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Volume 4 - Chapter 12

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Diary of a Traveling Preacher


Volume 4, Chapter 12


March 17 - April 4, 2002


Since arriving in America almost three weeks ago, myself, Sri Prahlad and

his wife, Rukmini Priya dasi, have been on a whirlwind tour of temples,

including New York, Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia, San Jose, and

Laguna Beach. With virtually two to three preaching engagements a day, I am

unable to keep track of all the places we visit. One day merges into

another, and I am left with a single impression of continuous lecturing,

kirtans, and unending feasts. The intense schedule, lack of regulation and

irregular diet are not conducive to good health, but a traveling preacher

must be willing to make sacrifices in the line of duty.


In an attempt to keep myself healthy, I have been trying to swim in public

pools wherever I go. Usually I find a temple devotee who belongs to a local

gym with a pool, and I accompany him as a guest. But rarely am I able to

complete my desired regimen of forty laps, because inevitably someone in the

pool wants to speak to me about Krsna consciousness.


In a university pool near the temple in Philadelphia I had just begun my

laps when two students, who were also swimming, tapped me on the shoulder

and said, "Can we speak to you?"


Somewhat reluctantly, I replied, "Yes, of course."


While other swimmers raced back and forth, we had a 20-minute discussion

about karma and reincarnation waist deep in the pool. Their curiosity

satisfied, I began my laps again, only to be stopped five minutes later by

two swimming professors who wanted to know the "difference between the

teachings of Sankara and Caitanya." I spent the rest of my exercise time

sitting with them on the side of the pool discussing "acintya-bhedabheda-

tattva," Lord Caitanya's sublime concept of the living entities'

simultaneous oneness and difference with God.


Despite the inconvenience of constant travel, I am happy to always be

sharing with others the good fortune I received from my spiritual master.

However, since the loss two weeks ago of my dear god-brother, Tamal Krsna

Maharaja, and my disciple, Vrindavanesvari dasi, I am having difficulty

dealing with the sadness within my heart. Memorial observances marking their

sudden departures have ended, as have the messages of condolence from

numerous devotees, but as life goes on, myself and others who were close to

them find that each new day brings the reminder that they are, indeed, gone.

Though I try to accept the Lord's higher plan, being bereft of the

association of a true friend and a loving disciple has made the words of

Srila Narottam das Thakur enter deeper into my heart:


Se saba sangira sange je koilo bilas

Se saìga na paiya kande narottama das


"Being unable to obtain the association of Lord Gauranga, accompanied by all

of these devotees in whose association He performed His pastimes, Narottam

das simply weeps."

[srila Narottam das Thakur: Prarthana]


Nothing can replace the warmth and love of a genuine friend or the service

of a genuine disciple.


'duhkha madhye kona duhkha haya gurutara?'

'krsna bhakta viraha vina duhkha nahi dekhi para'


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Of all kinds of distress, what is the most

painful?" Sri Ramananda Raya replied, "Apart from separation from the

devotee of Krsna, I know of no unbearable unhappiness."

[Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 8.248]


As we travel and preach, simultaneously trying to raise funds for our Polish

festival tour, news continuously arrives from the home front in Poland where

other tour devotees are on a marathon to organize the tour, designated to

begin in May. The very day we finished our final program last year, Nandini

dasi and Radha Sakhi Vrinda dasi began preparations for this year's tour.

And, as usual, our opposition has been close on their heels.


Months ago, Nandini and Radha Sakhi Vrinda learned that due to continuous

pressure from the Catholic Church, all schools along Poland's Baltic Sea

coast refused to rent their facilities to us during this year's summer

vacation. Each summer, our group of 300 devotees base ourselves in the

schools, sleeping in the classrooms, showering in the gym facilities and

having our morning programs in the gyms themselves. Each year we stay in

three different schools along the 500km coastline, holding

festivals in the towns and resorts along the way. That not one school agreed

to receive us this year was a major blow.


However, two weeks ago Nandini phoned me to say that after intense

negotiations a school has agreed to rent us its facilities. It will be

difficult to cover the entire coastline from one base, but at least we have



In preparation for the great Woodstock Festival, scheduled for August 2 and

3 in southern Poland, last week Nandini and Radha Sakhi Vrinda went to Zary,

the town that hosts the annual event. They wanted to arrange to rent the

same three schools we have previously used to accommodate the 400 devotees

who participate in our Krsna's Village of Peace at Woodstock. By Krsna's

grace, they were received well in the first two schools. They wrote to me:


"At the first school, the headmistress was very excited that we will be

guests at her school again. She was praising our cleanliness and tolerance

of the austere conditions. Smiling, she said that our devotees made a very

impressive impact on the whole town last year. In the second school, the

headmistress had tears in her eyes recounting how she was allowed to swing

Krsna on His birthday. ( Note: We had Janmastami celebrations last year in

our tent at Woodstock which included a swing for our Radha-Krsna Deities.)

'I've had such good luck since swinging your Krsna,' she said."


But at the third and largest school they met stiff resistance.


"When we arrived the headmaster began screaming at us, saying that we were a

dangerous cult and that all people in Zary hated us. 'Last year I fell under

your influence and rented you the school,' he said. 'I couldn't resist you.

