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Sri Gadadhara Pandit

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Hare Krishna,




Kindly glorify the pastimes of Sri Gadadhara Pandit & Srinivasa Acarya on their

disappeance day on 19th Non.


Your sevant in mission of Sirla Prabhupada


Nanda Gopal dasa





Sri Gadadhara Pandit



Sri Gaurahari had so much affection for Sri Gadadhara Pandit that He couldn't

be without him for a moment. He appeared a year Lord Caitanya. Gadia and Nimai

were inseparable as childhood playmates. Peaceful, renounced, serious,

self-composed, fond of solitude Gadadhara proved quite a contrast to his bosom

friend Gaura Raya, who was fickle, unsteady, and whimsical. In Ganga Dasa

Pandit's tol (school) Nimai Pandit regularly teased Gadadhara by challenging

him with illogical questions.




Sri Kavi Karnapura states that in Vraja lila Gadadhara Pandit is the daughter

of King Vrsbhanu - Srimati Radharani. Gadadhara Pandit served as Lord Gaura's

chief assistant during His Navadvipa-lila. Sri Sri Radha Krishna in Vrndavana

appear as Gaura-Gadadhara to perform pastimes in Navadvipa in the forest groves

beside the Ganges. No one can describe the characteristics and ecstatic love of

Gadadhara Pandit. Therefore another name of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is

Gadadhara Prananatha, "the life and soul of Gadadhara Pandit."(CC)




One day while wondering along the bank of the Ganges, Gaurasundara entered a

forest grove and sat in a meditative mood. Soon he became enraptured

remembering His Vrndavana pastimes. To enhance the Lord's mood, Mukunda Datta

began singing sweet songs in purva raga. Sri Gadadhara made garland of fragrant

forest flowers and lovingly placed it around the Lord's beautiful neck. As Sri

Radha used to dress Dämodara in Vrndavana, similarly, Gadadhara would also

decorate Lord Caitanya's bed and bedroom with sweet smelling flowers. Everyday

he would make sandalwood paste to rub on Sri Caitanya's transcendental body.




Gaura-Gadadhara sat on the root of a tree, serving as a raised dais. Sri

Nityananda Prabhu sat on Lord Caitanya's right. Srivasa Pandit decorated them

with flowers. Sri Advaita Acarya offered arotika. Narahari waved a camara.

Suklambhara offered candana and Murari Gupta sang the Lord's glories. Vijay,

Mukunda, Purusottama, Madhava and Vasudeva Ghosh sang a variety of different

ragas. In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His Nadia lila. Gadadhara

Pandit also took the renounced order of life and went Jagannatha Puri to be

with Lord Caitanya. Accepting Ksetra sannyasa (a renunciate who never leaves

the dhama), he served the Deity of Tota-Gopinatha with full love and devotion.






Madhya 16.130 - When Gadädhara Paëòita started to go with the Lord, he was

forbidden to come and was asked not to give up the vow of kñetra- sannyäsa.


Madhya 16.131 - When he was requested to return to Jagannätha Puré, Gadädhara

Paëòita told the Lord, "Wherever You are staying is Jagannätha Puré. Let my so-

called kñetra- sannyäsa go to hell."


Madhya 16.132 - When Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu asked Gadädhara Paëòita to remain

at Jagannätha Puré and engage in Gopénätha's service, Gadädhara Paëòita

replied, "One renders service to Gopénätha a million times simply by seeing

Your lotus feet."


Madhya 16.133 - Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu then said, "If you abandon His service,

it will be My fault. It is better that you remain here and render service. That

will be My satisfaction."


Madhya 16.134 - The Paëòita replied, "Do not worry. All the faults will be on

my head. I shall not accompany You but shall go alone.


Madhya 16.135 - "I shall go to see Çacémätä, but I shall not go for Your sake.

I shall be responsible for the abandoning of my vow and service to Gopénätha."


Madhya 16.136 - Thus Gadädhara Paëòita Gosvämé traveled alone, but when they

all arrived at Kaöaka, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu called him, and he went into the

Lord's company.


Madhya 16.137 - No one can understand the loving intimacy between Gadädhara

Paëòita and Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Gadädhara Paëòita gave up his vow and

service to Gopénätha just as one gives up a piece of straw.


Madhya 16.138 - Gadädhara Paëòita's behavior was very pleasing to Çré Caitanya

Mahäprabhu's heart. Nevertheless, the Lord took his hand and spoke to him,

displaying the anger of love.


Madhya 16.139 - "You have abandoned Gopénätha's service and broken your vow to

live in Puré. All that is now complete because you have come so far.


Madhya 16.140 - "Your wanting to go with Me is simply a desire for sense

gratification. In this way, you are breaking two religious principles, and

because of this I am very unhappy.


Madhya 16.141 - "If you want My happiness, please return to Néläcala. You will

simply condemn Me if you say any more about this matter."


Madhya 16.142 - Saying this, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu got into a boat, and

Gadädhara Paëòita immediately fell down unconscious.


