rest' in the SELF then when in deep sleep - this is

anandamaya, any why we wake up ignorant the next day - but in hopes

of being fully refreshed.


I have stated my understanding in brief and ask for clarification

and advancement  of thinking on this matter fom those srotriya's

that wish to edcuate and guide thinking.











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   Let´s see if this one goes to the list...

   Namaskar Yajvan,


    I think it is possible to be in Anandamaya Kosha while 'awake´.

I put the word in brackets because one is not really awake, because

the senses retract. I have had interesting experiences with my Guru

of going out of his presence and suddenly perceiving that I was not

perceiving anything, not even my body. It was like I was a

completely non-existent entitity. And there was bliss and a distance

from my personality and everything related to it; I could see it far

in the horizon... but there was also an instinctive need of sense-

perception, so as soon as I got out of His presence I began

breathing and checking whether scent could become more perceptible

again -- and it did come to normal some 8 hours afterwards.

    I also think fullness of being which you speak of can be

experienced when one is waking up from sleep. Due to no senses and

no direction of the mind towards objects (vikshepa) there is this

feeling of being literally blind and also full of energy and

consciousness, I have experienced this more than once while waking

up. One time my body began to tremble in a "cosmic orgasm" while I

was waking up. There was only consciousness and this pleasure like

an orgasm but much stronger. My Guru told me I had a spiritual


    I hope this sparks some idea or two!

    Yours in Truth,


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