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Sri Krishna Kathamrita - issue #127

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saba vaishnavake amara dandavat pranam

[Our humble obeisances to all the Vaishnavas!]

Hare Krishna. Jaya Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!

You will find attached to this text issue #127 of Sri Krishna Kathamrita





We begin with an article from ISKCON's Founder Acarya, His Divine Grace A.

C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, describing how one cannot understand

transcendental topics via the process of mundane empiricism. Srila

Prabhupada thus criticizes the mundane system of scholarship and explains

the qualification required for receiving a Ph.D. in the school of Sri

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Next is a song by Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode entitled, "Don't Hate Followers

of Other Religions". Therein, the Thakur admonishes those who in the name of

spirituality behave in a bigoted way towards persons whose religious beliefs

and practices differ from their own. Although written over one hundred years

ago (in 1893), his words are very appropriate for today's world.

Two fresh translations from Bengali to English appear in this issue,

especially commissioned for Sri Krishna Kathamrta Bindu: "Instructions for

Nama-bhajan and Worship" from the Letters of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati

Thakur Prabhupada, and the song, "Gaura Nitai Vijnapti", by Srila Lochan Das

Thakur. The first is a personal letter written by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta to a

follower in 1915. Therein he gives some advice on the process of bhajan and

glorifies the holy name as the only thing required for one to realize

Krishna as well as one's own eternal form and service in the spiritual

world. It is inspiring to note the humble etiquette observed by Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta in this letter.

Our readers can look forward to more such letters in future issues.

In the song "Gaura Nitai Vijnapti", written sometime in the mid-1500s,

Lochan Das expresses profound humility and cries out for the mercy of Sri

Sri Gaura Nitai. This song is very similar in style to the well-known bhajan

by Srila Narottam Das Thakur beginning, "ei baro karuna koro vaisnava

gosai". Our thanks to Sri Madhavendu Prabhu of ISKCON Vrindavan and Sri

Bhakta Pradosh of Bhubaneswar for their kind translation assistance.

"Simplicity and Association" is a conversation between Sri Srimad Gour

Govinda Swami and some devotees. Maharaja speaks strongly about the

necessity of having association with advanced vaishnavas if one wants to

become free from duplicity and the desire for false prestige.

"Nrsimha's Fire of Anger" is a short excerpt from a commentary on Srila

Madhvacarya's Dvadasa Stotra. This comes from a newly translated book by Sri

Gadadhar Pandit Das of Russia. The final offering in this issue are some

words spoken by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, as recounted by Srila Lochan Das

Thakur in his Sri Chaitanya Mangala. Mahaprabhu describes that ecstatic love

for Krishna is the essence of all religion. He says that if one has not

developed such love then all of his austerities and religious practices are

in vain.

We hope that this issue brings you some pleasure. We will consider our

endeavor a success if this installment of Bindu provides even a small source

of inspiration for your preaching and bhajan.

Sri guru vaishnava kripa prarthi, Madhavananda Das, editor




Thank you very much for the timely and inspiring email which gave me great

joy. Jai Shri Krishna!

-- Siveshni Maharaj, South Africa


We hope you will find Bindu a valuable tool for your bhajan and preaching.

Please tell others about this free service, and, if possible, print out a

copy and post it on your community bulletin board.

Each Bindu is an easily

digestible four pages long, and will be published in "PDF" format. To read

them you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later installed on

your system. Adobe Acrobat Reader is free software. If you do not already

have a copy, you can download it from:



Look for the little blue hands at the end of each column. Click on one and

it will take you to where the text continues.

For the convenience of our readers that use screen reader software and

hand-held devices to read Bindu, we use PDF "embedded tags".

Please know that any letters to the editor may be published. If you would

prefer your correspondence to not be them not to be, please inform us.

Our readers should kindly note that occasionally we humbly present our own

realizations for the pleasure of Hari, guru, and the vaishnavas. Following

standard journalistic style, Bindu's policy is simply to omit the author's

name on such articles.

Invite the congregation to - it will help keep them connected! Sri

Krishna Kathamrita Bindu will always be free of politics and mundane

institutional bashing or promotion. Just simply nectarean Krishna Katha! To

download back issues of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu or to find out more

about Gopal Jiu Publications, please visit our website:


We appreciate your letters, comments and suggestions. Write to us at either

of the following addresses:





"This chanting should go on. Instead of meetings, resolutions, dissolutions,

revolutions and then no solutions, there should be chanting."


