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attention moderators: fred's qn: are my posts being put on moderation?

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bandho, hari OM,


   i thank you whole heartedly for having taken my umbrage in the right spirit. i shall fight on

your behalf if you have a rightful case. i think sometimes some things go out of control while

managing a group, especially when there are many group members and the moderators are few. hence

most of the time, they deserve the benefit of doubt. this is not to say that i hold brief for the

moderators. I request the moderators to come up with a definitive statement on the case of Mr.



   and as far as your experience with a muslim goes, this is because yoga, etc. are condemned by

the quran as the practice of the "kafirs". that is the reason hard core muslims detest it. and his

feeling of hindus being unjust, is the case of the boot being on the other leg. the muslims get

all sorts of benefits in this country, inspite of it, they continue with their tale of woes. this

is a patent islamic tactic. they always want to be at the fringe of the mainstream and still

continue to have a grouse against hindus in general (as in the case of india, and the europeans/

christians in the case of europe). this you would have understood if you had been here in India

for some length of time. so i absolve you of guilt, because you were only responding to an input

you had received which was biased in the first place.


   i repeat my request to the moderators to please respond to the issue raised by frederico.



              JAYA BHAARATII,



--- atmadarshanam <fsgss (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:




  Hari OM,

  Namaste Shrivathsa,


   First I think you do have a point there. I certainly would better

solve my issue with the moderator(s) on a one on one basis as you

said if I knew how to do so (an e-mail address could have been put

to me by any of the moderators saying "write to this address and

we´ll discuss the issue") but instead it seems I was ignored.

   Then onto the Hindu question... I really respect all Hindus and,

of all the world religions, Hinduism is the one that I find the best

one, and yes I know that Hindus have always been tolerant towards

other religions (something which other religions have not often paid

them back with). So my admiration for Hinduism is great; I only do

not consider myself as a Hindu because I was not born in a Hindu

family. I was born in a Catholic Christian family and have been

raised until 14 years old as a Catholic, then I decided to leave

Catholicism and began my spiritual search in other philosophical

systems, then around 2001 I found Advaita Vedanta through my older

brother handing me a booklet called ´spiritual instruction´  by

Ramana Maharshi. On the first reading I was both impressed and


   Then I went on to study more about Yoga´s, chakra´s, etc, and

found that there was really a science beyond Hinduism (or inside

Hinduism), a science so precise and exact that it surpasses today´s

science in many aspects. One may call this Brahmavidya, or whatever,

but I have come across more and more of this science and I have

always put it to test and it always confirms what this science says.

This science is scattered in the Gita, the Upanishads, mainly, and

in commentaries about these two, and also in the Jyotish or

Astrological science of Hinduism. I am bewildered that so much

knowledge was put together to form this consistent whole. But I do

not consider myself as a Hindu because my Guru was a Buddhist (now

he says he has abandoned all religions and recommended me reading

and studying Advaita), so I was initiated formally into Buddhism in

1999, and had several Tantric empowerments. So it would be

inaccurate if I said I am a Hindu when I have been practicing

Buddhism for the last 7 years, although I have read a lot on

Hinduism and I highly admire the Hindu religion.

   I really should not have put the moderators as representing

Hinduism. I apologize for that.

   The thing about "hindus being unjust persons", was something I

heard from a muslim friend of mine (here in Brazil we have all types

of religions and ethnies living together in peace), when I told him

I was studying the Hindu science and told him his Manipura Cakra was

unbalanced he frowned and said: 'i don´t believe in such things...

you should take care with Hindus, many of them are unjust people".

So this was in my mind but I really have no experience as to Hindus

being unjust (because I live in a place where there are jews,

christians, muslims, buddhists, taoists and atheists of all

nationalities but there are almost no Hindus in Brazil), so I have

no experience with Hindus to say that.

   So this speaks for itself. I hope my apologies are accepted.

   Also answering your question: some religions believe in Karma

which are not Hindu. For example Buddhism, Spiritism (a confused mix

of Christianity and rebirth belief developed by Allan Kardec in

France some two centuries ago) and also the african-brazilian

religion called Umbanda (I can write more about this very

interesting religion if you or anyone else wishes in private), which

is practised by many people in Brazil, they also believe in

reincarnation. So I don´t have to be a Hindu to believe in


   I hope my apologies are accepted.



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Hari OM,


  Namaste Srivathsa,


   Thanks a lot for your kind and warm response.

