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Guru Parampara - where Guru has received Harinam but not gayatri

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I was studying CC today and noticed this section.


It clearly states that a person who has received Harinama, the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, is empowered to preach and become an Acharya. It is not necessary for a devotee to receive gayatri mantra to become an Acharya or to attain prema (though of course it is helpful to get gayatri if you are seriously trying to make progess).




CC Madhya Lila Chapter 7 (The Lord's Tour of South India)



matta-simha-praya prabhu karila gamana

premavese yaya kari' nama-sankirtana


matta-simha--a mad lion; praya--almost like; prabhu--Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; karila--did; gamana--touring; prema-avese--in ecstatic love; yaya--goes; kari'--performing; nama-sankirtana--chanting Krsna's name.


Almost like a mad lion, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went on His tour filled with ecstatic love and performing sankirtana, chanting Krsna's names as follows.



krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! he

krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! he

krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! raksa mam

krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! krsna! pahi mam

rama! raghava! rama! raghava! rama! raghava! raksa mam

krsna! kesava! krsna! kesava! krsna! kesava! pahi mam


krsna--Lord Krsna; he--O; raksa--please protect; mam--Me; pahi--please maintain; rama--Lord Rama; raghava--descendant of King Raghu; kesava--killer of the Kesi demon.


The Lord chanted:

Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! he

Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! he

Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Raksa mam

Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Pahi mam

That is, "O Lord Krsna, please protect Me and maintain Me." He also chanted:

Rama! Raghava! Rama! Raghava! Rama! Raghava! Raksa mam

Krsna! Kesava! Krsna! Kesava! Krsna! Kesava! pahi mam

That is, "O Lord Rama, descendant of King Raghu, please protect Me. O Krsna, O Kesava, killer of the Kesi demon, please maintain Me."



ei sloka padi' pathe calila gaurahari

loka dekhi' pathe kahe,----bala 'hari' 'hari'


ei sloka padi'--reciting this verse krsna! krsna!; pathe--on the way; calila--went; gaurahari--Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; loka dekhi'--seeing other people; pathe--on the way; kahe--He says; bala--say; hari hari--the holy name of Lord Hari.


Chanting this verse, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, known as Gaurahari, went on His way. As soon as He saw someone, He would request him to chant "Hari! Hari!"



sei loka prema-matta hana bale 'hari' 'krsna'

prabhura pache sange yaya darsana-satrsna


sei loka--that person; prema-matta--maddened in love of Godhead; hana--becoming; bale--says; hari krsna--the holy name of Lord Hari and Lord Krsna; prabhura pache--behind the Lord; sange--with Him; yaya--goes; darsana-satrsna--being very eager to see Him.


Whoever heard Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu chant "Hari, Hari," also chanted the holy name of Lord Hari and Krsna. In this way they all followed the Lord, very eager to see Him.



kata-ksane rahi' prabhu tare alingiya

vidaya karila tare sakti sancariya


kata-ksane rahi'--after remaining for some time; prabhu--Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; tare--them; alingiya--embracing; vidaya karila--bade farewell; tare--in them; sakti--spiritual potency; sancariya--investing.


After some time the Lord would embrace these people and bid them to return home, having investing them with spiritual potency.


In his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains that this spiritual potency is the essence of the pleasure potency and the knowledge potency. By these two potencies, one is empowered with devotional service. Lord Krsna Himself or His representative, the unalloyed devotee, can mercifully bestow these combined potencies upon any man. Being thus endowed with such potencies, one can become an unalloyed devotee of the Lord. Anyone favored by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was empowered with this bhakti-sakti. Thus the Lord's followers were able to preach Krsna consciousness by divine grace.


TEXT 100

sei-jana nija-grame kariya gamana

'krsna' bali' hase, kande, nace anuksana


sei-jana--that person; nija-grame--to his own village; kariya gamana--returning there; krsna bali'--saying the holy name of Lord Krsna; hase--laughs; kande--cries; nace--dances; anuksana--always.


Being thus empowered, they would return to their own villages, always chanting the holy name of Krsna and sometimes laughing, crying and dancing.


TEXT 101

yare dekhe, tare kahe,----kaha krsna-nama

ei-mata 'vaisnava' kaila saba nija-grama


yare dekhe--whomever he meets; tare--to him; kahe--he says; kaha krsna-nama--kindly chant the Hare Krsna mantra; ei-mata--in this way; vaisnava--devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; kaila--made; saba--all; nija-grama--his own village.


These empowered people used to request everyone and anyone--whomever they saw--to chant the holy name of Krsna. In this way all the villagers would also become devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


TEXT 102

gramantara haite dekhite aila yata jana

tanra darsana-krpaya haya tanra sama


grama-antara haite--from different villages; dekhite--to see; aila--came; yata jana--all the persons; tanra--his; darsana-krpaya--by the mercy of seeing him; haya--become; tanra sama--similar Vaisnavas.