You two girls were too powerful for me! But this year I will not come under

the sway of your smiling faces and your food!'


"But after two hours of discussion (and four or five samosas), as well as a

phone call from our friend, the Mayor of Zary, he signed the agreement for

renting us the school, on one condition: that you, Srila Gurudeva, will not

reside there!


" 'You have to promise me that your guru will not live in my school,' he

told us. 'He's the main problem here. I saw how all of you were serving him.

Why are you people so submissive towards him? I have never seen a man

command so much respect. Because of him, the whole town of Zary came to know

of your Krsna!'


"When we came out of his office we were exhausted, but went immediately to

the mayor's office to thank him for his phone call to the headmaster. When

we entered, he laughed and said, "The battle has only begun, but I am with

you all the way!' "


No doubt this year's four-month festival tour will be a battle, as it has

been for the past twelve years. As we are making our plans so, too, must our

opposition - the Church and many members of the government. As our festivals

become more successful, they become more detetermined to stop us. But

despite the fact that they have everything at their disposal to impede us,

such as defamation campaigns in the media and legislative maneuvers in

government, we have managed to succeed each year. If we stick to our

principles and determination to preach, Krsna will help us. Srila Prabhupada



"If one wants to benefit the entire world, he will certainly find persons

who will naturally put forth many impediments. This is natural. But if a

devotee seeks shelter at the lotus feet of the Six Goswamis, the merciful

Goswamis will certainly give the Lord's servitor all protection. It is not

astonishing that impediments are placed before those who are spreading the

Krsna conscious movement all over the world. Nevertheless, if we adhere to

the lotus feet of the Six Goswamis and pray for their mercy, all impediments

will be annihilated, and the transcendental devotional desire to serve the

Supreme Lord will be fulfilled."

[Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 1.3-4, purport]


But such protection can be understood in various ways. The Lord always

protects His surrendered devotees from the illusion of the material world.

But sometimes a devotee may have to experience persecution, or even injury,

as when our festival was attacked by ruffians with iron bars last year and

many devotees were hurt. Such violence is certainly an injustice, but at the

same time reflects the glory of the devotee's surrender to the Lord:


"Following the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one who preaches the

glories of the Lord all over the world or all over the universe should be

humbler than grass and more tolerant than a tree because a preacher cannot

live an easygoing life. Indeed, a preacher must face many impediments. Not

only is he sometimes cursed, but sometimes he must also suffer personal

injury. For example, when Nityananda Prabhu went to preach Krsna

consciousness to the two roguish brothers Jagai and Madhai, they injured Him

and made His head bleed, but nevertheless, He tolerantly delivered the two

rogues, who became perfect Vaisnavas. This is the duty of a preacher. Lord

Jesus Christ even tolerated crucifixion."

[srimad- Bhagavatam, 6.5.44, purport]


To deter any attacks on our festivals this year, we will be installing a

surveillance system with four cameras covering the entire festival area. A

monitoring station with two televisions will be behind our main stage. We

will also be hiring professional security teams to guard the events and

requesting local police forces to maintain a constant presence at the

festival sites.


Personally, I will take extra measures for my safety. Several god-brothers

who are competent astrologers have warned me to be careful. One wrote:


"Your Venus is presently conjoined with Mercury in the seventh house. This

is a maraka or death-inflicting house. In your chart both Mercury and Venus

have the power to cause great damage. Furthermore, you are in a double

malefic period, Ketu-Rahu, and the violent Mars in his own fiery sign of

Aries has gotten entangled in the Rahu-Ketu axis. Violence can definitely be

expected during this juncture. Take personal precautions against serious

attack or accident. Scorpio is in the tenth house [career] to your natal

Moon, so you will have to walk the razor's edge as forces will be trying

very hard to bring you down."


Astrology is helpful in seeing the situation that may appear further down

the road. Of course, ultimately we depend on Krsna when there is an

indication of an inauspicious period, but such dependence also takes the

form of using our intelligence to exercise precautions when the stars are



Seeing the danger ahead for me, one of the astrologers went so far as to

recommend I cancel the tour this year. He said, "Your chart indicates that

you are going into the belly of the beast."


He concluded: "This period lasts until February 4, 2003. Would it be out of

the way to suggest that you visit holy places in India during this



But we cannot cancel the tour. If anything, the festivals will create

auspiciousness for devotees and the people in general. And even at risk to

ourselves, the message of Lord Krsna must go out to the masses. We will

focus on the Lord's desire that the holy name be broadcast in every town and

village. We will leave it to Him if we live or die.


vidiksu diksurdhvam adhah samantad

antar bahir bhagavan narasimhah

prahapayal loka bhayam svanena

sva tejasa grasta samasta tejah


"Prahlad Maharaja loudly chanted the holy name of Lord Nrsimhadeva. May Lord

Nrsimhadeva, roaring for His devotee Prahlad Maharaja, protect us from all

fear of dangers created by stalwart leaders in all directions through

poison, weapons, water, fire, air and so on. May the Lord cover their

influence by His own transcendental influence. May Nrsimhadeva protect us in

all directions and in all corners, above, below, within and without."

[srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.8.34]

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