- His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, from Lilamrta Vol.6



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<TT><BIG>Saba vaishnavake amara dandavat pranam -- our humble obeisances to all theVaishnavas!Hare Krishna. Jaya Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!You will find attached to this text, issue #128 of Sri Krishna KathamritaBindu.~*~*~*~*~*~*~IN THIS ISSUE~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Bindu 128 is dedicated to Mother Ganga, in recognition of the upcomingGanga Puja. It begins with the article, "Chanters Should Be Pure", aliterary collage of statements from His Divine Grace A. C. BhaktivedantaSwami Prabhupada on the qualification to chant and spread the sankirtanamovement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Prabhupada's sober words providesome deep food for thought on this topic. Our thanks to Sri Isha PrakashPrabhu from Australia for sending us this collection of quotes. "Useless Opinions", is an excerpt from Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode's, SriCaitanya-siksamrta, wherein the Thakur describes the hazards of reading onlysmall segments of various books and how petty quarrels are forbidden forthose on the path of devotion. Like other book excerpts in Bindu, it is ourhope that this segment may inspire devotees to read the original in itsentirety. "Birth of a Devotee" is a discussion with His Divine Grace BhaktisiddhantaSaraswati Thakur Prabhupada, regarding how to understand the fact that greatvaishnavas sometimes take birth in low-class families. "Pundarika Vidyanidhi's Worship of the Ganga", is an excerpt from SrilaVrindavan Das Thakur's, Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata with the purports ofPrabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Therein some of the deepdevotion of Vidyanidhi Mahasaya to the Ganga is revealed. The subsequentarticle, "Prayers to Ganga Devi", is taken from a recently translatedancient book named Kapila Samhita. Those readers who appreciated, "The False Sannyasi" article in Bindu 116will be happy to find in this issue another poetic rendition of the life ofLord Ramachandra by the Christian missionary Reverend A. G. Atkins. We haveentitled this rhyme "Lord Rama Goes to the Ganga".The final note in this issue "Visiting the Ganga" is a fresh translation wehave put together just for this issue, from Padma Purana, describing theproper behavior for those visiting the Ganga and other holy places ofpilgrimage.COMING IN OUR NEXT ISSUE: Bindu 129 will be dedicated to Srivas Thakur. Our readers can look forwardto a number of little-known stories about this member of the panca-tattva.Also included will be a newly translated song about him. It's our hope that this humble service may bring some pleasure andinspiration for the preaching and bhajan of our ever-increasing Gaudiyavaishnava family.Sri guru vaishnava kripa prarthi, Madhavananda Das, editor========================COMMENTS ABOUT BINDU 127======================== Bindu 127 was a nice issue, thank you very much.-- Nanda Sunu Das, UK This latest edition of Bindu is nice with your little teaser intro to eacharticle. Once I read that I read all the articles from start to finish. Ihope you continue.-- Jitari Das, Alachua, Florida This Gaura Nitai bhajana from Lochana Das is amazingly sweet!-- Tridandi Bhiksu, Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami The description in the cover letter for your last issue provided curiosityand punch in the form of attraction to open the Bindu and read it. I foundthat reading the PDF after going over your comments provided more relishmentand peace than simply opening the PDF and reading it alone. Hence, I requestyou to kindly continue this practice in future editions as it adds moreflavor to the nectar inside the PDF. I have a question regarding the article of Srila Bhaktivinode in Bindu127. In the last part of his song, Bhaktivinode writes: "Therefore you should all reflect a mood of brotherhood and livetogether in transcendental friendship." How is it possible for me to practice "anukulya bhakti" in the associationof people who have different faiths and practices? Many problems come upsuch as rasabhasa, as well as mundane differences, eating onions andnon-veg, etc. etc. In such circumstances how can we live together inbrotherhood? Also, in light of Thakur Bhaktivinode's instruction, how do weunderstand Srila Narottama Das Thakur's prayer, "Oh Lord, please always keepme in the company of like-minded devotees"?-- Krishnamurthi, ChennaiOUR REPLY:Thanks for your relevant question, Krishnamurthiji. We should understandwhat Bhaktivinode means by "living together in transcendental friendship".Association is a very subtle and profound subject. We may externally becordial with someone and deal affectionately with them on some level, but ona deeper level not be close to them at all. For more on this, I wouldsuggest that you read the article by Bhaktivinode in Bindu # 31 entitled"What is Association?"=================We hope you will find Bindu a valuable tool for your bhajan and preaching.Please tell others about this free service, and, if possible, print out acopy and post it on your community bulletin board. Each Bindu is an easilydigestible four pages long, and will be published in "PDF" format. To readthem you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later installed onyour system. Adobe Acrobat Reader is free software. If you do not alreadyhave a copy, you can download it from:http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.htmlLook for the little blue hands at the end of each column. Click on one andit will take you to where the text continues.For the convenience of our readers that use screen reader software andhand-held devices to read Bindu, we use PDF "embedded tags".Please know that any letters to the editor may be published. If you wouldprefer your correspondence to not be them not to be, please inform us.Our readers should kindly note that occasionally we humbly present our ownrealizations for the pleasure of Hari, guru, and the vaishnavas. Followingstandard journalistic style, Bindu's policy is simply to omit the author'sname on such articles.Invite the congregation to - it will help keep them connected! SriKrishna Kathamrita Bindu will always be free of politics and mundaneinstitutional bashing or promotion. Just simply nectarean Krishna Katha! Todownload back issues of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu or to find out moreabout Gopal Jiu Publications, please visit our website:www.gopaljiu.orgWe appreciate your letters, comments and suggestions. Write to us at eitherof the following addresses:minimag@gopaljiu.orgkatha@gopaljiu.org--------------------------------"This chanting should go on. Instead of meetings, resolutions, dissolutions,revolutions and then no solutions, there should be chanting."- His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, from Lilamrta Vol.6p.182</BIG></TT>



