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Brindavan Update - May 3rd & 4th 2006

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Trayee session 3rd May 2006

In the evening Swami came out for darshan at 4pm. After hearing about 10 bhajans, Swami indicated to the boys to sing songs. A few songs were soulfully sung. After that, aarathi was offered and Swami went in. After about 20 minutes we were called in for Trayee session. Swami came and sat on the jhoola and called the boys who sang the songs and said, “I asked you to sing Meera bhajans and even the word Meera did not figure in your songs. If you sing the songs from the cinema ‘Meera’ devotees will be able to relate to it and feel joyous. Tomorrow is a Thursday so there will be lots of devotees. Sing Meera bhajans and fill them with happiness.

Swami asked the students, “How much of the speech did you understand yesterday“ and then continued along these lines:

The descent of the Lord occurs with both Manava and Daiva Prajna. The former is necessary to react to the ground situation and to inspire and teach man to live by setting an ideal. When the Gopis complained to Yashoda about Krishna throwing stones and breaking their pots, Krishna replied, “Not me, but God“ indicating the Manava and the Daiva Prajnas. (i.e. Krishna not as the individual but as God broke the pots.) When the gopis complained that He had tied their plaits together, He defended Himself saying that He was lying next to Yashoda and she had her hand over Him. How could He have gone to their terrace at midnight and indulged in this prank? Thereby He indicated His Omnipresence. Even at the time of offering Agratambulam (the first offering) in the assembly of kings, Dharmaja who was convinced that Krishna was God chose Him for the honour. This angered Shishupala who commented, “For which great feat of His are you offering the honour to him. Is it for

roaming around with the cowherd women?“ Krishna threw the plate on which the Tambulam was offered and this sliced the throat of Shishupala. All avatars use the human frame to achieve their mission. Radha had a sister by name Chandra who was against Krishna and did not like Radha being in His constant company. In fact the villagers of Repalle were also against Radha. During the annual celebrations of the lifting of Govardhana Giri when Krishna came to the village, He heard a faint voice from a house to which He made a beeline. On opening the door it was found that Radha had been locked up to prevent her from coming to the celebrations. But Krishna knew the plot and came to her rescue. When the Govardhana hill was being worshipped, Indra let loose a torrent. All the villagers were drenched and fear stricken and sought Krishna’s protection. Krishna lifted the hill on His little finger. There was no dearth of (doubting) scientists even then! They thought,“ Even if He has

managed to lift the hill let us see how on earth will He keep it down as He is sure to be crushed.“ After the rains ended, there was a sudden cloud cover and the next thing everyone knew was that the hill had been placed down and Krishna stood there smiling. The villagers sought Krishna’s pardon for not understanding His glory and Krishna remarked, “You are worshipping Govardhana Giri but what about the one who lifted it?“

When Krishna was 6 years old, He came to Yashoda and said,“ Amma, I want to go with the cows to tend them in the forest. Yashoda said,“ Dear one, the forest is full of thorns and stones. They will hurt your feet as you have no sandals.“ Krishna replied, “But the cows too don’t have sandals. So permit me.“ Krishna felt one with all creation. Yashoda got slippers made the next morning and permitted Krishna. In the evening Brahma, wanting to test Krishna hid all the cows. The gopalas came and informed Krishna of the missing cows. Krishna created all the cows by His mere will. It was so perfect that the calves of the respective cows went exactly to their mothers and the cows made a beeline to their respective houses. This continued for 10 full days after which Brahma realized his foolishness and sought forgiveness.

Kamsa was very fond of Devaki, his sister. He even volunteered to drive the ceremonial chariot after her wedding. Even as they were proceeding, a heavenly voice declared that the 8th child from the womb of Devaki would slay him. Kamsa immediately dragged her and tried to kill her. On Vasudeva’s pleading, he relented on being assured that every child born to them would be handed over immediately to him. The 7th child of Devaki (i.e. Balarama) was transplanted into Rohini’s womb. The eighth pregnancy resulted in the divine birth. At the time of birth, (3:30AM) all the guards were overpowered by sleep and there was torrential rain. As Vasudeva went along the river the water was up to his chest. He went to Yasoda’s place and exchanged the child, brought the girl child and entered the prison. It was only after that, that the guards woke up and reported the ‘birth’ to Kamsa. Kamsa came straightaway, caught the child (Mayashakti) and threw it up with the intention of chopping

off the head. But the child flew up and said,“ Oh fool! The one destined to slay you is elsewhere and alive. You may kill my body but not me.“ Maya and Daiva Shakti have to get together to accomplish the divine mission. This was in Dwapara Yuga. In the Treta Yuga the Avatar followed the conditions (self)imposed like not entering others homes and staying only in the forest, eating as per the waxing and waning of the moon etc.