Simply by seeing such empowered individuals, people from different villages would become like them by the mercy of their glance.


TEXT 103

sei yai' gramera loka vaisnava karaya

anya-grami asi' tanre dekhi' vaisnava haya


sei--that Vaisnava; yai'--going to his own village; gramera loka--all the people of the village; vaisnava--devotees; karaya--makes; anya-grami--inhabitants from different villages; asi'--coming there; tanre dekhi'--by seeing them; vaisnava haya--become devotees.


When these individuals returned to their villages, they also converted others into devotees. When others came to see them, they also were converted.


TEXT 104

sei yai' ara grame kare upadesa

ei-mata 'vaisnava' haila saba daksina-desa


sei--that man; yai'--going; ara--different; grame--to the villages; kare--gives; upadesa--instruction; ei-mata--in this way; vaisnava--devotees; haila--became; saba--all; daksina-desa--the people of South India.


In this way, as those men went from one village to another, all the people of South India became devotees.


TEXT 105

ei-mata pathe yaite sata sata jana

'vaisnava' karena tanre kari' alingana


ei-mata--in this way; pathe--on the way; yaite--while passing; sata sata--hundreds and hundreds; jana--persons; vaisnava--devotees; karena--makes; tanre--Him; kari'--doing; alingana--embracing.


Thus many hundreds of people became Vaisnavas when they passed the Lord on the way and were embraced by Him.


TEXT 106

yei grame rahi' bhiksa karena yanra ghare

sei gramera yata loka aise dekhibare


yei grame--in whatever village; rahi'--staying; bhiksa--alms; karena--accepts; yanra--whose; ghare--at home; sei--that; gramera--of the village; yata loka--all the persons; aise--come; dekhibare--to see.


In whatever village Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed to accept alms, many people came to see Him.


TEXT 107

prabhura krpaya haya mahabhagavata

sei saba acarya hana tarila jagat


prabhura krpaya--by the mercy of the Lord; haya--become; maha-bhagavata--first-class devotees; sei saba--all such persons; acarya--teachers; hana--becoming; tarila--liberated; jagat--the whole world.


<strong>By the mercy of the Supreme Lord, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, everyone became a first-class devotee. Later they became teachers or spiritual masters and liberated the entire world.</strong>


TEXT 108

ei-mata kaila yavat gela setubandhe

sarva-desa 'vaisnava' haila prabhura sambandhe


ei-mata--in this way; kaila--performed; yavat--until; gela--went; setubandhe--to the southernmost part of India; sarva-desa--all the countries; vaisnava--devotees; haila--became; prabhura--Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; sambandhe--in connection with.


In this way the Lord went to the extreme southern part of India, and He converted all the provinces to Vaisnavism.


TEXT 109

navadvipe yei sakti na kaila prakase

se sakti prakasi' nistarila daksina-dese


navadvipe--at Navadvipa; yei--that which; sakti--the potency; na--not; kaila--did; prakase--manifestation; se--that; sakti--potency; prakasi'--manifesting; nistarila--delivered; daksina-dese--South India.


Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not manifest His spiritual potencies at Navadvipa, but He did manifest them in South India and liberated all the people there.


TEXT 110

prabhuke ye bhaje, tare tanra krpa haya

sei se e-saba lila satya kari' laya


prabhuke--Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; ye--anyone who; bhaje--worships; tare--unto him; tanra--of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; krpa--the mercy; haya--there is; sei se--such person; e-saba--all these; lila--pastimes; satya--truth; kari'--accepting as; laya--takes.


Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's empowering of others can be understood by one who is actually a devotee of the Lord and who has received His mercy.


TEXT 111

alaukika-lilaya yara na haya visvasa

iha-loka, para-loka tara haya nasa


alaukika--uncommon; lilaya--in the pastimes; yara--of someone; na--not; haya--there is; visvasa--faith; iha-loka--in this world; para-loka--in the next world; tara--of him; haya--there is; nasa--destruction.


If one does not believe in the uncommon, transcendental pastimes of the Lord, he is vanquished both in this world and in the next.


TEXT 112

prathamei kahila prabhura ye-rupe gamana

ei-mata janiha yavat daksina-bhramana


prathamei--at the beginning; kahila--I have explained; prabhura--of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; ye-rupe--as; gamana--the touring; ei-mata--in this way; janiha--you should know; yavat--as long as; daksina-bhramana--touring in South India.


Whatever I have stated about the beginning of the Lord's movement should also be understood to hold for as long as the Lord toured South India.

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