   I don´t think the issue with the moderator(s) is a big one. I was

just puzzled about 2 posts not being sent to the group. But this

could have well happened due to an system failure. I don´t


   I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for the kindness of yor

posting. I don´t think there is any problem between me and the

moderator(s) anymore, so it is better to forget the issue since now

it seems that my messages are being normally sent to the group. I

also did not DEMAND that all my messages be sent to the group: I can

be put in moderated status if the moderators wish to do so, but I

only wanted to be warned and/or told what had lead them to put me in

moderated status if they did indeed put me in moderated status. The

only thing that bothered me was that no one told me anything and

suddenly my messages were not being sent to the group... this was

strange to me! But I´m cool, there´s nothing big about that. I think

it´s already past and we´re here and now and now it seems my

messages are being sent to group. So I just wish that in the future

if it is possible for moderators to tell me why was I put in

moderated status, it would be better for me because then I could

correct any fault or apologize for any inconvenience I may have

caused in the group. I want harmony and not dis-harmony.

   So I think the issue has already been settled by now. Whatever it

was, it´s past now. Perhaps system was angry at me (lol) or I

was unlucky and ate some of my messages. Anyway it does not

matter now.

   Let us all strive towards transcendental consciousness, as Lord

Krishna tells Arjuna the wise should do in the Gita, and being

firmly established in transcendental consciousness, then we can

perhaps see things more clearly and have more peace. I end this with

a short poem:

   "My body is tired, my mind exhausted;

    my footsteps once firm now falter;

    I wonder how much longer can I take.

    before thick darkness I embrace.

    My heart pumps loud, am I to die?

    is it because much tears I cried?

    My queen is gone, my reign in shame,

    and I´m the only one to blame.

    Why is it that I am so alone, without a princess,

    it has taken away all my happiness.

    May I not be a burden for whomever I meet,

    and may sweet lotus flowers blossom in everyone´s feet,

    but I cannot hide behind my cold eyes my pain,

    I just wish that I could be one with Thee again.

    Holy Lord, keep me from angry and greed,

    for through tough ordeals I must proceed,

    and ever-loving, ever-awake,

    I await You to come to me someday."


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On 5/7/06, Eric Paroissien wrote:


eric: Two very bold assumptions here:

> - That the Koran mentions yoga or Hindus (even indirectly)

> - That there are people who call themselves hardcore Muslims and they

> would as a community "detest" Hindus;

> ... as most Muslims have no concern or controversy with Hindus.

> This added to your opinion that "only those who identify themselves as

> Hindu" can come here ...

> Are we not missing a practice of mindfulness here?



Mystic Islam (Sufism) has got very distinct advaita flavour. However, devout

muslims do not consider it as part of their heritage. Sir Allama Iqbal

declared "sufism an alien plant in the soil of islam".


Some excerpts from Sufi masters:


I am truth. I am God on earth (Hussain bin Mansoor Hallaj, Khateeb Baghdadi

vol.8, Ibne Athir 11:140).


Allah is sitting in the heavens. I am the God on earth (Mansoor Hallaj,

Ibn-e-Athir 2:140).


(Note that Mansoor was punished by death due to his above proclaimations.)


I hate the God who does not appear as a dog or cat (Ibn-Arabi, Khazeena

Imaniya p.168)


Allah revealed Himself to me as a woman, decorated with fine ornaments and

garments. She embraced me and merged into me (Shah Waliullah, Anfasul

Arifain pp.94-95).


The sun cannot rise before greeting me. The new year, the new month, the new

day, dawn not without greeting me and informing me of every single event

(Ghaus Azam Jeelani).


Shah Waliullah believed in the Unity of Existence. He believed that insects,

animals, idols and human beings were all God (Syed Farooq Al-Qadri, Anfasul



Allah has only 99 virtuous names. I have more than 99. (Shah Waliullah,

Anfasul Arifain p.210).


The important point in this discussion is that many of the sufi saints who

made such bold pronouncements were either persecuted or killed by muslims.

Had such prononucements made by someone in the fold of hinduism, he would

have probably been worshipped as a great saint. However, it became kufr in

the eyes of hardcore muslims. Sufism therefore became an underground

movement in islam and developed its concepts in rich allegories and symbols.

Today devout muslims consider sufi statements as plain kufr and disown sufi

legacy as a shameful chapter of islam.



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