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RE: rules for this conference

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Chaya devi..... I've been on this conference for some years now maybe 5... and

also noticed the stagnant period...... If I didn't post my reply to Syamasundar

on the conference from Chakra.. it would still be blank with Hare Krsna Dasi

occasionaly posting some new news to keep the spark... I'm sorry this was a

mind bite for you...... But you should consider the fact that when I saw

someone say he wasn't a fanatic.....(" not strict"... by my understanding)

Madhusudana also feels so standing next to me..( and is the context to which

people refer to most...( not strict)... THat was a mind bite for me and I

replied with the proper English term which is what is real and not serviced to

anyones conformed belief of the word which not everyone is influenced...


Prabhupada often refered to ISKCON as a Cult, driven from the word

culture...... Which is good... But some have used the word to mean something

weird and bad like the suicide freaks..ect..ect.. Its real meaning and thought

percieved meaning is 2 different worlds, one true and one false...


I think its quite healthy to bicker, in the sence as it sometimes

comes....especialy in Kali....and to avoid it is trying to draw a false reality

around us... It sometimes brings forth the truth and also helps to grow... and

mature from the experience... It exist in any thought tank.... Although it can

have limits to vulgarness and threats... Some heavy bickering came, Which I've

seen in the past week.. and saw no reaction... Then finaly peace... There

should be nothing wrong with explaning nicley, respectfuly and truthfuly

feelings and beleifs or even facts that are in neglect or in properness....

This is quite a sting you've given me and I didn't appreciate it.. I've looked

up to; and honered your veiws but this time it didn't cut it or go well with

me..... But I guess since you are the master of the conference you can do what

you want.... So If you feel so, take me off this conference.. and leave it



I feel reluctant to continue anyway...


Hare Krsna....

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In a message dated 12/31/03 8:04:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

d_4h (AT) hotmail (DOT) com writes:



> I think its quite healthy to bicker, ....and to avoid it is trying to draw

> a false reality around us... It sometimes brings forth the truth and also

> helps to grow... and mature from the experience...


d-4 has brought up a most excellent point. Based on the very true words he

puts forth above, I am not clear on why he would want to withdraw from the


obeisances ekaBuddhi

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Gopaldas, thankyou for respecting my request to address this personaly in the


This is rediculas argument over this word but is obviously an problem for you

too... and now you are in agreement with the conference owners and Gosh (

probably your buddy) in opinion.. So they gave the boot... NV bunch I noticed

likes to argue and even kill... maybe its the hills..??

I don't think its good to develope a dirty relation on the net, as in person

probably could have been friends.... but not everyone sees this way...

automaticaly protectng there own interest.. And this is Chayas chastisment...??

I doubt it... she is a master at arguement so I've seen... If it were even true

or told heart felt, I could except... But it wasn't true and its no where near

the heart..

How to take care of cows, when you can't even deal with your own issues or

human relations.. Without cows you have no braminical culture, but without

humans you have a clean planet..???

You have nice writting ability, Its like holding your toungue, I wish you could

have held it private instead of dramatising it further and putting wording to

get people emotional .. Anyway whats done is done...


> >(Fanatic-- Inspired by a diety; Marked by excessive enthusiasm and often

> >intense uncritical devotion)..



>Sorry to again add to this discussion, but I find it hard to sit by and see

>blatant misinformation posted regarding the definition of commonly used (and

>generally understood) words, (This is what keeps Psychology/English majors up




>For those who may be reading the posts in this conference and for whom

>English is not their primary language, the above definition is not correct. I


>not know where it came from. There are correct parts to that definition, but I


>am certain that key words (the negative ones) are being left out. That or


>is an alternate definition that the writer is not willing to post. If this is

>not the case, I sincerely apologize and recomend another dictionary.




In other words you require to win your opinions rule, and nothing else is


>I refer to the "American Heritage College Dictionary." This is the one

>recommended in most US college-level writing and composition courses. It lists


>one definition of the word "fanatic" which actually fits the alternative word

>I turned to (uncompromising). Here goes:


It was the Webster's Dictionary... Todays essential vocabulary..


It reminds me how some people percieve "Cow" to mean business....

>"Fanatic, (noun): A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning

>enthusiasm, as for a cause."



Now I read this And I thing of Lord Chaitanya... Motivated by an extreme, the

most extreme.. the supreme..... / Unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause....

Maha bhava .. devotional service..


>There is no alternative definition given.


>If someone is "fanatical" they are, "Possessed with or motivated by

>excessive, irrational zeal, " (again, no alternative definition, positive or



Again unpercievable love for God.... blind to us..


I guess it can go on and on... which I didn't think it would... but I also must

stand for what I think is right... It may also be just the way you percieve

it... The cup is half full or the cup is half empty.



>In case someone tries to draw a positve understanding from the above, I give

>you the word's history: The word fanatic came from the Latin word, 'fanaticus'


>which means "inspired by orgiastic rites relating to a temple.


That sound more like sex fanatics.... And where did this come from and how

authoritative..?? not to mention what before latin...?? Greek?? Maybe you

should write to Websters, and tell them they are idiots and you want to correct




>So we can understand that even if in modern English, fanatic has somehow

>taken a positive connotation among the people in general (at least two and in


>same room), its root is not something positive or something commonly used to

>describe a pure devotee of the Lord. This dictionary is a couple of years old,


>but things have not changed THAT much.




How you see it....