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Saba vaishnavake amara dandavat pranam -- our humble obeisances to all the


Hare Krishna. Jaya Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!

You will find attached to this text, issue #130 of Sri Krishna Kathamrita





This issue begins with an excerpt from a letter by His Divine Grace A. C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada wherein he speaks about the importance of

enthusiasm in Krishna consciousness. Next is another in our series of first

time translations of letters from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati

Prabhupada. Srila Saraswati Thakur describes the importance of hearing

hari-katha from saintly devotees. Our thanks once again to Madhavendu Prabhu

in Vrindavan for helping us with these translations.

In honor of Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode, whose disappearance day is coming

soon, we have a special article in this issue from Sri Srimad Gour Govinda

Swami, entitled, "The Native Place of Thakur Bhaktivinode". Maharaja

describes how Bhaktivinode's family roots are found in Orissa. Next is

another first time translation especially for our readers of a song we have

titled, "The Glories of Sri Gurudeva". This was written by an 18th century

Gaudiya poet named Vaishnava Das. Our thanks to His Holiness Bhakti Vikash

Swami for bringing this poem to our attention. The final offering in this

issue is a translation from a little known ancient Sanskrit text called

Satvata Tantra. This selection from chapter four speaks about the importance

of respecting and serving one's guru.


In honor of the upcoming disappearance anniversary of Srila Sanatan Goswami,

Bindu 131 will contain stories and a song about the eldest of the Six

Goswamis of Vrindavan. We'll also continue our series of translations from

Prabhupadera Patravali with a letter in which Srila Bhaktisiddhanta speaks

about the importance of acting according to one's proper position.

We hope that Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu brings you some pleasure and

inspiration for your preaching and bhajan.

Sri guru vaishnava kripa prarthi, Madhavananda Das, editor




Your wonderful magazine Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu is very interesting. It

is food for the soul. Thank you all very much for your services.

-- Jugala Kisore

Recently I received a gift of 3 volumes of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu. I

am reading them for the first time and every page is pure nectar! Thank you

for your wonderful service to the vaishnava community.

-- Krsna Madhuri Dasi, Mayapur

[Referring to the article "Lord Rama Goes to the Ganga", in Bindu 128:] That

English missionary [Rev. Atkins] seems to have been more interested in India

than he was in proselytizing Christianity. Maybe he came to realize that the

Lord is one. Very nice.

-- Brian


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