In this age too God has brought these boys together to transform them and make them agents of transformation of society in order to redeem the country. Sometimes evil thoughts do come. Treat these as mere passing clouds. These clouds cover the Sun of Truth and the Moon of Peace only for sometime. If you wait patiently the clouds will drift away and the Sun and the Moon will shine resplendently. The only difference between you and Me is that I have no desires and delusions. Therefore I am not bound by actions and reactions. God alone is your refuge. Whatever may happen, have full faith in God. Trust Him like Ramadas did. He was imprisoned and whipped for spending the tax collected in renovating the Rama temple. He sought refuge in Rama. Rama and Lakshmana went personally to the Tanesha, paid the money and got him released….

Tomorrow is Thursday. Sing Meera bhajans-those which everyone is familiar with and fill everyone with joy.

H’mmmm its time for your dinner…

Saying this Swami got up. After Aarthi, Swami went up and waved and blessed from the balcony.

4th.May 2006 Thursday.

Swami came out at 8:45am and sat listening to bhajans till 9:15am. In the evening Swami came out at 4:05pm. After 3 bhajans, He got it announced that the students of the Music college would be rendering Meera bhajans. After about 7 Meera bhajans, other popular Telugu devotionals too were sung. Swami also indicated that group songs should be sung. After 3 group songs, Swami received Aarthi (5:15pm) and left.

We then had the Trayee session. As Swami came in, He commented about the low pitch in which some songs had been sung. Swami then asked Mr. Sanjay Sahni to speak. He spoke about Dharma and the unity of thought, word and deed. He narrated instances to illustrate it. He concluded with the episode of how Swami kept up His promise to Karnam Subbamma. When he sat down Swami said that his speech was “incomplete“. Mr. Sanjay prayed to Swami to make it “poornam“ with His divine words. Swami continued the episode and narrated in detail on how He was away from Parthi at Madras when Subbamma breathed her last. It was wartime and there were a lot of restrictions on travel. Swami rushed to her bedside by which time it was already 3 days since she had expired. As Swami entered, the relatives who blamed Him for not being at the bedside of Subbamma during her last moments criticized him. Her body had already been wrapped in cloth and ants had started to eat away at it. Funeral

arrangements were being made when Swami arrived. Swami’s reply to their criticism was that she was just sleeping. Swami asked for the cloth covering the body to be removed and sprinkled water. She woke up as if from sleep and said, “ O Swami You have come to keep up your promise!“ Swami then made her sip water and permitted her to ‘leave’.

Sanjay Sahani translated this into English. He committed a few bloomers and Swami made fun of his Telugu knowledge and then continued in a lighter vein, “Where is your wife? Do you want to get married?“ On getting no reply Swami said, “Hmm…Mounam Angeekaaram (silence is assent!)(All laugh)

To warden, “ Isn’t it?“ The warden replied, “Swami he is very happy now(that he is single)“ Swami immediately retorted, “What do you know of that happiness?“(provoking hearty laughter)

Swami then spoke about the educational scenario in the country. Students are confused and depressed, unable to understand what course to pursue. Adding to their woes are the murky policies of the government, which keep changing with an eye on the elections. Swami said that our Institute should set an ideal and that it would remain stable and a guiding light for the student community. He said that education should be used in the service of society. Biology students should equip themselves with MBBS, MD, MS to serve the society. Education, health and water are the important spheres where service activities need to be carried out. Education for the heart, health for the head and water for the entire body are essential.

It was already 6:40pm and Swami said that it would be late for dinner and stood up. He accepted Aarathi and retired.



A Anantha Vijaya


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