Madhya 16.143 - Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu ordered Särvabhauma Bhaööäcärya to take

Gadädhara Paëòita with him. The Bhaööäcärya told Gadädhara Paëòita, "Get up!

Such are the pastimes of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu.


Madhya 16.144 - "You should know that Lord Kåñëa Himself violated His own

promise just to keep the promise of Grandfather Bhéñma.



Madhya 16.145 - "'Intending to make my promise true, Lord Kåñëa broke His own

promise not to take up a weapon at Kurukñetra. With His outer garment falling

off, Lord Çré Kåñëa jumped from His chariot, picked up a wheel and came running

at me to kill me. Indeed, He rushed at me like a lion going to kill an

elephant, and He caused the whole earth to tremble.'


Madhya 16.146 - "Similarly, tolerating separation from you, Çré Caitanya

Mahäprabhu has protected your vow with great endeavor."


Madhya 16.147 - In this way Särvabhauma Bhaööäcärya revived Gadädhara Paëòita.

Then both of them, very much grief- stricken, returned to Jagannätha Puré,





Regularly, Sri Krishna Caitanya came to relish Sri Gadadhara's rasika reading

of Srimad Bhagavatam. Lord Caitanya concluded His manifest pastimes by entering

the Deity of Tota-Gopinatha. Although Gadadhara Pandit was barely forty-eight

when the Lord departed, he quickly became old because of the intense anguish he

felt in separation from his beloved Lord Gaurasundara. He couldn't stretch his

arms to offer a garland to his Deity. Understanding His servant's difficulty,

Sri Tota-Gopinatha sat down to facilitate Gadadhara's loving service. To this

day, Sri Tota-Gopinatha is the only sitting Deity of Krishna. According to some

authorities, a short time after Lord Caitanya's disappearance Sri Gadadhara

Pandit joined His eternal pastimes by entering his beloved Deity of

Tota-Gopinatha. His danta (tooth) samadhi stands near Vamsi Gopal temple in





Sri Sri Gadadhara Pandit ki Jay Jay!!!!




Srinivasa Acarya




After witnessing Lord Guranga's sannyasa ceremony at Katva, Caitanya Dasa and

his pregnant wife visited Lord Caitanya in Jagannatha Puri. "Soon your wife

will give birth to a son named 'Srinivasa' said Lord Caitanya, "and through

Srinisava all the bhakti sastras of Rupa and Sanatana will be distributed."




When his father left this world Srinivasa visited the remaining associates of

Lord Gauranga in Katva, Navadvipa, Jagannatha Puri. They blessed Srinivasa and

gave him valuable instructions for spiritual advancement. Seeing his

absorption in Gauranga prema, they knew he was "an embodiment of Gaura-sakti,

the energy of Sri Guranga Mahaprabhu."




He came to Vrdavana, toured the twelve forests, and took diska from Gopala

Bhatta Gosvami. Sri Jiva Gosvami taught him the complete philosophy of Gaudiya

Vaisnavism. Acknowledging his vast learning, Sri Jiva gave Srinivasa the title





Accepting Sri Jiva's order, Srinvasa and his two friends Syamananada Prabhu and

Narottama Dasa Thakura pioneered the first transcendental book distribution

party. Vrajabasi Sankirtana Party ki jai! They took a bullock cart of the

Gosvami's devotional writings from Vrndavana and passed them out all over

Bengal and Orissa. Srinivasa Acarya initiated many disciples (Ramacandra

Kaviraja and others), wrote songs full of bhakti (Sad Gosvami-astakam), and

introduced a special kirtana style. When leading kirtana he would sometimes

lose his voice from chanting so long.




Besides his external practiced intensive raganuga bhajana. Raganuga bhajana is

the spontaneous internal worship of Radha and Krishna based on the mood and

sentiments of the eternal residents of Sri Vrndavana dhama, such as the gopis.

While doing manasi seva (service to Radha-Krishna within one's mind in a

mentally conceived in spiritual form) he would often bring tangible

paraphernalia from these meditations back with him upon returning to external

consciousness. Once Srinivasa sat Lord Gauranga on jeweled throne within his

mind. Then he worshiped the Lord with a golden handled camara whisk and five

flowers garland. Pleased with his service, Gaura Raya offered the garland back

to Srinivasa, who then immediately awoke and lost the meditation. A surprised

Srinisava found the sweetest flower garland he ever smelled hanging around his

neck when he returned to external consciousness.




Another time Srinivasa was in his siddha svarupa as Mani-manjari watching

Srimati Radharani, Sri Krishna, and the gopis in Holi lila (joyfully throwing

colored powders and dyes on each other). The gopis told Mani-manjari to supply

colors to Radhika and side with them in their "war" against Syama. The earth

shook from their furious battle. Srinivasa's medication abruptly broke. His

body was completely covered from head to toe with fragrant and exotic rainbow

colored powders imported from the spiritual world. Holi lila ki jai! Srinivasa

Acarya's samadhi is in the Dhira Samira samadhis area.

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