>Regarding Derek (D_4h) feeling that Mother Chayadevi was warning him

>personally or singling him out--that he would be kicked out for using the word


>'fanatic,' I believe that I was the one to introduce the word into the


>(that SP was not a fanatic [as in unreasoning or uncompromising] when it came


>the sale of milk).


>I took the guidance to heart for myself and (except for the purpose of

>putting an end to this bickering) will abide by it. I willingly apologized and


>so out of respect for our many readers and the rules presented to me which


>reasonable, (not out of fear of being removed from the conference).


Yes, but too bad you continued the subject at length in your own justification

and then brown nosing Chaya, and then belittling me twards the end... nice



and to think I was starting to respect you and your opinions..


Yes, the rules were reasonable, But it went deeper than just rules.. it was

personal attack garenteed.... And buddy protection...

>We can all understand by the resulting discussion, (of which this is a

>continuation), why Mother Chayadevi wisely posted the "rules for this


>This sort of word is loaded. It and words like it have the ability to incite

>strong emotions and get people stirred up (case in point); especially when the


>word is applied to certain topics (such as religious leaders or religious

>movements). Therefore, Mother Chayadevi has kindly asked us to refrain from

>potentially explosive or inciting language; again, not an unreasonable


>things considered.




Agreed... so why did you continue...? I'm sure you enjoyed... If this is what

happens soon after you chant....

>I regret again adding to this chain, but I don't work today, my wife and son

>are napping, and I've finished my japa. (nothing better to do -- sorry, I will


>go read soon). I'm also taking responsibility for introducing this word in

>the first place and again, I appeal to those fighting for the cause of using


>word "fanatic" freely in this conference, to drop it and focus on lots and

>lots of beautiful Cows.


I guess you were bored....How conveinient......


Cows are what we were discussing untill you said fanatic.....




>Regarding Ghosh's comments -- for those who have not met Ghosh personally, in

>my experience he can and will be blunt, but there is always some truth to what

he says.


(Thats a 2 way street......)


It's better to find the truth in what people are saying rather than


>simply react to it and argue. I've learned a lot about myself this way.


Thats implying they are right or correct or exercising the same with others....

But if there is dissagreement then..... there is..... sort it out, with out the

ego.... that would be hard with some NV residents... I saw....


>In closing, I don't think that Mother Chayadevi's request was unreasonable

>(or fanatic) and there has to be rules and someone to enforce the rules or



>will be anarchy--this topic really should not have gone on as long as it did.


And you helped that.... Thanks..

>It seems there is more to the discussion now than the definition of a


>word--perhaps a resistance of perceived authority,


I have lots of authority over my head whom I respect and lots of elders of whom

I respect, So don't go on persuading this personal attack and bogus Idea of

your whim... Very talanted writting.. to bad its smugged with personal gain

and dirt...


or a lack of respect for elders.

>I've been there--it's a bitter cookie. Better to learn what there is to learn,


>offer respects, and move along




Maybe you should pratice what you preach...

>Now how 'bout those cows !?!


The planning commitee plans to make plans for planning the next planning


>Your servant with all respect,


>--Gopal dasa




Thanks again, I hold you responsible for the drama..


Hare Krsna-







> >"Mark Middle Mountain"

> >"Mark Middle Mountain"

> >"Cow (Protection and related issues)"

> >Re: rules for this conference

> >Thu, 1 Jan 2004 14:24 -0500

> >

> > >But you should consider the fact that when I saw someone say he wasn't a

> >fanatic.....(" not strict"... by my understanding) Madhusudana also feels so


> >standing next to me..( and is the context to which people refer to

> >most...( not strict)... THat was a mind bite for me and I replied with the

> >proper English term which is what is real and not serviced to anyones

> >conformed belief of the word which not everyone is influenced...

> >

> >Sorry Billy Bob, "fanatic" has a very negative connotation to most primary

> >English speakers.


> >


>Sorry Middle mount.


>I'm sure you're waiting for this one... I'm pretty sure this is based on your

>opinion and not some authorized consensus....


>Seeing you know how to dig for reaction and as far as dishing out hold the

>largest pot... My primary language is English and as far as the the meaning


>"fanatic" goes I've always known it as possitive.. or beyond normal in the

>godly sense.. I only recently looked it up in the dictionary and it holds

>true.. I will place it again for your benefit and any other of your unknowing

>assosiates that are confused...


>(Fanatic-- Inspired by a diety; Marked by excessive enthusiasm and often

>intense uncritical devotion).. This is from America's #1 paperback

>dictonary... From which I'm sure alot, if not "most" of primary English

>speakers find the meanings of words they don't know...



> > >This is quite a sting you've given me and I didn't appreciate it..

> >

> >If you think that was a sting, you are a light weight. The annoying kind

> >that likes to dish it out but can't take it.

> >


>Not like a bee sting, like a friend who stabbed you in the back.. If you can

>relate.. Maybe I am a light weight.. Are you a Heavy weight...??? It seems


>way you rudely attack everyones post, you may be.... as far as annoying you

>rank high at the moment... and I'm taking alot from you.. but I'm sure your


>done... I had to read your other post 3 times in order to extract your

>"sentiment" and valuable input..Which there was... but it took 3 times past


>the attacks.. Its a 2 way street.. Maybe it would be best to spare the members


>of this confrence any agrivation and post any other descusion on this matter

>privatly.... I have a personal e-mail,









> >

> >

> >-----------------------

> >To from this mailing list, send an email to:

> >Cow-Owner (AT) pamho (DOT) net


>Check your PC for viruses with the FREE McAfee online computer scan. .



>To from this mailing list, send an email to:

>Cow-Owner (AT) pamho (DOT) net


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